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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:55 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
A decent idea, but how the frell do you build a factory on a nexus?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:11 pm
by GhostKnight
How do you get a 1 ppe activation for a 500 ppe spell?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:54 am
by Mouser13
one of the rifters have rings that add p.p.e. made by techno-wizard.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:03 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Congradulations! You've given a great exsample of why I don't like the TW creation rules as written.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:59 am
by Library Ogre
IMO, Talisman (and all other item-creating or otherwise component spell magics, like Amulet, Witch Bottle, etc.) are, as a default, rituals... you can't just whip them off in under 15 seconds.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:50 am
by Spark
MrNexx wrote:IMO, Talisman (and all other item-creating or otherwise component spell magics, like Amulet, Witch Bottle, etc.) are, as a default, rituals... you can't just whip them off in under 15 seconds.

I have to agree. Making a Talisman isn't something that is fast or on the fly.

Also I can't agree that a device that uses a level 13 (or 14) spell can be a level 1 device. Am I the only one that sees that as an oxymoron? You have negatives to building a device that is using spells outside your abilities, and so require a second mage to case it.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:19 pm
by Prince Artemis
Correct me if I'm wrong, but how are you going to make talisimin 'beeds' when there are very specific rules for just what can be made into a talismin. I don't have the book here but i know it needs to be of a certain value.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:21 pm
by jarlaxle
Mouser13 wrote:one of the rifters have rings that add p.p.e. made by techno-wizard.

TWB-1000 jewlery rifter #2 ring bracelet large medalion. From this one can extrapolate a larger item.
In one game we were chalenged to create such an item. A steeping stone dimension to
where we needed to be with none of its own magic. Magic was siphoned away slowly from
users and items(loss instead of gain ppe per hour). Look up portable air tanks for
air compressors. We then carried thes things is special D-envelope bags so they would not
lose power till time of use. So one would need: tank(hose for filling tw items powering
magic devices.) and an emerald worth XXXXX. If you break the math down it can get

Re: PPE Talisman Press

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:25 pm
by pblackcrow
I think that while it may seam practical to you...To me, it just breaks way to many rules. It is suppose to be a ritual. While I agree that a TW can learn the spell at first level...I just have a problem with grasping the concept is where would a 1st level get that kind of money? So, truly I am sorry, but it's just not going to fly.

For what it's worth though, my group and I have actually used a spell that we found in an netbook, Tiny’s Giant Spell Netbook called crystal battery. Though, we did increase the Initial PPE cost to 60 and bump it up to 9th level and only recently increased increased the cost from 1 PPE per 50 credits(/gold) of value to 1 PPE per 75 credits(/gold) of value. Also, ruled that it must be flawless.

Anyway, here's the spell directly from the netbook.

Crystal Battery
PPE: 20
This is, in effect, one of the only incantation spells that really requires physical components, crystals. This spell requires quality crystal to store magic energy, but only magic energy...not spells.
Effect: Stores magic energy (PPE) in a crystal PPE Stored: a crystal can hold 1 PPE per 50 credits(/gold) of value. When PPE is stored in a crystal, it does glow (whatever colour the crystal is) and radiates magic quite clearly (can not be hidden). The mage casting the spell can put as much energy in the crystal as s/he desires, as long as the crystal can handle the energy and the energy is available (from self, ley lines, etc.).

Re: PPE Talisman Press

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:47 am
by jarlaxle
Findar wrote:A portable drill press that turns an object placed on the table and touched with the "drill bit" in to a PPE storage talisman. The device only works on a leyline or nexus and requires approximately one minute to recharge between uses. Device Level: One PPE Creation Cost: 620 Spell Chain: Primary Spell: Talisman (500) Secondary Spell: Energy Sphere (120) Physical Requirements: Ten carats of malachite worth 25,000 credits plus a one carat ruby quartz crystal worth 150 credits plus a portable drill press. Cost: 31,350 credits

I designed this device orginally because of the high cost of the PPE clips from FoM. I wondered if there was a cheaper way to get extra PPE for mages or other beings who can absorb PPE to store PPE for TW devices or other uses. This design is a portable model but I envision larger completely automated models the size of factory machine tools pumping out ppe talisman beads 24/7 in factories in cities with significant TW manufacturing (obviously the factory modesl would cost a lot more). I can't see PPE selling for more than 1-5 credits per ppe point in towns with TW manufacturing given that RUE rules allow for this type of device to exist.

the idea is awesome but that is a lifelong work this is not a simple device you are talking about a vast plant which is sucking in crazy ppe on a line or nexus point. Random rifts are going to tear it appart. merc ops pg 118 universal e-clip recharger cost 790 000 where availablity is good often 2-3 times the price. compared to 31,350 there are E-pistols costing more. in its current state it is a munchkin device. so when a 3rd level techno-wizard hi-jacks our factory with with a battle station called a death moon that hasa huge fricken laser on it and threatens to blow up the planet or surrender the device.thats the world you are living in. like the player i heard of years ago who took over triax on a military stratagey roll.
Ok lets forget the whole mechanics of this device. There is something more everyone is forgetting. You are talking about undercutting prices of the federation of magic, The splurgoth, mage guilds, tolkeen, your techno wizzard bretheren. Not to mention putting a threat out there that would cause the coalition, Free Quebec and triax to become one just to hunt down and destroy you. If you have the rifter #13 look at the techno-shifter read what will happen if one of their devices makes it to the market of splynn. You are starting a megaversal war that will make the events of the great cataclysm look like a pic nik. Can your techno wizard really survive these forces?

why not convert asolar panel to obsorb ppe/ convert a generator that will in crease ppe out put at a ley line. a ley line turbine if you will? im going to crunch the creation rules and write more

Re: PPE Talisman Press

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:15 am
by X'Zanthar
Three things.

One, I think the spell's level should be used if higher than the creator's.

Two, I think that the item created would only be rechargeable by the device that created it, so you would have a one use item.

Three, Talismans can be pretty much anything (in response to another poster)

Re: PPE Talisman Press

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:17 pm
by cornholioprime
The wording of the "Talisman" Spell STRONGLY implies that it has to be created (or at least empowered) by a "person," not a "thing," especially that part of the text which speaks of the Spells in the Amulet being attuned to that one person, who is one of the only people who can recharge it.

See Rifts: Book of Magic, page 150.


Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:57 pm
by glitterboy2098
Findar wrote:
Semisonic9 wrote:First, no way is this thing device level: 1!

Yeah I think first is kind of low but the rules allow it.

most of us just assume that the minimum device level should be equal to the highest level spell used. but yeah, by canon there is nothing to prevent ultra-low device levels combined with high level spells.