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do Gypsies exist?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:18 am
by shiiv-a
i asked a couple of GM's about if i could bring in a gypsy from the 'rifts genre to the HU2 games. other people had brought other types of cross overs .. i usually got asked 'can you bring a different kind of character in instead?'


then they never explained why they asked that. so are gypsies so overpowered as mere psi/mage chars that mutants with meta powers are stopped cold and fall out of hte skies dead at their feet .. ? .. or is it something else? ..

just wondering. any thoughts on this topic?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:48 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Usually when this topic comes up in games it gets people riled on a cultural level more than a power level... I know WW got RIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPED over their book.... and it might just be that sorta thing.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:51 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Yes, you can include the Gypsie OCCs into the HU setting.

Not as chars rifted in, but gypsie ppl in the hu setting.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:37 am
by Nekira Sudacne

I never found anyone with a problem with them.

Maybe they're just wary of anything RIFTS in general?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:22 am
by Killer Cyborg
Personally, I would tend to disallow gypsies simply because so many people think they're so kewl for no real reason.
White Wolf poisoned the well by making badass gypsies who could go toe-to-toe with vampires and werewolves, and other games followed suit (though not as bad).

Basically, it's a backlash against all the gratuitous gypsy-worship that people spit out there.

I don't know if that's the problem in your situation, though.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:12 pm
by shiiv-a
i guess. but still, it was only a 'gifted one' .. the healer type.

but the answer was still 'nope' .. let in a zenith warp hunter .. let in a psi-ghost .. let in a bunch of other types and they WERE NOT over powered for an HU game .. *shrugs*

NOT gonna worry about it. sat and watched .. and chatted via IM to various players instead .. with comments 'too bad my char isn't there .. she coulea healed you up .. instead you're KO'd and missing an arm and bleeding unchecked ... ' that person later stated 'well i'm out of Hit Points .. so i'm out of here. no point in me sticking about and being a corpse .. bye'

the person told me later that the char wasn't anywhere near out of hitpoints and basically dragged his sorry *** out of the game cause the GM was into killing PC's ..

*shrugs* kinda sad after all. just glad i didn't try to join that game afterward. the Gm contacted me via IM .. ' hey .. you wanna join in now?'

yeah .. right .... next sucker please

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:29 am
by Rallan
Before you include the mysterious psychic Gypsy character classes from Rifts, you might wanna ask a simple question to see if the idea is good or not.

What would your group do if you ran a HU campaign that included a Magical Negro OCC who gets mysterious psychic powers because black people are supernatural?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:37 pm
by Prince Cherico
Rallan wrote:Before you include the mysterious psychic Gypsy character classes from Rifts, you might wanna ask a simple question to see if the idea is good or not.

What would your group do if you ran a HU campaign that included a Magical Negro OCC who gets mysterious psychic powers because black people are supernatural?

sounds like a campain my GM ran where every one played national

Australians got WP bomarange free
British people got brew tea
and americans got WP gun of choice

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:06 pm
by wolfsgrin
i think you may have answered yourself as to why your gm didn't want the Gypsie. you wanted a healer and he wanted to kill pc's.
i'd pefer to use the fact that gypsies would have a hard time working outside their clan for long peroids of time. the gypsie culture is vastly different than most, and could actually be hard to role-play especially if you're playing a bunch heroes. some heroes wouldn't get along too well with a person who thinks that lieing, cheating, and stealing was not only ok but encouraged.
As a gm, personally, i would allow it, but with good reason and background. convince me basically. not too hard, I'm somewhat of a push over. The guy who taught me how to gm was very strict, worked well for him and his stories (which were fantastic, one you got over "you can't play that or that, or that.....) but i always saw the look on the player's faces, when their best character ideas were shot down time after time. hated that. I think a lot of gms lose sight that everyone is suppose to have fun and there should be room for compromise and both sides.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I think there is nothing wrong with playing healer types, but I would have to go over the OCC with the player to make sure everything was kosher. What a lot of GMs forget is that you are supposed to let the heroes win now and again. GMs who make it a battle between themselves and the players rather than a fun way to tell a story really get on my nerves personally.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:55 pm
by wolfsgrin
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think there is nothing wrong with playing healer types, but I would have to go over the OCC with the player to make sure everything was kosher. What a lot of GMs forget is that you are supposed to let the heroes win now and again. GMs who make it a battle between themselves and the players rather than a fun way to tell a story really get on my nerves personally.

