Rifts FAQ
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:17 pm
#1: Rifts FAQ Author: Guest, Posted: 18 Feb 2005 13:26
Question: I guess this question is really two questions in one. First would True Atlanteans suffer any ill effects from a Juicer Conversion?
Secondly, if a True Atlantean were converted into a Juicer, being that an Atlantean's lifespan is roughly six times longer than a human's, Would he last six times longer as a Juicer?
Answer: According to Juicer Uprising, True Atlantean Juicers suffer the same penalties and side effects as humans. They can however live longer than human Juicers, having a typical lifespan of 11-16 years.
Question: Could anyone explain to me how an extra 4 to 8 years with a Temporal Raider makes you uglier?
Answer: Overall wear and aging on the body from the character's experiences during the period of servitude, kind of like a 20 year old meth addict who looks 50.
Question: Could an Altaran blind warrior-woman get bio-borg eyes and thus see? I don't think cybernetic ones would work, since they prolly dont actually have optic nerves; however, the bio-borg ones are magical in nature, rather than tech...
Answer: According to their description they are anatomically complete and healthy, aside from being blind and sterile. This, coupled with the fact that they always wear protective eyewear, suggests that they do have eyes and optic nerves (and are light sensitive), but are blind due to genetic factors.
Therefore, both cybernetic and bio-wizard eyes will work, but the formerly blind warrior woman should require several weeks or even months of acclimation and adjustment to the sense of sight, since it is afterall something she's never experienced. It may also be advisable to reduce the range and acuity of the altarans' other heightened senses by 5-30% to compensate for the advantages of vision.
Question: Is the Chi M.D. Death Blow something ANYONE can learn?
Answer: No. It is an exclusive OCC ability only.
Question: What is the lifespan of an Anti-monster?
Answer: Effectively immortal. They don't tend to live long though, given their violent lives and complications that may occur from the conversion. As stated in SA1 they frequently die from implant rejection or violence within the first 15 years after conversion.
Question: the Titan RCC in Rifts CB1 p98 gets to Dim Teleport at 45% as a natural ability.
since they can be other classes rather than a mage, what qualifies as a "personal Sanctuary" as per the spell ?
someplace they're very familiar with ? (eg, they've spent at least 72 hours there, or that non-mage Titans can never teleport to someplace specific?)
Answer: A sanctuary is a sanctuary, as defined by the spell, regardless of whether it is a spell or a natural ability.
Note: It is not yet clear whether creatures that can D-Port as a natural ability actually need a sanctuary like a spellcaster does. It could be argued that a dragon, titan, demon etc., can teleport to any location in the given dimension that it has been to, or to its home base without the need for a teleportation circle or ley line nexus, simply because it is a natural ability. Another option might be to use the percentile roll to determine accuracy as well as successful activation.
Question: A male Sea Titan out to see the world "strolls through the cabbage patch" with a female Cyber-Knight in North America. In true shore leave fashion she awakens the next morning to find him gone, but nine months later has a bouncing baby something to remember him by. The child is raised among normal humans, none of whom know about the supernatural nature of Sea Titans. He enters the order and is knighted, still not having gone through the change from normal to supernatural. Some time after the Knight reaches level 4, and the cyber armor becomes a living part of him, the change occurs. Here's where the question comes in...
A Sea Titan's body rejects cybernetic implants, but after level 4 the Cyber Armor becomes a living part of the Knight's body. So under the above circumstances would our subject in retain his Cyber Armor, or would his body reject the armor and, given the degree to which the armor had become a part of him, scar him for life and likely leave him in constant pain. Or, if the body did reject the armor, would the shock and trauma of separation kill him despite his newfound powers?
Answer: So long as the Sea Titan was a level 4 Cyber Knight before their abilities matured I would say they keep it since SoT4 says the armor becomes a living part of the knight. If the armor is not a living part of the knight before they mature then it would be rejected by the Sea Titans body since they can't have any cybernetics/bionics and will expel them.
Question: After picking up Rifts: South America One and having a look at the Totem Warrior O.C.C. (pg. 147), I realized that the number of "other" skills available aren't listed. I'm hoping I missed it somewhere as I really want to make a Totem Warrior character. How many "other" skills should it be?
Answer: The absent listing is a misprint. The Totem Warrior receives eight "other"/OCC related skills at level 1, plus another at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Question: Maybe I'm blind, but I couldn't find the PPE listing for the Sunaj Assassin. Do they simply have the standard PPE base of the True Atlantean RCC, or do they have base PPE and progression similar to the Undead Slayer or Monster Hunter?
Answer: I don't see it either; I'd give them the Undead Slayer stats.
Question: How much are missles (mini-short-medium-long)? I'm unable to find their prices in the books
Answer: In Rifts, The missile costs can be found in Rifts Sourcebook 1 pages 55 and 56 and the Rifts GM Screen. Missile costs can also be found in Rifts: Japan, the Phaseworld books, Manhunter, Mutants in Orbit, Triax, Underseas (Torpedos), and probably a few other books.
For Heroes Unlimited, check out Heroes Unlimited Second Edition and Aliens Unlimited - Galaxy Guide. See also pages 256-257 of RUE.
Question: The Rifts GM's Guide spells out the rules for mixing Mega Damage melee weapons and Supernatural Strength. There is no confusion there in that rule.
However, robots, power armor and a few select 'borgs have Robotic Strength, which also is capable of inflicting Mega Damage in hand to hand combat, though not as powerful as Supernatural P.S. Shouldn't these two use the same (or similar) rule when they use a Mega Damage melee weapon like a vibro-blade? And if so, should they be granted full access to the PS Damage Bonus? Or since Robotic Strength is weaker, should they receive a reduced bonus, like maybe half that listed?
Answer: Robotic Strength should follow the exact same rules as Supernatural Strength in this regard. Damage bonuses from P.S. in both cases only apply to S.D.C. attacks, but the full bonus would be used when applicable.
Note however that the Rifts Sourcebook (page 5), Rifts Game Master Guide (page 26), and Revised Rifts Conversion Book (page 10) each provide conflicting rules regarding the use of Mega Damage melee weapons by supernatural and robotic beings. Exactly which to use (if any) is up to the individual GM.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): The official rules for Robotic Strength are found on page 285 of RUE.
Question: Hey does anyone know how a character selects the martial arts powers in rifts japan? Do they cost skills? Or are they selected in place of psionic powers? If so what is required to select one?...I noticed several classes start out with one or two powers but most are not inherint to any class and I can't find where the book explains martial arts power selection.
any help would be appreciated
Answer: The Mystic Martial Art Powers are available exclusively to the Mystic Ninja, Bishamon Fighting Monk, Sohei Warrior Monk, Yamabushi Mountain Priest, and Demon Queller. Exactly which powers and when they are gained are listed in the individual OCC descriptions.
Question: Mind melters, Psi-Stalkers and Bursters are all referred to in the main book as different Races. Does that mean they can't mate with humans anymore, or are they still human, but with enhanced abilities.
Next (assuming they still are human), can they receive Magic Tattoos under special circumstances?
Answer: Humans can have a wide variety of psionics (minor, major and master). In most cases they can still breed with other humans of psionic or non-psionic in nature. The psi-powers are essentially a part of the Human genetics according to Dr. Desmond Bradford (see World Book 13: Lone Star), Thus a Mind Melter and Bursters can mate with each other and other normal humans.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Psi-Stalkers are mutant humans, so they can no longer mate with pure breed humans.
As to getting magic tattoos, the rules for mutants and psychics getting tattoos are found in Rifts World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional Market, page 107.
Question: I was just going through Pantheons of the Megaverse, and noticed something odd. Many of the gods have two MDC ratings....their normal MDC and their Rifts Earth MDC. How is it possible to have non-Rifts MDC? Are these supposed to be listings for RT or something?
Answer: As explained on page 7, True Gods are more powerful in their home dimension than they are on Rifts Earth, having roughly five times more MDC at home than on Rifts Earth. Normally they have to be established in a new dimension for some time (i.e. establish a religion and acquire many worshippers) before they are at full power there.
Question: What piloting skills are required to operate the following Rifts vehicles?
CS Death's Head Transport (Main Book)
Answer: Pilot Death's Head Transport, Coalition War Campaign, page 84.
Question: CS Sky Cycle (Main Book)
Answer: Pilot Skycycles, Coalition War Campaign, page 84.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Pilot Hovercylces has been expanded to include Skycycles & rocket bikes, so they now use this skill.
Question: NG Sky King (Main Book)
Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane (Mercenaries)
Naruni Boomerang Attack Aerodyne (Mercenaries)
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Pilot Hovercylces has been expanded to include Skycycles & rocket bikes, so the NG Sky King would now use this skill.
All the others use Pilot Jet, except the Delta-Wing, which, when flown in space, would use one of the various Spacecraft piloting skills.
Question: Naruni Carnivore Mark I and Juggernaut Hovertanks (Mercenaries)
Warthrone (Warlords of Russia)
Answer: All Pilot Hovercraft.
Question: Big Boss ATV? How about for the bigger ATV's?
Answer: Pilot Automobile.
Question: By the intent and content of the message from Siege on Tolkeen Two: Coalition Overkill page 12, second column, sixth paragraph about half way down in a video letter from Sergeant Deon Canton to his wife and kids talking about "D-Bee scum, demons, and spell casters" he is referring to himself and wife at least and likely the whole of the Coalition. Now the question remains is it a mistake putting it in or do they follow a god, and if so what one(s)?
Answer: The term "God fearing" usually refers to the Christian God, so I'm guessing that's what it means.
Question: I had a question about somthing that it states under the ninja borg occ. It says you start with a set of armor and it gives the name. I cant remember the name since I dont have the book with me. I cant for the life of me find where the stats of this armor are located. I figured it was a typo. If anyone would be so kind as to give me your thoughts on this. Thanks
Answer: According to the book, a Ninja Borg's standard equipment commonly includes a suit of NF-100 Infiltrator Armor. As you probably noticed, no armor with that designation exists. I would assume it's a typo and that it is actually referring to the IA-100 Infiltrator Armor, found on page 184 of Rifts Japan.
Question: Is the Shifters link to the supernatural limited to evil beings or can good beings be chosen too.
You may not be able to give an answer to this but if good can be chosen would the powers and bonuses be different, if so how?
Answer: According to the Rifts Main Book and Dark Conversions, the Shifter CAN link to good aligned beings. This is rare, and often times a ruse put on by an evil being posing as a good one. Any difference in the abilities granted would be solely at the discretion of the GM, but I personally see no reason to change any of it.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Page 125 or RUE gives different bonuses based on the type of being linked to.
Last edited by Guest on 30 Sep 2005 19:55; edited 1 time in total
#2: Author: Guest, Posted: 24 Feb 2005 11:14
Question: I assume the Fennodi from New West are Master Psychics? they have a super power (but so does the TW) but low ISP.
also, it says they can choose an OCC, so I assume you use the HTH for the OCC and drop all the bonuses for attacks that the RCC gives ?
or use both ?
Answer: Yes to the first one(I belive the book actaully says this.)
And no the the second one.
You use just their H2H and not the one in the OCC.
Question: What Races can get Magic Tattoos. Will you tell me?
Why only those races can get the Magic Tattoos?
Answer: The only races that can benefit from Chiang-Ku/Atlantean/Splugorth Tattoo Magic are:
Humans (excluding certain human mutants)
True Atlanteans
Elves (with severe penalties)
Chiang Ku Dragons
The stated reason for this is that humans (and their nearest relatives) and Chiang-Ku have some special aptitude or preponderence towards Tattoo Magic that no other races possess.
Question: I saw something about the Tauton RCC that was a little confusing. The Book States"Combat: Martial arts and boxing, averaging four to six (plus tail strike) hand to hand melee round attacks, or 2 by magic"
Now, given I own a older Rifts Africa book( the one with the old cover) and this book was made before the Game Masters Guide came out, but is this a mistake on the writers part? Did the writer forget to factor in the two attacks per round any character with Hand to Hand training is supposed to start with?
