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blind warrior women

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:03 pm
by elecgraystone
I've been wondering about this for a while and thought this would be as good a time as any to ask.
Can a altara have her blindness fixed?
I know they are born blind, but could these things fix that.
Bio-wizard eyes.
Cybernetic eyes.
optic nerve video implant.
(Knowing the splugorth experiment on them, i'm sure all of these have been tried)

And if their blindness could be fixed, how would if affect their abilities?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:09 am
by Kesslan
Technically, far as I know, no they cannot have their blindness fixed. They are born blind, they didnt become blind.

That said the GM can make what ever call he wants on that one. I certainly dont see why say... a minor god or some other being of equal power couldnt, if they really wanted to, bestow natural sight to them.

As to how it would affect their powers? All depends on whats done. If it's a mutation sort of deal, they could loose them all. If it's a technological method, there may be some sort of trade off, and if it's of some deific powers... eh.. who knows?

Technically it should be possible assuming it could be done at all, to give them sight and they'd still retain all their previous powers. THey'd simply also gain the ability to see the world like everyone else does.

Re: blind warrior women

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:09 am
by Greyaxe
elecgraystone wrote:I've been wondering about this for a while and thought this would be as good a time as any to ask.
Can a altara have her blindness fixed?
I know they are born blind, but could these things fix that.
Bio-wizard eyes.
Cybernetic eyes.
optic nerve video implant.
(Knowing the splugorth experiment on them, i'm sure all of these have been tried)

And if their blindness could be fixed, how would if affect their abilities?

They are blind as a species like bats, you could add an eye of eylor or something to enhance there abilities but why they are not really handicaped to begin with.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:12 pm
by KLM
IMO the most successfull augmentation would be the
Eye of Eylor - and while the Altarans do have an
exceptional sensory system, they are handycapped.

If someone thinks otherwise, pit the blind women against
a sniper.


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:23 pm
by elecgraystone
I asked because sometimes it would be nice to SEE something. All the radar in the world doesn't let me see color or read a sign. I had the idea of an altara spy/scout, but that would last a whole 2 seconds. Something as simple as the guard saying, "just follow the red dotted line to the door with #313 on it"' and i'm screwed. Same for any pilot skill. I can't see the instruments! How do i prowl when i don't see? I could be under a big spotlight and not know it. I use my intellegence skill, but can't tell who's forces they are because i can't see the markings! The radar it just fine for in close fighting, but is a a big roadblock to anything else. If you really think about it, blind is a HUGE handicap.
Also i see that becoming NOT blind would be the best way to hide the fact that i'd be a rogue blind warrior woman. 8)

My thoughts were to let them cure thier blindness but any round that they have thier eyes open, they would take the same pentalties just like they were in a storm because of the extra sensory input. I figured biowizard eyes would work for a loyal altara (heck they can remove a dragons breath and make it work, eyesight should be a snap) or the optic nerve video implant (It states it can cure blindness and gives no limitation so i should be able to cure blindness your born with) for rogues.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:27 pm
by elecgraystone
duck-foot wrote:blind warrior women are born blind. however genetic alteration could give them the sense of sight. but since they have echo-location they doont really need eyes, if anything they need better ears.
They have radar, NOT echo-location. radar works even if they were deafened, so they don't need better ears.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:38 pm
by Greyaxe
KLM wrote:IMO the most successfull augmentation would be the
Eye of Eylor - and while the Altarans do have an
exceptional sensory system, they are handycapped.

If someone thinks otherwise, pit the blind women against
a sniper.


if that is your example of the handicapt then there are an awfull lot of handicap species in the world.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:39 pm
by elecgraystone
The Last Darkness wrote:If you wanted a female warrior with sight there plenty of other options.
Amazons, and Staphra come to mind and their decent mdc creatures with Supernatural PS to boot.
I'm not looking for someone that can bench press a car. :D I'd like a mortal sdc creature, not a MDC supernatural one. i'd rather not set off every dogpack patrol the area. 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:42 pm
by elecgraystone
Greyaxe wrote:
KLM wrote:IMO the most successfull augmentation would be the
Eye of Eylor - and while the Altarans do have an
exceptional sensory system, they are handycapped.

