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Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:50 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
I've never placed other minions with the Slaver's/Slave Barge, but I've had Kittani patrols in the nearby area. Likewise I've used single barges working a area and large groups working as a pack. Just depends on how much fear of God I wanted to put into the players.

I've never worked out dimensions for the barge, but I thought this was mentioned somewhere. I'll have to check my books tonight unless someone else posts it.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:17 pm
by Talavar
The Splugorth Slavers are brought to the shore by the Kittani Slaver Hydrofoil, a hydrofoil/hovercraft landing vehicle, that can hold a number of slavers, as well as many Kittani Power armour types. It's stats are in one of the two South America books, I forget which one.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:32 am
by Colt47
I still don't see why they spend the time and money to use slave barges to gather up weak SDC / HP beings with no armor and only SDC weapons. They could have a freaking Kydian Overlord with a taser powered by a energy backpack gather them up. :lol:

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:55 pm
by Talavar
I don't think there's ever been anything official on how Splugorth Slavers actually transport their victims. The barge doesn't seem big enough, or appear to have cells in any of the illustrations of it. I mean, you could tie a number of slaves up & just lie them down on top of the barge, but that seems fairly makeshift.

The floating eyes & the barge itself are equipped with SDC jolt guns, as if to herd captured slaves along, but herding them back on foot, when slavers are penetrating as far as the middle of North America, seems terribly impractical, and would reduce the floating slave barge to a virtual crawl, and an easy target.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:06 pm
by Crazy Lou
sawg138 wrote:
Talavar wrote:I don't think there's ever been anything official on how Splugorth Slavers actually transport their victims. The barge doesn't seem big enough, or appear to have cells in any of the illustrations of it. I mean, you could tie a number of slaves up & just lie them down on top of the barge, but that seems fairly makeshift.

The floating eyes & the barge itself are equipped with SDC jolt guns, as if to herd captured slaves along, but herding them back on foot, when slavers are penetrating as far as the middle of North America, seems terribly impractical, and would reduce the floating slave barge to a virtual crawl, and an easy target.

Which is why I figured they have other floating/wheeled cages to put the slaves in.

Definately floating cages. Wheels are a thing of the past to these guys :D

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:28 am
by JTwig
Talavar wrote:I don't think there's ever been anything official on how Splugorth Slavers actually transport their victims. The barge doesn't seem big enough, or appear to have cells in any of the illustrations of it. I mean, you could tie a number of slaves up & just lie them down on top of the barge, but that seems fairly makeshift.

The floating eyes & the barge itself are equipped with SDC jolt guns, as if to herd captured slaves along, but herding them back on foot, when slavers are penetrating as far as the middle of North America, seems terribly impractical, and would reduce the floating slave barge to a virtual crawl, and an easy target.

When penetrating far into the mainland, I've always pictured them teleporting into a main rally point and spreading out from there. When they have captured their limit, they head back to the rally point and the slave are dropped off. When the rally point reachs full capacity the slaves are sent through a portal to either a larger holding/processing center, Atlantis, or another dimension all together. Only using the hydrofoil for coastal and sea borne raids.

But thats just how I imagined it worked.

Re: Splugorth Slavers

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:30 pm
by hup7
The art work on the original RMB would indicate the barge is about 10 ft to 15 ft, however newer artwork (savage) makes it look quite a bit larger 20 ft to 30 ft. Personally, I play with them around 15' diameter, this allows room for 4 altara to surround the slaver nicely on a grid.

On South America 1:
Splugorth Slave Raider is 55 ft high, 65 ft wide and 200 ft long and contains:
"It typically carries a company of 64 armored troops, usually Kittani Serpent or Equestrian power armor, plus 12 Splugorth Slavers on flying barges and 60 Blind Warrior Women (see Rifts Atlantis for descriptions). Additionally, its cargo holds have room for 800 humanoid captives, in 100 special cells, complete with shackles and armored walls and doors." You could try to reengineer how they fit, 64 equestrian power amour would take up a fair amount of space, and we have no idea how much space engines and crew spaces take up.

Personally, I assume they carry some sort of collapsible / magic cages and call for pickup. Alternately they "tow" the cages underneath the barge so they can be easily dropped off in an emergency. Note, if you imagine a cage the size of an elevator (roughly 5 ft by 6ft) that can hold 20 people (uncomfortably) they could easily "tow" 4 cages beneath the barge.

Re: Splugorth Slavers

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:18 pm
by psiandco
where did the first post go?
and... why?

what was the question?

Re: Splugorth Slavers

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:21 pm
by psiandco
where do the captured go on the barge? easy, a bag of holding. or something akin to one.

Re: Splugorth Slavers

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:51 pm
by Blue_Lion
Artwork can be misleading.
The issue is we do not have size of the slaver barge.

Not all targets to be enslaved lack mdc defenders.


Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 4:45 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Talavar wrote:I don't think there's ever been anything official on how Splugorth Slavers actually transport their victims. The barge doesn't seem big enough, or appear to have cells in any of the illustrations of it. I mean, you could tie a number of slaves up & just lie them down on top of the barge, but that seems fairly makeshift.

The floating eyes & the barge itself are equipped with SDC jolt guns, as if to herd captured slaves along, but herding them back on foot, when slavers are penetrating as far as the middle of North America, seems terribly impractical, and would reduce the floating slave barge to a virtual crawl, and an easy target.

I always went with storage lockers in the deck of the barge, each big enough for one slave.

Re: Splugorth Slavers

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:15 pm
by Mack
Topic locked as there was 15 years between posts.