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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:13 pm
by asajosh
Not in the main books, but there is a long article split between Rifters 4 and 5 describing werewolves and other were-beasts.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:33 pm
by JTwig
asajosh wrote:Not in the main books, but there is a long article split between Rifters 4 and 5 describing werewolves and other were-beasts.

Its pretty detailed, and a good read.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:33 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I use the NB were-people, they are constructed better.

her is the auther's website...thou he has yet to make the tribes of the moon pdf like he said he would.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:07 am
by Steve Dubya
I think that he just hasn't kept that site very up-to-date - I'm pretty sure that I go this from him some time ago.

If you PM him here (he doesn't visit the Palladium boards too much anymore), he could probably clear it up (and get the PDF to you, if it exists).

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:08 pm
by acreRake
tcabril wrote:Just out of curiosity - are there werewolves in Nightbane?
Page 92: "46-60% Lycanthrope". (see also page 96)
Steve President George W. Bush wrote:I think that he just hasn't kept that site very up-to-date - I'm pretty sure that I go this from him some time ago.
Yeah, because it was hacked and basically destroyed...that would definitely bring my enthusiasm about updates down. (Not to mention that he's focusing on his own company now instead of PB).

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:00 am
by Mike Taylor
Officially, werebeasts do not exist within the Nightbane world. That role is filled by the 'Banes themselves, provided they have the right Morphus. I found some of Steve's werebeast material interesting, but felt that it would have been more at home in Beyond the Supernatural than in Nightbane. Also, a lot of other folks felt the work he did was too much like White Wolf's Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:55 pm
by Warwolf
Mike Taylor wrote:Officially, werebeasts do not exist within the Nightbane world.

Ah, but the door is more than open for inclusion in future product. The Bane' vampires, and Nightlords aren't the only supernatural beasties that exist in Nightbane... simply the most prevalent. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:37 am
by Zenvis
I personally would like to see the werebeasts and changlings become part of the mainstream of Nightbane. I would also enjoy Vampires and other supernatural beings becoming more of a part of Nightbane. We need more adventures to explore this strange new world and whats hidden underneith.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:41 am
by Rallan
Zenvis wrote:I personally would like to see the werebeasts and changlings become part of the mainstream of Nightbane. I would also enjoy Vampires and other supernatural beings becoming more of a part of Nightbane. We need more adventures to explore this strange new world and whats hidden underneith.

I dunno. On the one hand it's nice to have some new things that go bump in the night as long as they're done well and they fit nicely into the setting. But if they throw too many in it'll end up stop feeling like a consistent setting and start feeling like an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink setting without any unifying themes.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:25 pm
by Zenvis
Rallan wrote:
Zenvis wrote:I personally would like to see the werebeasts and changlings become part of the mainstream of Nightbane. I would also enjoy Vampires and other supernatural beings becoming more of a part of Nightbane. We need more adventures to explore this strange new world and whats hidden underneith.

I dunno. On the one hand it's nice to have some new things that go bump in the night as long as they're done well and they fit nicely into the setting. But if they throw too many in it'll end up stop feeling like a consistent setting and start feeling like an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink setting without any unifying themes.
Then at least give us back the werewolves.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:18 am
by Zenvis
The Last Darkness wrote:Nightbane Mystic
Were-Canine + Hulking Monster
Is pretty much a Whitewolf Werewolf.

The Nightbane universe is such that its intended that the Bane were responisble for most of the supernatural creatures from myths and lore. You dont need extra races to represent such creatures and frankly the nightbane universe has too many shapeshifters as is, just about everyone and their dead grandmother can shapeshift to some degree.

Out of curieosity, what version of the Apocalyse did she play and what tribe?
I still play a Silent Strider Ahroun myself.
I don't know, the children of the moon was awesome and I think that it would of made a nice addition in the war of the factions.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:07 pm
by Warwolf
Zenvis wrote:I don't know, the children of the moon was awesome and I think that it would of made a nice addition in the war of the factions.

Eh, I had issues with it myself. Not to mention, it is way too close to other properties for my tastes. I've actually considered writing a Nightbane supplement about weres; but if I ever did, it would be a ways off from now. However, it wouldn't be another Shadows of Light situation where you have a whole slew of new beasties to crowd the setting. That's another thing I agree with Rallan on here, too many major players can cause a loss in cohesion.