If someone thinks otherwise, pit the blind women against
a sniper.


if that is your example of the handicapt then there are an awfull lot of handicap species in the world.
OK, how about this. Try blending in with a hot pink shirt, purple pants, neon yellow shoes and a orange coat because you can't tell the colors. (your splugorth dressed you funny)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:08 pm
by elecgraystone
Well, i found this in the rifts FAQ whil looking for something else. (missed it the first 12 times i looked in there :-( )

"Question: Could an Altaran blind warrior-woman get bio-borg eyes and thus see? I don't think cybernetic ones would work, since they prolly dont actually have optic nerves; however, the bio-borg ones are magical in nature, rather than tech...
Answer: According to their description they are anatomically complete and healthy, aside from being blind and sterile. This, coupled with the fact that they always wear protective eyewear, suggests that they do have eyes and optic nerves (and are light sensitive), but are blind due to genetic factors.
Therefore, both cybernetic and bio-wizard eyes will work, but the formerly blind warrior woman should require several weeks or even months of acclimation and adjustment to the sense of sight, since it is afterall something she's never experienced. It may also be advisable to reduce the range and acuity of the altarans' other heightened senses by 5-30% to compensate for the advantages of vision."

I think i'll stick with the storm minuses on any round they have thier eyes open instead of a general minus 5-30% reduction all the time. IMO that makes more sense.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:53 pm
by RockJock
Doesn't the new SB1 say that there were once humans? For sure the Eyes of Eylor option should work. The cybernetic/biosystem approach requires the GM to decide if they have the ability to process the data, is their a visual cortex, optic nerve, or whatever else is needed.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:03 am
by Kesslan
On the mention at one point of how you could get a blind person to 'see' the instruments of say.. a SAMAS, should infact be relatively simple so long as they can accept implants.

Give them a datajack. Preferably one of the advanced versions and presto!

Still doesnt help with the direct eyesight though true.

Also to KLM's sniper reference. They wouldnt be much more handicaped than a normal human being is vs a sniper. They would have some disadvantage in not being able to visually spot the sniper true. But arguably they could very easily follow the source of the sound (if any) of the shot to the source with some work.

Certainly they could do so far better than a human who has grown up heavily reliant on the use of their eyes.

In the end it's more or less technically feasible to give an Altaran vision somehow. Their brains are perfectly capable of forming images no doubt. So all you'd need at worst is some way to fix or replace the eyes and optic nerves.

Given that they reproduce off this mysterious template though it seems to me that nothing short of a powerful god or alien intelligence or some such could make any permanent alterations to the offspring. Of course what with the Splurgoth being exactly that it's possible they could infact do this if they wanted to for some reason.

You know what with the multi dimensional spaning empires and such.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:30 am
by Library Ogre
I love to swimmin' with Blin' Warrior Women
an' swim between their legs
an' swim between their legs

I love to swimmin' with Blin' Warrior Women
an' swim between their legs
an' swim between their legs

Sorry... couldn't resist...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:21 pm
by elecgraystone
The Last Darkness wrote:But anyways lets look at the Altara
Psionic Powers include Sixth Sense
90' range only.
The Last Darkness wrote: and Clairvoyance.
Let's you see the future and can't be turned on and off like a lightbulb and unpredictable.
The Last Darkness wrote:Greatly hieghtened senses of hearing and smell.
360' on hearing, 100' smell.
The Last Darkness wrote:360 Degree Radar Sense of 1200ft. Able to distinguish people,objects,movement and shape of the enviroment around her.
gives "general shape" only, doesn't distinguish people just thier shape. the only way to ID a person is to get close enouph to SMELL them.(100') Can't sense army 1201' away.

The Last Darkness wrote:That seems much better then the limited ability sight gives you. Though Humans are sight based creatures so it is hard for us to envision any kind of sense of the world around without using sight. We can barly hear and barly smell to boot. Most Animals worlds are defined by Smell and Hearing before they even see whats around them they know whats there.

The only reason I could see a Altara needing eyes for is the ability to read normal writing and tell colors. Even then they do have Object read.
The altara is running away from someone and runs towards a cliff because until she gets within 1200' of it, she can't see it. Can't use a computer, vehicles, road signs, insignias. Try cutting the black wire once. you can't see that 50 story building until you get within 1200'. Try blending into a crowd when you can't see color. You can't tell what color clothes you or anyone else is wearing. You have to get within 100' to ID anyone. How can they be scouts when all thay can tell me is there were 15 creatures in man shaped armor on some hoverbike shaped objects. Wow, that could be anyone. :shock:

You seem to ignore your own point. Us humans take sight for granted and we make thing assuming that others can too. Try using a med kit when you can't tell what medicines are which (it's written on them). Open a keypad lock. use a computer, vehicle, or anything with a readout. Find a location w/o compass, roadsigns, address numbers. Use this menu. in a world made by and for humans, blind is a HUGE handicap. Unless all you want to do is blow something up and not roleplay.