Answer: Yes they forgot it.
They always forgot it because they really didn't exist at the time. No NPCs made around that time had them.
Question: what I want is to convert some martial arts forms from ninja and super spies in rifts. I've tried comparing ninja and super spies aikido and rifts japan aikido. as my bases. to convert snake style king fu. into a more useable form for rifts, we don't use chi, or chi powers. in my game.
any one have any ideas, or know where I could look.
Answer: Check out Kuseru's website, he does a bunch of that to popular martial arts.
Question: I realize there is the Rogue Scholar in the main book, but I've seen referance to a Scholar.
On a somewhat related note, where was the City Rat variants listed??? I know I just recently read them in one of my books, but now for the life of me it seems to have disappeared. There was also a description of changing OCC's listed as part of the City Rat variant....
Answer: The PF main book also has "scholar" O.C.C. among the optional O.C.C.'s section.
variant city rats are to be found in the Bionics Sourcebook, as well as the Rifts Japan Cyberoid being one too.
Question: The answers to these questions are unlisted in the book...is the NE-C20 armor (found on page 124 in Rifts: Mercenaries) an environmental body armor, and what is it's power source? I'd say yes to environmental considering the picture of it shows it completely covering it's owner, including the head, with no visible breathing holes or slits, and as for the power source, i'm unsure because it seems a bit small to be nuclear powered, yet something with that ability seems to me would need something more then an e-clip. The camo sheets appear to not need a power source. Does this mean that the armor's abilities to change to the color of the dominant background are virtually unlimited and unhindered by the need for a power source?
Answer: The same power source every EBA uses. (This is likely some form of E-battery as most Environmental body armor has a host of electronic systems to power.)
#3: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Mar 2005 11:24
Question: I was wondering....... can a godling take a power such as super-swift or super-strong all three times?
Answer: No.
The book specifically states WHICH "super powers" the godling can take multiple times. Any not specifically mentioned are not available for multiples options.
Question: is it possible for my true atlantian-where tiger-mindmelter-maxi man-stone master with NF-X armor to even really exist???? if not please explain why.
Answer: No. You can't officially cross-breed in the Palladium system.
Question: Does anybody know if this ability (natural dimensional teleport) allows for the teleporting of others or things? Where can I find information about this? Can a balrog grab my character and teleport him into some other dimension then teleport away?
Answer: Yes that is valid.
Question: It says that a Godling O.C.C. can have any hand to hand of choice. Does this mean one could in fact make a Kami Spirit/Godling (sort of the same thing) with a Japanese martial art, or a Chinese god with a chinese hand to hand?
Answer: If you're talking about the Hand to Hand Combat Skills in Rifts Japan or Rifts China 2, then yes, it is entirely possible and perfectly acceptable.
If you mean the Martial Art Forms in Ninjas & Superspies or Mystic China, then no, as Pantheons of the Megaverse only specifies a Hand to Hand Combat Skill of choice, not a Martial Art Form.
[house rule]Personally, I'd be inclined to allow such a Godling to have a Martial Art Form, but only at the cost of one of its divine powers, and possibly two or three powers for Exclusive forms.[/house rule]
#4: Author: Tinker Dragoon, Location: Newberry, Florida, USA Posted: 1 Mar 2005 13:38
Question: The Juicer Assassin has W.P. Sharpshooting: Energy Rifle as an O.C.C. skill. Do I have to choose one of the six abilities a Sharpshooter has or does a Juicer Assassin have all six since their O.C.C. offers it?
Answer: You will have just one of the six Sharpshooter special abilities by default.
All characters with W.P. Sharpshooting only get one of the abilities unless specifically stated otherwise in their O.C.C. description. Additional Sharpshooter abilities are however available by taking W.P. Trick Shooting (found in Warlords of Russia and the RGMG).
Question: 1) In the Trick Shooting section of WP Sharpshooting, #3 allows the character to shoot accurately while on a horse or moving vehicle. Would this also apply to when the character is running/moving, or no?
2) Can the Temporal Warrior OCC take WP Sharpshooting? The rules state that practicioners of magic can't, but Battle Magi can?
3) When using two firearms (one in each hand) and it comes time to reload, how many actions does it take? I'd assume 2, but I'm curious as to what you guys think.
Edit: 4) Regarding Trick Shooting #5, does the "dodge and come up shooting" mean that both dodging and shooting are done in 1 action, or it takes 2 (one to dodge, next to shoot)? I could have sworn that this was covered somewhere, but I searched and couldn't find it.
Answer: 1) No, it's quite specific to riding a horse or on a moving vehicle.
2) No, again. The Battle Magus OCC gives him the skill already as part of it's package.
3) I'd agree with you on that one. It takes 1 action for a trained person (i.e. WP) to reload a weapon. It's two weapons, so 2 actions total.
4) I remember in CB1 describing what circumstances a shot would be considered wild, and I think it mentioned the attack directly after a dodge counted as a wild. I must check the book on that one, but we've always taken it that this trick shooting allowed for accurate strikes after a dodge.
#5: Author: Guest, Posted: 29 Mar 2005 05:54
Question: Is a Godling an O.C.C. or an R.C.C. and what book has the format for creating one? Also can they change O.C.C.or to an O.C.C. if Godling is an R.C.C. like changing to a Cosmo Knight?
Answer: It's a RCC, found in the Pantheons of the Megaverse book. They can't change around OCC/RCC.
The demigod, found in same book, can select a OCC though.
Question: Realizing the old FAQ states Undead Slayers do not have Supernatural PS, why do the NPC's listed on p109 of Rifts England and p64 of Splynn Dimensional Market have it? The one in England lacks even the Chain of Strength tattoo.
Answer: Because the old FAQ was wrong.
Question: Has anyone seen any instances of a Phoenix RCC, whether as a PC or familiar?
Answer: The Goddess Bennu, covered in Rifts Africa.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:23; edited 1 time in total
#6: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 May 2005 08:29
Question: I have an Old Believer and have been having an issue with my GM and was hoping to get some input.
I want to be able to learn new spells. Like, I want to be able to be taught them and learn new ones outside of gaining them with levels.
The GM's stance is basically "the book doesn't say you specifically can, so you can't". While I can understand this, I'd still like to know if I can. What do you all think?
Answer: The Old Believer gains spells like a mystic, they can't learn them otherwise.
Question: This recently crossed my mind. Lets say "John Silverwire" became a Phaeton Juicer. John recieves serious bonuses to piloting skills and abilities. Three years later, John, having amassed a large wealth, wants to detox and to become a full conversion borg. Now, the question is, a Phaeton Juicer recieves thier piloting bonuses due to the nature of thier juicer conversion, but do they still retain these piloting bonuses after a detox?
Answer: No.
Question: In Rifts South America World book 6: The Soul Worm NPC on 128/129 has two listing for PP and was wondering which one was correct. Is it the 4D6 + 4 or 1D6+20?
Answer: 1D6+20
Question: Demigod PPE -- when you choose power #10 does the demigod automatically get the godling's PPE too ? (which is 4d6x10 + 4D6 per level)
under PPE it mentions the OCC + 4D6 for the Demigod.
is that: if the OCC is 1D6x10 it becomes 1D6x10+4D6 plus what the OCC gets per level -- or is it something else ? someone was saying the 4D6 is the per level.
same with #9 and ISP.
Answer: 1) No. Only the Godling gets the Godling's P.P.E. base.
2) The 4D6 bonus applies to base P.P.E./I.S.P. only, so if the Demigod's O.C.C. has 6D6 P.P.E., the Demigod will have 10D6 P.P.E.
Question: In Underseas, on page 212 the Pilot skill Advanced Deep Sea Diving is listed without skill percentages or bonuses to other skills. Is this a mistake? It is not listed on the Cutting Room Floor either. Maybe it was corrected in a later printing? Please help.
Answer: According to the Rifts' GMG, the skill is 40%+5% per level.
Question: Since a battle magus can get sharpshooting with magical energy blasts, and the bonuses to strike with energy blasts are often inadequate, yet benefit from PP, do you think it would be fair to make an ancient WP skill that corresponds with the strike bonuses you get from modern WP for use with magical (conjured) energy blasts, psionics blasts, and natural energy blasts (super powers)?
I'm thinking you could make one skill for each of the three, to balance out the benefits they would give. Since many powers already come with their own strike bonuses (similar to a well-designed Wilks) perhaps to offset that, the bonuses could be slightly less, +1 to strike at level 1 instead of +3 I guess. I just think there should be some improvement in hand-eye coordination of these bolt-flingers over time.
Answer: 1. The Battle Magus is munchkiny (insert something not nice). You should not use it as a basis for anything.
2. If you give PP bonuses, then you should not give WP bonuses. Conversely, if you make a WP Energy Blast, then people should no longer get their PP bonuses for it.
Question: What book does it talk about Jade items and weapons inflicting more damage to demons and such?
Answer: Rifts China 2, page 110.
Question: I have a question about the Samurai's Chi M.D. Death Blow. On page 47 of Rifts: Japan it says "The chi M.D. death blow draws on the character's P.P.E. reserve of mystic inner energy and can be considered a magical attack."
Does this mean the attack cost the character an amount of P.P.E? If this is the case how much does it cost, and where can I find the rules regarding this cost?
Answer: Yes, 3D6. You can basically find them in PFRPG 2nd Edition, under the Palladin OCC.
Question: Can someone tell my specific pages where I can read about the detox process of juicers?
Answer: page 70 of Rifts main book. Page 80 of RUE.
Question: Ok this question has always been in the back of my mind.
If we ignore Casters and Psionics, etc. And concentrate solely on Melee for a second, there is an issue that I have always had with the SDC vs MDC situation.
You can have a SUpernatural being with an 18 Strength, and if he uses an MDC weapon, he gets to add his Str Bonus. This is fine, makes perfect sense.
Yet you can take a Human, who somehow manages to have a 40 Str (It is easy to do once you consider physical skills.) And he can not add his bonus.
Now I understand the reasoning for this. BUT, my question is, what good is high strength on an SDC being, if they can nevere use their bonus. In most of the Rifts settings, the encounters are MDC encounters.
We end up with a character who can carry a lot more than usual, and that is about it.
I see this problem in Splicers even more than normal Rifts. At least in Rifts there are ways to make the character SN. In Splicers, most toons are SDC, only a couple have access to Host Armor. So once again, we have a situation where a character can have a 40 Str (even easier do to having more physical skills) And it plays no part in combat.
Even normal human strength should be important at higher levels when in hth combat.
Answer: Sure he does... it's just an SDC bonus.
Against MDC creatures, this doesn't do much good (unless you have a melee weapon that deals 75+SDC in a single hit, then your strength might push you over the top and let you inflict 1 MD).
That is up to the GM.
Most GM's and players like to use a lot of megadamage stuff, but then they are the ones to blame for lack of SDC opportunities (of course, Palladium does a LOT to enrourage this).
Grapple. Then your strength comes in handy.
For that matter, there are a number of weapons that can't be used by people with strength under 20 or so.
Also, high SDC strength comes in handy when fighting vampires, were-creatures, and other demons/monsters who have vulneraibilities to certain SDC materials.
I had a N&S character with PS 31 end up in Rifts Mexico and he kicked a lot of butt... he had Moo Gi Gong, so he could use paired stakes. With his PS damage, he could really mess the vamps up.
Question: Ok folks, this question involves real life fact mixed with gaming (I know, never a good idea to mix RPGs with reality). When I say dogs, Im refering to ALL dog like races such as Wolfen, Dog Boys, etc. (NOT to include Lycanthropes though!) Do Dog Boys and the other canine races have color vision? Now, one could remove the Dog Boys from this and say that they were genetically engineered to have color vision...but races like the Wolfen are naturally born, not spliced genes in a test tube.
So, there you have it: Do any/some of these races have color vision?
Note: This is assuming everyone reading this question actually realizes that your dog Spot sees only in monochrome
Answer: Best guess is that dogs are red/green color blind and see everything else as somewhat muted. their vision is optimised for hunting in low light and for spotting movement.
