Splicers In Space(Seedling Space Ships) *Updated*
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:48 pm
Not really sure if I'll ever use this stuff, but I'm glad to finally be getting something typed out, since Seedlings = Spaceships has been floating around in my head forever, it seems. I haven't put much thought into the numbers or anything, so all of this is coming straight from my brain to the paper(er, screen). Please feel free to point out irregularities, stuff you don't agree with, or anything that's just plain stupid. Thanks, duck-foot, for inspiring me to get off my lazy ass and write these things.
Okay, here's a repost of what I posted last night. Made some slight corrections and changes to the ships, but mostly changed and added more flavor text. Still got to write up the bio-tech devices, enhancements, and Cone fighters. I'll probably get most of that posted this evening. Wish me luck.
For as long as almost any Splicer can remember, the Seedlings have served as homes to the Resistance. Now, as the enormous subterranean organisms begin to mature into their adult forms, it is hoped that the Seedlings will fulfill their true purpose as a means of escape from the Machine dominated Earth which has become so inhospitable to Mankind. Bio-engineering a living spaceship from scratch is perhaps the single greatest achievement of Splicer bio-technology and it was made possible only because loyal Technojackers stumbled across data files containing extensive information about ancient humans' pre-N.E.X.U.S. journeys into space. Instead of blindly speculating, Engineers and Librarians were gifted with all the pertinent knowledge necessary to make the Sequoias a reality, everything from scientifically precise information detailing the harsh conditions of outer space which would require special bio-tech to overcome, to the escape velocity needed to successfully break away from the Earth's embrace. Even the living ion drives of a Sequoia are based on engineering specs for never constructed but heavily speculated upon space vessels designed long before N.E.X.U.S. was created.
For the past decade, Sequoia Seedlings have begun to reach maturity. Instead of immediately escaping into space, however, the Leaders of the Resistance whose Houses possess one or more Sequoia Seedlings have waited for the perfect opportunity, a set of pre-requisites agreed on very early in the development of the living starships. The first condition has been met, with all surviving Sequoia Seedlings now launch capable. It is hoped that simultaneous launches from multiple points around the globe, with Sequoia spreading into space in all directions, will increase the likelihood that even if the Machine does prove capable of pursuit, some of the vessels will survive to carry enough humans to a new home that the species' continued existance will be assured.
The second condition requires only a little more patience. According to ancient data, now confirmed using specially created optic systems, the bio-tech equivalent of modern day observatories, the Sun will soon be entering a cycle of greatly increased activity. During this time, the Earth will be bombarded with intense solar winds and great flares of radiation. Using a combination of careful observation and espionage, the Resistance has learned the Machine's limited space presence becomes predictably dormant at certain intervals when the solar bombardment grows especially fierce, a measure that protects delicate electronics from damage by the intense radiation. Though detection is a virtual certainty, it is hoped that many Sequoia launches will go unnoticed and that the head start, no matter how small, will give humanity a greater chance to avoid the inevitable Machine response. Despite a lack of space vessels of its own, at least none the Resistance can find, the Machine has at least as much information on space travel as the Resistance has collected, and its vast resources and manufacturing capabilities mean robotic hunters may only be weeks behind.
The Silo: Sequoia Seedlings do not technically grow into Sequoias. As a Seedling begins to grow, it forms the Silo(aka the Sheath, Trunk, etc). The Silo grows at an incredible rate, spreading its various root systems out to incredible distances. The traditional roots, normally present in plants, absorb nutrients and tap underground acquifers to provide for the Seedling and its inhabitants. Unlike the normal, though super-sized roots found in plants, a root system of heavily bio-engineered worm-like tendrils burrow through the Earth's crust to tap the mantle for unlimited geo-thermal energy and spread out in an extensive network sometimes over a hundred miles in diameter to leech necessary minerals from the surrounding rock and soil.
It is within this sheath that a Sequoia is formed, first becoming an ever growing underground habitat, but eventually maturing into a living starship.
Not only does a Silo provide the required materials for the Sequoia growing within, it serves one final purpose, for it is the barrel from which the starship is fired into space. When the Sequoia is ready to be launched, enormous vats of two normally inert bio-engineered secretions(the defense mechanism of an alien species of a tiny beetle found in some of Gaia's Nature Preserves) are combined deep underground. Together, these substances form a uniquely volatile binary compound that explodes without fail approximately three seconds after formation. So violent is this reaction that it inflicts a ridiculous 1D4x10,000 MD to everything within a radius of approximately five miles, with half damage up to ten miles away, and a quarter damage up to twenth miles. If not for the extreme difficulty and time consuming nature of creating these compounds in useable quantity, they would have provided the Resistance with a powerful weapon against the Machine. The explosion quite adequately propels a Sequoia into space and though the damage done to the ship is sometimes more than its Bio-Force Field can absorb, it is not crippling. Those not cocooned within the protective gel of a bio-stasis pod must be very securely cushioned and restrained to avoid injury in this process.
