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War Magic and general SDC to MDC magic conversion ??

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:34 am
by Ahulane
I was looking through some of the rifters last night and stumbled upon the War Mage OCC for palladium...was wondering in general if spells that do SDC when in and SDC world do the same damage in MDC in a Rifts environment.

Its a dumb question I know as they probably do...but in regards to the spell of legend Obliteration that does 1000 SDC to all immovable objects (or was it 10k?) like walls and posts ect....would that be 1000 MD? if so that would decimate almost anything in Rifts if one was able to get ahold of that spell.

I don't have the book in front of me at the moment but I remember their being a seperate damage for movable objects in the range of 2d4x10 sdc? to me that doesn't seem like a whole lot if your wearing plate or even magical armor with a few hundred SDC. Ya the spell can pretty much kill or seriously maim an unarmored person, even with the knockback the spell has most man-at-arms OCC's won't be killed by the wave even though in the description of the spell it says that an entire gnome city was wiped from the face of the planet.

Just a few simple questions.

Re: War Magic and general SDC to MDC magic conversion ??

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:49 am
by Ice Dragon
Normally it is a stright conversion S.D.C. to M.D.C., so a Fire Ball will do xD4 MD-damage in and M.D.C. environment.

Excepetion: Spells from the RMB/RUE which do only S.D.C.-damage according to their spell discription.

Re: War Magic and general SDC to MDC magic conversion ??

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:57 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Ahulane wrote:I was looking through some of the rifters last night and stumbled upon the War Mage OCC for palladium...was wondering in general if spells that do SDC when in and SDC world do the same damage in MDC in a Rifts environment.

Its a dumb question I know as they probably do...but in regards to the spell of legend Obliteration that does 1000 SDC to all immovable objects (or was it 10k?) like walls and posts ect....would that be 1000 MD? if so that would decimate almost anything in Rifts if one was able to get ahold of that spell.

I don't have the book in front of me at the moment but I remember their being a seperate damage for movable objects in the range of 2d4x10 sdc? to me that doesn't seem like a whole lot if your wearing plate or even magical armor with a few hundred SDC. Ya the spell can pretty much kill or seriously maim an unarmored person, even with the knockback the spell has most man-at-arms OCC's won't be killed by the wave even though in the description of the spell it says that an entire gnome city was wiped from the face of the planet.

Just a few simple questions.

Yes, that would be 1000 MD in a Rifts enviroment.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:48 am
by Ahulane
Thanks for the answers above, wasn't 100% sure on them. The spell details are actually as follows from rifter 29....

1000' radius with 100 SDC/HP damage to any movable object (so I'm going to assume that it does 100 SDC/HP to unarmored humans/D-Bees and 100 MD to armored individuals and supernatural MD creatures?) and hurls them 2d4x1000 feet from there current position. Which book described fall rules? and how would this spell effect people in power armor? Would the pilot take direct damage from the jarring impact or would the suit absorb the impact? It says only 4D6 extra damage from the landing but most people will be killed just from the initial contact of the wave.

1000 damage to any non-movable object per melee round and are thrown away as well as above.

Another question I have is to spells (in general) that give an armor rating for palladium worlds but don't add any extra damage capacity to the person who is benefitting from the spell. The spell in question is Protection from Blades (level 2), states that the caster gains protection from blades giving him an AR of 14 for cutting and stabbing weapons and 7 for blunt weapons. Would this spell simply give the mage in a PPE rich environment such as Rifts earth an AR, make him an MDC being or simply make him invulnerable to normal non-MDC weapons? I'm leaning on just the AR but I just don't know.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:51 am
by J. Lionheart
In regards to that last question, it should act exactly the same i.e., give an A.R. of 14 against blades and stabbing weapons, and 7 against blunt weapons. It would be effective against blades, stabbing weapons, and blunt items either S.D.C. or M.D.C.

It's unusual, but there are M.D.C. armors with AR's, and that spell would be one of them.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:17 am
by finn69
which rifter is this warmage in?