Now for the in game answer.
In Rifts Lone Star it states that Dog Boys have color vision in the same range as humans, but slightly muted.
In Conversion book 1, in the section on the canine races. (wolfen, coyles and kankorans.) it states under 'natural abilitys' for each race that they have excellent daylight color vision.
So in game the answer is yes, canine races have color vision
Question: If you pick Gymnastics or Acrobatics (in Rifts) you get a base prowl ability of 30%. Now does this increase in level or in order for it to increase you would need to actually select the prowl skill? Same with climb as well.
Answer: No it doesn't increase, you'd need to select the actual skill.
Question: I'm reading through the Federation of Magic (older version) and I came upon the events with the ruins of chicago and how it was the Grand City at the time. Can someone tell me, what is it now, ruins, or still a source of magic collections, or what? Is the city deserted or inhabited, and if possible, are there any books and page numbers that speak specifically of the ruins itself?
Answer: WB 11 Warmachine says that it has inhabitats, mostly d-bees, "undesirables", and demons. The CS sends recruits in for field training to get combat experience against relatively simple critters. After all these years, its mostly ruins, but stuff still lives there.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:25; edited 2 times in total
#7: Author: Guest, Posted: 31 May 2005 19:05
Question: Making a Rifts character, mutant Operator.
Abilities: Extraordinary Physical Endurance, Body Weapons, Supernatural Strength, Create Force field, and Natural Combat Ability.
My question is: the Extra.PE makes him an MDC creature, would that make his Body Weapons MDC weapons?
Answer: No the Extraordinary PE would not make the weapons do MDC, however, the Supernatural Strength would.
Question: Hmm...are the effects of the Draining Blade accumulative?
Answer: Yes
Question: An unusual situation has come up during my last gamming session. The gm (a relative newbie gm) has given my True Incan Demigod a choice to allow an entity to possess him or not. My character has the powers from Viracocha, including immunity to all forms of possession and mind control. My character is psionically healing a npc who is possessed by a unique entity, and evidently i have to allow the entity to posess me , or i can't heal the npc. The way i understand it that power (p. 21 in South America 2) and the identical one in Pantheons are always on, and you can't control them. Even if i wanted to become possessed, i couldn't. I just wanted to get another opinion, even though it seems really clear, just to sastify the gm
Answer: Immunity is immunity.
You can't just choose you be not immune.
Question: now i dont realy remember if it says anything but is it posable to mix the technologys of a ultra crazy (( south amaraca 2 )) and a dragon juicer...also does anyone know what book i can look in to find out about the east coast like newyork and such
Answer: No to both.
Question: Some background:
...even with the assurance of the bomb implant. This augmentation is top secret and carefully guarded - it will NOT fall into the hands of others!
from page 45 in Juicer Uprising
...the following is a listing of common "small units" deployed by Tolkeen...
Juicer Strike Team
1 mega-juicer or delphi-Juicer, Dragon Juicer or Psycho-Stalker Juicer
from page 148-149 in Rifts: Siege on Tolkeen - Chapter One
Now here is the question, didn't the writers of Juicer Uprising make it clear that the Psycho Stalker Juicer was a CS only creation. Now they stoped letting this out except for the very first, because of the brain implant that goes boom if they go AWOL.
From the writings in the Siege on Tolkeen chapter one, this juicer conversion did get out because they are an option for a Tolkeen strike force.
Is this a mistake, or I am reading too much or too little into something here?
Answer: It's a mistake. Make of it what you will.
Question: Can juicers dodge lasers or bullets?
Answer: They have the opportunity to attempt to do so. That is no guarantee of success.
Question: This is a question for all of you game masters out there. When in The regular Rifts© RPG, The Description of each Class/Character Gives a description, Special Bonuses, O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills, Secondary Skills, Equipment, Money, and the code of ethics type stuff in the case of the Cyber knight. Does the character get all of the O.C.C. Skills as well them getting to pick the 14 O.C.C. Related Skills and the 7 Secondary Skill. (Refer to page 62-65 of the origional manual for the exact words.)
Answer: Yes, the Cyberknight gets ALL those skills.
Question: Is there any book that has SDC stats for a Zombie? I don't know of any, but I don't have every book.
Answer: The main Rifts book, p. 187. RUE, page 223
Question: What XP Table should the Mutant Cats from WB1: Vampire Kingdoms use? Do they have the same psychic abilities as the Dog Boys?
Answer: See Rifts: Lone Star. They are the Mutant Cats of the Coalition's Lone Star Complex.
And the Powers and Abilities that they have varies from Cat (Sub-species) to Cat, sometimes drastically.....
Question: The RGMG has additional martial arts in it which I assume are the ones I often see people talking about from rifts japan. how many skills are they supposed to cost?
Answer: Since they are really only available to the characters in Japan (in Rifts), it will tell you under each OCC what HtH can be selected and how many extra skills (if any) it will cost.
Otherwise, no other characters can select them anyway.
Question: I haven't been able to find a thread on this one, so I apologize if it's been covered before. How do you play a character with Major & Minor Superpowers from HU in Rifts? I would think that they could pass for a "normal" human in Chi-Town or other pro human environment as their powers would be natural abilities, right?
Answer: Conversion book 1 has the rules for converting HU characters to rifts as well as the rules for characters with superpowers who are native to rifts earth. Whether or not they pass for "normal" in Chi-Town depends on what superpowers they have.
Question: What happens when a Supernaturally strong character (Supernatural P.S.) wears a power armor that provides a lower Robotic PS? I was under the impression that the Power Armor could only take so much stress (general robotic PS) before it quits functioning. Any suggestions on the scenario?
Answer: Just because he is strong enough to damage the armor does not mean he has to. The armor would only act as a restraint if he was trying to do something that the armor was not capable of doing. Even so, I would rule that for PA the synthetic PS that the armor provides could easily be disabled, and the player could use his own PS to move the armor.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:26; edited 2 times in total
#8: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Jul 2005 11:36
Question: If a character is an MDC creature(dragon, Undead Slayer, Mutant Extra. PE, etc) how fast do they recover Physical MDC? I cannot find this anywhere, but i do remember seeing it somehwere!
Answer: According to the Original Conversion Book, M.D.C. creatures recover 2D6 M.D.C. every 24 hours unless otherwise stated. I do not know if this has changed in the Revised Conversion Book.
Dragons, vampires, demons, and many other supernatural M.D.C. creatures heal much faster than this, with the specific rates listed among their abilities and powers.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): There is no listing for the recovery of normal MDC in RUE, despite the statement on page 289 (which basically leads you to a repeat of everything on pages 288-289, with some expansion in certain areas).
Question: 1) Are all bonuses from OCC's described in the "Experience Level" section of God description cumilative?
p 41 RWB:Africa
Anubis, Lord of the Dead
Experience Level: 14th level Necromancer, 8th level Diabolist and Stone Master
Magic Powers:....Opponent must save against a 15 or higher to save Vs magic.
2) do you ad the cumilative bonuses to save vs. magic, spell strength, abilities and powers, etc.. of all the OCC's described?
3) this would give Anubis a spell strength of 19!!! is this correct? ( including the 4 from Shifter/diabolist)
4) also do you consider that he is a 30th level character in regards to skills?...
5) Ex Wp sword gives you a plus one at different levels of experience, added together it would be a plus five at 14th level. But as a 30th level character would you ad a plus one every 4th level after 14?
Answer: 1) No.
2) No.
3) No.
4) No.
5) No.
Question: I found an NPC in Siege of Tolkeen 6 that uses the C'ro mage RCC, (can't remember the page number). I was just wondering where I can find this RCC, and is it meant for player characters?
Answer: Mindwerks, pp. 56-58. As Greater Demons, they are not intended as player characters, but that is really up to you and your GM.
Question: Can True Atlanteans become Ultra-crazies?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Is there a Palladium book that describe in depth the Runesmith O.C.C.?
Answer: CB2: Pantheons of the Megaverse covers Asgardian Dwarves, who can be runesmiths.
Question: Can anyone tell me where the stats are for Bows & Crossbows in Rifts?
Answer: Page 32 of the RMB, under the WP archery and targeting. RGMG, pages 79 & 128. RUE, Page 326.
Question: Where does it say Undead slayers/monster hunters get supernatural strength? All I can find and read is that they become supernatural and I believe that in itself doesn't mean you get it.
Answer: They can temporarily increase their strength with the appropriate magic tattoo.
Question: On the RMB some O.C.C.’s do not have any starting language as an O.C.C. skill. Does this mean a starting character with that O.C.C. has to spend Other/Secondary skills to buy his or her native language? MY RMB is the 1st edition so I am not sure this is a mistake corrected in latter editions or if I am missing something.
Answer: In Rifts, all characters have their native language 98% to start. They have to communicate somehow.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Native Language at 98% was included in the OCC descriptions.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:27; edited 2 times in total
#9: Author: Guest, Posted: 31 Jul 2005 18:45
Question: hey all ive seen some characters that have made me wonder...are they actually legal......like the psi stalker.......i have seen a stalker become a cyber knight.....is this possible/legal as per the rules? if so is it also possible that a psi-stalker can become a phase mystic? since stalkers are psychic human mutants and phase mystics are psychics trained to be phase mystics is it possible? or for a stalker to be trained in any other occ type? how about if some get captured in a splugie slave raid ad they get turned into T-Men? any thoughts or other ideas?
Answer: If the RCC specifically says they can take an OCC, or a later OCC says that a specific RCC(s) can select it, then they can.
Question: A Juicer's Bio-Comp has both "synthesized drugs", and IRMSS robots (RMB p.68 & 69).
RMB p.247 details the cost of an IRMSS system, but not for a recharge on the robots.
Nothing I know of discusses the cost of the drugs (I've looked through JU several times).
Ok, what did I miss? Is there anything, anywhere, that says how often and how expensive it is to replenish the bio-comp's drugs and IRMSS robots?
Answer: A three month supply for a Euro Juicer can range from 85 to 125K.
So I would have a 6 month supply for a standard Juicer run anywhere from 200 to 300K
Question: here is a question i have concerning the starting gear for a psi druid. it says in the psyscape book that they get a suit of NON-EVIRONMENTAL mdc armor. only thing is i cant seem to find one that is mdc and non eva other than a couple of them in the new west book that just dont seem to be fitting as this is for a game not set in the new west (at least not anytime soon) also it says 2d4 magic herbs from rifts england. the descriptions on them have them as being native to england and europe in the first place and second of all how is a PSI-DRUID going to be able to actually USE MAGIC HERBS??!!
Any suit of MDC armor is non-environmental if it is not properly sealed, or if it lacks a helmet.
A number of the herbs listed in Rifts: Enlgand grow in the US and other places around the world.
Most (all?) of the magic herbs can, once enchanted, be used by anybody.
Question: I know it's a JA-11, but does anybody know what all the mods are that are mentioned? A few times he mentions an AQ-3 which I think is his scope, but I can't find it anywhere in the books. Am I missing something or were his items just not included in the RPG books? It also mentions an SCMS (Sensor Counter Measure System), anybody have any idea if/where this is located in the books?
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Standard laser targetting system and telescopic/IR scope.
Question: Ok i know this is a noob question but im a noob so i guess its ok to ask well i was looking through the rifts handbook and i can not find the Life Span any where and im getting very fustrated and i do not like being like that lol, so if some one can help me plz reply asap.
Answer: For humans?
Only place I know that talks about it is Rifts Lone Star, page 68. Typical Coalition citizen 100-130 years, citizen of Lazlo 100-140, NGR citizen 120-150, Citizen of the republic of japan 140-200.
that's assuming top of the line medical care. in places that don't have the best medical care (IE most places not listed above) the normal lifespan is 45-90 years.
Question: OK...sound off here people...and I want sources too, not just opinions.....lets put our collective heads together and give some answers:
1) Are all Altaran Warrior Women bald? Are they completely hairless?
2) Are all Psi-Stalkers Bald? Are they completely hairless?