Besides launching a Sequoia into space in a rather spectacular fashion, the violence of the explosion also totally vaporizes the Silo, destroying any information the Machine could learn from its remains, and hopefully provides a certain amount of cover for the escaping ship. It is hoped that the terrific energies of the explosion will mask fleeing Sequoias from any Machine sensors that happen to be looking their way.
Sequoia: Enormous squid-like starships, Sequoias carry within them everything needed to establish a colony on some distant, but hopefully habitable world. Though armed with many powerful bio-weapons and defended by a fleet of powerful space fighters and space capable Host Armors, a Sequoia is not a combat vessel. They are escape pods on a planetary scale, designed to blast into space as fast as possible, and to never look back. If the Machine catches up with a fleeing Sequoia, the likelihood of survival is too small to reasonably calculate, as no one can imagine N.E.X.U.S. would have any compunctions against using nulcear weapons against space-born humanity, since there would be no environement to contaminate and no stray wildlife to harm. As durable as a Sequoia is, it would quickly succumb to the atomic weaponry once employed so liberally by the Machine in its efforts to exterminate Man.
War Mounts, aside from the Cone space fighters, are not typically carried aboard Sequoias. Not only is space at a premium, even in a vessel so large as a Sequoia, but the resources necessary to sustain War Mounts and the personnel needed to oversee the creatures would be wasted on a journey that could take centuries to complete.
Class- Self-Sustaining Habitat/Living Starship
Crew: 1 Outrider pilot, 2 Outrider co-pilots, and a bridge crew of 8 who monitor external and internal conditions, status of the nuclear bio-reactor, bio-stasis pods, etc. 150 Outriders share duty manning weapon emplacements at all times. A Sequoia is not a sentient being, operating automatically as it was designed with little need for human oversight.
Troop Capacity: Up to 18,000(12,000 Host Armor pilots), 600 Space Fighter pilots. Actual numbers are typically much lower, however, as Host Armors not easily or realistically sustainable(Vampiric, Lithovores, & Parasitic) and those not space capable, along with their pilots, are normally put in bio-stasis to conserve resources. This also applies to the majority of non-Host Armor pilots who simply have no discernable use while traveling through space. Typical active troop complement is no more than 2,000, all with space capable Host Armor, many of whom are space fighter pilots.
Non-Combatants: The standard complement of non-combatant personnel varies greatly between individual Sequoias, depending on the tatstes of the leaders of various Houses. The typical Sequoia will have 3D6+6 Engineers and 1D4+2 Libarians active at any given time.
Bio-Stasis Complement: Up to 100,000 people can be safely stored in stasis. War Mounts or bio-tech creatures larger than a full-sized Host Armor do not fit into the stasis pods.
MDC by Location:
-Fighter Nursery[Bow]- 20,000 + 2D6x1,000
-Omega Blaster Batteries[12]- 1,200 + 1D6x100 each
-Super Light Cell Point Defense Bundle[36]- 300 + 1D4x100 each
-*Pseudopod/Ion Emitter[4; Rear]- 20,000 + 2D6x1,000 each
-**Main Body/Habitat- 240,000 + 2D6x10,000
-***Rear/FTL Drive- 120,000 + 1D6x10,000
-****Bio-Force Field- 30,000
*Each pseudopod is a complex organ dedicated to transforming the raw power generated by the massive bio-reactor at the Sequoia's core into propulsive force via ion emission. Each pseudopod destroyed reduces maximum speed and acceleration & deceleration by 25%. Given their complexity and the resources necessary to regrow these organs, damaged pseudopods regenerate at a reduced rate of 1D4x100 MDC per hour and if destroyed require 1D4+2 weeks to regrow. During the growth of a new pseudopod, all other ship components regenerate at 50% their normal rate.
**The Main Body/Habitat regenerates 1D6x1000 MDC per hour. Depleting the MDC of the Main Body/Habitat renders the ship unconscious, reduces life support to a bare minimum, and powers down all weapons. 1D4x10+10% of the ship's habitable compartments will have been ruptured and exposed to vacuum and internal rotation systems will be offline, rendering artificial gravity inoperative. Unopened launch orifices can be blasted through and large holes blown in the ships hide can be used to field space capable defenders, but for the most part the vessel will be helpless. Further reducing the MDC beyond -40,000 kills the ship.
***The Rear/FTL Drive section of a Sequoia regenerates 1D4x1000 MDC per hour. Depleting the MDC of the Rear/FTL Drive will cause the nuclear reactor powering the ship to go critical and initiate a meltdown effect. If this occurs, the entire section will explosively jettison the Main Body/Habitat with enough force that the meltdown will not contaminate it. Unfortunately, this section of a Sequoia cannot be regrown. If it is destroyed, it is forever lost. Small backup reactors within the Main Body/Habitat continue to power minimal life support and bio-stasis pods, but weapon range and damage is reduced by 75%, damage to all components regenerates at 25% of the normal rate, and rotationally maintained artificial gravity ceases to function, while the Bio-Force Field cannot be maintained at all. While a Sequoia in this condition may continue to exist long after such damage, the only hope for those trapped within is rescue by allies or, as unlikely as it seems, alien interference.