That said, it is mentioned in the Nightbane books that there are other supernatural beings out there in the Nightbane world. However, they just aren't as prominent as the ones mentioned so far.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:47 pm
by Zenvis
Warwolf wrote:
Zenvis wrote:I don't know, the children of the moon was awesome and I think that it would of made a nice addition in the war of the factions.

Eh, I had issues with it myself. Not to mention, it is way too close to other properties for my tastes. I've actually considered writing a Nightbane supplement about weres; but if I ever did, it would be a ways off from now. However, it wouldn't be another Shadows of Light situation where you have a whole slew of new beasties to crowd the setting. That's another thing I agree with Rallan on here, too many major players can cause a loss in cohesion.

That said, it is mentioned in the Nightbane books that there are other supernatural beings out there in the Nightbane world. However, they just aren't as prominent as the ones mentioned so far.

So you would want a cleaner approach to this ever changing "changling" world? I appreciate the occational guest such as the deamons of Lylith. I would like to see more pacts with the non-nightlords/nightprinces such as the werebeasts, but that would involve a new Nightlord and story as to what else is going on in this world. Personally I am working on something with a new twist and element but nothing with the werebeasts (although maybe I should). Just a thought.... Werewolves rule!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:24 pm
by Specter
I love Trustrum's were creatures myself. I think they are interesting... if not as "powerful" as a nightbane they can do things that make them interesting to play. You would have to play smarter but you could definately succeed.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:33 pm
by Specter
It's up to your GM... but if you used Trustrum's Tribes of the Moon along with nightbane. And, you used a Runden (Painted) Warrior with the Silver Claws tattoo... possibly in conjuction with Strength of Luna tattoo. That's going to pretty much mess up any vampire... and you should be able to do the ripping out of the heart thing no problem.

It's too bad but I don't think his stuff is in print... it used to be on his website. If it was up to me the next nightbane book would have Tribes of the Moon and Nations of Blood or at least a good chunk of them in it.


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:11 pm
by Steeler49er
Mike Taylor wrote:Officially, werebeasts do not exist within the Nightbane world. That role is filled by the 'Banes themselves, provided they have the right Morphus. I found some of Steve's werebeast material interesting, but felt that it would have been more at home in Beyond the Supernatural than in Nightbane. Also, a lot of other folks felt the work he did was too much like White Wolf's Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

Offically They Do! They just weren't included in any of the NB book line because it's a given.

The BIG problem with peeps only picking up one palladium book line is, they just don't seem to realize that Kevin made it clear from the beging that it's "All one megaverse"-End quote. He <and other writters> have said this since Day one and on forth. Nightspawn existed in Rifts BEFORE Rifts Dark Conversions called them canon... Yet still people said otherwise. And before HGold packed up and left with Robotech, it to was part of the PB universe <Despite the new Shadow Chronicals saga,at present your not allowed to discuss such conversions, this will likely change in time>-NMI.

However, Nightbane Is owned pretty much "lock stock and barrel" by Palladium, so pretty much All of the stuff found in BTS can be found in N-Spawn. They're alternative Earths and NOT completely separate realitys. YES I know the Nightspawn Main book gave a description sayin that:
Nightspawn Main Book, -page 16 left-hand column, 3rd text block wrote:The few<Nightbane> who had their identities revealed gave rise to the legends of demons, werewolves, changelings, and faerie children.

However, this was more to do with the fact that CJ was from the school of thought that N-Spawn may be intended to originaly be a stand alone. But this is Not the case. Werewolves Do exist "as is". And Nightspawn/bane can be found on the earth of System Shock, Rifts, and BTS. If PB still held rights to TMNT (as well as the rights to convert Robotech product to PB) than you'd find them there as well.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:18 pm
by Steeler49er
PhelanMahoney wrote:Sounds like you can build something akin to the characters of Werewolf: the Apocalypse in Nightbane. This could be a selling point for me to actually want to grab the books. I never got the chance to play a full on werewolf in White Wolf's World of Darkness but wanted to do so. So I will ask in this thread if the character concept I wanted to play in WoD would work in either Nightbane or Beyond the Supernatural: A werewolf who hunts, kills and eats vampires. I had this idea of a big bad werewolf who grabs the hearts of his vampire victims, does something so their life force(or animus or whatever keeps them "alive" in the world) is contain within said heart as he rips it out of the chest and eats it in front of the vampire and thus destroys it more or less permanently. Or at least makes it VERY difficult to regenerate.

You could do this with a Nightspawn, but Not a Werewolf "as is".
For a Nightspawn to do this, it would require a Talent.

