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"The Defender" - A Modified TW Lightblade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:36 pm
by Blue Eyes
Using the rules for creating TW devices presented in RUE i came up with the following idea on how to modify the existing TW lightblade presented in several Rifts titles. The idea is that i provide the schematic of the modified device along with a description of what my intentions are, and then i am hoping some you players or GMs will tell me exactly what you think the effects/duration/damage/black market cost should be (backed up with arguments of course).

I was aiming to give the weapon two functions, one is that of a powerful melee weapon able to inflict serious damage, along the same lines of the Lightblade TW item described in several Rifts books, with the exception that the spell chain has been changed a little. The spell chain has been changed so that the weapon will be powered by PPE/ISP energy instead of the lifes energy of the person wielding the weapon. The second function I aim for is that the weapon should be able to deflect incoming ranged attacks, and ideally deflect incoming ranged attacks back at the attacker.

Appearance: This weapon is constructed using the necessary wirering, gems and crystals as mentioned below under contruction cost, as well as a metal, ceramic, plastic or wooden tube or cylinder that everything can be build into, they are usually very well-crafted and ornate in their design. The weapon will end up looking a lot like the TW Lightblade, essentially a hilt with no physical blade, and at the top there is slot where one would expect the blade to be, and inside the slot is a focusing lens similar to the ones found laser pistols or laser rifles, very similar to the ones found in the original version of the TW Lightblade but only more powerful. Exactly what the blade looks like and how big it is will depend on the experience level of the Techno Wizard building the weapon, use the description of the Lightblade spell as a guideline and remember that this schematic shows a 5th level version of the device.

1st Spell Chain: This spell chain is obviously almost identical to the original TW Lightblade with the exception that the secondary spell "Life Source" has been switched out with the spell "Power Bolt". The only reason for this is to allow the wielder to power the weapon with PPE or ISP instead of using his own lifes energy (HP&SDC).
Primary Spell: Lightblade (20): Clear Quartz; 60 credits per carat. Will need at least 3 carats worth, either as 3 separate gems or one large gem. But to reduce PPE construction cost 6 carats worth of Clear Quartz will be used.
Secondary Spell(s): Each secondary spell requires a gem of one carat per spell (regardless of the device level), although low level spells (level six or less) can share a gem, provided all require the same type of gem.
1. Blinding Flash (1): Clear Quartz; 60 credits per carat.
2. Energy Bolt (5): Red Zircon; 2000 credits per carat.
3. Globe of Daylight (2): Clear Quartz; 60 credits per carat.
4. Power Bolt (20): Turquoise; 240 credits per carat.

● Required Gems: Lightblade (six 1 carat clear quartz), Blinding Flash & Globe of Daylight ( share one 1 carat clear quartz), Energy Bolt (one 1 carat red zircon), Power Bolt (one 1 carat Turquoise).
● PPE Construction Cost: 48*50/6 = 400 PPE
● Activation cost: construction cost/20. 400/20 = 20 PPE
● Construction Time: (construction cost/10)* device level. 40*5 = 200 hours.
● Construction Cost: construction cost*10*device level (+gems): 400*10*5 = 20000 credits.

2nd Spell Chain: The idea behind this spell chain is that it would be cool if the sword-wielding warrior would be able to defend himself against incoming ranged attacks. Building in the Targeted Deflection spell should accomplish exactly that, allowing the wielder of the TW Lightblade to use the energy blade of the sword to parry and deflect incoming ranged attacks. Normally when the Targeted Deflection spell is cast it creates a small energy field that enables the spellcaster to deflect incoming energy attacks, occasionally even back at the attacker, which is a very formidable combat ability to have. Targeted Deflection has a very limited duration (only 15 seconds per level of the spellcaster) when compared to the Lightblade spell, and to enforce the energy blade of the TW Lightblade and thereby allowing it to be used to parry/deflect incoming ranged attacks i have added the spell Energy Field to make the deflection power stronger and to expand the duration of the primary spell. The Electric Arc spell was added "to power" the Energy Field.
Primary Spell: Targeted Deflection (15): Opal (not fire or black, but any other); 500 credits per carat. Will need at least 3 carats worth, either as 3 separate gems or one large gem. But to reduce PPE construction cost 6 carats worth of Opral (Blue) will be used.
Secondary Spell(s): Each secondary spell requires a gem of one carat per spell (regardless of the device level), although low level spells (level six or less) can share a gem, provided all require the same type of gem.
1. Energy Field (10): Quartz (Ruby); 300 credits per carat.
2. Electric Arc ( 8 ): Red Zircon; 2000 credits per carat.

● Gems Required: Targeted Deflection (one large 6 carat opal), Enegy Field (one 1 carat Quatz (Ruby)), Electric Arc (one 1 carat Red Zircon).
● PPE Construction Cost: 33*50/6 = 275.
● Activation cost: construction cost/20. 275/20 = 13,75 or 14.
● Construction Time: (construction cost/10)* device level. 27,5*5 = 137,5 hours
● Construction Cost: construction cost*10*device level (+gems): 275*10*5 = 13750 credits.