3) Is the black circle around a Psi-Stalker's eyes an affectation, like makeup or a tattoo, or is it a genetic condition all PSers have?
Answer (based on new material in RUE): 1) Yes.
Rifts Mercenaries Pg. 91
Captain Myriam
"A very attractive but cold and mostly expressionless woman with short black hair (implanted; naturally hairless)."
2) Psi-Stalkers are totally hairless.
3) Tattoos
Question: It's the newbie asks a question time! Prepare your tomatos and and torches.
1) How does a Lord Magus progress at level 15+? (what skill bonuses do they get? Do they receive more supernatural skills, any new bonuses to saves, how much experiance is needed to level up, etc.)
2) Can a Lord Magus, after they transform into an MDC creature, mate with a normal human? If so, what would the child be?
3) and as for the ask a stupid question part....Where does all the oil for maintaining all the robots and vehicals on Rifts Earth come from?
Answer: 1) Most classes don't have experience tables for progressing pass level 15, I recommend checking the adult dragon experience table and using that as a basis.
2) I would say no. But if he could the child would be normal SDC.
3) Mega-damage whales.
Question: I have a player playing a Robot from Sourcebook 1, but I can't find the experience table he should be using. Can anyone give me the book and page number that has the table, or tell me which other O.C.C./R.C.C. table it uses?
Answer: There is a Robot Soldier OCC in Triax.
Question: just what is the cost to repair mdc armor on vehicles, body armor, power armor, giant robots, etc...?
Answer: SB1, pages 55-56
Question: I've just started playing Rifts again, and I'm out of touch with all the new books.
Are there new rules about armor repair (cost, amount, etc) for vehicles, borgs, and Robots/PA?
I think there was some in Mercs, are there any new books with updated/changed rules?
Answer: Repair rules can be found in Sourcebook One.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): See also pages 312-313 of RUE for more rules on repair and modification, prices remain in SB1.
Question: Hey folks! I was just wondering: if a dimensional anomaly like the Shimmering Waters in Rifts Underseas causes the healing all injuries effect, would it cause the body to reject its cybernetic implants, replacing them with regenerated limbs, organs, and the like?
Answer: No.
You need limb replacement level regeneration for that to happen and that ain't it.
Question: How much do pure silver bullets cost? How much do silver coated bullets cost? Book and page please too.
Answer: pg 137 of the RGMG
Question: How much do MRE's (Rations) cost? Are they available in any good supply store or just limited to coalition states? You'd think it would be in the main book under equipment or the GM guide but if it is I'm not seeing it. Kuseru said it was in Merc Ops but I don't have that book (yet?)
Answer: Merc Ops pages 115-116. Buy the book if you want the information.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:29; edited 2 times in total
#10: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Sep 2005 20:01
Question: 1) how is the exchange of currency supposed to take place?
2) if a character has 5 million credits is that all on one credit card?
3) what if he is pick pocketed?
4) what if someone goes from atlantis to russia...are the currency one flat standard?
5) if i wanted to go to the fruit vender down the street or buy some drugs off a street dealer am I swiping from a card reader and if so where IS all that money actually? Is there a gold standard, or an actual tangible form of dollars and cents printed by someone?
Answer: 1) Credit or barter transactions.
2) It could be, or he could have it spread out on a number of them.
3) Then it sucks to be him...
4) Nope.
5) Nope.
It's all electronic.
Question: As topic. Let me clarify. With all WPs (or at least the ones that the Gun Master can use), the character receives the +3 aimed shot / +1 burst bonus. With none, he is only limited to the "One With the Gun" bonuses.
Answer: It's recommended that anyone wishing to play a Gunmaster either dump the One with the Gun nonsense and take the appropriate Weapon Proficiencies instead OR give the Gun Master the appropriate Weapon Proficiences, but use the One With The Gun Bonuses instead.
Question: What would be the conversion rate between credits (Rifts), US dollars (HU/NSS/BtS) and gold pieces (PF)?
Answer: The Collected MOPs, p. 110
"Typically, gold will be more valuable in the Rifts world; for now you might figure double to triple as an average; not everybody will pay top value and in many cases, a store will not accept gold or gems as currency. This will again mean getting the precious metal converted into local currency, credits or universal credits thorough a lending institution, with the 2% service fee. The rate of exchange will vary (higher and lower) from place to place, bank to bank."
Modern US dollars would only have value in Rifts to a collector, I do not know of any place in the books that gives the amount that a collector might pay.
The closest that I can find is p. 208 of the Rifts book, under "Precious Metals."
"Old coins in nice condition can be worth 1d6x100 each to a collector."
"Old" in this context could refer to anything pre-rifts, or it could refer to coins that are already ancient by our own standared (Doubloons, Pieces of Eight, etc.).
My Opinion:
Paper money would be extremely rare on Rifts Earth, having long since rotted away. Even the stuff in bank vaults would likely have decomposed, unless possibly the bank was airtight and somehow stayed sealed for hundreds of years.
This would mean that pre-Rifts paper money would likely be valuable, but that it would be so rare that nobody would buy it in bulk. If you stumbled onto a bonanza of modern US cash, most dealers would likely dismiss it as forgeries, simply not believing that you had that much.
The Collected MOPs (p. 108) also have this to say:
"You can think of one credit as one USA or Canadian dollar. However, inflation of the time makes a credit, genrally, worth less than the dollar of today. Many items that we buy today cost two to six times more. This is often reflective of the elite and limited use of technology to mass produce the item (or the control and greed of the Coalition).
Question: I was hoping someone could answer this in context of Coalition Armed Forces.
I basically need Army and Naval Divisions. How many in a squad a company a division a platoon...whatever from the ground up and which rank leads them. I also need to know how this applies to the Coalition Navy and air forces, mechanized units, samas units etc. Is a Samas squad the same size as an infantry squad. How technical officers like warrant chief fit in etc. Does it vary depend on army or navy and airforce. Book references would be appreciated. What's the lowest rank of a base commander?
Answer: Check Rifts Sourcebook 1, page 26, for common small force compositions
Also has limited information about platoon level deployments.
Coalition Navy, SB 4, has information about the CS navy, I think you'll find the information you're looking for starting on page 18.
Also see Coalition War Campaign on page 37 and Rifts Aftermath on page 42.
Question: On page 26 of Rifts: Mercenaries, the Special Forces O.C.C. says that this particular class of Special Forces comes from cities like Manistique Imperium and Ishpeming. I was hoping I might get some books and page numbers for information on these cities. I'd like to know if they're anti d-bee, pro d-bee, their relations with the Coalition, Xiticix, Northern Gun, ect.
Answer: Rifts Aftermath (Page 120-122) is as about as detailed as those kingdoms seem to get.
Rifts Canada barely mentions them strangely enough.
There is a very brief somewhat funny remark in Juicer Uprising on how a 1000 Juicer Mercenaries from the kingdoms of Ishpmeng and Manistique on hearing about the Prometheus Treatment just walked away from their jobs and the kingdoms had to find ways to prevent about 6,000 to 7,000 other mercenaries from walking out too. (pg 135)
And they are of course mentioned in the Rifts Main Book on (page 147).
under Northern Michigan.
Question: When creating an Anti Monster, if I pick skills like Boxing, Body Building, etc, do I get to add the PS, PE, and PP bonuses to my characters ending stats? Im pretty sure that with normal Cyborgs you DO NOT get to do so, but the Anti Monster is quite different, so I thought I would check and see. If not, well then I ONLY get a supernatural PS of 38...if so Im gonna have like a 46 or so I think. LOL
Answer: Yes.
As seen in the picture they have most if not all of their musculature and are not machine like as are Borgs.
Before someone pipes up about how canon pictures are I'll point out that the OCC was based on the picture.
Question: M.D.C. Full Conversion Borgs are metal juggernauts, capable of not only withstanding more damage then conventional power armor, but also hold their own against multiple opponents. My question is, supposed a Full Conversion Borg was stuck in flames, a burning building for example, and the metal around his body, while not being actually harmed by the SDC fire, still heats up, what happens to his internal organs and his brain? The metal body of the borg wouldn't be damaged, but the pieces and parts could reach high temperatures, so, does that cook their human parts alive, or what? Metal conducts heat after all.
Answer: Unless it's M.D.C. fire, it isn't going to do anything. Borgs, regardless of having squishy bits inside, are impervious to S.D.C. damage.
Question: I could swear I read it once out of one of the thousands of pages in print to date, but I could never find it again, (may have been in an early Rifter). I even looked through the FAQ Archive board to see if I could see it there, and again no dice. So I ask you, my fellow nit-pickers and answer makers;
Q: Exactly how long will the power cell (e-clip?) in a vibro knife run the thing continuously for, and what book and page number can this be found on?
Answer: Merc Ops, page 108, the infamous Vibro-Garrote, uses a E-Clip cylinder that powers the weapon for one (1) hour of continuous use.
Merc Ops, page 113, Vibro-Cutters powered by an energy cell that supplies 30 minutes of continuous use or hooked to an E-Clip for 5 hours of use.
Question: Im refering directly to the weapons listed in the WB 6 South America. Are they basically the same as TW weapons/items? ie-can characters that can use TW items also use bio-weapons automatically (example: Anti Monsters can use TW weapons, can they also use Bio-Weapons).
Answer: Anyone can use them.
Question: I've been going through the RGMG, looking for specific information on the Weapon Proficiency of Rail-Guns and their usage. Considering how often Full Conversion Borgs use them, I would have thought there would be easily accessible information as to their catagory in weapon proficiency. It was my opinion that it was under W.P. Heavy Weapons, but the selection fails to mention anything related to it. Can someone point me in the right direction in regards to the right W.P.?
Answer: It falls under W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons. see Rifts main book, page 33.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): In RUE things are even more confusing since "W.P. Heavy Mega-Damage Weapons" only applies to weapon systems (yes, that's right, only weapon systems, based on the description listed). Which leaves Rail Guns to fall under W.P. Energy Rifle...except that only applies to "energy firing rifles." Hopefully they'll fix that in the errata.
Last edited by Guest on 30 Sep 2005 20:04; edited 1 time in total
#11: Author: Guest, Posted: 30 Sep 2005 20:04
Question: Heres a couple question that has to do with the Anti-Monster itself.
1) One, I know it doesnt list any options under the creation rules for the OCC itself, but...can you swap out any of the spells that are "built-into" the AM when he is first created? I dont mean swapping Chameleon for something like Open Dimensional Rift of course...but spells of the same level etc.
2) Two, it is stated that the A-M can use TW weapons etc...great...but it is also stated that he CANNOT use either his ISP or PPE (and neither can anyone else for that matter). So what friggin good does it do to be able to use a TW item if you cant recharge it when you need to? Who thought that bunch of backwardness up? Has anybody read anything that clarifies this more? I ask because I just picked up a TK blaster for my A-M...and realized that not only do I have a mere 2 ISP and PPE each...but I apparently am not able to use it. I was thinking that this sounds kind of pointless so I figured I would ask on here.
Anyone who can help here it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Answer: 1) No, unless the GM allows you to do so.
2) Get a friend to recharge it for you, get one that charges on it's own, or get one that uses PPE clips of one form or another.
Question: Flipping through RUE last night I couldn't find a perception bonus for Shifters. I'm wondering if some one could tell me where to find it, if it's missing, or if it's suppose to be that way. Other then that I'm loving it so far and the fixed up modern combat rules seem pretty good.
Answer: It's supposed to be that way.
Question: I'm working on a character that is going to be a transffered intelligence category robot. The Source Book Onee RCC. Heres my question; Does the character even have a PE stat, and if so, what is it used for? With a robot body I cant see any of the PE based saves even effecting him...except possibly possession. Any ideas on this one? Thanks!
Answer: No, nor does any other robot, as the attribute is completely meaningless for them. Notably, Possession is not related to P.E., and is still a real danger.
Robots are an R.C.C. Robots are generated according to their own set of rules, outlined on pp. 94-105 of Rifts Sourcebook One (yes HU2 has rules as well, but the question specified Rifts).
