Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:27 pm
It does make her a little overpowered, all she has to do to avoid stalkers and dog packs are change, no fun no fair.
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Vrykolas2k wrote:I don't consider it unfair in the least. It's how I run it in my games, as well. After all, in facade form, they ARE just normal hoo-mahns.
Greyaxe wrote:Vrykolas2k wrote:I don't consider it unfair in the least. It's how I run it in my games, as well. After all, in facade form, they ARE just normal hoo-mahns.
Cool, your game run it like you want too, I would do it differently.
Vrykolas2k wrote:Greyaxe wrote:Vrykolas2k wrote:I don't consider it unfair in the least. It's how I run it in my games, as well. After all, in facade form, they ARE just normal hoo-mahns.
Cool, your game run it like you want too, I would do it differently.
I don't think psi-stalkers and dog packs should find every non-norm as easily as they do. Letting them pass for normal in facade form also opens up a lot of opportunies for the character that a dragon or other shape-shifter should, but can't, exploit.
Vrykolas2k wrote:They can wear body armour if it's available, but since they'd have to take it off in morphus form (usually), they're just as vulnerable to insta-death as any other normal human, elf, whatever that's SDC.
Ninjabunny wrote:Warwolf wrote:As far as them passing as normal in Facade, I would say that they definitely should other than a very slight aberration in their aura. The only thing that might throw this is their high amount of PPE.
Of course, if they stay near ley lines, they wouldn't have any trouble at all (since they foul the sense of dog boys and psi-stalkers).
But the ley lines aren't safe places to just go hanging around. If your hinding in your facade you could easily get killed.
DogBoyDetroit wrote:snip..
I've houseruled that in facade Nightspawn give off no supernatural signature, though the lingering scent of magic clings to them for a time after they've shifted back from their morphus. It's a story hook, so I wouldn't have made the same decision if a pc was allowed to play a n.s. (shudder), but I'm worried that it might make her even more overpowered than I intended...
Warwolf wrote:Ninjabunny wrote:Warwolf wrote:As far as them passing as normal in Facade, I would say that they definitely should other than a very slight aberration in their aura. The only thing that might throw this is their high amount of PPE.
Of course, if they stay near ley lines, they wouldn't have any trouble at all (since they foul the sense of dog boys and psi-stalkers).
But the ley lines aren't safe places to just go hanging around. If your hinding in your facade you could easily get killed.
Other than the armor previously noted.
Beatleguise wrote:After all, in facade form, they ARE just normal hoo-mahns.
This is true. And because of it, they do not count as Super Natural in this form.
BUT they do have a huge amount of PPE. This makes them trackable.
So changing forms can be used to confuse the Dog Boys, etc. But its not going to be a show stopper.
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Beatleguise wrote:After all, in facade form, they ARE just normal hoo-mahns.
This is true. And because of it, they do not count as Super Natural in this form.
BUT they do have a huge amount of PPE. This makes them trackable.
So changing forms can be used to confuse the Dog Boys, etc. But its not going to be a show stopper.
In Rifts following the convertion rules in Dark Convertions, 'Nightbane' are SuperNatural in their Facade. If they were not SN in their facade then they would not be MDC nor Regen while in their facade. This is the two Main Reasons I don't use the DC NB rules. And sence then I have made only NS in the place of any NB.
As for the form change, the dog boys would confused to stopping......unless tracking a mage NS which would have parts of their psi sent the same, instead of totally different with non mage NS.
note: yes I am making a distiction between NightBane and NightSpawn.
In dark conversions fasades have hp/sdc and only regenerate hp/sdc damage. It even states that the facade is "typical hp and SDC creature"drewkitty ~..~ wrote:In Rifts following the convertion rules in Dark Convertions, 'Nightbane' are SuperNatural in their Facade. If they were not SN in their facade then they would not be MDC nor Regen while in their facade. This is the two Main Reasons I don't use the DC NB rules. And sence then I have made only NS in the place of any NB.