Ninjas & Superspies FAQ

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Ninjas & Superspies FAQ

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#1: Ninjas & Superspies FAQ Author: Guest, Posted: 18 Feb 2005 13:29

Question: Ok, I'm a little unclear on something as far as the martial arts in Ninjas and Superspies/Mystic China go.
It mentions Weapon Katas under the explanation of martial art terms, saying that if you do not have a Weapon Kata for a specific weapon for your martial art, the weapon in question cannot be used with that martial art.
So my question is, if my character has, say, Fong Ngan Kung Fu (no Weapon Katas in this art) as his sole martial art, and he is compelled for whatever reason to use a sword in combat, how exactly does that work?
Answer: When using a weapon without the necessary Weapon Kata, you retain your attacks per melee, and any attribute and W.P. bonuses (if you have any), but can't use the bonuses from your Martial Art Form, nor use the weapon to perform any of the Martial Art's maneuvers.

Question: I got Ninjas & Superspies as part of my grab bag and I was flustered by the fact that the three 'agent' forms have no weapon katas. As I'd like to incorporate N&SS with the other games, how does one account for the fact that going by N&SS rules a character wouldn't get HtH bonuses with their weapons?
Answer: I recommend dumping N&S's four agent combat types entirely myself. For applying hand to hand bonuses to weapons combat, you're left with either not allowing the hand to hand skills from adding to W.P. bonuses, which doesn't mesh well with the other systems, or letting any hand to hand skill or martial art training add bonuses in without the need for weapon kata, which makes weapon kata completely useless and reduces the effectiveness of all the martial art styles.
#2: Author: Guest, Posted: 9 Mar 2005 00:27

Question: This is a game mechanics issue: why choose a physical martial art when you can get the same kind of power by choosing gymnastics, acrobatics, boxing & wrestling?
Answer: Sure you could take a whole bunch of physical skills and get a decent Hand to Hand style, but then again most O.C.C.s in N&S can take a martial art style, and physical skills which (in addition to their martial art powers) makes them more than a match in a fight. Not to mention all the martial art O.C.C.S in Mystic China which can take physical skills, a martial art style, and get extra bonuses as they gain experience.
I guess this all comes down to one thing. Are you building a character or a combat monster? A character chooses skills for background and (forgive the pun) character building. A combat monster has an eye to only one thing, maximum bonuses. If you are playing in a one-off kill-em-all game, by all means build a combat monster. But if you mean to play in an extended campaign, choose some skills to give your character more depth than the piece of paper he's written on.
Hmm look at it this way, martial arts is a tool. Some people are great craftsman, and painters. Some people have trouble coloring between the lines. Oh and size has nothing to do with ability, I have been beaten up by people half my size. It's really all relative to the individual and not any specific form.

Question: What are the differences between the non-revised edition of Ninjas & Superspies, and Revised Ninjas & Superspies?
Answer: The revised edition adds three new O.C.C.s: Private Eye, Commando Mercenary, and Cyber Agent. The Revised edition also makes several changes to the Martial Arts and Martial Art Powers, as well as adding a short question and answer section.
The revised edition also changes the martial art selections of several classes, notably reducing the Dedicated Martial Artist (DMA) from three to one Primary (Exclusive) or two Secondary martial art styles, reducing the Worldly Martial Artist from two styles to one style and adding some martial art powers and physical skills, giving the Professional Thief access to certain martial art styles, and reducing the martial art selection available to the Cyborg Soldier.
Several of the classes have their base S.D.C. changed as well.
Overall the power level of characters with access to martial art forms went down from the pre-revised to revised edition (with a few exceptions, most notably Thief (Free Agent) and the Cyborg Soldier). However this down grade, while balancing in some aspects, really lessens the utility that the martial artist O.C.C.S had prior to the conversion (lets face it, even with the extra physical skills and martial art powers, the WMA sucks compared to most of the Agent O.C.C.S).
The revised edition also moves the Martial Art Power descriptions from before the Martial Art Style descriptions to after them. Several Martial arts are modified to reflect the lowered power levels. The FAQ and conversion section is updated to reflect the release of Rifts. No other major changes are made.

Question: Zenjoriki or Zenjorike...which is the correct spelling?
Answer (by Erick Wujcik): I use Zenjorike.