****The Bio-Force Field regenerates at a relatively slow rate of 1D4x10+20 MDC per hour. If MDC is depleted, the Bio-Force Field cannot be re-initialized for 24 hours.
-Atmospheric Flight- Not Possible. Once launched into space, a Sequoia is only capable of making a controlled descent to the surface of a new planet, and is forever grounded afterwards.
-Trans-Atmospheric Flight- Approximate maximum of Mach 6 before engaging FTL bio-systems.
-FTL Travel- Speed Factor 30, with a maximum acceleration and deceleration of 1 c per hour.
-Range- Effectively Unlimited. Barring catostrophic mishap, a Seedling is capable of sustaining its full crew complement and all bio-tech devices and creatures not currently held in bio-stasis for centuries.
Statistical Data:
-Diameter: 3,000 + 1D6x100 feet tapering down to a very blunt nose cone(Fighter Nursery) approximately 400 + 2D6x10 feet in diameter.
-Length: Main Body/Habitat: 12,000 + 2D6x100 feet, Fighter Nursery: 400 + 3D6x10 feet, Rear/FTL Drive & Metabolization Chamber: 3,000 + 2D4x100 feet, Pseudopods/Ion Emmiters: 2,000 + 1D4x100 feet
-Weight: Approximately 120 million tons fully loaded
-Cargo: Approximately 30 million tons
-Physical Strength: Vast, but inapplicable.
-Production Cycle: 18 month gestation period, plus 100 year growth time. Until fully grown, a Seedling is only capable of providing its various life support functions.
-Operational Lifetime: Theoretically unlimited, so long as it is not allowed to starve.
-Trade Value: Unplanted Seeding: 100 million credits. Once planted and a viable underground habitat or fully mature and space capable starship, they become priceless.
-Bio-Regeneration Rate: Unless otherwise noted, all components regenerate 1D6x100 MDC per hour.
-Horror Factor: 18, but only for those unexpectantly witnessing the matured Seedling, now a Sequoia starship, launch into space.
-Senses & Features: Detailed below.
-Power System/Metabolism: Varies throughout its lifetime. Functionally a Lithovore & Omnivore, but only so long as it continues to grow. Geo-Thermal/Nuclear fueled Thermosynthetic metabolism at full maturity, though it continues to function as a Lithovore & Omnivore for the purposes of recyling internal wastes and introducing new biological material for use by those living within.
-Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism designed for continuous operation, the Seedling does not require sleep.
Bio-Weapon Systems: Sequoias do not mount projectile weaponry, aside from the Cone fighters themselves. There are several reasons for this measure. Power is generated in great abundance by the nuclear-fueled Thermosynthetic metabolism of a Sequoia, with more than enough left over for energy weapons. Energy weapons can be mounted entirely on the outer hide of the ship, saving space and eliminating the need for internal mechanisms to supply ammo to projectile weapon, which also reduces potential weak points on the hide. Finally, the projectiles would represent an unnecessary and wasteful squandering of precious biological matter that simply cannot be replaced while in the depths of space.
Super Light Cell Point Defense Bundle[24]- Each of these strategically located and fully articulate weapon nodules are composed of six fully upgraded Super Light Cells clustered around a trio of eyes especially enhanced and armored agaisnt the riggers of space. Each of these point defense bundles is manned by an Outrider who controls it from within the safety of the ship. Defense bundles are treated as personal War Mounts for any Outrider operating them, granting all relevant bonuses in the process. Individual Super Light Cells can be fired, but are almost always tandem fired in volleys.
-Primary Purpose: Defense
-Mega-Damage: 2D10 MD per Super Light Cell(12D10 MD per full 6 Cell volley)
-Maximum Effective Range: Atmosphere: 4,000 feet, Space: 40,000 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each blast or volley counts as one melee attack. Roll only once per volley. Either all the light beams hit, or the all miss.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
-Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot.
-Special: These bundles make tiny targets compared to such a large vessel. To deliberately strike a bundle an enemy must make a Called Shot with a -3 penalty.
Omega Blaster Battery[12]- Like the defense bundles, these much heavier weapons are standard bio-weapon enhanced to their fullest capacity and arrayed for greater combined firepower. Arranged in a pentagon pattern around the triple eye optic sensor and protected by lightning quick armored shutters to shield the sensitive beam emitters, Omega Blaster Batteries are placed at points across the ship to ensure that at least two of them can converge their fire on any target within range. Each of battery is manned by an Outrider who controls it from within the safety of the ship. Batteries are treated as personal War Mounts for any Outrider operating them, granting all relevant bonuses in the process. Individual Omega Blasters can be fired if a steady rate of fire is desired or they can all be fired in tandem to create devastating waves of destructive energy.
-Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot
-Mega-Damage: 4D8x10 MD per Omega Blaster fired(20D8x10 MD per full volley)
-Beam Radius: 20 foot radius per Omega Blaster fired(100 foot radius per full volley)
-Maximum Effective Range: Atmosphere: 10,000 feet, Space: 100,000 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each blast or volley counts as one melee attack. Roll only once per volley. Either all the light beams hit, or the all miss.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited, however each individual Omega Blaster may only be fired twice per melee round.
-Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot, with an additional +1 bonus to strike per Omega Blaster fired.
-Special: These batteries make tiny targets compared to such a large vessel. To deliberately strike a battery an enemy must make a Called Shot with a -3 penalty.
Sensory Organs & Abilities: Scattered across the hide of a Sequoia are hundreds of fully bio-enhanced eyes, more than enough to give the ship's pilots adequate visual data even after suffering damage across the majority it surface. Despite being able to see telescopically(approximately 300,000 miles) throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, the true gem of the Sequoia's sensory systems is its Gravity Node. Visual data simply cannot be relied upon while traveling at FTL speeds, making dangerous collisions impossible to avoid. So advanced is the Gravity Node, that it was not a viable bio-tech device when the Seedlings were first developed. Instead, the Seedlings were created and planted while decades were spent trying to solve the problem of FTL navigation. With the creation of the Gravity Node, a whale-sized gland-like organ that detects even the slightest spacial distortion generated by objects nearly a light year away, the final hurdle to space travel was cleared. Once a Seedling has matured into a space capable Sequoia and an Engineers has added the necessary genetic information to the starship, a Gravity Node will grow into place in 1D4+12 days. A Gravity Node transmits information to the Outrider piloting the Sequoia exactly as if he was using a War Mount with the Radar ability, complete with full bonuses, but impossible to foul and a range of 1 light year.
Biological Defenses: Beyond it's powerful Bio-Force Field and thickly armored hide, a Sequoia starship has a number of bio-enhancements meant to help it cope with the hazards of space and to resist damage is attacked.
-Immune to Cold & Heat: The specially engineered hide of a Sequoia is only capable of transfering heat in one direction; inward. This not only makes it impervious to the bitter cold of deep space, it also makes the vessel totally immune to heat, as it is absorbed to supplement onboard energy. Mega-Damage heat, flame, & plasma only serves to fuel a Sequoia.
-Resistant to Kinetic Energy & Physical Attack: The hide of a Sequoia is normally surprisingly supple, but physical impact aligns crystalline fibers beneath the surface to turn the skin ultra-hard. This reaction effectively halves the damage suffered from any physical attack on a Sequoia.
-Resistant to Energy- The hide's ability to absorb heat, the crystalline fibers responsible for its ability to rapidly harden, and a quirk of the same alien DNA responsible for Bio-Energy weapons combine to allow the Sequoia to refract and absorb a certain amount of harmful energy directed at it. Sequoias are immune to hard radiation of non-mega-damage intensity and suffer only half damage against MD level radiation attack and effects. Laser and ion beam weapons inflict only 50% damage to a Sequoia's hide and particle beam weapon damage is reduced by approximately 33%.
Anatomical & Physiological Features: Just like a Seedling, a Sequoia is engineered to provide for every requirement of those living within it. Water and wastes are recycled, air scrubbed and refreshed, and food provided in several forms by various internal organs that provide edible meat and vegetable matter. In addition to this, however, are features designed specifically for the Sequoia, systems necessary for long term space flight and added survivability.
-Rotating Internal Habitat: Between the outer hide of a Sequoia and its inner habitat is a layer of highly viscous mucus which acts not only as a shock and radiation absorber, but also as a medium for the bio-tech equivalent of artificial gravity. Powerful organic jets that line the outside of the habitat chamber work tirelessly to spin the enormous city-sized section within the mucus layer while the pseudopod ion propulsion system actively prevents counter-rotation of the outer shell. While not a perfect system, it does provide approximately .75 g for those living within, well within margins needed to prevent de-calcification of bone and other detrimental health effects experienced in low gravity environments.
-Bio-Statis Pods: A significant portion of the habitat chamber is dedicated to vast row upon row of special organelles capable of putting living beings into state of suspended animation. When activated a stasis pod secretes a gel-like substance that combines with a pre-administered drug to halt biological and neurological activity. A person placed within such a pod, along with their gear(living armor, bio-weapons, even Host Armor) can be maintained in this state for centuries without ill effect.
-Fighter Nursery: A bio-tech factory of sorts, the huge front compartment of a mature Sequoia can be configured to produce and gestate various War Mounts at their normal rate, but the only practical application of this while in space is to generate the Cone bio-tech space fighter, a War Mount designed specifically for trans-atmoshpheric combat. Each Cone resembles a miniature Sequoia and is piloted by a specially trained Outrider. Each of the nursery's 100 gestation tanks is capable of producing a fully grown Cone fighter every 12 months, though space constraints limit a Sequoia to a maximum of 300 Cone fighters. Up to ten Cone fighters can be launched from special launch orifices at full speed every three seconds. Damage to the Fighter Nursery regenerates 1D4x1000 MDC per hour. If destroyed, the nursery requires 1D4+1 weeks to regenerate. Docked fighters have a 1D4x10% chance of surviving to be salvaged, but those not fully grown are lost.