Just look at the intellegence skill they get, and look at what they can't do.
A practical assessment of sights and sounds. (1/2 can't be done.)
ID enemy troops, officers and foreign advisors. (nope)
Distinguish ranks and marks to id military units, special forces, groups and leaders. (nope)
Navigation. well, lets look at the sky, nope. Stars, nope. compass, nope. Map, nope. Sun,nope. So i never know which way is north and can't see any landmarks over 1200'. How do they find thier way ANYWERE?
I can go on, but a HUGE amount of skills just can't be used or are hampered a great deal be the lack of sight.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:19 pm
by Greyaxe
Probably why they are slaves.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 3:25 pm
by Apollo Okamura
Okay, two somewhat related questions:

When an Altrain takes off her shades, are her eyes, closed, open: staring blankly, or irisless/pupiless?

And the burning question, if an Altrain takes off her helmet and shades in a shower, would you still be able to recognise her as a BWW? :P
Or am I drawing a locker room scene with their accessories on? :lol:

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into? :oops:

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:08 am
by elecgraystone
The Last Darkness wrote:And in reply to earlier someone already said this but thats why they are slaves, who are almost exclusivly assigned to work with a Splugorth Slaver and his many amount of floating eyes of eylor. Also why they are called "Warriors" and not Scouts I would think.

Sourcebook #1 revised. wrote:The vast majority are assigned to slavers and function as SCOUTS, trackers, hunters, slave herders, enforcers and soldiers.
So in fact they ARE used as scouts by default.

The Last Darkness wrote:Could also just as easily have no eyes at all and just smooth skin where the eyes are. I never seen a artist draw or someone describe a Altara without some kind of helmet or shades on.

Sourcebook #1 revised. wrote:All warrior women are born blind, but are otherwise anatomically complete and healthy
No eyes doesn't sound "anatomically complete".

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:15 am
by elecgraystone
Misfit KotLD wrote:
duck-foot wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:
duck-foot wrote:blind warrior women are born blind. however genetic alteration could give them the sense of sight. but since they have echo-location they doont really need eyes, if anything they need better ears.

Genetic alteration on which, the mother or daughter? Since the cloning process uses a separate genetic template from that which the mother uses. So altering the mother genetically does not alter her offspring from the standard.

uh the splogs are rich.. both

When I get home, I will cite you the canon reference that states the Splugorth are unable to alter the reproductive genetic template.
Here you go. :D
Atlantis world book wrote:Note:symbiotic, cybernetic, magic, and even genetic modifications or additions are NOT pased on to the clone. This would suggest a separate DNA template is used to create clones.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:21 am
by Greyaxe
Apollo Okamura wrote:Okay, two somewhat related questions:

When an Altrain takes off her shades, are her eyes, closed, open: staring blankly, or irisless/pupiless?

And the burning question, if an Altrain takes off her helmet and shades in a shower, would you still be able to recognise her as a BWW? :P
Or am I drawing a locker room scene with their accessories on? :lol:

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into? :oops:

They are blind, sightless creatures, they have no eyes. There would probably be sensor nodes similar to eyes which emit their echo location which need to be protected. I expect that is why they wear shades.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:35 am
by elecgraystone
Greyaxe wrote:
Apollo Okamura wrote:Okay, two somewhat related questions:

When an Altrain takes off her shades, are her eyes, closed, open: staring blankly, or irisless/pupiless?

And the burning question, if an Altrain takes off her helmet and shades in a shower, would you still be able to recognise her as a BWW? :P
Or am I drawing a locker room scene with their accessories on? :lol:

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into? :oops:

They are blind, sightless creatures, they have no eyes. There would probably be sensor nodes similar to eyes which emit their echo location which need to be protected. I expect that is why they wear shades.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Were do you get no eyes? All i see is anatomically complete and that doesn't sound like no eyes. blind doesn't equal no eyes.
Echo location? do you think they are bat girls? They have radar and that doesn't use ANY sound.