Question: T.M.F. (Transient Maneuvering Factor) is mentioned in the Air and Space Combat Rules Section as being explained in the "Building the Super-Vehicle Section." (This note can be found on page 138 of the original N&S and page 140 of Revised N&S.), Yet it is not explained in the "Building the Super-Vehicle Section." Where can I find the explanation of TMF?
Answer: TMF was inadvertently left out of both versions of N&S as well as Revised Heroes Unlimited and can be found in TMNT Guide to the Universe (Cat Number 506, no longer in print), page 6.

Question: What are the TMF values of Aircraft in N&S?
Answer: These can be found in TMNT Guide to the Universe (Cat Number 506, no longer in print), page 4.

Question: Are there skill costs (i.e. years) for skill programs? I vaguely remember some statements under Revised N&S that says there should be, but I can never seem to find any. It would seem to solve a few of problems if having skill programs added on to a character's starting age.
Answer: I know which reference you're talking about, but aside from Basic Skill Programs, where it states, "The character has picked up the equivalent of two years of advanced education." and Cover Identities, where we get the odd statement that, "...just how much time the character spent working "under cover."

Question: Why do the conventional vehicles in the equipment section cost so much more than the ones in the "building the super vehicle" section yet have such inferior stats?
Answer: For the most part we see that the prices in the supervehicle section are equivalent to those in the back of the book. And in general, the stats in the back of the book are somewhat superior to those built using the super vehicle construction rules. Also, you tend to pay more for a 'name'.

Question: Anyone have a good idea for how to use N&S Martial Art Forms in HU2?
Answer: Officially, only the Physical Training and Ancient Master categories can receive martial arts from N&S (HU2, page 4 . The rules for doing this can be found on page 214 of HU2 for the Ancient Master, and page 140 of Grammercy Island for Physical Training. Unofficially, you could also use the conversion rules from Rifter #3 to allow the other categories to learn martial arts, though I recommend excluding the Alien, Cyborg, and Robot categories, and possibly doubling the cost for Magic and/or Psychic categories. I also personally recommend allowing the Super-Soldier option for Experiments, Hardware: Weapons, Mutants, Mega-Heroes, and the other Special Training categories to be allowed to learn martial arts from N&S at either a lower cost, or by sacrificing some special abilities.

Question: Why is (insert style name here) in the book not like it is in real life? (Examples include Aikido, Wui Wing Chun, Sumo, Thai Kick Boxing, etc.)
Answer: Revised N&S, page 6:
DISCLAIMER NUMBER ONE: The martial arts described here, even those with real names, are not to be confused with those in the real world.
Second, since there are dozens of variations on most martial arts, I've just made up my own version that best fits the game. And, where I didn't have reliable data, I would just make up facts.
I'd also like to point out that several of the styles (most notably Lee Kwan Choo, Triad Assassin, and Zanji Shinjinken Ryu, though you could apply this to several of the others as well) are ENTIRELY fictional!

Question: Ok, I'm making a villain for my character group to fight, a 12th level Dedicated Martial Artist with Bok Pai, Snake Style, and Tong Lun Praying Mantis. The thing is that two of his forms have chi multipliers. Do I use both? If not, does anyone have an alternative?
Answer: A character can only receive one Chi multiplier when creating a character. If the character has more than one Martial Art (or whatever) that grants Chi multipliers, they'll just have to select one. As for 'level up' Chi multipliers, you can only get one for each level advancement.
Example: Martial Art 'A' gives you a *3 to start and *2 at 3rd and 6th levels, while Martial Art 'B' gives you a *2 to start and *2 at 6th and 9th levels. You could get the *3 when the character starts, and a *2 at 3rd, 6th and 9th levels.

Question: How long does it take to switch forms (I think its one melee)?
Answer (by Erick Wujcik): Switching between styles can be done at the beginning of the melee and doesn't use up any attacks.

Question: My question in lighting form in thai kick boxing do you add any special bonuses to the kata or is it straight shot of speed kicks and no bonus to the strikes? or easer question how do you play with lighting form?
Answer: Lightning form allows you to perform all your attacks in the first melee action. The only penalties are that you cannot Dodge and have no bonuses to Parry for the rest of the round.

Question: Why do Li-Chia, H2H Assassin and Fong Ngan Kung Fu have the Fingertip Attack maneuver when it isn't possible to use any Atemi abilities learned by other styles ? It's only useful when delivering an Atemi Attack in game mechanic terms I suppose.
Answer: "Fingertip Attack: Usually used only to deliver Chi or Atemi based attacks." So a style doesn't really need to be Atemi or Chi oriented to teach Fingertip Attack as part of its repertoire of strikes.