Question: I guess this question is really two questions in one. First would True Atlanteans suffer any ill effects from a Juicer Conversion?
Secondly, if a True Atlantean were converted into a Juicer, being that an Atlantean's lifespan is roughly six times longer than a human's, Would he last six times longer as a Juicer?
Answer: According to Juicer Uprising, True Atlantean Juicers suffer the same penalties and side effects as humans. They can however live longer than human Juicers, having a typical lifespan of 11-16 years.
Question: Could anyone explain to me how an extra 4 to 8 years with a Temporal Raider makes you uglier?
Answer: Overall wear and aging on the body from the character's experiences during the period of servitude, kind of like a 20 year old meth addict who looks 50.
Question: Could an Altaran blind warrior-woman get bio-borg eyes and thus see? I don't think cybernetic ones would work, since they prolly dont actually have optic nerves; however, the bio-borg ones are magical in nature, rather than tech...
Answer: According to their description they are anatomically complete and healthy, aside from being blind and sterile. This, coupled with the fact that they always wear protective eyewear, suggests that they do have eyes and optic nerves (and are light sensitive), but are blind due to genetic factors.
Therefore, both cybernetic and bio-wizard eyes will work, but the formerly blind warrior woman should require several weeks or even months of acclimation and adjustment to the sense of sight, since it is afterall something she's never experienced. It may also be advisable to reduce the range and acuity of the altarans' other heightened senses by 5-30% to compensate for the advantages of vision.
Question: Is the Chi M.D. Death Blow something ANYONE can learn?
Answer: No. It is an exclusive OCC ability only.
Question: What is the lifespan of an Anti-monster?
Answer: Effectively immortal. They don't tend to live long though, given their violent lives and complications that may occur from the conversion. As stated in SA1 they frequently die from implant rejection or violence within the first 15 years after conversion.
Question: the Titan RCC in Rifts CB1 p98 gets to Dim Teleport at 45% as a natural ability.
since they can be other classes rather than a mage, what qualifies as a "personal Sanctuary" as per the spell ?
someplace they're very familiar with ? (eg, they've spent at least 72 hours there, or that non-mage Titans can never teleport to someplace specific?)
Answer: A sanctuary is a sanctuary, as defined by the spell, regardless of whether it is a spell or a natural ability.
Note: It is not yet clear whether creatures that can D-Port as a natural ability actually need a sanctuary like a spellcaster does. It could be argued that a dragon, titan, demon etc., can teleport to any location in the given dimension that it has been to, or to its home base without the need for a teleportation circle or ley line nexus, simply because it is a natural ability. Another option might be to use the percentile roll to determine accuracy as well as successful activation.
Question: A male Sea Titan out to see the world "strolls through the cabbage patch" with a female Cyber-Knight in North America. In true shore leave fashion she awakens the next morning to find him gone, but nine months later has a bouncing baby something to remember him by. The child is raised among normal humans, none of whom know about the supernatural nature of Sea Titans. He enters the order and is knighted, still not having gone through the change from normal to supernatural. Some time after the Knight reaches level 4, and the cyber armor becomes a living part of him, the change occurs. Here's where the question comes in...
A Sea Titan's body rejects cybernetic implants, but after level 4 the Cyber Armor becomes a living part of the Knight's body. So under the above circumstances would our subject in retain his Cyber Armor, or would his body reject the armor and, given the degree to which the armor had become a part of him, scar him for life and likely leave him in constant pain. Or, if the body did reject the armor, would the shock and trauma of separation kill him despite his newfound powers?
Answer: So long as the Sea Titan was a level 4 Cyber Knight before their abilities matured I would say they keep it since SoT4 says the armor becomes a living part of the knight. If the armor is not a living part of the knight before they mature then it would be rejected by the Sea Titans body since they can't have any cybernetics/bionics and will expel them.
Question: After picking up Rifts: South America One and having a look at the Totem Warrior O.C.C. (pg. 147), I realized that the number of "other" skills available aren't listed. I'm hoping I missed it somewhere as I really want to make a Totem Warrior character. How many "other" skills should it be?
Answer: The absent listing is a misprint. The Totem Warrior receives eight "other"/OCC related skills at level 1, plus another at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Question: Maybe I'm blind, but I couldn't find the PPE listing for the Sunaj Assassin. Do they simply have the standard PPE base of the True Atlantean RCC, or do they have base PPE and progression similar to the Undead Slayer or Monster Hunter?
Answer: I don't see it either; I'd give them the Undead Slayer stats.
Question: How much are missles (mini-short-medium-long)? I'm unable to find their prices in the books
Answer: In Rifts, The missile costs can be found in Rifts Sourcebook 1 pages 55 and 56 and the Rifts GM Screen. Missile costs can also be found in Rifts: Japan, the Phaseworld books, Manhunter, Mutants in Orbit, Triax, Underseas (Torpedos), and probably a few other books.
For Heroes Unlimited, check out Heroes Unlimited Second Edition and Aliens Unlimited - Galaxy Guide. See also pages 256-257 of RUE.
Question: The Rifts GM's Guide spells out the rules for mixing Mega Damage melee weapons and Supernatural Strength. There is no confusion there in that rule.
However, robots, power armor and a few select 'borgs have Robotic Strength, which also is capable of inflicting Mega Damage in hand to hand combat, though not as powerful as Supernatural P.S. Shouldn't these two use the same (or similar) rule when they use a Mega Damage melee weapon like a vibro-blade? And if so, should they be granted full access to the PS Damage Bonus? Or since Robotic Strength is weaker, should they receive a reduced bonus, like maybe half that listed?
Answer: Robotic Strength should follow the exact same rules as Supernatural Strength in this regard. Damage bonuses from P.S. in both cases only apply to S.D.C. attacks, but the full bonus would be used when applicable.
Note however that the Rifts Sourcebook (page 5), Rifts Game Master Guide (page 26), and Revised Rifts Conversion Book (page 10) each provide conflicting rules regarding the use of Mega Damage melee weapons by supernatural and robotic beings. Exactly which to use (if any) is up to the individual GM.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): The official rules for Robotic Strength are found on page 285 of RUE.
Question: Hey does anyone know how a character selects the martial arts powers in rifts japan? Do they cost skills? Or are they selected in place of psionic powers? If so what is required to select one?...I noticed several classes start out with one or two powers but most are not inherint to any class and I can't find where the book explains martial arts power selection.
any help would be appreciated
Answer: The Mystic Martial Art Powers are available exclusively to the Mystic Ninja, Bishamon Fighting Monk, Sohei Warrior Monk, Yamabushi Mountain Priest, and Demon Queller. Exactly which powers and when they are gained are listed in the individual OCC descriptions.
Question: Mind melters, Psi-Stalkers and Bursters are all referred to in the main book as different Races. Does that mean they can't mate with humans anymore, or are they still human, but with enhanced abilities.
Next (assuming they still are human), can they receive Magic Tattoos under special circumstances?
Answer: Humans can have a wide variety of psionics (minor, major and master). In most cases they can still breed with other humans of psionic or non-psionic in nature. The psi-powers are essentially a part of the Human genetics according to Dr. Desmond Bradford (see World Book 13: Lone Star), Thus a Mind Melter and Bursters can mate with each other and other normal humans.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Psi-Stalkers are mutant humans, so they can no longer mate with pure breed humans.
As to getting magic tattoos, the rules for mutants and psychics getting tattoos are found in Rifts World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional Market, page 107.
Question: I was just going through Pantheons of the Megaverse, and noticed something odd. Many of the gods have two MDC ratings....their normal MDC and their Rifts Earth MDC. How is it possible to have non-Rifts MDC? Are these supposed to be listings for RT or something?
Answer: As explained on page 7, True Gods are more powerful in their home dimension than they are on Rifts Earth, having roughly five times more MDC at home than on Rifts Earth. Normally they have to be established in a new dimension for some time (i.e. establish a religion and acquire many worshippers) before they are at full power there.
Question: What piloting skills are required to operate the following Rifts vehicles?
CS Death's Head Transport (Main Book)
Answer: Pilot Death's Head Transport, Coalition War Campaign, page 84.
Question: CS Sky Cycle (Main Book)
Answer: Pilot Skycycles, Coalition War Campaign, page 84.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Pilot Hovercylces has been expanded to include Skycycles & rocket bikes, so they now use this skill.
Question: NG Sky King (Main Book)
Naruni Crescent Moon Delta-Wing Spaceplane (Mercenaries)
Naruni Boomerang Attack Aerodyne (Mercenaries)
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Pilot Hovercylces has been expanded to include Skycycles & rocket bikes, so the NG Sky King would now use this skill.
All the others use Pilot Jet, except the Delta-Wing, which, when flown in space, would use one of the various Spacecraft piloting skills.
Question: Naruni Carnivore Mark I and Juggernaut Hovertanks (Mercenaries)
Warthrone (Warlords of Russia)
Answer: All Pilot Hovercraft.
Question: Big Boss ATV? How about for the bigger ATV's?
Answer: Pilot Automobile.
Question: By the intent and content of the message from Siege on Tolkeen Two: Coalition Overkill page 12, second column, sixth paragraph about half way down in a video letter from Sergeant Deon Canton to his wife and kids talking about "D-Bee scum, demons, and spell casters" he is referring to himself and wife at least and likely the whole of the Coalition. Now the question remains is it a mistake putting it in or do they follow a god, and if so what one(s)?
Answer: The term "God fearing" usually refers to the Christian God, so I'm guessing that's what it means.
Question: I had a question about somthing that it states under the ninja borg occ. It says you start with a set of armor and it gives the name. I cant remember the name since I dont have the book with me. I cant for the life of me find where the stats of this armor are located. I figured it was a typo. If anyone would be so kind as to give me your thoughts on this. Thanks
Answer: According to the book, a Ninja Borg's standard equipment commonly includes a suit of NF-100 Infiltrator Armor. As you probably noticed, no armor with that designation exists. I would assume it's a typo and that it is actually referring to the IA-100 Infiltrator Armor, found on page 184 of Rifts Japan.
Question: Is the Shifters link to the supernatural limited to evil beings or can good beings be chosen too.
You may not be able to give an answer to this but if good can be chosen would the powers and bonuses be different, if so how?
Answer: According to the Rifts Main Book and Dark Conversions, the Shifter CAN link to good aligned beings. This is rare, and often times a ruse put on by an evil being posing as a good one. Any difference in the abilities granted would be solely at the discretion of the GM, but I personally see no reason to change any of it.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Page 125 or RUE gives different bonuses based on the type of being linked to.
Last edited by Guest on 30 Sep 2005 19:55; edited 1 time in total
#2: Author: Guest, Posted: 24 Feb 2005 11:14
Question: I assume the Fennodi from New West are Master Psychics? they have a super power (but so does the TW) but low ISP.
also, it says they can choose an OCC, so I assume you use the HTH for the OCC and drop all the bonuses for attacks that the RCC gives ?
or use both ?
Answer: Yes to the first one(I belive the book actaully says this.)
And no the the second one.
You use just their H2H and not the one in the OCC.
Question: What Races can get Magic Tattoos. Will you tell me?
Why only those races can get the Magic Tattoos?
Answer: The only races that can benefit from Chiang-Ku/Atlantean/Splugorth Tattoo Magic are:
Humans (excluding certain human mutants)
True Atlanteans
Elves (with severe penalties)
Chiang Ku Dragons
The stated reason for this is that humans (and their nearest relatives) and Chiang-Ku have some special aptitude or preponderence towards Tattoo Magic that no other races possess.
Question: I saw something about the Tauton RCC that was a little confusing. The Book States"Combat: Martial arts and boxing, averaging four to six (plus tail strike) hand to hand melee round attacks, or 2 by magic"
Now, given I own a older Rifts Africa book( the one with the old cover) and this book was made before the Game Masters Guide came out, but is this a mistake on the writers part? Did the writer forget to factor in the two attacks per round any character with Hand to Hand training is supposed to start with?
Answer: Yes they forgot it.
They always forgot it because they really didn't exist at the time. No NPCs made around that time had them.
