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Guy & 9Volt's Sourcebook Progress (Update 9/17)

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:28 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Depending on what the majority thinks, this may become a "running column", similar to BOOM DOOMER's post.

For the last several months, with the assistance of Taalismn and Demos606, 9Volt and I have been working on an "Unofficial" Splicers sourcebook (we would LOVE it if it became official.) The board was looking a little slow for the last couple of weeks, so I hope this kind of perks things up.

As a long time gamer, I know how frustrating it is to have a great game with little to no new stuff coming out (, Nightbane, anyone? :frust: ) No insult intended to Slappy or Mr. Yoho; the stuff they have put together ABSOLUTELY deserves entry into the pantheon of sourcebooks. And no insult to Palladium either; I'm thrilled they're weathering their crisis! However, Splicers screams for an additional sourcebook or two, and I hope we can oblige.

However, as a part time writer, I also know its not a good thing to show your hand too soon. I do want to let everyone know what the status of our project is.

SEVERAL issues in personal lives stopped everything for several weeks. :( However, the past couple of weeks have seen work progressing at a furious pace, and we hope to have a finished product in the not-quite-so-near future.

COMPLETED: We currently have (finished and completed) one new Robot minion, 3 new O.C.C.s (no front line combat types), new "specialized" metabolisms, a few new Host Armor enhancements, some new skills, notable locations, and landscape features and hazards. :D

NEARING COMPLETION: We've got the ground work laid for not one, but TWO Houses. Each House will have unique OCCs and abilities, as well as history, society, and geographic information.

One House is about 85% done, the OCCs are ALMOST completed and finished (they lack "fancy descriptions", but that's it!). We have the notes and ideas laid out for the final "fancy" write-up for historical and society info. We hope to have 100% in the next week or so.

The second House consists of rough draft OCCs and notes. We know exactly the direction we're headed and what needs to be done; its just a matter of doing it. Adult life and outside jobs are not always conducive to writing! However, I think work on the second House should progress faster than the first.

FLOATING IN THE ETHER: We have several half-formed ideas floating around that we may/may not get to; a couple of Warmounts, a couple of N.E.X.U.S. personalities, NPCs and a possible campaign storyline.

At this point, we haven't made a decision regarding what to do with the material when its done; i.e. post on a website, submit for "official" consideration, beat ourselves over the head for wasting so much time, etc. :-D Deific NMI has offered to post it for us if we choose that route (thank you!)

Hope this generates a little excitment. Have a great weekend everyone!


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:00 pm
by NMI
Yup, I will host any gaming related material from whoever. PRoper credit will be given to all.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:04 pm
by Aramanthus
I voted Yes!!!! I would love to hear the progress of your book! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:31 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Thanks to everyone who voted and especially Deific NMI, Aramanthus, and BOOM_DOOMER for leaving comments.

Its killing me not to share, so I thought a little "sneak preview" wouldn't hurt. I've posted another poll to see what the majority might like to see. Feel free to vote away.

Depending on what the majority says, I'll post a sneak peek by no later than Friday, August 10th (on vacation for the rest of this week!! :D ) I'd like to see what folks think of what we've done thus far.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:51 am
by Aramanthus
Just becareful so you don't violate your Non disclosure agreement with PB. We want to see your book arrive in our hands! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:23 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Thanks for looking out for us, but no "non-disclosure" signed at the moment.

And we've steered VERY clear of adapting other copyrighted material. I don't want to be kicked!!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:29 pm
by Aramanthus
I don't blame you! Just take your time and do it right, which you will! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:35 pm
by NMI
Are you also working on something officially/ unofficially for Palladium?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:56 pm
by demos606
Right now the work is unofficial though potential publication pursuits have been considered (yes, I have a small contribution to this project, be terrified :P) Speaking of my contribution, that would probably make an excellent sneak peek :)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:26 am
by Guy_LeDouche
Are you also working on something officially/ unofficially for Palladium?

Its completely unofficial. At this point, its just the mad ramblings of a bunch of fans.

However, that's not to say the finished product might not be submitted for "official" consideration.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:34 am
by Aramanthus
And we've got our fingers crossed that it becomes official!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:03 am
by Guy_LeDouche
Here's the first of the "sneak peeks":

More to come as the week progresses.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:54 pm
by MethosDarkblade
IF this stuff you guys are hammering out becomes it's own palladium book, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys are handed more to work with in this universe :)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:09 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Thank you all. I'm glad everyone seems to like the bits and pieces posted so far; the words of encouragement are always welcome.