To Apollo Okamura, Draw them ANY way you want. Just let me see em so i can tell you if you got em right. 8-) I'll force myself to check them out no matter HOW many pictures you make. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:46 am
by elecgraystone
The Last Darkness wrote:My mistake, I completly missed the reference to being annatomicaly the same as humans.
No problem. :D You aren't the first person i've talk to that thought they were eyeless. It seems like a common enouph assumtion.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:12 pm
by Apollo Okamura
Biologically speaking, I’d probably venture to say that Altarains, while an anatomically complete species, it’s probably their duplicative cloning process, rather than evolution, that dictates both their genetic strengths as well as their weakness. Given that, I’d probably also say that they would have actual eyes and a reproductive system, but for one reason or another they just don’t work (brain doesn’t know how to use them, etc). Technically then, I’d guess that their eyes would “look” just like those of any human that was born blind, and that it would theoretically be possible to give them sight. Although, it may take more than just giving them a new set of eyes, it may also need to include stimulation of both their dorsal and ventral sections of their brains. Not to mention quite a bit of an adjustment period.

That’s all technically speaking though… Creatively, I think they would look cool with white eyeballs. :wink:

P.S. – I still say they can also grow a full head of hair under that helmet. Sploogies probably have them shaved though. Keeps the bugs out. :-P

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:40 pm
by elecgraystone
Apollo Okamura wrote:Biologically speaking, I?d probably venture to say that Altarains, while an anatomically complete species, it?s probably their duplicative cloning process, rather than evolution, that dictates both their genetic strengths as well as their weakness. Given that, I?d probably also say that they would have actual eyes and a reproductive system, but for one reason or another they just don?t work (brain doesn?t know how to use them, etc). Technically then, I?d guess that their eyes would ?look? just like those of any human that was born blind, and that it would theoretically be possible to give them sight. Although, it may take more than just giving them a new set of eyes, it may also need to include stimulation of both their dorsal and ventral sections of their brains. Not to mention quite a bit of an adjustment period.

That?s all technically speaking though? Creatively, I think they would look cool with white eyeballs. :wink:

P.S. ? I still say they can also grow a full head of hair under that helmet. Sploogies probably have them shaved though. Keeps the bugs out. :-P
I think they shave there head to get their helmets to fit right :D
The Sploogies got tired of seeing "hat hair" after the missions were over and they took of thier helmets.
Even if they can't grow hair, they can get cosmetic cybernetic hair for as little as 200 creds all the way to the cyber-disguise hair for 32000. I can see a Sploogie "tagging" THIER women with some cheap cyberhair to quickly ID different groups. (i'd be hell trying to find 1 altara in a group, they ALL look alike) Best part they couldn't tell the color of there hair and never think to change it. Easy to tell when they are someplace they shouldn't be when their is 1 red head in a group of all blondes. 8-)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:58 pm
by elecgraystone
The Last Darkness wrote:A good opinion, makes me wonder what are the conditions of their homeworld to make them as such or are they decendants of some bio-wizard experiments?
Whatever it is it's beyond even the splugorths understanding.
My vote would be some kind of mutant ability. It might be that they became sterile first, and the only reason they survived was a mutation or experiment that allowed them to self clone. Being anatomically complete i can't see that they started out this way.
Or maybe a eugenics program that got out of hand. A soldier that can clone themsleves when crippled or dying and knows the same skills plus enhanced senses and stats plus radar sounds like a super-soldier program to me.

Whatever it is, it's something i'd like to read about.
:D (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:09 pm
by Rockwolf66
One thing I find interesting is that people automatically assume that Blindness = helpless. I have a member of the Rifts group I am GMing who is legally blind. It's not that he cannot see to some degree, it's that he cannot "see" much farther than ten feet. I can tell you this, it's humbling to be beaten at Street Fighter by someone who has to have their face 4 inches from the screen to see what they are doing.

As for the Altara I would guess that they are totally adapted to their condition and while not that effective at over 400 yards( what do you think the slaver is for). they are murderous close range combatants.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:30 pm
by elecgraystone
Rockwolf66 wrote:One thing I find interesting is that people automatically assume that Blindness = helpless. I have a member of the Rifts group I am GMing who is legally blind. It's not that he cannot see to some degree, it's that he cannot "see" much farther than ten feet. I can tell you this, it's humbling to be beaten at Street Fighter by someone who has to have their face 4 inches from the screen to see what they are doing.