Question: When you reach 11th level in Jujutsu and choose to learn Dim Mak do you automatically learn the Fingertip attack maneuver?
Answer: Yes. Technically Jujutsu should possess Fingertip attack and/or fore-knuckle fist from the start.

Question: I was asked if it is possible to use the moves (escape moves, attack moves, hand attacks, foot attacks, etc.) from one form be used with another? The person asking this pointed out that it never specifically states this in the book (I disagree, the statement, "Each form must be used separately." is pretty clear) as every example give only mentions bonuses (and the note about Attacks per Melee) as not carrying over.
Answer (by Erick Wujcik): Yes, I would have thought I made it clear. You can not use moves from a martial art form other than the one you are using. So, for example, a character with both Aikido and Monkey Style Kung Fu could not use the Aikido Automatic Wrist lock while performing the Drunken Monkey.

Question: Yu-Sool has the ability to do an "Automatic Arm Lock" yet this move isn't described anywhere. Is this supposed to be an Automatic Arm Hold, or a new Lock that can be used on the arm (or even just an Elbow Lock)?
Answer (by Erick Wujcik): Similar to an Elbow Lock, but immobilizes the victim from shoulder to hand. Unlike the Elbow Lock in that brute force doesn't do damage (but doesn't help either).

Question: Why does Hsing-I get bonuses at 14th level to the Crane Fist?
Answer: It's an editing error.

Question: I have not seen any hold bonuses listed under any of the martial arts forms. Nor have I see an attribute add to holding. Is this a printing errror/Errata issue? Or is there some skill/attribute/martial arts form that gives bonuses specifically to holding?
Answer: Since I haven't gotten an answer on this, I'm going to recommend the following: Convert the Strike bonuses for Aikido, Ch'in-na, Jujutsu, and Sumo to Hold/Lock Bonuses. Convert half the Strike Bonuses for Drunken Style, Kyokushinkai Karate, Monkey Style, Ninjutsu, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Wu Shu T'sung PRC Kung Fu to Hold/Lock Bonuses. Convert a +1 to Strike for Fong Ngan and Sankukai Karate to a +1 to Holds/Locks.

Question: Were the entries "Multiple Attackers: 1 Maximum", "Preferred Range: Grappling", and "Simultaneous Attacks: Attacking without Defending" under Basic Hand to Hand Agent intended to be further fleshed out and added to all styles, and if so, what was the planned implementation for these martial art entries? I.e. were all styles intended to have a number of multiple attackers that they could handle in combat, preferred ranges of combat, and specification of simultaneous attacks (if the style could perform the combat move)?
Answer (By Erick Wujcik): Certainly I had more thoughts along this line. One of these days I may even get around to writing them out...

Question: 1) Chi Hsuan Men (an exclusive art) lists Tien Hsueh (also an exclusive art) as an available secondary martial art... Erick Wujkik, can I do that?
2) I notice the only class other than the dedicated martial artist that can get Chi Hsuan Men is the Antiquarian, limited to level 1D4. I was wondering why the Chun Tzu couldn't select it, as it is a physical martial art of the type they go for, and as court military advisors, I could see some wishing to know it. As well, paired steel fans are a weapon, could the Weapon Based martial artist not learn something like this as well?
3) Do the people in the world of N&SS, and HU/NB for that matter, have the same roll on a psionics table as those in PF and Rifts, or are they not included because in the modern world, psychic phenomena is rarer?
4) An exclusive martial art must be a primary, and a primary must be (I'm assuming) the first martial art someone learns. Are hand to hand basic/expert/martial arts/assassin discluded from this? They seem to be different, judging from the fact that they provide no listed reduced costs, no powers, and different pull punch dice goals.
5) On page 128 of mystic china, under the second refinement (white crane) it mentions that most immortals will have gained chi mastery even before the first refinement. How is this possible, when the only martial art that leads to Enlightened Immortality is Hsien Hsia, which teaches no chi mastery, mentions chi mastery is illegal to use, and cannot learn any other martial arts that do provide chi mastery? Either there has been a mistake, or Hsien Hsia is not the most common method of gaining enlightened immortality.
6) Related but separate to this is the fact that Tao Shih Immortalist, who can only select the martial art of Hsien Hsia, uses Chi Magic through magical writing. Hsien Hsia prohibits the use of any chi at all, which would include chi magic. Does using it in paper form by burning it somehow circumvent this weakness, or is it further proof that what was mentioned in Hsien Hsia was mistaken regarding the use of Chi Powers?
Answer: 1)No. It's an editing error.
2) If you want other classed to learn Chi Hsuan Men in your games, then go for it.
3) They use the same roll as those found in PF and Rifts.
4) Agent Hand to Hands are in limbo where N&S is concerned. On one hand they are hand to hand combats (not Martial Art "Forms"). On the other hand they are Martial Art "Forms". The quickest way to fix this problem is this; The Agent Hand to Hands can only be learned as described in the Martial Art Forms of each O.C.C. (including that stupid note about "Any of the 41 martial arts can be selected, except exclusive forms."). The Agent Hand to Hand Forms are basically unavailable toe the Martial Artist O.C.C.s (why you'd want to select them is beyond me). For purposes of knowing more than one Agent Hand to Hand, they are treated like standard Palladium Hand to Hand Combats (i.e. you can only know one).
5) Ah yes, one of the famous Catch-22s in Mystic China. This simply means that (ironically), most Enlightened Immortals did not gain enlightment through using Hsien Hsia. Ironically, the Steps of Refinement are pretty screwy themselves, since anyone with the Zenjorike power of Discorporate can AUTOMATICALLY choose to discorporate permanently and become an Enlightened Immortal WITHOUT going through any of the Steps of Refinement OR learning Hsien Hsia.
6) I'd say further proof that Hsien Hsia is mistaken regarding the use of Chi Mastery Abilities. Ironically, the very nature of Zenjorike relates it to the use of Chi.

