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Re: Viewing Auras

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:11 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
gadrin wrote:I'm looking at the Mystic Invisibility spell in Mercenary Adventures and it's pretty cool, hiding the spell caster from Psi-Stalkers powers and the like.

At the end it mentions: "the individual does not radiate any perceptible aura for the duration of the spell."

whoa ! To me, NOT having an aura suggests, that this guy is something to look at very closely, since he doesn't look like the other "regulars".

do you feel it means: his aura looks like an other mundane or follow the wording strictly ?

no aura is no aura. the key to remember is that see aura allows you to see all aruas, even those of invisible things: not having an aura is good to combine with other meathods of hiding.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:12 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
gadrin wrote:crap.

so "use Transferal" is the answer when you want to look mundane.

^%&*(%#! @&^ spell uses 50 PPE !

Or Alter Aura...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:14 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
gadrin wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
gadrin wrote:crap.

so "use Transferal" is the answer when you want to look mundane.

^%&*(%#! @&^ spell uses 50 PPE !

Or Alter Aura...

I meant for mages (who aren't psychic) or is that spell hiding someplace else ?


Right. There is no spell that will make a mage look like a mundane in cannon. Transferal is your closet option.