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Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:48 am
by Grell
I can't say I've really redone anything. I tend to play the game as is and handle special situations on a case by case basis.

One thing I have tweaked is the armor absorbing all excess damage before it is destroyed rule per RUE. I've changed it so that the armor will absorb all excess damage up to twice it's original MDC. So if your armor is down to 5 MDC and it had 60 MDC to start, it will absorb all excess damage up to 120 MDC. I find it hard to believe that damaged armor will absorb an unlimited amount of excess damage regardless of it's original capacity.

Edit: Oh, and once the armor takes any excess damage, it's done; time to get a new suit.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:32 pm
by glitterboy2098
mostly minor changes as i find the need. like dropping the Psi-slinger's Psi-sword. or adding required skills to robotech OCC's when bringing them over. (math, literacy, and language skills as OCC skills, basically.)

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:04 am
by Jockitch74
EPIC wrote:i've reworked (or am in the process of reworking) CyberKnights so that they can get back to "defending the land from supernatural menaces" instead of just being a counter-balance to the CS with their buttload of asinine anti-tech abilities.

I do pretty much the same thing, just make them into two different focuses. One for the anti-tech and one for the supernatural. Just swap out the anti-tech powers for Karmic Abilities from Heroes Unlimted. Works nicely

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:20 pm
by Phadeout
Alejandro wrote:NGR Soldier
CS Grunt
RoJ Infantryman
NN Marine

Made them all one OCC called Soldier, then gave the OCC extra skill selections so people could create a character without flipping through multiple books for what are already essentially the same OCC's.

NGR PA Pilot
Glitterboy Pilot
RoJ Glitterboy Pilot
FQ Glitterboy Pilot
FQ Glittergirl (god...who's idea was THIS!?!?)

Made them all just Power Armor Pilot, with extra skill selections to customize their character.

I never understood why Palladium didn't do this in the first place. It would save everyone a headache...

RUE kinda started to do this with their Robot/P.A. Pilot OCC and Merc OCC.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 5:26 pm
by Marrowlight
Phadeout wrote:
Alejandro wrote:NGR Soldier
CS Grunt
RoJ Infantryman
NN Marine

Made them all one OCC called Soldier, then gave the OCC extra skill selections so people could create a character without flipping through multiple books for what are already essentially the same OCC's.

NGR PA Pilot
Glitterboy Pilot
RoJ Glitterboy Pilot
FQ Glitterboy Pilot
FQ Glittergirl (god...who's idea was THIS!?!?)

Made them all just Power Armor Pilot, with extra skill selections to customize their character.

I never understood why Palladium didn't do this in the first place.
It would save everyone a headache...

RUE kinda started to do this with their Robot/P.A. Pilot OCC and Merc OCC.

pagecount for the win!

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:02 pm
by Shorty Lickens
I havent actually changed the OCC's, but I have modified skills and other rules to accomidate some of the difficult situations OCC's bring up.

For the longest time I was letting my PC's have at least one weapon for each WP they picked (sometimes more) and at least one vehicle for each pilot skill they picked. The new official rules pretty much made this happen anyway but for a while I had to add it in myself.
I also let them have any equipment required to use the skills they picked. If they choose SCUBA it makes sense they would have SCUBA equipment.
Same for most of the sciences and technical skills.

I could never figure out a purpose to having magic levels in Rifts, some spells in the same level can have very different PPE costs and levels of effect. Some spells a few levels away can seem very similar in power level.
So I made a rule that a mage can only use spells equal to or less than his character level.
Made plenty of my players mad, but I had to have some way to balance things. I also changed the level of a handful of spells and PPE costs of others.
Added a crapload of protection spells to the magic list as well, most of them my own creation.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:39 am
by Marrowlight
It has made me hate the Simvan.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:09 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
think only thing i reworked was the race restrictions for juicers

since we already had 2 minotuar ,troll, orc and goblin and they were all juicer way before juicer uprisings.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:43 am
by Shorty Lickens
They are IN the magic forum.

CRAP! The original thread got deleted.
Well, towards the end of this thread are the rules I made up. ... hp?t=53322

Let me post the spells again.

