Help, Help, I'm being Perplexed!

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Unread post by lather »

I would allow it.
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Unread post by asajosh »

Yes, I'd say so. He should be able to learn PF magic at more less the same rate he learns spells on Rifts Earth. I'd think the standard wizard spells from PF can be easily learned/converted by Rifts Ley Line Walkers.
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Carl Gleba wrote:My original line of thinking goes along with asajosh...

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Unread post by Augur »

asajosh wrote:Yes, I'd say so. He should be able to learn PF magic at more less the same rate he learns spells on Rifts Earth. I'd think the standard wizard spells from PF can be easily learned/converted by Rifts Ley Line Walkers.

completely agree
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

EPIC wrote:yes a Ley Line Walker would be able to learn any of the spells while in the fantasy world ... but all of the wizards would laugh at him for not being literate.

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

since most of the basic spells for both (as found in the main books for both palladium fantasy and RIFTS) are the same, i'd say yes.

on the converse, i'd say that the PFRPG wizard can learn any rifts magic that a Ley Line walker normally can.

(looking at my new PFRPG book, the wizard OCC and the rifts ley line walker OCC are virtually identical in regards to abilities and spell knowledge, the LLW is just a bit more developed in certain area's while the wizard in others. and obviously the skills are different due to tech differances in the settings...)
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Lucky wrote:Yes, I would equate the PF Wizard to the Line walker pound-for-pound.

On RIFTS earth, the PF wizard would probably even be able to get a few of the LLW special abilities (he might already have them, except ley lines aren't as prevalent in PFRPG).

Ley Line are as prevallent on the PF world (ie: same numbers of), they are just not as Powerfull as on Rifts earth.

while each the wizard and LLW are the common mage class of their respective worlds, the differences make them not equivalent. But I sort of like your sujestion that each could/would turn into the other if they crosed over to the other world. With the wizard ghaining powers and the LLW loosing powers, sence its the level of magic on rifts earth that give the LLW there LL powers.
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Zazshann wrote:yes, but the LLW wouldn't exactly gain access to all the PF wizards abilities automaticially the Cauldron (my personal favorite), or the transcripton of scrolls.

I didn't say that the LLW would get anything, all I did say is that he would loose powers or have his powers at lesser strength becasue the LL are weaker on the PF world, and would have to learn the new ones from wizards.
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Re: Help, Help, I'm being Perplexed!

Unread post by Grell »

Scrotefish wrote:G'day unto Thee.

Just a question I wasn't sure which forum to put it in.

If a Ley Line Walker visited the Palladium fantasy setting for an extended period of time, would they be able to learn any of the spells from there?

Sure, why not? Aren't invocations pretty much the same throughout the megaverse or did I not get the memo?
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