Question: what I want is to convert some martial arts forms from ninja and super spies in rifts. I've tried comparing ninja and super spies aikido and rifts japan aikido. as my bases. to convert snake style king fu. into a more useable form for rifts, we don't use chi, or chi powers. in my game.
any one have any ideas, or know where I could look.
Answer: Check out Kuseru's website, he does a bunch of that to popular martial arts.
Question: I realize there is the Rogue Scholar in the main book, but I've seen referance to a Scholar.
On a somewhat related note, where was the City Rat variants listed??? I know I just recently read them in one of my books, but now for the life of me it seems to have disappeared. There was also a description of changing OCC's listed as part of the City Rat variant....
Answer: The PF main book also has "scholar" O.C.C. among the optional O.C.C.'s section.
variant city rats are to be found in the Bionics Sourcebook, as well as the Rifts Japan Cyberoid being one too.
Question: The answers to these questions are unlisted in the book...is the NE-C20 armor (found on page 124 in Rifts: Mercenaries) an environmental body armor, and what is it's power source? I'd say yes to environmental considering the picture of it shows it completely covering it's owner, including the head, with no visible breathing holes or slits, and as for the power source, i'm unsure because it seems a bit small to be nuclear powered, yet something with that ability seems to me would need something more then an e-clip. The camo sheets appear to not need a power source. Does this mean that the armor's abilities to change to the color of the dominant background are virtually unlimited and unhindered by the need for a power source?
Answer: The same power source every EBA uses. (This is likely some form of E-battery as most Environmental body armor has a host of electronic systems to power.)
#3: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Mar 2005 11:24
Question: I was wondering....... can a godling take a power such as super-swift or super-strong all three times?
Answer: No.
The book specifically states WHICH "super powers" the godling can take multiple times. Any not specifically mentioned are not available for multiples options.
Question: is it possible for my true atlantian-where tiger-mindmelter-maxi man-stone master with NF-X armor to even really exist???? if not please explain why.
Answer: No. You can't officially cross-breed in the Palladium system.
Question: Does anybody know if this ability (natural dimensional teleport) allows for the teleporting of others or things? Where can I find information about this? Can a balrog grab my character and teleport him into some other dimension then teleport away?
Answer: Yes that is valid.
Question: It says that a Godling O.C.C. can have any hand to hand of choice. Does this mean one could in fact make a Kami Spirit/Godling (sort of the same thing) with a Japanese martial art, or a Chinese god with a chinese hand to hand?
Answer: If you're talking about the Hand to Hand Combat Skills in Rifts Japan or Rifts China 2, then yes, it is entirely possible and perfectly acceptable.
If you mean the Martial Art Forms in Ninjas & Superspies or Mystic China, then no, as Pantheons of the Megaverse only specifies a Hand to Hand Combat Skill of choice, not a Martial Art Form.
[house rule]Personally, I'd be inclined to allow such a Godling to have a Martial Art Form, but only at the cost of one of its divine powers, and possibly two or three powers for Exclusive forms.[/house rule]
#4: Author: Tinker Dragoon, Location: Newberry, Florida, USA Posted: 1 Mar 2005 13:38
Question: The Juicer Assassin has W.P. Sharpshooting: Energy Rifle as an O.C.C. skill. Do I have to choose one of the six abilities a Sharpshooter has or does a Juicer Assassin have all six since their O.C.C. offers it?
Answer: You will have just one of the six Sharpshooter special abilities by default.
All characters with W.P. Sharpshooting only get one of the abilities unless specifically stated otherwise in their O.C.C. description. Additional Sharpshooter abilities are however available by taking W.P. Trick Shooting (found in Warlords of Russia and the RGMG).
Question: 1) In the Trick Shooting section of WP Sharpshooting, #3 allows the character to shoot accurately while on a horse or moving vehicle. Would this also apply to when the character is running/moving, or no?
2) Can the Temporal Warrior OCC take WP Sharpshooting? The rules state that practicioners of magic can't, but Battle Magi can?
3) When using two firearms (one in each hand) and it comes time to reload, how many actions does it take? I'd assume 2, but I'm curious as to what you guys think.
Edit: 4) Regarding Trick Shooting #5, does the "dodge and come up shooting" mean that both dodging and shooting are done in 1 action, or it takes 2 (one to dodge, next to shoot)? I could have sworn that this was covered somewhere, but I searched and couldn't find it.
Answer: 1) No, it's quite specific to riding a horse or on a moving vehicle.
2) No, again. The Battle Magus OCC gives him the skill already as part of it's package.
3) I'd agree with you on that one. It takes 1 action for a trained person (i.e. WP) to reload a weapon. It's two weapons, so 2 actions total.
4) I remember in CB1 describing what circumstances a shot would be considered wild, and I think it mentioned the attack directly after a dodge counted as a wild. I must check the book on that one, but we've always taken it that this trick shooting allowed for accurate strikes after a dodge.
#5: Author: Guest, Posted: 29 Mar 2005 05:54
Question: Is a Godling an O.C.C. or an R.C.C. and what book has the format for creating one? Also can they change O.C.C.or to an O.C.C. if Godling is an R.C.C. like changing to a Cosmo Knight?
Answer: It's a RCC, found in the Pantheons of the Megaverse book. They can't change around OCC/RCC.
The demigod, found in same book, can select a OCC though.
Question: Realizing the old FAQ states Undead Slayers do not have Supernatural PS, why do the NPC's listed on p109 of Rifts England and p64 of Splynn Dimensional Market have it? The one in England lacks even the Chain of Strength tattoo.
Answer: Because the old FAQ was wrong.
Question: Has anyone seen any instances of a Phoenix RCC, whether as a PC or familiar?
Answer: The Goddess Bennu, covered in Rifts Africa.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:23; edited 1 time in total
#6: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 May 2005 08:29
Question: I have an Old Believer and have been having an issue with my GM and was hoping to get some input.
I want to be able to learn new spells. Like, I want to be able to be taught them and learn new ones outside of gaining them with levels.
The GM's stance is basically "the book doesn't say you specifically can, so you can't". While I can understand this, I'd still like to know if I can. What do you all think?
Answer: The Old Believer gains spells like a mystic, they can't learn them otherwise.
Question: This recently crossed my mind. Lets say "John Silverwire" became a Phaeton Juicer. John recieves serious bonuses to piloting skills and abilities. Three years later, John, having amassed a large wealth, wants to detox and to become a full conversion borg. Now, the question is, a Phaeton Juicer recieves thier piloting bonuses due to the nature of thier juicer conversion, but do they still retain these piloting bonuses after a detox?
Answer: No.
Question: In Rifts South America World book 6: The Soul Worm NPC on 128/129 has two listing for PP and was wondering which one was correct. Is it the 4D6 + 4 or 1D6+20?
Answer: 1D6+20
Question: Demigod PPE -- when you choose power #10 does the demigod automatically get the godling's PPE too ? (which is 4d6x10 + 4D6 per level)
under PPE it mentions the OCC + 4D6 for the Demigod.
is that: if the OCC is 1D6x10 it becomes 1D6x10+4D6 plus what the OCC gets per level -- or is it something else ? someone was saying the 4D6 is the per level.
same with #9 and ISP.
Answer: 1) No. Only the Godling gets the Godling's P.P.E. base.
2) The 4D6 bonus applies to base P.P.E./I.S.P. only, so if the Demigod's O.C.C. has 6D6 P.P.E., the Demigod will have 10D6 P.P.E.
Question: In Underseas, on page 212 the Pilot skill Advanced Deep Sea Diving is listed without skill percentages or bonuses to other skills. Is this a mistake? It is not listed on the Cutting Room Floor either. Maybe it was corrected in a later printing? Please help.
Answer: According to the Rifts' GMG, the skill is 40%+5% per level.
Question: Since a battle magus can get sharpshooting with magical energy blasts, and the bonuses to strike with energy blasts are often inadequate, yet benefit from PP, do you think it would be fair to make an ancient WP skill that corresponds with the strike bonuses you get from modern WP for use with magical (conjured) energy blasts, psionics blasts, and natural energy blasts (super powers)?
I'm thinking you could make one skill for each of the three, to balance out the benefits they would give. Since many powers already come with their own strike bonuses (similar to a well-designed Wilks) perhaps to offset that, the bonuses could be slightly less, +1 to strike at level 1 instead of +3 I guess. I just think there should be some improvement in hand-eye coordination of these bolt-flingers over time.
Answer: 1. The Battle Magus is munchkiny (insert something not nice). You should not use it as a basis for anything.
2. If you give PP bonuses, then you should not give WP bonuses. Conversely, if you make a WP Energy Blast, then people should no longer get their PP bonuses for it.
Question: What book does it talk about Jade items and weapons inflicting more damage to demons and such?
Answer: Rifts China 2, page 110.
Question: I have a question about the Samurai's Chi M.D. Death Blow. On page 47 of Rifts: Japan it says "The chi M.D. death blow draws on the character's P.P.E. reserve of mystic inner energy and can be considered a magical attack."
Does this mean the attack cost the character an amount of P.P.E? If this is the case how much does it cost, and where can I find the rules regarding this cost?
Answer: Yes, 3D6. You can basically find them in PFRPG 2nd Edition, under the Palladin OCC.
Question: Can someone tell my specific pages where I can read about the detox process of juicers?
Answer: page 70 of Rifts main book. Page 80 of RUE.
Question: Ok this question has always been in the back of my mind.
If we ignore Casters and Psionics, etc. And concentrate solely on Melee for a second, there is an issue that I have always had with the SDC vs MDC situation.
You can have a SUpernatural being with an 18 Strength, and if he uses an MDC weapon, he gets to add his Str Bonus. This is fine, makes perfect sense.
Yet you can take a Human, who somehow manages to have a 40 Str (It is easy to do once you consider physical skills.) And he can not add his bonus.
Now I understand the reasoning for this. BUT, my question is, what good is high strength on an SDC being, if they can nevere use their bonus. In most of the Rifts settings, the encounters are MDC encounters.
We end up with a character who can carry a lot more than usual, and that is about it.
I see this problem in Splicers even more than normal Rifts. At least in Rifts there are ways to make the character SN. In Splicers, most toons are SDC, only a couple have access to Host Armor. So once again, we have a situation where a character can have a 40 Str (even easier do to having more physical skills) And it plays no part in combat.
Even normal human strength should be important at higher levels when in hth combat.
Answer: Sure he does... it's just an SDC bonus.
Against MDC creatures, this doesn't do much good (unless you have a melee weapon that deals 75+SDC in a single hit, then your strength might push you over the top and let you inflict 1 MD).
That is up to the GM.
Most GM's and players like to use a lot of megadamage stuff, but then they are the ones to blame for lack of SDC opportunities (of course, Palladium does a LOT to enrourage this).
Grapple. Then your strength comes in handy.
For that matter, there are a number of weapons that can't be used by people with strength under 20 or so.
Also, high SDC strength comes in handy when fighting vampires, were-creatures, and other demons/monsters who have vulneraibilities to certain SDC materials.
I had a N&S character with PS 31 end up in Rifts Mexico and he kicked a lot of butt... he had Moo Gi Gong, so he could use paired stakes. With his PS damage, he could really mess the vamps up.
Question: Ok folks, this question involves real life fact mixed with gaming (I know, never a good idea to mix RPGs with reality). When I say dogs, Im refering to ALL dog like races such as Wolfen, Dog Boys, etc. (NOT to include Lycanthropes though!) Do Dog Boys and the other canine races have color vision? Now, one could remove the Dog Boys from this and say that they were genetically engineered to have color vision...but races like the Wolfen are naturally born, not spliced genes in a test tube.
So, there you have it: Do any/some of these races have color vision?
Note: This is assuming everyone reading this question actually realizes that your dog Spot sees only in monochrome
Answer: Best guess is that dogs are red/green color blind and see everything else as somewhat muted. their vision is optimised for hunting in low light and for spotting movement.
Now for the in game answer.
