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Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:00 pm
by Lord Malachdrim
according to the press releases there may be some new fantasy books coming out soonish. Will they come out...I don't know but I'm staying hopeful.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:01 am
by Veknironth
Well, according to the Press Releases, I think the the Old Kingdom Books will be out sometime in 1995.

"Maybe a little late."

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:59 am
by Entiago
see my sig for the next release date of a PF book. not to scepticale am I tho...

and the titles for the OK books were: Old Kingdom Mountains and Old Kingdom Lowlands IIRC. possibly Vek or GS can back me up on that one.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:16 am
by UR Leader Hobbes
Veknironth wrote:Well, according to the Press Releases, I think the the Old Kingdom Books will be out sometime in 1995.

"Maybe a little late."

Thats simply due to the fact you assume that Kev means 1995 AD. I'm thinking he's going along the lines of 1995 PA.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:14 pm
by Entiago
Press Release wrote: I’m getting there with Old Kingdom. Of course, that’s also probably a 2008 release as my 2007 schedule is, um, quite full.

Ha! see no coincidence? hmmmmm....

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:01 am
by verdilak
I can't believe they will be out, until they have been shipped out and people come on the boards to talk about them. THEN I will believe that they have been published. Until then, it's all just speculative speculation.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:01 pm
by Northern Ranger
verdilak wrote:speculative speculation.

Wow, trying saying that five times fast! :lol:

I too, would love to see the OK books in print, but I'm not holding out much hope for it in my lifetime. However, I'm passing on my knowledge and love of the game to my kids, so hopefully when they're older, Kevin's kids will have finally written the damn things!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:41 am
by Entiago
Northern Ranger wrote:... However, I'm passing on my knowledge and love of the game to my kids, so hopefully when they're older, Kevin's kids will have finally written the damn things!

LOL, don't bet the bank on that one. PF is Kev's baby - thats why its so hard to get a book out with anything dealing with PF.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:50 pm
by Northern Ranger
Entiago wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:... However, I'm passing on my knowledge and love of the game to my kids, so hopefully when they're older, Kevin's kids will have finally written the damn things!

LOL, don't bet the bank on that one. PF is Kev's baby - thats why its so hard to get a book out with anything dealing with PF.

And yet it seems there are a select few individuals *cough* Mark Hall, Robyn Stott and Shawn Merrow*cough* that can accomplish it. So let's hope, maybe possibly maybe, that he's loosening his grip on the PF world a bit. (I know, I know, not bloody likely, but I can hope!) Anyways, until they release something "official", I'll just keep making it up! :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:51 pm
by tmbn
It would be amazing to see these books in 2008. But we have waited a long long long long time now. Just hope Kevin will finish them in this millenium.....

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:24 am
by Jerell
My soul burns for the Old Kingdom books! :x

I would like the Old Kingdom books to be released more than anything else. I would be willing to pay big bucks for it right now...

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:00 pm
by Omote
I would think that these long delayed books would form the cornerstones of my PFRPG campaigns... but alas, I don't think we'll ever see them.


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:10 am
by Jerell
Indeed, as my campaign started in the East near the Old Kingdom, and even had some PCs from the Old Kingdom, they've wanted to go in a few times, but I've had to keep the party out of it for something like 10 years simpley because I don't know exactly what's in there. :? Barbarians and citadels, I think I'm just going to have to run with that... (sigh)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:41 am
by Entiago
if you look in theIsland at the Edge of the World book for PFRPG, there is some detail into the Old KIngdoms, but not much.

and it makes for a great set of adventures too

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:45 pm
by Jerell
...So of course that would be the oneand only PFRPG book I don't have. :lol:

Re: Books on the old kingdom????

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:32 pm
by Probitas
Maybe he can vet them before they are printed, that way someone else can prepare them, he just needs to 5 star chef them afterwards. At least then they get printed, and PFB makes some more green. Those people waiting for PFRPG books aren't likely to jump into something else while they wait, but they also aren't likely to buy into other product lines either. I know I won't be buying any Rifts books, I play a fantasy game, not a fantasy scifi game. Just not my cup of tea. I prefer either one or the other, not both smashed together. In my mind, guns and magic in the same campaign are too munchkin.

Re: Re:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:32 pm
by Hendrik
mad_cyric wrote:
Kevin Beckman wrote:actually a recent press release talked about the Old Kingdom books. Kevin was saying he's going to try to get it out next year.

Oh man... if may 2007 is a recent press release for PFRPG... hell, that does not make me belive in see it`s printing in this or the following year. Too bad... :(

Recent is (pretty relative in any case) really a droll term to use in this context. Considering (a) that the OLD KINGDOM books were supposed to be published in 1995 and (b) it is 2009, a 2007 press release saying it may be in 2007 or in 2008 is still good news but I would dare to say that one should not expect the "maybe 2007 or 2008" part too terribly serious. ;)

But I would not loose faith. The GOOD PART is that the ideas are there, the desire and the will, the "do" will surely come, too. :)

Kevin Siembieda wrote: (press release) ... the Old Kingdom™ titles are screaming inside my head to see print ...

