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You're a Nightbane, describe your morphus

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:12 am
by Stattick
*poof* You're a Nightbane now. Not your character. YOU.

Describe your morphus, and explain your morphus traits.

Stattick's Morphus:

Hulking Monster - I've always been a very angry person, with a hatred of authority. Nobody's going to push me around.
Pulsating Brain - I'm smarter then you are. (High IQ + a bit of arrogence)
Giant Mouth - I've got a big mouth. (orally fixated, talks too much, LOVES biting things - especially cute girls :D )
Stigmata, nails (or armor graft)- I've never been any good (self esteem issues stemming from being an abused child). Stay away from me (best way to keep from being hurt by people is not letting them get close)

Well, I guess I just showed how screwed up I am, while simultaneously showing how cool I'd be as a Nightbane. 8-)

Your turn if ya wanna.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:20 am
by Rallan
Four letters baby: H A W T

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:38 pm
by asajosh
Computer Creature
LCD Screen Face
Tool Hand
Armor Graft (matte black plastic, like a computer monitor's casing)

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:20 pm
by BookWyrm
BookWyrm's Morphus;
Large Bat Wings (as an extra set of limbs, right where they're supposed to be)
Large & Small Horns
Scaly Skin (Dark Green)
Oversized Carnivorous Mouth (like Draco from DragonHeart)
Dragon's Head w/Frills (to protect the ear-ports)
Articulated Neck (think owl)
Large Prehensile Tail
Raptor's Legs w/Retractible Talons (like a Velociraptor)
4-fingered Hands w/Opposable Thumbs & Retractible Talons
Cat's Eyes (or Reptile's Eyes, in this case)

Height: 10ft.

Similar to the Dragonoid from HU2. ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:42 pm
by taalismn
*WereWolf-Form---Secretly fear my own animalistic urges or dark side....the predator made manifest...a lone wolf, but also desirous of belonging to the pack....
*Exposed Bone(including face)---Again, an expression of my own fear of mortality, and an early life skinniness....
*Exposed Intestines & Intestinal Tentacles---Borne of my own fear and revulsion of offal and gore...especially my own inner workings
*Metal/Mechanical Endoskeleton---My anime/techno-geek shows through...
*Camera Eyes----Secret desire to have my nearsightedness replaced with something more...capable....

Not very pleasant to look at, but then again, personal grooming and infatuation with my appearance has NOT been my strong suit...

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:14 pm
by Prince Cherico
Ok I went and rolled
Inhuman but Beatafull ok lucked out there

I have to roll on charateristics and Unearthly beaty

93% combination of two

Animal magnatism
Elfin Features -2 inches to height

Im now 6 foot 2 but Hey Ive got +15 to my PB so Im freaking hot

Nightbane Charateristics
82% two
25%Bio mechanical
38% Bio mechanical
Rocket Jets
Armor Graft

So basically Im a hunky elf with armor grafted to my body and
a jet pack So what does this mean for my state of mind.
I guess the good looks would indicate a desire to be loved or a
desperation to attact others. The armor is probally a breast plate
and would represent my tendency to keep people away from my
heart and the jet pack would represent my escapism.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:37 am
by TechnoGothic
I Can do better than describ the Morphus. I can show you guys ;)

Technogothic 00
Technogothic 01
Technogothic 02
Technogothic 03
Technogothic 04
Technogothic 05
Tecgnogothic 06

Animal Morphus
Weretiger 01
Weretiger 02
Dragon morphus 01
Dragon Morpus 02
Dragon morphus 03
dragon morphus 04
dragon morphus 05
dragon morphus 06

I believe the Nightbane speak for themselves just by looking at them...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:30 pm
by taalismn
AlricFlaim wrote:Techno you get to be Baron Karza? And without the centaur body?

And what does this say about him? That he likes evil, black-clad, comic-book villians? Or he collected Micronauts as a kid?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:37 am
by TechnoGothic
AlricFlaim wrote:Techno you get to be Baron Karza? And without the centaur body?

I would talk like MEGATRON from the BEAST WARS series too.

Ah Yess, That was a Dirty Underhanded sneak Attack...I Like that pussycat.
But It will Prevail You Naught !! -- Megatron (beast Wars pilot episode) talking to Cheator

Someone is going for strole...At mach 3 -- Megatron (Beast Wars) talking about the Mutated Cheetor Transmetal 2


taalismn wrote:
AlricFlaim wrote:Techno you get to be Baron Karza? And without the centaur body?