In Rifts Lone Star it states that Dog Boys have color vision in the same range as humans, but slightly muted.
In Conversion book 1, in the section on the canine races. (wolfen, coyles and kankorans.) it states under 'natural abilitys' for each race that they have excellent daylight color vision.
So in game the answer is yes, canine races have color vision
Question: If you pick Gymnastics or Acrobatics (in Rifts) you get a base prowl ability of 30%. Now does this increase in level or in order for it to increase you would need to actually select the prowl skill? Same with climb as well.
Answer: No it doesn't increase, you'd need to select the actual skill.
Question: I'm reading through the Federation of Magic (older version) and I came upon the events with the ruins of chicago and how it was the Grand City at the time. Can someone tell me, what is it now, ruins, or still a source of magic collections, or what? Is the city deserted or inhabited, and if possible, are there any books and page numbers that speak specifically of the ruins itself?
Answer: WB 11 Warmachine says that it has inhabitats, mostly d-bees, "undesirables", and demons. The CS sends recruits in for field training to get combat experience against relatively simple critters. After all these years, its mostly ruins, but stuff still lives there.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:25; edited 2 times in total
#7: Author: Guest, Posted: 31 May 2005 19:05
Question: Making a Rifts character, mutant Operator.
Abilities: Extraordinary Physical Endurance, Body Weapons, Supernatural Strength, Create Force field, and Natural Combat Ability.
My question is: the Extra.PE makes him an MDC creature, would that make his Body Weapons MDC weapons?
Answer: No the Extraordinary PE would not make the weapons do MDC, however, the Supernatural Strength would.
Question: Hmm...are the effects of the Draining Blade accumulative?
Answer: Yes
Question: An unusual situation has come up during my last gamming session. The gm (a relative newbie gm) has given my True Incan Demigod a choice to allow an entity to possess him or not. My character has the powers from Viracocha, including immunity to all forms of possession and mind control. My character is psionically healing a npc who is possessed by a unique entity, and evidently i have to allow the entity to posess me , or i can't heal the npc. The way i understand it that power (p. 21 in South America 2) and the identical one in Pantheons are always on, and you can't control them. Even if i wanted to become possessed, i couldn't. I just wanted to get another opinion, even though it seems really clear, just to sastify the gm
Answer: Immunity is immunity.
You can't just choose you be not immune.
Question: now i dont realy remember if it says anything but is it posable to mix the technologys of a ultra crazy (( south amaraca 2 )) and a dragon juicer...also does anyone know what book i can look in to find out about the east coast like newyork and such
Answer: No to both.
Question: Some background:
...even with the assurance of the bomb implant. This augmentation is top secret and carefully guarded - it will NOT fall into the hands of others!
from page 45 in Juicer Uprising
...the following is a listing of common "small units" deployed by Tolkeen...
Juicer Strike Team
1 mega-juicer or delphi-Juicer, Dragon Juicer or Psycho-Stalker Juicer
from page 148-149 in Rifts: Siege on Tolkeen - Chapter One
Now here is the question, didn't the writers of Juicer Uprising make it clear that the Psycho Stalker Juicer was a CS only creation. Now they stoped letting this out except for the very first, because of the brain implant that goes boom if they go AWOL.
From the writings in the Siege on Tolkeen chapter one, this juicer conversion did get out because they are an option for a Tolkeen strike force.
Is this a mistake, or I am reading too much or too little into something here?
Answer: It's a mistake. Make of it what you will.
Question: Can juicers dodge lasers or bullets?
Answer: They have the opportunity to attempt to do so. That is no guarantee of success.
Question: This is a question for all of you game masters out there. When in The regular Rifts© RPG, The Description of each Class/Character Gives a description, Special Bonuses, O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills, Secondary Skills, Equipment, Money, and the code of ethics type stuff in the case of the Cyber knight. Does the character get all of the O.C.C. Skills as well them getting to pick the 14 O.C.C. Related Skills and the 7 Secondary Skill. (Refer to page 62-65 of the origional manual for the exact words.)
Answer: Yes, the Cyberknight gets ALL those skills.
Question: Is there any book that has SDC stats for a Zombie? I don't know of any, but I don't have every book.
Answer: The main Rifts book, p. 187. RUE, page 223
Question: What XP Table should the Mutant Cats from WB1: Vampire Kingdoms use? Do they have the same psychic abilities as the Dog Boys?
Answer: See Rifts: Lone Star. They are the Mutant Cats of the Coalition's Lone Star Complex.
And the Powers and Abilities that they have varies from Cat (Sub-species) to Cat, sometimes drastically.....
Question: The RGMG has additional martial arts in it which I assume are the ones I often see people talking about from rifts japan. how many skills are they supposed to cost?
Answer: Since they are really only available to the characters in Japan (in Rifts), it will tell you under each OCC what HtH can be selected and how many extra skills (if any) it will cost.
Otherwise, no other characters can select them anyway.
Question: I haven't been able to find a thread on this one, so I apologize if it's been covered before. How do you play a character with Major & Minor Superpowers from HU in Rifts? I would think that they could pass for a "normal" human in Chi-Town or other pro human environment as their powers would be natural abilities, right?
Answer: Conversion book 1 has the rules for converting HU characters to rifts as well as the rules for characters with superpowers who are native to rifts earth. Whether or not they pass for "normal" in Chi-Town depends on what superpowers they have.
Question: What happens when a Supernaturally strong character (Supernatural P.S.) wears a power armor that provides a lower Robotic PS? I was under the impression that the Power Armor could only take so much stress (general robotic PS) before it quits functioning. Any suggestions on the scenario?
Answer: Just because he is strong enough to damage the armor does not mean he has to. The armor would only act as a restraint if he was trying to do something that the armor was not capable of doing. Even so, I would rule that for PA the synthetic PS that the armor provides could easily be disabled, and the player could use his own PS to move the armor.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:26; edited 2 times in total
#8: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Jul 2005 11:36
Question: If a character is an MDC creature(dragon, Undead Slayer, Mutant Extra. PE, etc) how fast do they recover Physical MDC? I cannot find this anywhere, but i do remember seeing it somehwere!
Answer: According to the Original Conversion Book, M.D.C. creatures recover 2D6 M.D.C. every 24 hours unless otherwise stated. I do not know if this has changed in the Revised Conversion Book.
Dragons, vampires, demons, and many other supernatural M.D.C. creatures heal much faster than this, with the specific rates listed among their abilities and powers.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): There is no listing for the recovery of normal MDC in RUE, despite the statement on page 289 (which basically leads you to a repeat of everything on pages 288-289, with some expansion in certain areas).
Question: 1) Are all bonuses from OCC's described in the "Experience Level" section of God description cumilative?
p 41 RWB:Africa
Anubis, Lord of the Dead
Experience Level: 14th level Necromancer, 8th level Diabolist and Stone Master
Magic Powers:....Opponent must save against a 15 or higher to save Vs magic.
2) do you ad the cumilative bonuses to save vs. magic, spell strength, abilities and powers, etc.. of all the OCC's described?
3) this would give Anubis a spell strength of 19!!! is this correct? ( including the 4 from Shifter/diabolist)
4) also do you consider that he is a 30th level character in regards to skills?...
5) Ex Wp sword gives you a plus one at different levels of experience, added together it would be a plus five at 14th level. But as a 30th level character would you ad a plus one every 4th level after 14?
Answer: 1) No.
2) No.
3) No.
4) No.
5) No.
Question: I found an NPC in Siege of Tolkeen 6 that uses the C'ro mage RCC, (can't remember the page number). I was just wondering where I can find this RCC, and is it meant for player characters?
Answer: Mindwerks, pp. 56-58. As Greater Demons, they are not intended as player characters, but that is really up to you and your GM.
Question: Can True Atlanteans become Ultra-crazies?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Is there a Palladium book that describe in depth the Runesmith O.C.C.?
Answer: CB2: Pantheons of the Megaverse covers Asgardian Dwarves, who can be runesmiths.
Question: Can anyone tell me where the stats are for Bows & Crossbows in Rifts?
Answer: Page 32 of the RMB, under the WP archery and targeting. RGMG, pages 79 & 128. RUE, Page 326.
Question: Where does it say Undead slayers/monster hunters get supernatural strength? All I can find and read is that they become supernatural and I believe that in itself doesn't mean you get it.
Answer: They can temporarily increase their strength with the appropriate magic tattoo.
Question: On the RMB some O.C.C.’s do not have any starting language as an O.C.C. skill. Does this mean a starting character with that O.C.C. has to spend Other/Secondary skills to buy his or her native language? MY RMB is the 1st edition so I am not sure this is a mistake corrected in latter editions or if I am missing something.
Answer: In Rifts, all characters have their native language 98% to start. They have to communicate somehow.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Native Language at 98% was included in the OCC descriptions.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:27; edited 2 times in total
#9: Author: Guest, Posted: 31 Jul 2005 18:45
Question: hey all ive seen some characters that have made me wonder...are they actually legal......like the psi stalker.......i have seen a stalker become a cyber knight.....is this possible/legal as per the rules? if so is it also possible that a psi-stalker can become a phase mystic? since stalkers are psychic human mutants and phase mystics are psychics trained to be phase mystics is it possible? or for a stalker to be trained in any other occ type? how about if some get captured in a splugie slave raid ad they get turned into T-Men? any thoughts or other ideas?
Answer: If the RCC specifically says they can take an OCC, or a later OCC says that a specific RCC(s) can select it, then they can.
Question: A Juicer's Bio-Comp has both "synthesized drugs", and IRMSS robots (RMB p.68 & 69).
RMB p.247 details the cost of an IRMSS system, but not for a recharge on the robots.
Nothing I know of discusses the cost of the drugs (I've looked through JU several times).
Ok, what did I miss? Is there anything, anywhere, that says how often and how expensive it is to replenish the bio-comp's drugs and IRMSS robots?
Answer: A three month supply for a Euro Juicer can range from 85 to 125K.
So I would have a 6 month supply for a standard Juicer run anywhere from 200 to 300K
Question: here is a question i have concerning the starting gear for a psi druid. it says in the psyscape book that they get a suit of NON-EVIRONMENTAL mdc armor. only thing is i cant seem to find one that is mdc and non eva other than a couple of them in the new west book that just dont seem to be fitting as this is for a game not set in the new west (at least not anytime soon) also it says 2d4 magic herbs from rifts england. the descriptions on them have them as being native to england and europe in the first place and second of all how is a PSI-DRUID going to be able to actually USE MAGIC HERBS??!!
Any suit of MDC armor is non-environmental if it is not properly sealed, or if it lacks a helmet.
A number of the herbs listed in Rifts: Enlgand grow in the US and other places around the world.
Most (all?) of the magic herbs can, once enchanted, be used by anybody.
Question: I know it's a JA-11, but does anybody know what all the mods are that are mentioned? A few times he mentions an AQ-3 which I think is his scope, but I can't find it anywhere in the books. Am I missing something or were his items just not included in the RPG books? It also mentions an SCMS (Sensor Counter Measure System), anybody have any idea if/where this is located in the books?
Answer (based on new material in RUE): Standard laser targetting system and telescopic/IR scope.
Question: Ok i know this is a noob question but im a noob so i guess its ok to ask well i was looking through the rifts handbook and i can not find the Life Span any where and im getting very fustrated and i do not like being like that lol, so if some one can help me plz reply asap.
Answer: For humans?
Only place I know that talks about it is Rifts Lone Star, page 68. Typical Coalition citizen 100-130 years, citizen of Lazlo 100-140, NGR citizen 120-150, Citizen of the republic of japan 140-200.
that's assuming top of the line medical care. in places that don't have the best medical care (IE most places not listed above) the normal lifespan is 45-90 years.
Question: OK...sound off here people...and I want sources too, not just opinions.....lets put our collective heads together and give some answers:
1) Are all Altaran Warrior Women bald? Are they completely hairless?
2) Are all Psi-Stalkers Bald? Are they completely hairless?
3) Is the black circle around a Psi-Stalker's eyes an affectation, like makeup or a tattoo, or is it a genetic condition all PSers have?