Question: Okay, this is regarding the Mystic China version, which seems to have fixed some bugs while making some new problems...
Level 9 Advancements gives Dim Mak on a natural 18+. Would this only apply if the person had selected the atemi power?
Assuming it only works if they have the power, and is disregarded otherwise, what exactly does this mean? The wording of the power implies that all you need to do is hit the person to perform it. Does this mean that even if a person selects dim mak or long distance dim mak, they won't even be able to perform it until level 9? Considering that some of the other martial arts can select dim mak before that time, and do not require a natural role (or would it count as a death blow for them?), it would make Tien Hsueh, the inventor of the technique, weaker.
I find it somewhat funny that a Tien Hsueh could select long distance dim mak without needing the original dim mak as well.
Answer: Dim Mak works on a successful strike, it doesn't need a natural number. Tien Hsueh automatically gives Dim Mak at first level. That should take care of all your questions.

Question: Can neural Atemi be used to target a person's vocal chords and act as a choke? I mean until the duration ends our until the attacker releases his/her victim of the grip?
Answer: Affecting the vocal cords wouldn't prevent breathing, so I don't see how this could work.

Question: Do only the martial arts listed in mystic china have access to the powers listed in that book? For instance would aikido have advanced chi and/or Atemi skills? Which martial arts not listed have access to the Demon Hunter Body hardening powers?
Answer: According to Mystic China p. 165 and 166 only martial arts marked with Advanced Atemi, Demon Hunter Body Hardening, Advanced Chi Mastery, and Special Chi Katas can select those martial art powers. Since all of the Chinese styles are updated in MC, you should be able to select some of these new powers by referring to the descriptions in MC. The New Zenjorike powers are available to all the martial arts from N&S and MC that can select them.

Question: Do you believe allowing W.P. Small Thrown Weapons to be taken as a Weapon Kata? The significance? If allowed, you can factor in any strike bonuses from your martial arts form in addition to the W.P., and any P.P. bonuses.
Answer: All Ancient W.P.s are eligible as Weapon Katas (at least as long as it makes sense for a particular style), and in fact, Moo Gi Gong and Eighteen Weapons Kung Fu already do have Small Throwing Weapons/Targeting as Weapon Kata.

Question: 1) When using a weapon kata with a martial art form do you combine the bonuses from the W.P. with those of the form, or do you just use one or the other?
2) Also, can one employ the weapon while making certain moves, e.g. use a chain to make a body flip or a choke, and if so, which bonuses (if any) would apply?
Answer: 1) Yes, with a weapon kata for a particular hth martial art style bonuses from P.P, your W.P., AND that particular style would all apply.
2) Yes, you can use a style's moves with that weapon (p. 88 in the original, and p. 123 in the revised edition, under Weapon Kata where it states, "That would allow the use of a spear while fighting with the usual Ishsin-Ryu moves and bonuses."). All the standard bonuses when using a weapon kata with a style would apply. I.e. when using a chain to perform a choke attack, you would use the bonuses to choke from both the style, and (if any) from the W.P.

