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PPE from others

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:32 am
by Captain Shiva
Are there any rules governing mages drawing PPE from other people, such as range, number of people,physical barriers/line of sight or anything like that? I was reading a story where a mage was drawing energy to power his spells from surrounding people in a city, and I thought this would work well in Palladium. But this guy was getting a lot of energy. I don't want to unbalance the game, so are there any written rules regarding this?

Re: PPE from others

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:25 pm
by JTwig
Captain Shiva wrote:Are there any rules governing mages drawing PPE from other people, such as range, number of people,physical barriers/line of sight or anything like that? I was reading a story where a mage was drawing energy to power his spells from surrounding people in a city, and I thought this would work well in Palladium. But this guy was getting a lot of energy. I don't want to unbalance the game, so are there any written rules regarding this?

Its been a while since I've read the rules, which I think were in the magic section under the description of Ley Lines and P.P.E. (at least in the original Rifts book). I don't remember how much they can draw, it was a percentage of the giver's P.P.E. total, but I do remember that it had to be given willingly and could not be forced from a person except through sacrifice (which would also have the benefit of doubling the person's P.P.E. at the moment of death).

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:55 pm
by Talavar
Okay, time to clear up some magic misconceptions:

1. Almost all spellcasting classes can draw PPE from outside sources, including other people. The ones that can't are the exception, and are noted as such in their descriptions.

2. PPE batteries can be used again, by almost all spellcasting classes. PPE generators are a TW device that turn PPE into electricity, and so aren't the same type of thing at all.

3. People donating their PPE of their own free will need to be within 20 feet of the caster, or actively focused on and involved in the ritual in question. The caster can take up to 70% of their total PPE, and either use it right away, or store it for later.

4. Unwilling targets must be within the 20 foot radius, and get to save vs. magic with a bonus of +4 to save, so it's not really very likely without blood sacrifice.

The OP's question about drawing PPE from a whole city of people wouldn't work because most of those people would fall outside the 20 foot radius, and since they're unwitting, they couldn't be considered as active participants in a spellcasting ritual. But yes, a mage can get access to a lot of PPE if they've got a few willing friends travelling with them, and tons by using rituals, but that's not really practical for combat magic.

For the curious or argumentative, all of this comes from page 186 of Rifts Ultimate Edition.

Re: PPE from others

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:23 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
One per level at one time. (ie a 10th level mage can draw from 10 people at one time)

Number of time per melee can the mage darw PPE= to the mage's h2h attacks.

willing-auto success, up to 70% of the person's base PPE, linked hands will let the mage draw 50% from 10 ppl at the same time, any more the ppl in the linkage need a mezerizing seremony.
unwilling--auto-save , no PPE possible
not knowing-- save of 12 or higher=no PPE, failed save=1d4 PPE per successfull attempt, 10'/L of mage (the save difficulty might be linked to the mages Spell Str.)
from other mages-- not possible
blood sacrifices-- all x2 at moment of death.

(from the PF2 main book)looks like I'd rather be a PF mage then a RUE mage. :p

Things I would add, not through magic barriers, nor active force feilds.

As for drawing from the Whole City at'd need something like this (see below) but bigger then the city.

P.P.E. Drain
Level: 5
Range: 10 foot radius +3 feet per level
Duration: 1 melee round per Level
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 10
This spell emulates a mage's ability to take P.P.E. from others. This spell creates an area affect, that when a person walks through it the spell.
The person makes a standard save vs. magic. If they save then they are not drained. The most this spell can take in a single drain is 1/2 the person's present amount of P.P.E. This spell makes one Drain per person per melee. In other words it will drain from everyone within the target area once per melee, no matter how many people are in or passing through the target area. All mages are immune to this spell. This spell must be centered to the mage that cast it or attached to a PPE battery such as a talisman, P.P.E. clips, or Energy sphere. When this spell is made in a part of an enchantment it will only be active to replenish the enchantment's P.P.E. reserve.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:24 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
If it was a dampining feild then the spell would cost much more. Remember the more specifice a spell is, the less it costs, and the more powers you add into the spell the more it will cost.

If it pulled magic out of the air, or from spells, or everything, it would cost more to cast then it would take in.

Isn't Thoth the pf god of magic.....*isn't going to dig out the PF:D&G book*

Or is your group going after an evil god of magic?
How will they know that they have gotten the god and not just a fragment/avatar?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:34 pm
by Talavar
I know it's a spell based on a mage's normal ability to draw PPE, but normally a mage can never leach another mage's PPE. Just a point of interest.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:35 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Talavar wrote:I know it's a spell based on a mage's normal ability to draw PPE, but normally a mage can never leach another mage's PPE. Just a point of interest.

That is why I have the below line in the spell discription.

All mages are immune to this spell.