Hand to Hand Combat: Not applicable. Despite the apparently powerful pseudopods, they are not capable of combat.
Okay, here's a repost of what I posted last night. Made some slight corrections and changes to the ships, but mostly changed and added more flavor text. Still got to write up the bio-tech devices, enhancements, and Cone fighters. I'll probably get most of that posted this evening. Wish me luck.
For as long as almost any Splicer can remember, the Seedlings have served as homes to the Resistance. Now, as the enormous subterranean organisms begin to mature into their adult forms, it is hoped that the Seedlings will fulfill their true purpose as a means of escape from the Machine dominated Earth which has become so inhospitable to Mankind. Bio-engineering a living spaceship from scratch is perhaps the single greatest achievement of Splicer bio-technology and it was made possible only because loyal Technojackers stumbled across data files containing extensive information about ancient humans' pre-N.E.X.U.S. journeys into space. Instead of blindly speculating, Engineers and Librarians were gifted with all the pertinent knowledge necessary to make the Sequoias a reality, everything from scientifically precise information detailing the harsh conditions of outer space which would require special bio-tech to overcome, to the escape velocity needed to successfully break away from the Earth's embrace. Even the living ion drives of a Sequoia are based on engineering specs for never constructed but heavily speculated upon space vessels designed long before N.E.X.U.S. was created.
For the past decade, Sequoia Seedlings have begun to reach maturity. Instead of immediately escaping into space, however, the Leaders of the Resistance whose Houses possess one or more Sequoia Seedlings have waited for the perfect opportunity, a set of pre-requisites agreed on very early in the development of the living starships. The first condition has been met, with all surviving Sequoia Seedlings now launch capable. It is hoped that simultaneous launches from multiple points around the globe, with Sequoia spreading into space in all directions, will increase the likelihood that even if the Machine does prove capable of pursuit, some of the vessels will survive to carry enough humans to a new home that the species' continued existance will be assured.
The second condition requires only a little more patience. According to ancient data, now confirmed using specially created optic systems, the bio-tech equivalent of modern day observatories, the Sun will soon be entering a cycle of greatly increased activity. During this time, the Earth will be bombarded with intense solar winds and great flares of radiation. Using a combination of careful observation and espionage, the Resistance has learned the Machine's limited space presence becomes predictably dormant at certain intervals when the solar bombardment grows especially fierce, a measure that protects delicate electronics from damage by the intense radiation. Though detection is a virtual certainty, it is hoped that many Sequoia launches will go unnoticed and that the head start, no matter how small, will give humanity a greater chance to avoid the inevitable Machine response. Despite a lack of space vessels of its own, at least none the Resistance can find, the Machine has at least as much information on space travel as the Resistance has collected, and its vast resources and manufacturing capabilities mean robotic hunters may only be weeks behind.
The Silo: Sequoia Seedlings do not technically grow into Sequoias. As a Seedling begins to grow, it forms the Silo(aka the Sheath, Trunk, etc). The Silo grows at an incredible rate, spreading its various root systems out to incredible distances. The traditional roots, normally present in plants, absorb nutrients and tap underground acquifers to provide for the Seedling and its inhabitants. Unlike the normal, though super-sized roots found in plants, a root system of heavily bio-engineered worm-like tendrils burrow through the Earth's crust to tap the mantle for unlimited geo-thermal energy and spread out in an extensive network sometimes over a hundred miles in diameter to leech necessary minerals from the surrounding rock and soil.
It is within this sheath that a Sequoia is formed, first becoming an ever growing underground habitat, but eventually maturing into a living starship.
Not only does a Silo provide the required materials for the Sequoia growing within, it serves one final purpose, for it is the barrel from which the starship is fired into space. When the Sequoia is ready to be launched, enormous vats of two normally inert bio-engineered secretions(the defense mechanism of an alien species of a tiny beetle found in some of Gaia's Nature Preserves) are combined deep underground. Together, these substances form a uniquely volatile binary compound that explodes without fail approximately three seconds after formation. So violent is this reaction that it inflicts a ridiculous 1D4x10,000 MD to everything within a radius of approximately five miles, with half damage up to ten miles away, and a quarter damage up to twenth miles. If not for the extreme difficulty and time consuming nature of creating these compounds in useable quantity, they would have provided the Resistance with a powerful weapon against the Machine. The explosion quite adequately propels a Sequoia into space and though the damage done to the ship is sometimes more than its Bio-Force Field can absorb, it is not crippling. Those not cocooned within the protective gel of a bio-stasis pod must be very securely cushioned and restrained to avoid injury in this process.
Besides launching a Sequoia into space in a rather spectacular fashion, the violence of the explosion also totally vaporizes the Silo, destroying any information the Machine could learn from its remains, and hopefully provides a certain amount of cover for the escaping ship. It is hoped that the terrific energies of the explosion will mask fleeing Sequoias from any Machine sensors that happen to be looking their way.