Answer (based on new material in RUE): 1) Yes.
Rifts Mercenaries Pg. 91
Captain Myriam
"A very attractive but cold and mostly expressionless woman with short black hair (implanted; naturally hairless)."
2) Psi-Stalkers are totally hairless.
3) Tattoos
Question: It's the newbie asks a question time! Prepare your tomatos and and torches.
1) How does a Lord Magus progress at level 15+? (what skill bonuses do they get? Do they receive more supernatural skills, any new bonuses to saves, how much experiance is needed to level up, etc.)
2) Can a Lord Magus, after they transform into an MDC creature, mate with a normal human? If so, what would the child be?
3) and as for the ask a stupid question part....Where does all the oil for maintaining all the robots and vehicals on Rifts Earth come from?
Answer: 1) Most classes don't have experience tables for progressing pass level 15, I recommend checking the adult dragon experience table and using that as a basis.
2) I would say no. But if he could the child would be normal SDC.
3) Mega-damage whales.
Question: I have a player playing a Robot from Sourcebook 1, but I can't find the experience table he should be using. Can anyone give me the book and page number that has the table, or tell me which other O.C.C./R.C.C. table it uses?
Answer: There is a Robot Soldier OCC in Triax.
Question: just what is the cost to repair mdc armor on vehicles, body armor, power armor, giant robots, etc...?
Answer: SB1, pages 55-56
Question: I've just started playing Rifts again, and I'm out of touch with all the new books.
Are there new rules about armor repair (cost, amount, etc) for vehicles, borgs, and Robots/PA?
I think there was some in Mercs, are there any new books with updated/changed rules?
Answer: Repair rules can be found in Sourcebook One.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): See also pages 312-313 of RUE for more rules on repair and modification, prices remain in SB1.
Question: Hey folks! I was just wondering: if a dimensional anomaly like the Shimmering Waters in Rifts Underseas causes the healing all injuries effect, would it cause the body to reject its cybernetic implants, replacing them with regenerated limbs, organs, and the like?
Answer: No.
You need limb replacement level regeneration for that to happen and that ain't it.
Question: How much do pure silver bullets cost? How much do silver coated bullets cost? Book and page please too.
Answer: pg 137 of the RGMG
Question: How much do MRE's (Rations) cost? Are they available in any good supply store or just limited to coalition states? You'd think it would be in the main book under equipment or the GM guide but if it is I'm not seeing it. Kuseru said it was in Merc Ops but I don't have that book (yet?)
Answer: Merc Ops pages 115-116. Buy the book if you want the information.
Last edited by Guest on 6 Apr 2007 18:29; edited 2 times in total
#10: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Sep 2005 20:01
Question: 1) how is the exchange of currency supposed to take place?
2) if a character has 5 million credits is that all on one credit card?
3) what if he is pick pocketed?
4) what if someone goes from atlantis to russia...are the currency one flat standard?
5) if i wanted to go to the fruit vender down the street or buy some drugs off a street dealer am I swiping from a card reader and if so where IS all that money actually? Is there a gold standard, or an actual tangible form of dollars and cents printed by someone?
Answer: 1) Credit or barter transactions.
2) It could be, or he could have it spread out on a number of them.
3) Then it sucks to be him...
4) Nope.
5) Nope.
It's all electronic.
Question: As topic. Let me clarify. With all WPs (or at least the ones that the Gun Master can use), the character receives the +3 aimed shot / +1 burst bonus. With none, he is only limited to the "One With the Gun" bonuses.
Answer: It's recommended that anyone wishing to play a Gunmaster either dump the One with the Gun nonsense and take the appropriate Weapon Proficiencies instead OR give the Gun Master the appropriate Weapon Proficiences, but use the One With The Gun Bonuses instead.
Question: What would be the conversion rate between credits (Rifts), US dollars (HU/NSS/BtS) and gold pieces (PF)?
Answer: The Collected MOPs, p. 110
"Typically, gold will be more valuable in the Rifts world; for now you might figure double to triple as an average; not everybody will pay top value and in many cases, a store will not accept gold or gems as currency. This will again mean getting the precious metal converted into local currency, credits or universal credits thorough a lending institution, with the 2% service fee. The rate of exchange will vary (higher and lower) from place to place, bank to bank."
Modern US dollars would only have value in Rifts to a collector, I do not know of any place in the books that gives the amount that a collector might pay.
The closest that I can find is p. 208 of the Rifts book, under "Precious Metals."
"Old coins in nice condition can be worth 1d6x100 each to a collector."
"Old" in this context could refer to anything pre-rifts, or it could refer to coins that are already ancient by our own standared (Doubloons, Pieces of Eight, etc.).
My Opinion:
Paper money would be extremely rare on Rifts Earth, having long since rotted away. Even the stuff in bank vaults would likely have decomposed, unless possibly the bank was airtight and somehow stayed sealed for hundreds of years.
This would mean that pre-Rifts paper money would likely be valuable, but that it would be so rare that nobody would buy it in bulk. If you stumbled onto a bonanza of modern US cash, most dealers would likely dismiss it as forgeries, simply not believing that you had that much.
The Collected MOPs (p. 108) also have this to say:
"You can think of one credit as one USA or Canadian dollar. However, inflation of the time makes a credit, genrally, worth less than the dollar of today. Many items that we buy today cost two to six times more. This is often reflective of the elite and limited use of technology to mass produce the item (or the control and greed of the Coalition).
Question: I was hoping someone could answer this in context of Coalition Armed Forces.
I basically need Army and Naval Divisions. How many in a squad a company a division a platoon...whatever from the ground up and which rank leads them. I also need to know how this applies to the Coalition Navy and air forces, mechanized units, samas units etc. Is a Samas squad the same size as an infantry squad. How technical officers like warrant chief fit in etc. Does it vary depend on army or navy and airforce. Book references would be appreciated. What's the lowest rank of a base commander?
Answer: Check Rifts Sourcebook 1, page 26, for common small force compositions
Also has limited information about platoon level deployments.
Coalition Navy, SB 4, has information about the CS navy, I think you'll find the information you're looking for starting on page 18.
Also see Coalition War Campaign on page 37 and Rifts Aftermath on page 42.
Question: On page 26 of Rifts: Mercenaries, the Special Forces O.C.C. says that this particular class of Special Forces comes from cities like Manistique Imperium and Ishpeming. I was hoping I might get some books and page numbers for information on these cities. I'd like to know if they're anti d-bee, pro d-bee, their relations with the Coalition, Xiticix, Northern Gun, ect.
Answer: Rifts Aftermath (Page 120-122) is as about as detailed as those kingdoms seem to get.
Rifts Canada barely mentions them strangely enough.
There is a very brief somewhat funny remark in Juicer Uprising on how a 1000 Juicer Mercenaries from the kingdoms of Ishpmeng and Manistique on hearing about the Prometheus Treatment just walked away from their jobs and the kingdoms had to find ways to prevent about 6,000 to 7,000 other mercenaries from walking out too. (pg 135)
And they are of course mentioned in the Rifts Main Book on (page 147).
under Northern Michigan.
Question: When creating an Anti Monster, if I pick skills like Boxing, Body Building, etc, do I get to add the PS, PE, and PP bonuses to my characters ending stats? Im pretty sure that with normal Cyborgs you DO NOT get to do so, but the Anti Monster is quite different, so I thought I would check and see. If not, well then I ONLY get a supernatural PS of 38...if so Im gonna have like a 46 or so I think. LOL
Answer: Yes.
As seen in the picture they have most if not all of their musculature and are not machine like as are Borgs.
Before someone pipes up about how canon pictures are I'll point out that the OCC was based on the picture.
Question: M.D.C. Full Conversion Borgs are metal juggernauts, capable of not only withstanding more damage then conventional power armor, but also hold their own against multiple opponents. My question is, supposed a Full Conversion Borg was stuck in flames, a burning building for example, and the metal around his body, while not being actually harmed by the SDC fire, still heats up, what happens to his internal organs and his brain? The metal body of the borg wouldn't be damaged, but the pieces and parts could reach high temperatures, so, does that cook their human parts alive, or what? Metal conducts heat after all.
Answer: Unless it's M.D.C. fire, it isn't going to do anything. Borgs, regardless of having squishy bits inside, are impervious to S.D.C. damage.
Question: I could swear I read it once out of one of the thousands of pages in print to date, but I could never find it again, (may have been in an early Rifter). I even looked through the FAQ Archive board to see if I could see it there, and again no dice. So I ask you, my fellow nit-pickers and answer makers;
Q: Exactly how long will the power cell (e-clip?) in a vibro knife run the thing continuously for, and what book and page number can this be found on?
Answer: Merc Ops, page 108, the infamous Vibro-Garrote, uses a E-Clip cylinder that powers the weapon for one (1) hour of continuous use.
Merc Ops, page 113, Vibro-Cutters powered by an energy cell that supplies 30 minutes of continuous use or hooked to an E-Clip for 5 hours of use.
Question: Im refering directly to the weapons listed in the WB 6 South America. Are they basically the same as TW weapons/items? ie-can characters that can use TW items also use bio-weapons automatically (example: Anti Monsters can use TW weapons, can they also use Bio-Weapons).
Answer: Anyone can use them.
Question: I've been going through the RGMG, looking for specific information on the Weapon Proficiency of Rail-Guns and their usage. Considering how often Full Conversion Borgs use them, I would have thought there would be easily accessible information as to their catagory in weapon proficiency. It was my opinion that it was under W.P. Heavy Weapons, but the selection fails to mention anything related to it. Can someone point me in the right direction in regards to the right W.P.?
Answer: It falls under W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons. see Rifts main book, page 33.
Answer (based on new material in RUE): In RUE things are even more confusing since "W.P. Heavy Mega-Damage Weapons" only applies to weapon systems (yes, that's right, only weapon systems, based on the description listed). Which leaves Rail Guns to fall under W.P. Energy Rifle...except that only applies to "energy firing rifles." Hopefully they'll fix that in the errata.
Last edited by Guest on 30 Sep 2005 20:04; edited 1 time in total
#11: Author: Guest, Posted: 30 Sep 2005 20:04
Question: Heres a couple question that has to do with the Anti-Monster itself.
1) One, I know it doesnt list any options under the creation rules for the OCC itself, but...can you swap out any of the spells that are "built-into" the AM when he is first created? I dont mean swapping Chameleon for something like Open Dimensional Rift of course...but spells of the same level etc.
2) Two, it is stated that the A-M can use TW weapons etc...great...but it is also stated that he CANNOT use either his ISP or PPE (and neither can anyone else for that matter). So what friggin good does it do to be able to use a TW item if you cant recharge it when you need to? Who thought that bunch of backwardness up? Has anybody read anything that clarifies this more? I ask because I just picked up a TK blaster for my A-M...and realized that not only do I have a mere 2 ISP and PPE each...but I apparently am not able to use it. I was thinking that this sounds kind of pointless so I figured I would ask on here.
Anyone who can help here it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Answer: 1) No, unless the GM allows you to do so.
2) Get a friend to recharge it for you, get one that charges on it's own, or get one that uses PPE clips of one form or another.
Question: Flipping through RUE last night I couldn't find a perception bonus for Shifters. I'm wondering if some one could tell me where to find it, if it's missing, or if it's suppose to be that way. Other then that I'm loving it so far and the fixed up modern combat rules seem pretty good.
Answer: It's supposed to be that way.
Question: I'm working on a character that is going to be a transffered intelligence category robot. The Source Book Onee RCC. Heres my question; Does the character even have a PE stat, and if so, what is it used for? With a robot body I cant see any of the PE based saves even effecting him...except possibly possession. Any ideas on this one? Thanks!
Answer: No, nor does any other robot, as the attribute is completely meaningless for them. Notably, Possession is not related to P.E., and is still a real danger.
Robots are an R.C.C. Robots are generated according to their own set of rules, outlined on pp. 94-105 of Rifts Sourcebook One (yes HU2 has rules as well, but the question specified Rifts).