I had to laugh at the latest press release. Kevin S. talks about how time consuming and labor intensive writing can be. We know the feeling; it's entirely appropriate for us. We know exactly what we want to do, its just finding the time to do it. As 9Volt said in a conversation we were having, "I'm fine, just strapped for time\energy\sanity." :-( Sounds like the perfect description of adult life.

For both of us, work has cramped into our writing time. However, progress is being made; slowly but surely.

House Branton's OCCs (posted here): are full, complete, and ready to go. I've got the rough draft of the House history, geography, etc. and hope to have it "officially" done in the next week or so. In addition, 9Volt just completed the rough draft for the House "Devastator" War Mount. :D

I'll post one of our "general" OCCs in the next week or so, an OCC called "The Relic Hunter". I think you'll like it; an egghead type PC done "Splicer style".

That's about it for now. Expect an update or two as the week progresses.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:13 pm
by Aramanthus
That is very cool to hear. I know all about writting taking time. I'm trying to write a Non-Palladium novel, and its taking quite a bit of time to do. So I know what you mean about time consuming.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:03 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Atlanta is living up to its nickname "Hot-Lanta" the last couple of weeks. 100+ degrees, 90%+ humidity, drought, smog, ozone, you name it. The temperature and humidity remind me A LOT of living in New Orleans (lived there for a little over 3 years, from '93-'96.)

I had all intentions of posting the "Relic Hunter" this week, but outside circumstances keep getting in the way. I've spent this past week sick as the proverbial dog and haven't done much of anything except lay on the couch, take medication, and watch TV. Got caught up on my MXC, pro wrestling, and Netflix movies ("Hot Fuzz" was a riot!) :D God bless DVR's, they have got to be the coolest invention of the last 10 years.

No sneak peeks or updates until after Labor Day. I'll be hitting DragonCon Labor Day weekend, and the next couple of days will be spent catching up on work and home stuff. If you're anywhere near Atlanta, I HIGHLY recommend checking out DragonCon: the South's premiere fantasy/sci-fi/horror convention. 4 days of games, geeks, films, etc.

Have a safe Labor Day everyone, and I'll post some more after the holiday.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:23 am
by Aramanthus
I have heard DragonCon was a lot of fun! My God what a list of guest! You lucky dog! I'd love to be able to go to that one! Have fun! I know I would!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:06 am
by Vinny
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Yup, I will host any gaming related material from whoever. PRoper credit will be given to all.

Sneaky Devil. That's what the NEXUS Point has been for for 10 years.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:17 am
by NMI
Vinny wrote:
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Yup, I will host any gaming related material from whoever. PRoper credit will be given to all.

Sneaky Devil. That's what the NEXUS Point has been for for 10 years.
And I have also done so for several years on various incarnations of my website. Try and keep this thread on topic.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:45 pm
by Aramanthus
I looked at your forum and it looks pretty cool! What is your website? I'd be interested in taking a look. I'll join your forum when I'm at home! :D

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:05 pm
by NMI
the website url is
I dont have anything up on there as of yet, but eventually I will.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:12 pm
by Aramanthus
Thank you for posting the link so quick!

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:40 pm
by 9voltkilowatt
Off Topic:

Your offer is greatly appreciated Mr. Deific NMI and thanks for the link.

On Topic:

How many of you out there were aware that breaking down just 2 water molecules gives you the components to produce two different types of fuel?

Once we (Guy and myself) hammer out some details your going to see a "Water Gun" unlike any you've ever seen before!

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:49 am
by Aramanthus
Yes, I knew. Two hydrogen to one oxygen. :D And if your lucky you get a duetirium or a tritium nucleus. (Hydrogen isotoppes for those who don't know.)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:59 pm
by Prince Cherico
Guy_LeDouche wrote:Atlanta is living up to its nickname "Hot-Lanta" the last couple of weeks. 100+ degrees, 90%+ humidity, drought, smog, ozone, you name it. The temperature and humidity remind me A LOT of living in New Orleans (lived there for a little over 3 years, from '93-'96.)

I had all intentions of posting the "Relic Hunter" this week, but outside circumstances keep getting in the way. I've spent this past week sick as the proverbial dog and haven't done much of anything except lay on the couch, take medication, and watch TV. Got caught up on my MXC, pro wrestling, and Netflix movies ("Hot Fuzz" was a riot!) :D God bless DVR's, they have got to be the coolest invention of the last 10 years.

No sneak peeks or updates until after Labor Day. I'll be hitting DragonCon Labor Day weekend, and the next couple of days will be spent catching up on work and home stuff. If you're anywhere near Atlanta, I HIGHLY recommend checking out DragonCon: the South's premiere fantasy/sci-fi/horror convention. 4 days of games, geeks, films, etc.