Sequoia: Enormous squid-like starships, Sequoias carry within them everything needed to establish a colony on some distant, but hopefully habitable world. Though armed with many powerful bio-weapons and defended by a fleet of powerful space fighters and space capable Host Armors, a Sequoia is not a combat vessel. They are escape pods on a planetary scale, designed to blast into space as fast as possible, and to never look back. If the Machine catches up with a fleeing Sequoia, the likelihood of survival is too small to reasonably calculate, as no one can imagine N.E.X.U.S. would have any compunctions against using nulcear weapons against space-born humanity, since there would be no environement to contaminate and no stray wildlife to harm. As durable as a Sequoia is, it would quickly succumb to the atomic weaponry once employed so liberally by the Machine in its efforts to exterminate Man.
War Mounts, aside from the Cone space fighters, are not typically carried aboard Sequoias. Not only is space at a premium, even in a vessel so large as a Sequoia, but the resources necessary to sustain War Mounts and the personnel needed to oversee the creatures would be wasted on a journey that could take centuries to complete.
Class- Self-Sustaining Habitat/Living Starship
Crew: 1 Outrider pilot, 2 Outrider co-pilots, and a bridge crew of 8 who monitor external and internal conditions, status of the nuclear bio-reactor, bio-stasis pods, etc. 150 Outriders share duty manning weapon emplacements at all times. A Sequoia is not a sentient being, operating automatically as it was designed with little need for human oversight.
Troop Capacity: Up to 18,000(12,000 Host Armor pilots), 600 Space Fighter pilots. Actual numbers are typically much lower, however, as Host Armors not easily or realistically sustainable(Vampiric, Lithovores, & Parasitic) and those not space capable, along with their pilots, are normally put in bio-stasis to conserve resources. This also applies to the majority of non-Host Armor pilots who simply have no discernable use while traveling through space. Typical active troop complement is no more than 2,000, all with space capable Host Armor, many of whom are space fighter pilots.
Non-Combatants: The standard complement of non-combatant personnel varies greatly between individual Sequoias, depending on the tatstes of the leaders of various Houses. The typical Sequoia will have 3D6+6 Engineers and 1D4+2 Libarians active at any given time.
Bio-Stasis Complement: Up to 100,000 people can be safely stored in stasis. War Mounts or bio-tech creatures larger than a full-sized Host Armor do not fit into the stasis pods.
MDC by Location:
-Fighter Nursery[Bow]- 20,000 + 2D6x1,000
-Omega Blaster Batteries[12]- 1,200 + 1D6x100 each
-Super Light Cell Point Defense Bundle[36]- 300 + 1D4x100 each
-*Pseudopod/Ion Emitter[4; Rear]- 20,000 + 2D6x1,000 each
-**Main Body/Habitat- 240,000 + 2D6x10,000
-***Rear/FTL Drive- 120,000 + 1D6x10,000
-****Bio-Force Field- 30,000
*Each pseudopod is a complex organ dedicated to transforming the raw power generated by the massive bio-reactor at the Sequoia's core into propulsive force via ion emission. Each pseudopod destroyed reduces maximum speed and acceleration & deceleration by 25%. Given their complexity and the resources necessary to regrow these organs, damaged pseudopods regenerate at a reduced rate of 1D4x100 MDC per hour and if destroyed require 1D4+2 weeks to regrow. During the growth of a new pseudopod, all other ship components regenerate at 50% their normal rate.
**The Main Body/Habitat regenerates 1D6x1000 MDC per hour. Depleting the MDC of the Main Body/Habitat renders the ship unconscious, reduces life support to a bare minimum, and powers down all weapons. 1D4x10+10% of the ship's habitable compartments will have been ruptured and exposed to vacuum and internal rotation systems will be offline, rendering artificial gravity inoperative. Unopened launch orifices can be blasted through and large holes blown in the ships hide can be used to field space capable defenders, but for the most part the vessel will be helpless. Further reducing the MDC beyond -40,000 kills the ship.
***The Rear/FTL Drive section of a Sequoia regenerates 1D4x1000 MDC per hour. Depleting the MDC of the Rear/FTL Drive will cause the nuclear reactor powering the ship to go critical and initiate a meltdown effect. If this occurs, the entire section will explosively jettison the Main Body/Habitat with enough force that the meltdown will not contaminate it. Unfortunately, this section of a Sequoia cannot be regrown. If it is destroyed, it is forever lost. Small backup reactors within the Main Body/Habitat continue to power minimal life support and bio-stasis pods, but weapon range and damage is reduced by 75%, damage to all components regenerates at 25% of the normal rate, and rotationally maintained artificial gravity ceases to function, while the Bio-Force Field cannot be maintained at all. While a Sequoia in this condition may continue to exist long after such damage, the only hope for those trapped within is rescue by allies or, as unlikely as it seems, alien interference.
****The Bio-Force Field regenerates at a relatively slow rate of 1D4x10+20 MDC per hour. If MDC is depleted, the Bio-Force Field cannot be re-initialized for 24 hours.
