New F.A.Q. Archive. Updated 08.06.03
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:59 pm
First off. You can find the previous F.A.Q. here Old F.A.Q.
This is the archive of all posts we deem have accurate and appropriate answers to the gamers questions and rules clarificiations.
Now here's how this is going to work.
Most posts in here will be in the form of a poll.
Taking the Question and the answer and reposting it here.
At whcih time the Mods, Junior Admins, and Admins will vote on the Q. & A.
This will give you the reader a way to gauge the answer.
IE 6 out of 12 Board Mods agree. That type of thing.
Also posts that with an Official Palladium Books approval will say "Official" in the subject.
Official posts will also be stickied.
This will seperate the Official posts from the gamer approved posts.
At which time we will vote as well. Just to give you how we feel on this ruling.
Posts from the Palladium Books® Gamers Q. & A. will be placed in here.
After a short period we will look over the topics in that forum.
If the answer was satisfactory to the poster and we agree with the answer.
Then we will move the question to the this forum the "New F.A.Q. Archive".
Over time we will add the old F.A.Q stuff to this archive as we review it.
But that's it.
Please post your questions here <a href="">Palladium Books® Games Q. & A.</a>
Please note only Admins, Junior Mods, and Mods can post in this forum.
As this is an archive it is meant for viewing and searching only.
Remember all Q. & A.s may not apply to your game or make you happy.
At which time simply do not use it. It's your game.
Play it as you see fit.
Rules in Palladium Books<sup>®</sup> games are meant to be modified or broken.
Welcome to the F.A.Q. Archive
This is the archive of all posts we deem have accurate and appropriate answers to the gamers questions and rules clarificiations.
Now here's how this is going to work.
Most posts in here will be in the form of a poll.
Taking the Question and the answer and reposting it here.
At whcih time the Mods, Junior Admins, and Admins will vote on the Q. & A.
This will give you the reader a way to gauge the answer.
IE 6 out of 12 Board Mods agree. That type of thing.
Also posts that with an Official Palladium Books approval will say "Official" in the subject.
Official posts will also be stickied.
This will seperate the Official posts from the gamer approved posts.
At which time we will vote as well. Just to give you how we feel on this ruling.
Posts from the Palladium Books® Gamers Q. & A. will be placed in here.
After a short period we will look over the topics in that forum.
If the answer was satisfactory to the poster and we agree with the answer.
Then we will move the question to the this forum the "New F.A.Q. Archive".
Over time we will add the old F.A.Q stuff to this archive as we review it.
But that's it.
Please post your questions here <a href="">Palladium Books® Games Q. & A.</a>
Please note only Admins, Junior Mods, and Mods can post in this forum.
As this is an archive it is meant for viewing and searching only.
Remember all Q. & A.s may not apply to your game or make you happy.
At which time simply do not use it. It's your game.
Play it as you see fit.
Rules in Palladium Books<sup>®</sup> games are meant to be modified or broken.
Welcome to the F.A.Q. Archive