As for the Altara I would guess that they are totally adapted to their condition and while not that effective at over 400 yards( what do you think the slaver is for). they are murderous close range combatants.
Oh, no doubt. But as i stated roleplaying is about much more than beating things up. But for a huge amount of skills (even ones they are "good" at on paper), lack of sight means that they can't do them or they suck at it. They are listed as being scouts and they really can't do that very well at all. Plus it's has to be painfully obvious that they are blind in any social setting, cutting off that roleplaying too.

They are FAR from helpless except when try to use most non-combat skills.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:24 pm
by Apollo Okamura
Rules-wise, if given sight, I'd more likely penalize their sight related skills/bonuses rather than their "natural" abilities. I'd probably go as far as reducing skills/bonuses that use sight by half, and maybe lessen that penalty by 5% per level as they get accustomed to their new sense of vision.
That's just off the top of my head. The way I see it, they'd probably be more disoriented trying to "see" than use what comes naturally to them.

That's of course assuming you want to go the penalization route for gaining sight...

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:20 pm
by Apollo Okamura
Misfit KotLD wrote:So in other words, you like my ideas for drawing them. 8)

Yup, yup! :ok:

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:52 pm
by glitterboy2098
keep in mind that just because PB stuck a range on the 'uber-senses' they have, it doesn't mean that the sense ends at that range.

looking at real world blindness, the persons sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of hearing, sense of touch, and kinesthetic sense improve greatly. so while the ultra-detail versions of hearing and smell taper off rapidly, they likely can still hear very faint sounds and smell very faint scents, well beyond that range. perhaps not enough to specify what it is, but enough to get awareness.

plus the BWW is likely to have a very detailed 'mental map' of her surroundings by paying attention to her senses and using all the details she can pick up to divine the relative positions of stuff around her.

a good example of the effect might be Daredevil, or V from V for Vendetta. blind, but their other senses have been increased to supernatural levels which allow them to be aware of their surroundings anyway.

Technically then, I’d guess that their eyes would “look” just like those of any human that was born blind, and that it would theoretically be possible to give them sight. Although, it may take more than just giving them a new set of eyes, it may also need to include stimulation of both their dorsal and ventral sections of their brains. Not to mention quite a bit of an adjustment period.

agreed, although if they have the nerves still, the brain will adapt on it's own. some of the research done on how the brain works has shown that the region of the brain commonly beleived to handle eyesight is still active in blind people. so much so that they now beleive that that region might also handle spatial awareness, and without eyesight, it starts processing the other senses more.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:28 pm
by Apollo Okamura
What body hair? They're as smooth as silk, and as soft as velvet!! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:11 pm
by taalismn

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:37 am
by Rockwolf66
Straight Razor

One of my literary characters uses one. Which reminds me I need to pick up a pack of party balloons and a couple cans of cheap shaving cream.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:55 am
by elecgraystone
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Apollo Okamura wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:So in other words, you like my ideas for drawing them. 8)

Yup, yup! :ok:

And the shame of it all, I can't even draw a stick figure well. :oops:
You and me both. :-(

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:17 pm
by Apollo Okamura
Just curious, anyone have any thoughts on what the Altarain's reproductive cocoons might look like, or how they might be used to reproduce?

I'm guessing the cocoons are made psionically. I don't know if they'd start with creating pile of ecto-goo/ecto-pod nearby, or start by enveloping themselves then create a duplicate cocoon beside them.

No matter which way I try to imagine it, I can't help thinking of the pods from Gremlins after a post-midnight feeding frenzy.

What do you guys think?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:22 am
by Zer0 Kay
Apollo Okamura wrote:Just curious, anyone have any thoughts on what the Altarain's reproductive cocoons might look like, or how they might be used to reproduce?

I'm guessing the cocoons are made psionically. I don't know if they'd start with creating pile of ecto-goo/ecto-pod nearby, or start by enveloping themselves then create a duplicate cocoon beside them.

No matter which way I try to imagine it, I can't help thinking of the pods from Gremlins after a post-midnight feeding frenzy.

What do you guys think?

One problem that and asexual reproduction is technically not cloning. I've always imagined more like vats. I don't remember the books saying they naturally clone. So I figured that the cloning was done by the Sploogies in order to keep a certain set of genes going and a particular alignment and loyalty... genes have a way of mutating though :D . The natural born Altarians in the Rebellion, which still include males (have healing powers), aren't all born (same percentage as humans) blind and their alignements range the gammit but they're loyalties are certainly anti-sploog. Their abilities are half that of the BWW and the natural born blind women, that is why the sploogies only clone the blind ones.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:14 pm
by Zer0 Kay
sawg138 wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Apollo Okamura wrote:Just curious, anyone have any thoughts on what the Altarain's reproductive cocoons might look like, or how they might be used to reproduce?