-Atmospheric Flight- Not Possible. Once launched into space, a Sequoia is only capable of making a controlled descent to the surface of a new planet, and is forever grounded afterwards.
-Trans-Atmospheric Flight- Approximate maximum of Mach 6 before engaging FTL bio-systems.
-FTL Travel- Speed Factor 30, with a maximum acceleration and deceleration of 1 c per hour.
-Range- Effectively Unlimited. Barring catostrophic mishap, a Seedling is capable of sustaining its full crew complement and all bio-tech devices and creatures not currently held in bio-stasis for centuries.
Statistical Data:
-Diameter: 3,000 + 1D6x100 feet tapering down to a very blunt nose cone(Fighter Nursery) approximately 400 + 2D6x10 feet in diameter.
-Length: Main Body/Habitat: 12,000 + 2D6x100 feet, Fighter Nursery: 400 + 3D6x10 feet, Rear/FTL Drive & Metabolization Chamber: 3,000 + 2D4x100 feet, Pseudopods/Ion Emmiters: 2,000 + 1D4x100 feet
-Weight: Approximately 120 million tons fully loaded
-Cargo: Approximately 30 million tons
-Physical Strength: Vast, but inapplicable.
-Production Cycle: 18 month gestation period, plus 100 year growth time. Until fully grown, a Seedling is only capable of providing its various life support functions.
-Operational Lifetime: Theoretically unlimited, so long as it is not allowed to starve.
-Trade Value: Unplanted Seeding: 100 million credits. Once planted and a viable underground habitat or fully mature and space capable starship, they become priceless.
-Bio-Regeneration Rate: Unless otherwise noted, all components regenerate 1D6x100 MDC per hour.
-Horror Factor: 18, but only for those unexpectantly witnessing the matured Seedling, now a Sequoia starship, launch into space.
-Senses & Features: Detailed below.
-Power System/Metabolism: Varies throughout its lifetime. Functionally a Lithovore & Omnivore, but only so long as it continues to grow. Geo-Thermal/Nuclear fueled Thermosynthetic metabolism at full maturity, though it continues to function as a Lithovore & Omnivore for the purposes of recyling internal wastes and introducing new biological material for use by those living within.
-Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism designed for continuous operation, the Seedling does not require sleep.
Bio-Weapon Systems: Sequoias do not mount projectile weaponry, aside from the Cone fighters themselves. There are several reasons for this measure. Power is generated in great abundance by the nuclear-fueled Thermosynthetic metabolism of a Sequoia, with more than enough left over for energy weapons. Energy weapons can be mounted entirely on the outer hide of the ship, saving space and eliminating the need for internal mechanisms to supply ammo to projectile weapon, which also reduces potential weak points on the hide. Finally, the projectiles would represent an unnecessary and wasteful squandering of precious biological matter that simply cannot be replaced while in the depths of space.
Super Light Cell Point Defense Bundle[24]- Each of these strategically located and fully articulate weapon nodules are composed of six fully upgraded Super Light Cells clustered around a trio of eyes especially enhanced and armored agaisnt the riggers of space. Each of these point defense bundles is manned by an Outrider who controls it from within the safety of the ship. Defense bundles are treated as personal War Mounts for any Outrider operating them, granting all relevant bonuses in the process. Individual Super Light Cells can be fired, but are almost always tandem fired in volleys.
-Primary Purpose: Defense
-Mega-Damage: 2D10 MD per Super Light Cell(12D10 MD per full 6 Cell volley)
-Maximum Effective Range: Atmosphere: 4,000 feet, Space: 40,000 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each blast or volley counts as one melee attack. Roll only once per volley. Either all the light beams hit, or the all miss.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
-Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot.
-Special: These bundles make tiny targets compared to such a large vessel. To deliberately strike a bundle an enemy must make a Called Shot with a -3 penalty.
Omega Blaster Battery[12]- Like the defense bundles, these much heavier weapons are standard bio-weapon enhanced to their fullest capacity and arrayed for greater combined firepower. Arranged in a pentagon pattern around the triple eye optic sensor and protected by lightning quick armored shutters to shield the sensitive beam emitters, Omega Blaster Batteries are placed at points across the ship to ensure that at least two of them can converge their fire on any target within range. Each of battery is manned by an Outrider who controls it from within the safety of the ship. Batteries are treated as personal War Mounts for any Outrider operating them, granting all relevant bonuses in the process. Individual Omega Blasters can be fired if a steady rate of fire is desired or they can all be fired in tandem to create devastating waves of destructive energy.
-Primary Purpose: Anti-Robot
-Mega-Damage: 4D8x10 MD per Omega Blaster fired(20D8x10 MD per full volley)
-Beam Radius: 20 foot radius per Omega Blaster fired(100 foot radius per full volley)
-Maximum Effective Range: Atmosphere: 10,000 feet, Space: 100,000 feet.
-Rate of Fire: Each blast or volley counts as one melee attack. Roll only once per volley. Either all the light beams hit, or the all miss.
-Payload: Effectively Unlimited, however each individual Omega Blaster may only be fired twice per melee round.
-Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot, with an additional +1 bonus to strike per Omega Blaster fired.
-Special: These batteries make tiny targets compared to such a large vessel. To deliberately strike a battery an enemy must make a Called Shot with a -3 penalty.
Sensory Organs & Abilities: Scattered across the hide of a Sequoia are hundreds of fully bio-enhanced eyes, more than enough to give the ship's pilots adequate visual data even after suffering damage across the majority it surface. Despite being able to see telescopically(approximately 300,000 miles) throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, the true gem of the Sequoia's sensory systems is its Gravity Node. Visual data simply cannot be relied upon while traveling at FTL speeds, making dangerous collisions impossible to avoid. So advanced is the Gravity Node, that it was not a viable bio-tech device when the Seedlings were first developed. Instead, the Seedlings were created and planted while decades were spent trying to solve the problem of FTL navigation. With the creation of the Gravity Node, a whale-sized gland-like organ that detects even the slightest spacial distortion generated by objects nearly a light year away, the final hurdle to space travel was cleared. Once a Seedling has matured into a space capable Sequoia and an Engineers has added the necessary genetic information to the starship, a Gravity Node will grow into place in 1D4+12 days. A Gravity Node transmits information to the Outrider piloting the Sequoia exactly as if he was using a War Mount with the Radar ability, complete with full bonuses, but impossible to foul and a range of 1 light year.
Biological Defenses: Beyond it's powerful Bio-Force Field and thickly armored hide, a Sequoia starship has a number of bio-enhancements meant to help it cope with the hazards of space and to resist damage is attacked.
-Immune to Cold & Heat: The specially engineered hide of a Sequoia is only capable of transfering heat in one direction; inward. This not only makes it impervious to the bitter cold of deep space, it also makes the vessel totally immune to heat, as it is absorbed to supplement onboard energy. Mega-Damage heat, flame, & plasma only serves to fuel a Sequoia.
-Resistant to Kinetic Energy & Physical Attack: The hide of a Sequoia is normally surprisingly supple, but physical impact aligns crystalline fibers beneath the surface to turn the skin ultra-hard. This reaction effectively halves the damage suffered from any physical attack on a Sequoia.
-Resistant to Energy- The hide's ability to absorb heat, the crystalline fibers responsible for its ability to rapidly harden, and a quirk of the same alien DNA responsible for Bio-Energy weapons combine to allow the Sequoia to refract and absorb a certain amount of harmful energy directed at it. Sequoias are immune to hard radiation of non-mega-damage intensity and suffer only half damage against MD level radiation attack and effects. Laser and ion beam weapons inflict only 50% damage to a Sequoia's hide and particle beam weapon damage is reduced by approximately 33%.
Anatomical & Physiological Features: Just like a Seedling, a Sequoia is engineered to provide for every requirement of those living within it. Water and wastes are recycled, air scrubbed and refreshed, and food provided in several forms by various internal organs that provide edible meat and vegetable matter. In addition to this, however, are features designed specifically for the Sequoia, systems necessary for long term space flight and added survivability.
-Rotating Internal Habitat: Between the outer hide of a Sequoia and its inner habitat is a layer of highly viscous mucus which acts not only as a shock and radiation absorber, but also as a medium for the bio-tech equivalent of artificial gravity. Powerful organic jets that line the outside of the habitat chamber work tirelessly to spin the enormous city-sized section within the mucus layer while the pseudopod ion propulsion system actively prevents counter-rotation of the outer shell. While not a perfect system, it does provide approximately .75 g for those living within, well within margins needed to prevent de-calcification of bone and other detrimental health effects experienced in low gravity environments.
-Bio-Statis Pods: A significant portion of the habitat chamber is dedicated to vast row upon row of special organelles capable of putting living beings into state of suspended animation. When activated a stasis pod secretes a gel-like substance that combines with a pre-administered drug to halt biological and neurological activity. A person placed within such a pod, along with their gear(living armor, bio-weapons, even Host Armor) can be maintained in this state for centuries without ill effect.
-Fighter Nursery: A bio-tech factory of sorts, the huge front compartment of a mature Sequoia can be configured to produce and gestate various War Mounts at their normal rate, but the only practical application of this while in space is to generate the Cone bio-tech space fighter, a War Mount designed specifically for trans-atmoshpheric combat. Each Cone resembles a miniature Sequoia and is piloted by a specially trained Outrider. Each of the nursery's 100 gestation tanks is capable of producing a fully grown Cone fighter every 12 months, though space constraints limit a Sequoia to a maximum of 300 Cone fighters. Up to ten Cone fighters can be launched from special launch orifices at full speed every three seconds. Damage to the Fighter Nursery regenerates 1D4x1000 MDC per hour. If destroyed, the nursery requires 1D4+1 weeks to regenerate. Docked fighters have a 1D4x10% chance of surviving to be salvaged, but those not fully grown are lost.
Hand to Hand Combat: Not applicable. Despite the apparently powerful pseudopods, they are not capable of combat.