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Talisman Question

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:37 am
by Grell
Is there anything canon stating how to make a talisman permanent (i.e; a 3 times per day type of thing)? If not, are there any suggestions on house ruling it? My idea would simply be to double the PPE cost, like the enchant weapon spell, to make it permanent.

In a related question, what is the limit (if any) on how much PPE you can store in a talisman as a PPE battery? The BoM says that the battery can be charged with 50 PPE initially and then recharged with 30 PPE at a recharge cost of 60. This suggest to me that one could put in more than the initial 50. How have you handled PPE limits on this if it has ever come up?

Thanks in advance for any input!

Re: Talisman Question

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:13 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Morrowcale wrote:Is there anything canon stating how to make a talisman permanent (i.e; a 3 times per day type of thing)? If not, are there any suggestions on house ruling it? My idea would simply be to double the PPE cost, like the enchant weapon spell, to make it permanent.

Making it permant like that can only be done by the alchemist OOC in general.

In a related question, what is the limit (if any) on how much PPE you can store in a talisman as a PPE battery? The BoM says that the battery can be charged with 50 PPE initially and then recharged with 30 PPE at a recharge cost of 60. This suggest to me that one could put in more than the initial 50. How have you handled PPE limits on this if it has ever come up?

You can only put 50 PPE in it at once, then you cannot put any more in it until it's used up. after the initial charge, it can only be charged with 30 PPE at a time

Thanks in advance for any input![/quote]

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:15 pm
by Grell
Alchemist, eh? Is that in PF?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:49 pm
by Library Ogre
Yes, the alchemist is in PF. The usual requirements is 6 levels in 2 magical OCCs, and 3 in another (Wizard, Diabolist, and Summoner, respectively), before you even begin to learn alchemy.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:05 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Mark Hall wrote:Yes, the alchemist is in PF. The usual requirements is 6 levels in 2 magical OCCs, and 3 in another (Wizard, Diabolist, and Summoner, respectively), before you even begin to learn alchemy.

Not quite, you got summoner and diabolist mixed around. Summoner needs at least 3, diabolist 6. although for worlds other than PF you can probablly substitue whatever invocational spellcasting class is most predominant (such as ley line walker for Rifts)

Also, they need to study vaious racial histories, biology, mathmatics, chemsitry, medicine, herbology, Supernautral, ALL lores, literacy in elven, dwarven, and Runic (Provided by dioblist), all human languages, various legends and history, myths, and rumors (especially regarding magic and artifacts), identifying various magics, and the combinations of various magics, ALL mastered before one has the necessary background to even attempt learning the fine arts of enchantment.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:53 am
by Library Ogre
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:Yes, the alchemist is in PF. The usual requirements is 6 levels in 2 magical OCCs, and 3 in another (Wizard, Diabolist, and Summoner, respectively), before you even begin to learn alchemy.

Not quite, you got summoner and diabolist mixed around. Summoner needs at least 3, diabolist 6. although for worlds other than PF you can probablly substitue whatever invocational spellcasting class is most predominant (such as ley line walker for Rifts)

No, I didn't. 6 levels in two magical OCCs (Wizard, Diabolist) and 3 in another (Summoner).

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:31 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Mark Hall wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:Yes, the alchemist is in PF. The usual requirements is 6 levels in 2 magical OCCs, and 3 in another (Wizard, Diabolist, and Summoner, respectively), before you even begin to learn alchemy.

Not quite, you got summoner and diabolist mixed around. Summoner needs at least 3, diabolist 6. although for worlds other than PF you can probablly substitue whatever invocational spellcasting class is most predominant (such as ley line walker for Rifts)

No, I didn't. 6 levels in two magical OCCs (Wizard, Diabolist) and 3 in another (Summoner).

You need to check your palladium fantasy book again. I did.

Page 246 Palladium Fantasy Second Edition, under Magic Abilities under the Alchmist OCC:

The alchmeist is a mutliple O.C.C. Character. To become one, the character MUST be at least a sixth level wizard, sixth level diabolist, and third level summoner before studying the finer arts of alchemy, medicine, herbology, math, ect.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:00 pm
by Grell
Man, I gotta get this Palladium Fantasy game. It sounds like it has some great stuff.

Well, maybe next payday?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:15 pm
by Library Ogre
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:Yes, the alchemist is in PF. The usual requirements is 6 levels in 2 magical OCCs, and 3 in another (Wizard, Diabolist, and Summoner, respectively), before you even begin to learn alchemy.

Not quite, you got summoner and diabolist mixed around. Summoner needs at least 3, diabolist 6. although for worlds other than PF you can probablly substitue whatever invocational spellcasting class is most predominant (such as ley line walker for Rifts)

No, I didn't. 6 levels in two magical OCCs (Wizard, Diabolist) and 3 in another (Summoner).

You need to check your palladium fantasy book again. I did.

Page 246 Palladium Fantasy Second Edition, under Magic Abilities under the Alchmist OCC:

The alchmeist is a mutliple O.C.C. Character. To become one, the character MUST be at least a sixth level wizard, sixth level diabolist, and third level summoner before studying the finer arts of alchemy, medicine, herbology, math, ect.

That's what I said, Neki-chan. That's what I said in the first place, and the second place.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:47 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Mark Hall wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:Yes, the alchemist is in PF. The usual requirements is 6 levels in 2 magical OCCs, and 3 in another (Wizard, Diabolist, and Summoner, respectively), before you even begin to learn alchemy.

Not quite, you got summoner and diabolist mixed around. Summoner needs at least 3, diabolist 6. although for worlds other than PF you can probablly substitue whatever invocational spellcasting class is most predominant (such as ley line walker for Rifts)

No, I didn't. 6 levels in two magical OCCs (Wizard, Diabolist) and 3 in another (Summoner).

You need to check your palladium fantasy book again. I did.

Page 246 Palladium Fantasy Second Edition, under Magic Abilities under the Alchmist OCC:

The alchmeist is a mutliple O.C.C. Character. To become one, the character MUST be at least a sixth level wizard, sixth level diabolist, and third level summoner before studying the finer arts of alchemy, medicine, herbology, math, ect.

That's what I said, Neki-chan. That's what I said in the first place, and the second place.

Grrr. I can't even blame my nonexsitant dislexia :oops:

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:51 pm
by Killer Cyborg
If it makes you feel any better, Nekira, you said it better.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:21 pm
by t0m
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Grrr. I can't even blame my nonexsitant dislexia :oops:

wanna borrow mine? i can lend it out for short periods, but i need it back. everything feels backwards without it :D