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About some Auction items . . .

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:29 pm
by Kevin
A quick head’s up . . .

Only one Palladium Crimson will be offered in any of the Palladium Collectibles and Art Auctions and it’s up for sale right now.

So if you want it, you better get it now. The Crimson has been sold out for a long time and I only have 3-4 copies between my own collection and the Palladium Archives. Likewise, I only have, maybe 6-8 HU2 Gold.

The First Auction Ends Sunday -- around 7:00 PM Sunday, June 24, 2007.

I’m happy with where the overall results are going, and thrilled and dumbfounded where some of the items are going, like my art prints, artwork and Justice Machine. Wow.

The Second Auction will probably be in July

I figured I should give Alex a week or so to recover, and wait till after the Fourth of July and Origins Game Fest before we host our Second Auction, so that will probably start July 14.

Most of the items will be art, animation and cool stuff that we couldn’t fit into the first one (at least without killing Alex), but I also found a bunch of really nice, unique items while straightening out the flat file. Old PR and display items in great shape, some artwork and other stuff.

There will be a few repeat poster sets, but not too much. Mostly new stuff.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist & Warrior
© Copyright June 23, 2007