nobody ever playes a healer in my games. They NEED one, but never pick it.
For some reason, when you add the word "game" to something, it means compitition. nuff said grrrrrrrrrrrrr
:thwak: bad gm/player

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:28 am
by shiiv-a
well .. i think its just wrong to 'assume' a stereotype is correct and absolute. sorry.

i realize that the idea of thinking of 'people as people first' is a dying breed in the thoughts of most people. you overlook the fact that they want to .. i don't know .. want directions to the liquor store. they have a personal disability, they are visiting the town/city .. and are tired of getting laughed at by 'teens'.

yeah, it happened. was talking about this kinda thing with a 15 year old. the 'people are people first - race, disability and religion are secondary' .. and i had to answer the gentleman's question. she saw HOW i dealt with the gent, and then how i dealt with the teens after he moved off, then left the area. the teens shut up, and when they saw me later on the street, they sorta kept quiet.

so i guess 'assuming' gypsies are all thieves [for game purposes only], and not at all interested in keeping the clan alive and safe whatever the cost. you get bands of roving adventurers that see a gypsy camp .. then kill them all to get a few hundred credits of stuff. 'ah .. we should do this more often. get cheap gear' ... seen that kind of behavior in games as well. makes me ashamed to say i did that once, was a part of a group that did. mind you i was away from the keyboard when that part all happened. seems the GM decided to see 'who would attack unarmed people' .. i kinda fell into the trap. HE or should i say HIS character jumped up and 'saved the day .. saved the rest of the *insert race or whatever here*, and got ALL the special treasure. the rest of us sorta had to decide WHO was gonna 'die to save face for the group

think my char did it .. mainly was bored of the game and wanted out .. so i did it in a dramatic way. 'you want your pound of flesh? .. a life for the ones that were taken? .. i give you mine and my gear' .. took my laser pistol and blew the brains out from under the chin ..

then i waved to the others and logged off ...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:30 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Yeah, the same with desert nomads, who were a type of gypsy. The need for survival prompts certain behavior. In some ways, gangs in America are gypsies in that respect. When the society you feed upon will not give you enough to survive, you must take more drastic measures. This is a common theme in many of my games in justifying why some of my criminal NPCs became such. Gypsies in history lived on land they did not own and stole what they needed to survive. That is a reality that translates very well into the gaming version of them.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:29 am
by shiiv-a
well .. perhaps one could put them down as an 'anti hero who's NOT a real criminal or villian'


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:35 am
by Sir_Spirit
Rallan wrote:Before you include the mysterious psychic Gypsy character classes from Rifts, you might wanna ask a simple question to see if the idea is good or not.

What would your group do if you ran a HU campaign that included a Magical Negro OCC who gets mysterious psychic powers because black people are supernatural?

YOu mean like this?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:46 am
by Sir_Spirit
Steeler49er wrote:Theirs just no getting along with some people! Christians and Secularists are seldom gonna do much more than just end up stepping on the other. True, we Can get alone from time to time, and True, we don't All fit the sterieotypes laid out for us... But we more often do.

IMO, True Christians are Secularists.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:07 am
by Rallan
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Steeler49er wrote:Theirs just no getting along with some people! Christians and Secularists are seldom gonna do much more than just end up stepping on the other. True, we Can get alone from time to time, and True, we don't All fit the sterieotypes laid out for us... But we more often do.

IMO, True Christians are Secularists.

Yeah but try seeing how far "render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's" gets you when you're talking to the folks who think America is God's Own Country :)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:20 pm
by NMI
also keep in mind that perhaps the GM wants HU characters only.

Normally I do when I run games IRL.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:47 am
by Sir_Spirit
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:also keep in mind that perhaps the GM wants HU characters only.

Normally I do when I run games IRL.

Excpet that the GM allowed nonHu charcters, he just didn't allow a healer in.
And remember that it quickly became clear whent he game started that the Gm was a killerGM.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:39 pm
by shiiv-a
thing is .. i choose to not game under that GM anymore.

i dislike the type that go out of their way to slaughter PC's just cause they killed the game or hurt the guy's feelings.

we're all sposed to be .. grown-up about it. not act like a 5 year old who got his favorite toy taken away for not sharing or by a bigger bully

far as i'm concerned .. its his loss .. i just lost out on a game, thats all

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:03 pm
by RockJock
I've allowed a gypsy in an HU game as sort of a Black Cat/Zantana character, funny mysterious, a thief with some powers