The deal with ripping out a Vampires heart is, anyone with the right tools can do it, but the the heart will turn to mist in moments and begin to reform with the vamp. A special Talent would prevent that and hold the vamps essence in the heart.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:47 pm
by Specter
Where does it say that the heart would turn to mist and reform? Nations of Blood... (not canon but something I use as a GM) says you can remove a heart. And, the vampire wll fall down as staked but you have to make a successful death blow and a proclamation of intent.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:30 pm
by Steeler49er
Limbs (including head & organs) removed from the vampire will slowly to mist as per the Full description of their regenerative powers as given in Rifts Vampire Kingdom.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:31 am
by Misfit KotLD
Warwolf wrote:
Mike Taylor wrote:Officially, werebeasts do not exist within the Nightbane world.

Ah, but the door is more than open for inclusion in future product. The Bane' vampires, and Nightlords aren't the only supernatural beasties that exist in Nightbane... simply the most prevalent. :)

So, officially "No, but maybe?" Am I the only one who sees this as an oxymoronic statement? :D

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:17 pm
by Specter
Again... Trustrum's were creatures, are what you are looking for. I forget which Rifter they show up in but I have the full tribes of the moon Which have the were creatures plus a couple... and some were exclusive classes which make them more viable. Such as an exclusive were martial art which is pretty nifty, bonded were who can see through animals eyes, and a varied magic users.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:19 pm
by AlanGunhouse
My GM allowed Werewolves in the game I was playing in, probably from the rifter given their apparent power level.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:30 pm
by Steeler49er
See, that's why I didn't wanna draw that picture for the guys on the boards, of a single werewolf up against THREE nightspawn... Unless you adjust a werewolfs power level, they'd get smushed! They don't even have supernatural PS!

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:54 am
by Specter
A werewolf against one nightbane will get smooshed. if they go head on. A nightbane who is smart though... can use his ungodly AR of... nothing but silver and magic can hurt them to their advantage. Just pick any very dangerous locale... and fight the nightbane there. Sure the nightbane is tough, but a volcano will eat those sdc points.
Construction sites...
Very high places....

It's good to be a were creature sometime. But, heck I once killed a nightbane with an abandonded vampire.... they don't have supernatural strength either. But, he was insane and suicidal... and that pays off when the dice gods give you 2 nat 20s on called shots to their heads and a death blow to finish the job.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:09 am
by AlanGunhouse
The ones in our game did have Supernatural PS, in both forms, perhaps they were from some other Palladium game.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:47 pm
by Specter

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:29 pm
by Steeler49er
Not that a Werewolf would stand a chance in a stand-up fight... But guess the guys on the Rifts boards thought it would still look cool when they asked me to doodle these.



Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:07 am
by Marcethus
Personally I like Trustrum's Tribes of the Moon, As a long time player of WhiteWolf's WOD, Various ones but alot of VTM WWA and MTA, I do not feel that the tribes have all that many similarities to them at all. And they are very well balanced and fun to play. I have a Werepanther Mage that is fun to play.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:54 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Just thought I'd pop in here.

Yes, I'd still like to get the TotM and Nations of Blood out as free netbooks, fully illustrated and everything, but I had some problems with keeping my volunteer artists on track (lost communications with several, while the one turning in most of the work now gets paid gigs.) Anyone looking to lend their skills to the project can contact me and, if it picks up the steam, I'd still like to release both as PDFs. (Hell, I'd still like to put out the Wormwood Netbook as a PDF!)

And yes, running Misfit Studios also slows things down more than a bit. :mrgreen:

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:15 pm
by Marcethus
hey good to hear from you Steve. I love the Nations of Blood stuff and the TotM. So what is it your needing help with?

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:04 am
by Specter
If I had artistic ability I would help. I have some friends who are artists but I haven't gotten them interested. Though... come to think of it there are a couple of friends I have made recently and one even has a really awesome werewolf pic... brb.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:06 am
by Marcethus
hmmm I will have to check with one of my friends he does really good artwork not sure if he does Were creatures. Hes the one that did my sig banner.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:16 am
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Some artists willing to volunteer their time is about all I'd need.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:12 pm
by Misfit KotLD
el magico -- darklorddc wrote:A psychic from my online game using her telekinesis.


Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:31 pm
by Misfit KotLD
el magico -- darklorddc wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:
el magico -- darklorddc wrote:A psychic from my online game using her telekinesis.


Yep. Thought I'd showed it to you. Oh, you were taking your evening classes then.

Bum. I take it Russ has seen her then.