Total: Add chains together.
- Total Gem Requirements: Needs 7 clear quartz (420 credits), 2 red zircons (4000 credits), 1 turquoise (240 credits), 1 large blue opal (3000 credits) and 1 quartz (ruby) (300 credits). Total: 7960 credits.
- Total PPE Construction Cost: Chain 1 (400) + Chain 2 (275) = 675 PPE.
- Total Activation cost: Chain 1 (20PPE) + Chain 2 (14PPE) = 34 PPE.
- Total Construction Time: Chain 1 (200h) + Chain 2 (137,5h) = 337,5 hours.
- Total Construction Cost: Chain 1 (20000) + Chain 2 (13750) = 33750 credits.

Device Stats: Defender TW Lightblade.
Device Level: Five.
PPE Construction Cost: Chain 1: 400 PPE + Chain 2: 275 PPE = 675 total PPE.
Spell Chain(s) Needed: Two – one for each intended function.
· 1st Spell Chain: Primary Spell: Lightblade (20), Secondary Spell(s): Blinding Flash (1), Energy Bolt (5), Globe of Daylight (2), Power Bolt (20).
· 2nd Spell Chain: Primary Spell: Targeted Deflection (15), Secondary Spell(s): Energy Field (10), Electric Arc ( 8 ).
Physical Requirements: Needs 7 clear quartz (420 credits), 2 red zircons (4000 credits), 1 turquoise (240 credits), 1 large blue opal (3000 credits) and 1 quartz (ruby) (300 credits). Total: 7960 credits. By increasing the number of carats of the gems used for the primary spell in each spell chain, the cost has gone up, but the number of PPE required to create the device has gone down. A metal and/or other material tube about 1 foot long is needed as the body of the weapon, a few lithium flashligt batteries and some copper wirering is also needed. To craft the item the TW will also need the focusing lens from either a powerful laser pistol (3d6 MD+) or the focusing lens from any laser rifle, or even better, the focusing lens from a Wilk's Laser Knife or Laser Sword.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry with the Defender TW Lightblade (just like with the original TW Lightblade).
Construction Time: Total construction time is; Chain 1: 200 + Chain 2: 137,5 = 337,5 hours.
Construction Cost of the Device: 33.750 credits plus the cost of gems above (7960). Total: 41.710 credits.
To Recharge: To activate the Lightblade: 20 PPE per activation. To activate the Lightblade with the ability to delfect incoming energy attacks: 34 PPE per activation. The Targeted deflection ability cannot be activated alone since the actual deflection is done with the swords energy blade. It is possible to first activate the Lightblade to engage in a fight and then later activate the deflection ability from Spell Chain 2, this will cost 14 PPE per activation, but it will be limited by Spell Chain 1, when the duration of the Lightblade runs out so will the deflection ability.

Mega-Damage: ?

Effect: ?

Duration of Charge: ?

Black Market Cost: ?

thanks in advance to anyone who decides to help me out :)


Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:05 pm
by rat_bastard
this feels like another thread... :P

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:26 pm
by Crazy Lou
Duration: Duration of Lightblade, or energy field, whichever is shorter, at fifth level power.
Damage: Well, it's a lightblade, so normally at 5th lvl that's 1D4x10+10, but it's TW, so I'd figure that it ought to be a bit better, so how about that device levelx3 is the plus instead of two always? So at 5th lvl that'd be 1D4x10+15 MD.
Effect: Well, I'm not sure what you mean here.
Black Market cost: well, I think this thing's pretty good, so how about construction cost x 4 (135.000 credits)?

Final note: Nice lightsaber. I never even thought about making one in Rifts.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:15 pm
by Blue Eyes
hi again

thnaks to the two of you who answered my post, i have to say i am disappointed that no one else bothered answering, i mean, if i cannot get feedback here where am i gonna go right?...
i guess when u ask people to do a little work before they answer a post, then i better pick a differet topic in the future eh?


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:09 am
by JTwig
Blue Eyes wrote:hi again

thnaks to the two of you who answered my post, i have to say i am disappointed that no one else bothered answering, i mean, if i cannot get feedback here where am i gonna go right?...
i guess when u ask people to do a little work before they answer a post, then i better pick a differet topic in the future eh?


I don't know if thats fair. I know that I've been interested in this thread, but have not posted anything because I do not have the updated Techno-Wizardry rules and have very limited knowledge of Techno-Wizardy in general and thus could not have added anything to the conversation other than a "thats cool". I know a lot of the people, even some of those who have extensive knowledge of Palladium's magic system, are in the same boat.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:47 am
by Blue Eyes

then i apologize, i didnt mean to offend anyone. feel free to comment on what you think the duration/damgae/effect/cost should be regardless of wether u have the RUE book or not. if you have a book where the spells that are used in the device are described, then you have as good a foundation as anyone to come with your suggestion :) i will be happy about any feedback.



Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:43 pm
by livewire
cool idea i have been looking for a way to do this and i never even thought about using the targeted deflection spell in a tw device. great idea

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:29 am
by Aramanthus
Mega-Damage: ?

Effect: ?

Duration of Charge: ?

Black Market Cost: ?

About these? Why not use the Light blade from the official books for these.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:32 am
by Blue Eyes

well if that is what you think then i will take that into account. the lightblade could be identical damagewise etc, but dont forget about the second function of the blade, targeted deflection. the fact that the blade now has this added feature, should it change the duration of the charge? what exactly should the effects of the targeted deflection be? - identical to the spell? - a modified version? what do you base the cost on?