Screamin in my head, too. Also, rather politely, screaming for Land of the South Winds as well.

And yet, and yet, dear friends, there is hope.

On the second day of May in the year of our Lord 2005 the esteemed Adam of the Old Kingdom said in a highly auspicious manner, thus hinting prohetically ...
Adam of the Old Kingdom wrote:(Aged Thread on the Old Kingdom)
isn't 2008 the key year for PF?
that is when we will see 3 books.

then nothing till 2011.

I would contest the "2011" part, but it follows quite compellingly that we WILL have THREE PF books this year. The question is only ... which. It may be the 3 MoM books. See the further truth in the prophesy - THREE books. But as said elsewhere, I hope for ONE MoM, ONE or 2 Old Kingdom books and ONE Lands of the South Winds.

*exeunt and mumbling with a mad cackle* when shall we three meet again, in lightning thunder or in rain...


Re: Books on the old kingdom????

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:09 pm
by Probitas
Don't take this the wrong way, but I predict a whole slew of books for PF will see print within 6 months of KS untimely demise. That is the likely path any new book printing will take, and my opinion is based on the length of time it takes for a press release of 1995 to see printing, which so far is NEVER.

I wish I could be more positive, but I don't believe in happy thoughts, you have to make your own luck these days.

Re: Books on the old kingdom????

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:18 pm
by Hendrik
Probitas wrote:Don't take this the wrong way, but I predict a whole slew of books for PF will see print within 6 months of KS untimely demise. That is the likely path any new book printing will take, and my opinion is based on the length of time it takes for a press release of 1995 to see printing, which so far is NEVER.

I wish I could be more positive, but I don't believe in happy thoughts, you have to make your own luck these days.

Well, Probitas, let me be frank, I get your meaning and understand, but let me say this, I think it is ill to speak of the passing of (real) people, even in jest, especially in jest.

That said, on a happier note ;) , if what you say would be the case - furies and muses forfend - I'd rather not see a slew of books published but see current speed - which by the way may actually let us see several books. And, yes, also because this is all about a game "only", I am eager for more books but relaxed about production speed.

You are, of course, right that several books were spoken about and press released that did not come out. That is truly a pity because you, me, sundry have waited for these books.

But, be that as it may, there is reason to be positive. We may all clamour for this book or that and yeah Kevin often speaks as it appears way too early about projects before they come to fruitition if anything, but Palladium's production history IS positive and quite impressive if I may say so (I did not count 2nd editions and Gold and such editions, I have not been counting art books, comics and such):
    4 novels
    45 Rifter, 1 Best of, 8 Magic of Palladium
    39 SF and Mutants: Robotech/Macross/Mechanoids (26), AtB & TMNT (13)
    6 Small Series (so far): Splicers (1), System Failure (1), Recon (1), Chaos Earth (3)
    1 Dead Reign
    2 N&S
    7 Horror: Beyond the Supernatural (2), Nightbane (5)
    12 (Super)Heroes Unlimited
    17 Palladium Fantasy
    72 Rifts
(if I counted correctly), and mostly still in print! That makes a rough average of 8-10 books per year.

Is that not reason to be positive...

Well, I am positive much good is to come from PAL and not in small quantities. :)


Re: Books on the old kingdom????

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:39 am
by Probitas
Wasn't attempting to hasten anything, just predicting what would happen once the 'controls' were relaxed concerning the PF line of PFB. I'd love the guy to live to be a thousand, except that it might mean we don't see that many more books in the long run for the Fantasy line. Not a doom prediction or harmful wish, just the way I see it right now. A whole lot of writers held back work that never saw the light of day until after their final trip. That's just the way it is with some of them. If it's not perfect, it's garbage, though they still keep them around for some reason.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:57 am
by Vidynn
Veknironth wrote:Well, according to the Press Releases, I think the the Old Kingdom Books will be out sometime in 1995.

and according to Yin-Sloth Jungles the first book on the Old Kingdom will be out December 1994 and the second in early 1995, while Wolfen Wars is planned for late 1995. :-(

Re: Books on the old kingdom????

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:23 am
by Goliath Strongarm
Probitas wrote:Those people waiting for PFRPG books aren't likely to jump into something else while they wait, but they also aren't likely to buy into other product lines either.

You know how there's always that ONE guy who has to prove someone wrong? In this case, that'd be me... I'm the guy who told PF goodbye, and switched to "that other game".

And, before I prove Nexx right, and become a *ahem* "raving loonie", let me just say that, except for MoM, I won't buy a Palladium product until BOTH OK books are out.

I've also stopped playing PF, simply because that the players aren't there for it. If I found a group that played it around here, I might go for it, but, it doesn't hold my true love anymore. Now, it's just a game. Not THE game. No product support, the last few books had gone down in quality... KS doesn't put his heart into PF, so why would I put my money into it?

Re: Books on the old kingdom????

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:07 pm
by Hendrik
But then circles tend to close. For me Dyval is what I have LONG been waiting for. Although to my best knowledge it has never been anounced in the way e.g. the OK books have been, for me this is the answer to a prayer, even if it is profane.