And what does this say about him? That he likes evil, black-clad, comic-book villians? Or he collected Micronauts as a kid?

Ahh Yes. A Fan of all-of-the-above taalismn.

Has anyone seen the -- MICRONAUTS : Revolution (A Digital comic DVD) yet ??
It is a great dvd trust me.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:02 pm
by Xar
I did a character once that was basically autobiographical.

Monstrous Lycanthrope: Animal Form: Feline, Fur Covered Humanoid +2 PS, +2 PP, +40 SDC, +4 SPD, Claws add 1d6 sdc to supernatural damage, Bite inflicts 2d6 sdc, +2 to HF, Nightvision is 800 ft. Acute Hearing adds +! to initiative and +2 to perception involving sound. Stigmata: Bones, Right arm, below the shoulder and left leg below the hip have been stripped of flesh and muscle and shows bare bones, +210 SDC, +4 HF Nightbane Characteristic: Biomechanical: Armorgraft, +30 sdc, +2 HF Description of Morphus: When in Morphus, Joseph's skin is covered with a soft golden fur. He has a shock of redish hair that covers his neck and the back of his head like a lion's mane. His ears elongate to a point like a cats as do his teeth. A long, slender tail sprouts from just above his tailbone and ends in a reddish tuft of hair. His left leg above the ankle and below the hip and right arm above the wrist and below the shoulder are completely devoid of skin, muscle or tissue. White bone gleams in sharp contrast to the golden hair on his skin. The edge of the skin in every case is not bloody, but still has a kind of jagged dry flap of skin loosely covering the edge of the bone. Lastly, Joseph has several pieces of ancient Roman-style armor that are fused to his body. These include a breastplate, a beltlike band of metal around his waist, a small shield attached to the middle of his left forearm, a centurion's helmet, and metal-shod boots.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:41 pm
by Colt47
Right now my morphus would have...

1. Physical Perfection: As described in the Nightbane book.
2. Insect traits (Bees and Hornets): Always been afraid of them, so most likely I'll have at least a single trait or two from this category. Insect wings being a minimum.

I got no clue what the rest of my features would be. It's just too messed up to even guess. :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:47 pm
by abe
donald duck riding a bulldozer/wrecking ball combo with HORRIBLE acne & a large head.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:24 am
by Mike Taylor
AlricFlaim wrote:
taalismn wrote:
AlricFlaim wrote:Techno you get to be Baron Karza? And without the centaur body?

And what does this say about him? That he likes evil, black-clad, comic-book villians? Or he collected Micronauts as a kid?

It was more of a shock on my part that other people actually remember the micronauts. I still have a ton of comics with them. :)

Off Topic: I had Time Traveler, Pharoid, and that weird reptile dude with the glowing brain. I also have a few of the more recent Micromen from Japan (Micro Commander Lady Diane, Acroyear Acrocleve, Microman Ninjaman, Acrolady Acrodita, and Automaster Ryan).

On Topic: My Nightbane form would, quite honestly, be hard for me to predict. I've never thought of myself as a Nightbane (not even when I statted myself as an NPC). I'll give it a go, though.

Lasting physical injuries become grossly exaggerated in some way. The faded surgical scar behind my ear becomes a jagged bleeding gash. The bones of my lower back produce painful, bleeding spines while a gnarled and knotted tail juts out of where my coccyx (damaged in a fall 25 years ago) is. Bleeding, bony spikes jut painfully from my knees and my mouth becomes a large and distended, full of monstrously crooked and broken teeth. The moles on my cheek and shoulder and the birthmark on my forehead become enlarged and sickly-looking while the skin of my entire body becomes veiny and nearly transparent.

How's THAT for nasty-looking?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:53 pm
by taalismn
Friend of mine rolled up a melted-looking plastic-boned semi-humanoid covered in slimy translucent baggy skin, through which a raw, plastic-looking cartileginous 'skeleton' could be seen where the skin draped over it, and through transparent patches...he could also manifest large high-speed cog-like wheels from the substance of his flesh(Mechanical: Motorcycle)...He could carry somebody at high speed, but it was akin to riding a motorized beanbag chair or rolling jello...