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Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:03 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
lots of false clues planted bu the town cops and have the girl who came for help get nabbed from under there nose :D

Re: Help with a new campaign

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:35 pm
by wolfsgrin
mhavok13 wrote:I have an idea where a girl from a nearby town comes looking for the heroes to help find her missing sister. The police are really no help to her. I want the heroes to find out that there is a small cult consisting of some top people from the town including the police captain. The cult kidnapped her sister to offer her as a sacrifice to summon a powerful creature. What would you suggest to put in the middle of the story for a little mystery and to beef up the action? Where should I have the cults main base of operation that would be in a normal town and have enough room where the players will have to search and encounter other things? Any help or suggestions would really help. Thanks.

lots of misinformation. use npcs that come off as being part of the problem to misdirect them (may actually have important info about the local cult, make him/her unappealing for contact, an ugly hag type that seems to show up everywhere the cult has struck). Have the bad guys help them openly, lull them in, then, :thwak: Then they can't trust anything. Try to seriously injure a player or an important NPC.
Imbue a few high ranking cultists with gifts of power. If entity is summoned, put it into the body of the sacrifice. And make it to where there may be a way to save the girl, there in, making it harder to deal with the situation. :demon:
In the town I'm from its an old mining town, and has an elaborate not in use sewer and tunnel network. Throw those two networks together and you have an expansive labrynth, a few creatures of the dark( supernatural baddies always hang around ppe hot spots, which you'll have to use for summoning, so magic will have a bigger effect for magic users), a cave in from battle with whatever, you've got action and mayhem for all!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:04 pm
by wolfsgrin
np :ok:
My group failed to get together for last night's gaming session, now I have a surplus of creative juices. :puke:

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:33 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
mhavok13 wrote:This will be my second time to GM. I'm new and still learning but that's part of the fun.
just take your time and don't let the pc's push you, and make sure you guide them not force them it's the down fall of 90% of new GM's

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:46 pm
by Prince Cherico
Ill do you one better boyo a trio of Assasins sent to kill your PCs
for fun and Profit

A group of three unlikely assasins Trillogy specialises in eliminating
threats to varous supervillans or providing a distraction.

Alinment Aberant
Finklestine grew up on one of the meaner streets of New York and
was the only hasidic Jew in his Harlem neaborhood. He was bullyed
mercylessly then one day he found an inchanted Pool Cue owned
by Barns Swisser a natorous murderer with a love of mayhem and pool
Swisser bound his soul to his favorite pool cue. Finklestine found that
the pool cue gave him power and he dedicated himself to becoming an
assassin after "setteling" a few debts.

SDC 70 Hit points 30
Attacks per melee round 5 Level 3
battel costume- a normal pinstripe business suit with a yamika
Teleport as per the major power
Turns wielder invisable
Fly at 50MPH
Power bolt 5d6 damage looks like an 8 ball
Portal of fear
Fever touch

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:52 pm
by NMI
Prince Cherico wrote:Ill do you one better boyo a trio of Assasins sent to kill your PCs
for fun and Profit

A group of three unlikely assasins Trillogy specialises in eliminating
threats to varous supervillans or providing a distraction.

Alinment Aberant
Finklestine grew up on one of the meaner streets of New York and
was the only hasidic Jew in his Harlem neaborhood. He was bullyed
mercylessly then one day he found an inchanted Pool Cue owned
by Barns Swisser a natorous murderer with a love of mayhem and pool
Swisser bound his soul to his favorite pool cue. Finklestine found that
the pool cue gave him power and he dedicated himself to becoming an
assassin after "setteling" a few debts.

SDC 70 Hit points 30
Attacks per melee round 5 Level 3
battel costume- a normal pinstripe business suit with a yamika
Teleport as per the major power
Turns wielder invisable
Fly at 50MPH
Power bolt 5d6 damage looks like an 8 ball
Portal of fear
Fever touch
nice idea but...
I think the players are probably too new, too fresh ie.. not known enough to warrant a super powered assassin to come after them.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:58 pm
by Prince Cherico
Grandma Hardcore
when you think of old ladys you want to think of them being
nice and sweet Grandma Hardcore can be that way but its only
a ruse to lure people in for the kill. Shes the bruser of the team
the first one to sugest violence and the first one to enact it.

Empowered turn into monster
Alinment Aberant
Powers Massive damage capacity, Zombie flesh
SDC-730 Hit points 390
6 attacks per melee
Regenerates 1d6 damage a minute

Note this is in her combat form which looks like a
powerfull deamon.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:03 pm
by Prince Cherico
Tyke Bomb

He was part of an experement to create a super soilder
he was considered a failure and was kick out into the streets
unfortantly this child did have super powers and he became Finklestines
level headed second in comand.

SDC 30 Hitpoints 10
Animate Objects
Enlarge objects

The result of this power allows Tyke bomb to turn his toys into
fast moving solgiers underhis comand.

Example Teddy bear of Death
height 7 feet talls
SDC 40 takes half damage from physical attacks
can move at 100 MPH Does 3d6 damage with claw attacks

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:04 pm
by Prince Cherico
Trillogy are just a bunch of quick roll villans think of them
as hired goons added on to provide protection for the real villians
the point of these guys is to give your heros a quirky mini boss
squad to fight until they get into the real action think of them
as your games equivalent of team rocket.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:28 pm
by Stattick
The tunnel/sewer/laberynth idea is gold. You just need a good sized... er, BIG area for the final showdown and where all the cultists and such are at. Locate this under the strangely shaped cemetary near the center of town. See, this cult's been around for a looong time. They were the original settlers of the town. Did I mention that the cemetary's shaped like a pentagon? With a giant pentagram beneath it, in the earth. Oh yeah, you wanted some mooks. Zombies. From the graves above. Just as the PC's start to think that they've got it made, and are getting a little disappointed that the final confrontation seems a little too easy, zombies start falling from the ceiling, and LOTS more are digging through. (The zombies are just a distration BTW... if the PC's don't stop the ritual in time, then they'll summon the Spirit of (fill in the blank), and he'll possess the girl.)

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:41 pm
by wolfsgrin
ghouls that feed upon the dead in the graves and dwell in the mazes below.
all manner of evil, immortal rot, shambling darkly in long forgotten corridors.