=Floating Shield=
TYPE: Invocation
RANGE: Self only
DURATION: 1 minute per level of caster.
P.P.E.: 60

This spell creates a shimmering shield of force similar to the third level spell "Magic Shield" except the shield is semi-intelligent and will work to parry all attacks against the mage. It has 4 actions per melee round. Its magical speed allows a +6 to parry melee attacks and a +2 parry against any ranged attacks, including magical bolts. It offers no protection from area damage that lands around the caster (e.g. fireball spells, grenades&missiles).
The shield has its own will and cannot be controlled once summoned. It will only attempt to block physical and energy attacks directed to the wizard. It is indestructable but expires at the end of its duration leaving the caster vulnerable to new attacks or any attacks still zooming towards the mage (for example, missiles).
=Shorty's Minor Armor of Longevity=
TYPE: Invocation.
RANGE: Self only.
DURATION: 1 hour per level of the caster.
P.P.E.: 5

This spell was designed to provide basic long-term MD protection to a mage while travelling in hostile territory. It gives a set 10 MDC regardless of level in the form of a magical, form fitting body shield. It provides no benefits to a person wearing EBA or Power Armor, but will work outside of form-fitting armor like Triax plain clothes or a pilots jumpsuit. The spell will protect against all hi-tech weapons and Mega Damage spells as well as psionic attacks that do direct MD. It offers no bonuses to saving throws and will not protect against poison gases or lack of oxygen. The armor has no weight and an attack can knock a mage off his feet as normal. An SDC version of this spell may be cast for 2 PPE.
It cannot be seen except for use of a detect magic spell.


=Shorty's Major Armor of Longevity=
TYPE: Invocation.
RANGE: Self only.
DURATION: 1 hour per level of the caster.
P.P.E.: 25

This spell was designed to provide basic long-term MD protection to a mage while travelling in hostile territory. It gives protection at 5 MDC per level in the form of a magical, form fitting body shield. It provides no benefits to a person wearing EBA or Power Armor, but will work outside of form-fitting armor like Triax plain clothes or a pilots jumpsuit. The spell will protect against all hi-tech weapons and Mega Damage spells as well as psionic attacks that do direct MD. It offers no bonuses to saving throws and will not protect against poison gases or lack of oxygen. The armor has little weight but can protect a mage from being knocked off his feet. Reduce all MD by half for purposes of determining knock-back effect.
It cannot be seen except for use of a detect magic spell.

=Minor Field of Force=
TYPE: Invocation
RANGE: Self or touch one person.
DURATION: 10 minutes per level of the caster or until destroyed.
P.P.E.: 20

Melfs Force Field (or field of force) allows the caster a somewhat lengthy Mega Damage protection with an unusual effect.
It reduces all energy-based M.D. attacks by one MD point. E.g. if the caster were struck by a single laser blast totalling 4 M.D. he would instead take 3 M.D. and the field would take 1. A 3-shot burst from a laser would have the damage reduced by 3 points. As with any protection offering MDC, this spell will completely stop all S.D. attacks totalling less than two-hundred SDC. Powerful energy attacks such as Particle Beams can still knock the Mage off his feet. Apply blast damage as normal.
Kinetic attacks from weapons such as rail guns, vibro-swords or fragmentation grenades are unaffected.

The field has a total of 10 MDC per level of the caster. When all MDC are depleted the spell fails and offers no further protection. The force field extends in an egg shape one foot away from the casters body and can be used while wearing body armor. It offers no real protection to a person in Power Armor or Piloting a vehicle. This spell may be used in conjuction with other protection magic.
(NOTE: An S.D.C version of this spell can be cast for 5 PPE.)

=Major Field of Force=
TYPE: Invocation
RANGE: Self or touch one person.
DURATION: 10 minutes per level of the caster or until destroyed.
P.P.E.: 100

Melfs Force Field (or field of force) allows the caster a somewhat lengthy Mega Damage protection with an unusual effect.
It reduces all energy-based M.D. attacks by one MD point per level of the caster. E.g. if the caster were struck by a single laser blast totalling 4 M.D. he would instead take 3 M.D. and the field would take 1. A 3-shot burst from a laser would have the damage reduced by 3 points. A level 15 mage is immune to energy attacks that total 15 MD or less. As with any protection offering MDC, this spell will completely stop all S.D. attacks totalling less than two-hundred SDC. Powerful energy attacks such as Particle Beams can still knock the Mage off his feet. Apply blast damage as normal.
Kinetic attacks from weapons such as rail guns, vibro-swords or fragmentation grenades are unaffected.

The field has unlimited damage protection and lasts until the duration runs out. The force field extends in an egg shape one foot away from the casters body and can be used while wearing body armor. It offers no real protection to a person in Power Armor or Piloting a vehicle. This spell may be used in conjuction with other protection magic.

(NOTE: An S.D.C version of this spell can be cast for 15 PPE.)

My players and I often argue about the spell level and PPE costs, so those can vary in your campaign. As with all spells, make sure they do not unbalance your gameplay. I generally only allow them when playing in groups filled with men-at-arms. Low level mages tend to get zapped easily in those games.
Also, if you think the last two are kind of weak compared to Impervious to Energy, you can change the duration from 10 min/level to 60 min/level.