I'm guessing the cocoons are made psionically. I don't know if they'd start with creating pile of ecto-goo/ecto-pod nearby, or start by enveloping themselves then create a duplicate cocoon beside them.

No matter which way I try to imagine it, I can't help thinking of the pods from Gremlins after a post-midnight feeding frenzy.

What do you guys think?

One problem that and asexual reproduction is technically not cloning. I've always imagined more like vats. I don't remember the books saying they naturally clone. So I figured that the cloning was done by the Sploogies in order to keep a certain set of genes going and a particular alignment and loyalty... genes have a way of mutating though :D . The natural born Altarians in the Rebellion, which still include males (have healing powers), aren't all born (same percentage as humans) blind and their alignements range the gammit but they're loyalties are certainly anti-sploog. Their abilities are half that of the BWW and the natural born blind women, that is why the sploogies only clone the blind ones.

The book does say in separate sentences that they reproduce asexually and they all are clones. The book also states even Splyncrynth can't alter the template used in reproduction. Sounds to me like no males and aseuxal clones to me. What Rebellion are you refering to, BTW?
Hmm... likely conveniently missed that one. In my game there is a rebellion between the natural Altarrians and the Splynncryth to free their sisters or destroy the clone genepool.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:04 am
by Zer0 Kay
sawg138 wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
sawg138 wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Apollo Okamura wrote:Just curious, anyone have any thoughts on what the Altarain's reproductive cocoons might look like, or how they might be used to reproduce?

I'm guessing the cocoons are made psionically. I don't know if they'd start with creating pile of ecto-goo/ecto-pod nearby, or start by enveloping themselves then create a duplicate cocoon beside them.

No matter which way I try to imagine it, I can't help thinking of the pods from Gremlins after a post-midnight feeding frenzy.

What do you guys think?

One problem that and asexual reproduction is technically not cloning. I've always imagined more like vats. I don't remember the books saying they naturally clone. So I figured that the cloning was done by the Sploogies in order to keep a certain set of genes going and a particular alignment and loyalty... genes have a way of mutating though :D . The natural born Altarians in the Rebellion, which still include males (have healing powers), aren't all born (same percentage as humans) blind and their alignements range the gammit but they're loyalties are certainly anti-sploog. Their abilities are half that of the BWW and the natural born blind women, that is why the sploogies only clone the blind ones.

The book does say in separate sentences that they reproduce asexually and they all are clones. The book also states even Splyncrynth can't alter the template used in reproduction. Sounds to me like no males and aseuxal clones to me. What Rebellion are you refering to, BTW?
Hmm... likely conveniently missed that one. In my game there is a rebellion between the natural Altarrians and the Splynncryth to free their sisters or destroy the clone genepool.

Take a read through the original Atlantis and Sourcebook One. Though that is n interesting angle to take. :ok:
Nah as KS says the rules are optional. Oh and the Shemarians and Monst-Rex that ARCHIE and Hagan use aren't original (in game not art/concept wise) since so many of Hagan's designs don't compare with the imagination used to create the Monst-Rex and Shemarrians I figured that Hagan had seen some D-Bees like that before. BTW I don't own the Sourcebook One Revised. So there is also a race of real Shemarrians who ride beasts and they are verry much flesh and blood. They look extremely simular too the Robots as the women wear exoskeletons and their beasts are barded. Lets see what else do I have different.

Zashan in England and his three splinters are found out and destroyed/banished with the help of Arthuu. Why would Arthuu do this because a teenage boy Merlin De'Monchilder of Caledon son of Wydt Ymrys Ambrosius (a combination of the different suspected names of Merlin/Myrddin... except for the De'Monchilder which is a reference to his heritage) who is aging backwards and the true King of the Britons (minus coconuts or giant wooden rabbits, but maybe including a grail shaped beacon :nh: :D).