Have a safe Labor Day everyone, and I'll post some more after the holiday.

Altantas hot there only one solution you have to walk around with out
your shirt, its your duty to your fan girls.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:50 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
you have to walk around with out your shirt, its your duty to your fan girls.

Whoa!! I have fan girls?! :eek: When did that happen?

My apologies for the lack of an update over the last couple of weeks; I was suffering from 'Con hangover, battling a bout of bronchitis (!), and doing some business travel over the next several weeks. Speaking of travel, I'll be in Kansas City and Las Vegas over the next several weeks. If anyone's there and wants to meet a fellow Palladium/Rifts/Splicer gamer, let me know. The company would certainly be welcome, and I'll be happy to pick up the tab for a meal or two.

Anyway, enough of the personal stuff, here's the latest updates. I'm hoping (knock on wood) we'll be completely, 100% wrapping our first house, House Branton, within the next few weeks. We're pulling together the final bits and pieces and "official" write ups are being completed as we speak. 9volt's finishing up the "Devastator" War Mount (its a beast!) and the sub human BOSS units (BiO-engineered Super Soldier) to round out the Branton forces.

From here, we'll get started on the "Dread House Samonios" (the "Sammies" for short), a creation we hope will really knock your socks off. I'll stay mum on the details for now, but expect some more info as the weeks progress.

That's about it for now.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:38 pm
by Aramanthus
Thank you for the update! Its good to hear you made out alive! Any details on the con?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:46 am
by Guy_LeDouche
Hmm. A con report. That's going to be hard to compress 4 days into a forum post. Let's see what I can tell you.

As usual, DragonCon was pretty good. As I stated before, its four days of games, geeks, films, scantily-clad females of all descriptions, and some really great workshops and panels.

For Stargate fans, virtually the entire cast of SG-1 (minus Richard Dean Anderson) and most of the cast of Atlantis were present. And the fans were rabid!! I'm not a fan of SG-1, so I can't really comment on how they were in person. However, I did have an an opportunity to briefly speak with Jason Mamoa (?), the dreadlocked guy from Atlantis. Based on our brief meeting, he seemed a pretty decent guy. Fairly friendly, quite laid back, seemed like he was enjoying himself.

For Star Trek fans (like my younger brother) it was an exceptionally good year. Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, and Johnathan Frakes were all there, smiling, chatting, and signing MANY autographs.

Strangely enough, the biggest crowds were for the Mythbusters and the Ghost Hunters. Any panels, workshops, etc. they were involved in were packed to the rafters! If you wanted a seat, better get there 30 minutes early or so! I was amazed; I knew the shows were popular, but I had no idea they were that big! Anytime the two groups were in the autograph area, it was a 1-2 hour wait! :eek:

For my personal highlights, I got to meet two of my favorite authors, Terry Brooks (of Shannara fame) and master of alternate history Harry Turtledove. As well as meeting them, I was able to sit in on Q&A sessions with both. Brooks seemed the more friendly and outgoing of the two, completely at ease speaking and taking questions from fans.

Holding a Ph.D. in Byzantine History (!) Turtledove is HIGHLY intelligent and thinks on a level a couple steps above the average person. Though I'm sure it wasn't intentional, he sometimes came across as mildly arrogant and a little condescending. While Brooks answered questions in a fairly conversational style, Turtledove often answered in a more "lecture" oriented way. Both Q&A's were great, however, I much preferred the more "informal" feel of Brooks.

My other personal highlight was meeting a few of the cast members (Jamie Bamber, Aaron Douglas, and Richard Hatch) of Sci-Fi's excellent "Battlestar Galactica" series. They were part of a very eye-opening panel regarding Battlestar and Sci-Fi's treatment of the series. Let's just say, they are NOT happy about being cancelled and had some harsh words regarding Sci-Fi executives. However, this spot of negativity was short-lived, and the rest of the Q&A was great.

Overall, a pretty good Con. Not the best year I've ever had at DragonCon, but far from the worst.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:05 pm
by Aramanthus
Thank you for the con update! I would love to have seen Turtledove. I've always been a fan of his stuff. There was another guest there I would love to have met with....David Weber was there too. Again thank you for the con update! :ok:

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:26 pm
by NMI
so what is up with this project? I am still willing to host the material on my site if you wish. no charge.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:49 pm
by 9voltkilowatt
It's still in the works, we actually came up with too much stuff we started trimming.

That and one of the creations that Guy came up with is going to take ALOT of work.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:50 am
by Aramanthus
Sounds awesome! Thank you for the update! :D