Looks good, btw.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by Warwolf

Pretty good sketches. If you're any good with inks, you might want to consider submitting some stuff to the Rifter.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:02 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
El Magico: I'd definitely like it if you could put some stuff together for the project. Email me at and we can talk about it in greater detail. Thanks!

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:52 pm
by Steeler49er
Danka Duck. I presently owe "Rockwolf" a picture, but If
Steve Conan Trustrum wants me to draw stuff, I do it fer free, just ask fer what you want.

FYI-The reason I don't send in art is because someone once called me a tempermental artist, and he was right! Second, I've never been good at inking, so I just give out art to peeps fer free.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:51 pm
by Specter
I agree on buying the same stuff printed over and over again... it gets annoying. But, there really is more tribes than got printed in the Rifters. The OCCs of the Children are all really nice.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:12 pm
by Marcethus
Well the thing is about the stuff that got printed in the Rifter, GM's can use it whether its Canon or not. Its your game use what you want change or modify what you don't like. (Golden Rule).

I would love to see a NB book with the TotM expanded. But not likely because Steve has his own company. We might get it as a PDF once he finishes it though

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:47 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
To put it mildly, the full manuscript I'd like to release as a free PDF netbook has a LOT more stuff than the Rifter article. Never mind just all-new stuff, but it also expands on what was in the Rifter.

And, of course, if we add on the Nations of Blood material ...

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:05 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Steve Conan Trustrum wrote:To put it mildly, the full manuscript I'd like to release as a free PDF netbook has a LOT more stuff than the Rifter article. Never mind just all-new stuff, but it also expands on what was in the Rifter.

And, of course, if we add on the Nations of Blood material ...

You my friend are a shameless and evil evil tease!

Daniel Stoker

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:33 pm
by Marcethus
Steve Conan Trustrum wrote:To put it mildly, the full manuscript I'd like to release as a free PDF netbook has a LOT more stuff than the Rifter article. Never mind just all-new stuff, but it also expands on what was in the Rifter.

And, of course, if we add on the Nations of Blood material ...

I saw the expanded stuff on your site and loved it but it then got ganked before i could look at it again. I would love to see the expanded stuff for the TotM and get the PDF. I already dled the one for the Nations of blood that is currently on your site.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:35 am
by runebeo
I don't think Werewolves should be included in Nightbane because their not powerful enough to stand up againt even a first level Nightbane. The Rifter had a bunch of with superpower, but that seemed lame. Our group has had a few ruins with a bunch of predator-like Nightbanes called the Blood Moon Tribes that believe themselves to be were-beasts and I think it fits better in this world.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:21 am
by Marcethus
While in head to head combat no they couldn't stand up to a Nightbane but if they played it tactical they could take down a nightbane eventually.

And a Donathair Hunter could prolly be a fairly even match with their unique hth skills.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:44 pm
by Zenvis
Some one should make a werewolf themed Morphus table. And not just a wolf table but a WEREwolf table.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:23 pm
by Specter
ummm... I like the werewolves... no they can't go head to head with a nightbane. But, they can summon the dogs of a city to be their eyes and ears. They can quickly find friends everywhere. In a world where the nighlords probably own the phone companies.... they can also run a gas truck into a bane and walk away unscathed.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:10 pm
by Warwolf
Zenvis wrote:Some one should make a werewolf themed Morphus table. And not just a wolf table but a WEREwolf table.

Except that one of the wolf table options is essentially a were-wolf... thus I see no reason for the redundancy. :?

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:04 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
runebeo wrote:I don't think Werewolves should be included in Nightbane because their not powerful enough to stand up againt even a first level Nightbane. The Rifter had a bunch of with superpower, but that seemed lame. Our group has had a few ruins with a bunch of predator-like Nightbanes called the Blood Moon Tribes that believe themselves to be were-beasts and I think it fits better in this world.
I subscribe to the school of game design that not everything in a game needs to be defined by whose ass it can and cannot kick. I frequently find fun in games where your characters get challenged by things that you can't just stand up to and ***** slap in a straight-up fight, but that could just be me.

Re: Werewolves in Nightbane

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:34 am
by runebeo
I love were-beasts, but in Nightbane too many creatures have magical weapons, cast spells and have supernatural strength which can harm them. The were-beasts have very few hit points, sure their have limited invulnerability, but unless the were-beast classes get an updated version in Nightbane or change invulnerability rules too have magic weapons, spells and supernatural ps only deal half damage they will not last long against most foes in that world.