There is also a sleaper faction in the U.K. that are descendants of the monks that lived in Glastonberry (sp?) who's job was to discredit Arthurian history/legends and wait for his return... to kill him. They evolved with the times and became one of the many MI divisions durring WWI (there were 19 only 5 and 6 still exist even though 5 was renamed the Security Service Bureau it is still commonly refered to as MI5 just as the Secret Intelligence Service is still refered to as MI6) essentially they became like Torchwood in Dr. Who (though I came up with the concept before I ever saw the new series). When the cataclysm hit they retreated to thier underground bunkers scattered across the U.K. half their group went into cryo-sleep the other half prepaired for the worst. Once they determined that their bunkers were safe the rest of the group joined those asleep except for two in each cell. A man and a woman were kept awake in each cell as watchers. The cycle started, blah, blah, blah... anyways all members of the unit have been awakened because a pair sited Arthur and now they are on their way... fortunately for them there are other dangers they must overcome before they can advance on Camelot. I like the concept of Camelot 3000 by DC a lot more than what PB did to the Arthurian legend. In the fight against The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse Merlin restores Lala Sun's memory.

Hmm... Oh since RT is coming back I guess I can say the SDF-3 instead when it disappeared on the return trip to Earth ended up in Rifts Earth's Atmosphere and have landed, after being assaulted by the killer sattellites, in Alaska near where the Grand Cannon site was supposed to be. The Regis also made it and is below the polar ice-cap. The two have come to an uneasy peace until they can make it out of this twisted alternate reality. So have The Children of the Shadow (watch Shadow Chronicles, obviously new modification for me, it was just REF and Invid previously). One of the REF ships didn't make it to AK and crashed in the U.S. NW the CS noticed the shooting star and over time built a research station/fortress near the wreck (what new goodies... or I guess for everyone else, baddies has the CS found?)

A "Great" House from Splycers was D-Ported to Antarctica as well as a machine manufacturing plant... "unfortunately" it has no uplink to the machine so it operates on it's last commands produce units (not capable of making nanites) and hunt down the House. The plague is dormant with no commands or power being broadcast to them. (what terrible things could happen if The Children of the Shadow find out about them :shock: ). A spherical area of Antarctica was actually swapped with an equal area of Splycers the House goes underground and every single inch of those caverns (that go on for miles) is intact. Some parts were transported under the ice some under its native ground. It is strangely devoid of magic. Several leylines that crossed the area are now incomplete ending where the Splycers land starts, even if it is under ice and starting again on the opposite side (or maybe they were never complete and are geographic leylines that ended near the pole forming a perfect circle). Odder is that when they switched there was an equal amount of ice on Splycers (Earth?) this would eventually become a lake but the lake is super infused with magic as if the water itself was a mega-nexus. It does not radiate magic past the borders and those who can see magic will only see it when they enter the area. It eminates only from the water. Remember there are going to be underground tunnels from the tunnels that were ported to Rifts but there is native soil over it. The area that was affected is a 13 mile diameter elipse half of which goes three miles below ground. The visible lake covers an area eight miles long and seven miles at its widest and is near the southern end of the disk (as viewed from above). Remember the lake in Splycers is where the land would be in Rifts. There are several hidden pools all over the rest of the area which connect to the lake by the tunnels.

I'm getting tired so I have to go... if anyone is interested in hearing more let me know. If anyone is interested in claming my ideas... well good thing this posts are dated. If anyone is interested in using it feel free. If anyone wants to help turn it into a netbook...??

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:35 am
by Library Ogre
Apollo Okamura wrote:P.S. – I still say they can also grow a full head of hair under that helmet. Sploogies probably have them shaved though. Keeps the bugs out. :-P

FWIW, Mercenaries disagrees with you (Myriam, IIRC, in the Shadow Warriors)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:38 am
by Library Ogre
Cain wrote:The artwork shown for that Mercenaries NPC shows her with short hair, which would make her APPEAR to be bald when wearing their traditional helmets.

Mercenaries also specifically mentions that she had it implanted, since she (and, presumably other Altarans) are bald.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:34 am
by Apollo Okamura
Cain wrote:I was ABOUT to go dig up that old thread to ask you how this project was coming along...

I've drawn a few rough sketches so far and I seem to have come up with a bit of a conundrum. Here's what I came up with so far:

• A serious locker-room scene just doesn't seem to fit the Blind Warrior mystique. If I was going to do a locker-room scene it'd have to be done tounge n' cheek cartoony. Anime blind warrior woman snapping towels, teehee. :-P
• I tried a few different "shower" scenes, and they all ended up looking like some kind of ad for Herbal Essence Shampoo. Either that or looking waay to artsy.
• I also played with a couple gritty "shower" scenes. One where she was coming out of an ecto-cocoon in the rain; another where she's standing in a cell, ripped clothes and rain pouring down on her from an open ceiling.

