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Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:06 am
by Killer Cyborg
It's a cheat.
You know it.

Use it if you want, but call it what it is.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:52 am
by verdilak
Ahh, but can you sense the water in a body? Sense water states that it must be exposed to the air, and even if you cut someone, you wouldn't sense water, since it would be blood. So, no, you cannot do this.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:12 am
by shiiv-a
personally i would say 'no' to the 'sense water and getting at it when its inside the human body'

sure .. people are about 75% or more 'water' ... but only if you 'suck' the moisture out of the body would you be able to 'access' the water ..

just my thoughts on the matter ..

anyways .. while on the topic of Hydrokinesis [or however its spelled] .. i asked on another thread and i seem to have been ignored.

comments on my question .. ?

on another topic of Psi control. Hydrokinesis - a little used power for the most part. i currently have a character with that ability who can 'filter' the baddies out of the water to get 'pure water' .. is this plausible or not? .. it seemed like the idea actually had merit, but now i'm not too sure.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:31 am
by verdilak
Gravitus Everlast wrote:But the human body is over 90% water... and he's right, it is only under BOIL... I forgot that... so yes you can use hydrokinesis to mannipulate the water in the muscles of your opponent's arm and slap him silly!

No, you cant. To use the water, you have to sense it, and you cannot sense water that is in an underground river, airtight containers, ect. Especially if the water is not exposed to air. Now, I would say that if the victim is sweating, then you could use the sweat, but you cannot use the water inside of a person. You can't use is, because you cannot sense it. Simple as that. Otherwise, you would know where every living thing was at within range of the power whenever you used it.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:47 pm
by Mouser13
Neo_Jesus_Sage wrote:it only specifys you cannot boil water in there body

I would say rethink it. If it says what you say here. I would say no because the author was giving and example that this spell can't be used on people. It is not a big leap, but I sure most GM would not allow.

Though I'm a nice GM. I would possibly allow you to use it like telekinesis to hold a person in the air. Effectually disabling him/her, and some what you because you would have to maintain with your actions. Unlike Super telekinesis which states allows could do one per level. And it would only be on humans & ogres(because they can mate with humans), because we have no data on how much water any of the others have. Though some because discrete(spelling) supernatural spell works by removing water.
And if I was in a really nice feeling. I may allow you to stop a mobs regen, but again only has long has you maintain focus. And for both they should get a saving throw to start.

So my answer no. Use logic if the author already included text to stop you from one instant kill. They don't want you to use the spell has a instant kill.. :x :lol:
A author has limited space if and they can't come up with text to stop all munckin things. Or if they did the RIFTS books would be alot bigger and not much to play/read and they would take like 20 years to write each and only be good for like 2 months each.

Also remember if a GM allow it I would say your character has a half-life, because you opened a can of worms that the GM can now use on you and the party. And GM has far more people with hydro psi power he can use. So in effect your character would destory the whole gaming group

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:23 am
by Talavar
Gravitus Everlast wrote:So you wipe the sweat off your brow to get the salt, then hydro-spray a little water from the air around you and swirl it on the contact point of your finger and the metal, you can now RUST ARMOR... slowly at first, but with practice...

That's a big leap going from a tiny bit of salt to rusting armour, one I as a GM certainly wouldn't buy. First, salt doesn't rust things, it only speeds up oxidization somewhat. Oxidization is a chemical reaction that takes a set amount of time - you aren't going to meaningfully effect anyone with rust in combat (barring magic, which can do whatever it wants, apparently). Second, it presupposes that armour is made out of iron - which a lot of armour in the megaverse isn't.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:33 am
by verdilak
Neo_Jesus_Sage wrote:alright cool thanks guys.. honistly i had no intention of actuly useing hydro in this maner...i just like to find rules and see how i can gets it outa my system so i dont do it in the actual game...but yes it seems like i missed to sense water in air tight containers...which of course even if i could use the power in the way menchened there is no way for me to know of the water in there body so...insta fail.. looks like my new catch phrase "hydrokinesis FTW" is outa the question XD

Hey no problem. It's always cool to think outside the box, even if the box has rules that make that specific outlook unusable.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:20 pm
by Talavar
Gravitus Everlast wrote:I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the use of analytical chemsistry... oops...

It doesn't matter how much your character knows about chemistry, TK doesn't let you effect things on a molecular level, like chemical reactions. Rust is still going to work at the same speed as always, which is pretty darn slowly. If you could use TK to effect things on a molecular level, you could do a lot more dangerous and useful things than just making stuff rust faster.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:16 am
by shiiv-a
well .. since my question wasn't addressed ... i will have to assume that it IS allowed.

awesome then. thanks all