I have a personal prefence in mind, but I'll let you all decide!!
Oh and choose quickly, I have less than a week to get it finished! (No pressure)

Oh, BTW, this drawing most likely won't be a part of the next Rifter Swimsuit issue. It's probably going to be more of an Open House special print kinda' thing. Who knows, what will happen at the Open House though, they may decide to stat her up and toss her into the book too. I'm sure they like it rough that way. :-D

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:45 am
by elecgraystone
Apollo Okamura wrote:? I also played with a couple gritty "shower" scenes. One where she was coming out of an ecto-cocoon in the rain; another where she's standing in a cell, ripped clothes and rain pouring down on her from an open ceiling.
These both sound cool, but if i had to pick one, i'll go with "standing in a cell, ripped clothes and rain pouring down on her from an open ceiling" 8-)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:35 pm
by elecgraystone
Cain wrote:And didn't you sort of do TWO pics for last year's issue? ;) I mean, you COULD always do a tongue in cheek anime style locker room scene for the Swimsuit Issue AND a more serious 'gritty' shower scene (either clone-emergance or captive in cell) that could be appropriate for future sourcebooks and as a print (I'd definitely buy a copy of the gritty shower if it was only put out as a print. That would look fantastic up on our wall beside our cover prints and Prosek's Throne Room. )
:ok: :ok:
WHile i DID make my pick, i'm with cain. I don't think anyone will complain if you make more that one. It'll be our little secret. :quiet:

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:14 pm
by Apollo Okamura
Cain wrote:If it's an Open House special print kinda thing, does that mean only people who attend the Open House will get to buy it? *cries*

The big caveat about getting a BWW in this year's swimsuit issue is that all of the characters this time will also be getting statted out in full by Kevin and the other freelance gang of writers (I think there's already a bidding war for who gets what). So, the characters are supposed to be all new-ish. Although, the BWW definitely fits the bill as a femme fatale (the theme of the book). We'll see.

No worries though, if she just gets released as a print, we'll make sure it's available after the Open House as well, either through Palladium or myself. Open Housers would just get first dibbs.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:40 pm
by Apollo Okamura
I just got off the phone with the big man, KS, himself and asked about blind warrior women hair, and the answer is...
"Huh, what? No. No, they're not bald. That's the important question you wanted to ask me?" - Kevin Siembieda


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:48 pm
by Apollo Okamura

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:57 pm
by Apollo Okamura
You know... I just realised, I probably could have asked about their blindness too while I was at it. :frust:

Oh Kevin.....*waves*

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:45 pm
by Library Ogre
Cain wrote:And hey, just drop me a PM if you need a BWW statted out and for some insane reason none of the boys at PB want to do it. I'LL do it for you.

Jason and I are meeting in College Station next weekend to settle who gets to stat out the BWW.

Knives will be involved. I've voted for Rogaland style discussion, but he doesn't have the stomach for it.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:55 pm
by rat_bastard
Apollo Okamura wrote:Woohoo!
I just got off the phone with the big man, KS, himself and asked about blind warrior women hair, and the answer is...
"Huh, what? No. No, they're not bald. That's the important question you wanted to ask me?" - Kevin Siembieda


see Apollo you need to put things like that in your sig, its a way of expressing yourself and its important.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:45 pm
by glitterboy2098
sawg138 wrote:The book does say in separate sentences that they reproduce asexually and they all are clones. The book also states even Splyncrynth can't alter the template used in reproduction. Sounds to me like no males and aseuxal clones to me. What Rebellion are you refering to, BTW?

actually, it sounds like Parthenogenesis, with an unusual DNA effect.

Parthenogenesis is a sort of 'self-cloning'. and it is fairly common in fish, reptiles, bugs, ect. never mammals though. Parthenogenic offspring will always be female, as long as two like chromosomes mean female.

why the genetic profile can't be changed is odd, genetics don't work that way. perhaps whatever splugorth of other power that created the BWW made the Genes self correcting, and Splynncryth lacks the correct 'header' gene sequences to input new changes?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:04 am
by Zer0 Kay
sawg138 wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Nah as KS says the rules are optional.

Agreed, but it's less confusing to preface houserules/changes in setting at the outset. I like the changes you've made though. :ok:

Thanks there is more too :D