Question: 1) Dim Mak states that a "one finger attack" must be used... only Snake style has that form and snake style cannot get Dim Mak. The others except for Jujutsu has "finger-tip attack". Do you gain "one finger attack" or is "finger-tip attack" the same? 2) Also, is there any other forms that can get Dim Mak from mystic china (I don't have) or in any of the Rifters?
Answer: 1) Fingertip attack is a one finger attack used to deliver chi or Atemi based attacks. 2) From Mystic China the only new martial art that could conceivably have Dim Mak would be Tong Lun Kung Fu. It may be possible for characters with Bak Mei Kung Fu to learn Dim Mak, but only if they aren't Honorably aligned. The martial art in Rifter #3 which could learn Dim Mak would be Kalaripayit

Question: How many time you could do Dim Mak... equal to your hand to hand strikes or does it cost 2 attacks
Answer: Dim Mak takes one attack, so you could attempt it as many times as you have hand to hand attacks.

Question: Also If you learn Dim Mak from the touch mastery form (or any of the other forms)could you use Dim Mak in any form that offer "Finger tip attack" in their hand attacks.
Answer: Read the description of Dim Mak to learn which martial arts from N&S can receive it as an Atemi Ability. Note: Atemi Abilities can only be used with the style they are learned with.

Question: Arts of Invisibility... how would they relate to:
A) Disguising scent?
B) Modern Sensory systems?
Answer: A) Art of Disguise and Art of Mystic Invisibility would both be useful for disguising scent, the former for disguising scent (as part of the disguise, suitable materials must be available though), the latter since it isn't the senses themselves affected, but rather the mind of the victim.
B) Against modern sensor systems, the same rules pretty much apply, though they should be tempered with common sense. Mystic Invisibility will work, since its not the sensor being affected, Hiding would use the same penalty as a well lit/carefully inspected area (though you may wish to impose conditional penalties), Evasion, regardless of the ability, would set off motion sensors, stealth may allow a character to avoid motion sensors, but I'd apply a penalty, Vanishing would probably have a better chance against sensors with a narrow sensing band (i.e. a scope with a 15 degree arc would be a lot easier to manipulate than someone with a 120 degree (or whatever it is) field of vision), Escape really isn't applicable against modern sensors, and Disguise will take more advanced disguise techniques to fool finger print machines, stress analyzers, etc.

Question: Art of Hiding says you can remain motionless and hidden for as long as needed, (and I believe still aware of your surroundings) now roll this into sniping... pulling a trigger is hardly a movement, would this cause a character to become visible? is this a valid combo? (right now I'm in a campaign where a character has Art of Stealth, Art of Hiding and the BG/Assassin program as his focus...)
Answer: If the character was set up to snipe someone, they would remain undetected (unless of course for some reason they weren't using a silenced weapon...then they would roll against the percentile). If they were attempting the attack with, say, a guard right next to them and they didn't want to be discovered, I'd apply a penalty to the percentile roll.

Question: Art of Evasion + Breaking Technique... valid "one shot one kill, no chance to dodge" combo?
Answer: This is a good one, I'd rule it to be similar to a Critical Strike from Behind, with the damage effects of Tamashiwara. (Essentially making this a Death Blow from Behind, however, since the shot still requires the attacker to 'break the chi' of the victim, I would retain the rolls required by Tamashiwara).

Question: How do you figure "safe distance" and damage from falls if you have both Falling Technique and Karumi-Jutsu?
Answer: Minimum "Safe Distance" would become 2000 feet. I'd say one point of damage for every 100 feet beyond that.
#3: Author: Guest, Posted: 9 Mar 2005 00:28

Question: Also, while it is clear if you can use Body Hardening, Atemi, Martial Art Techniques, and Special Katas with one form or any form, Arts of Invisibility, Chi Mastery, and Zenjorike are not so clear. So, can Arts of Invisibility, Chi Mastery, and Zenjorike martial art powers be used with any martial art form or are they limited to the form where they are learned?
Answer (by Erick Wujcik): I'll take 'em one at a time:
1. The Arts of Invisibility are taught, and must be performed, with the stance, moves and katas of a particular martial art. Use only with the associated martial art.
2. Atemi techniques are likewise taught in conjunction with a particular martial art. Must be used with the associated martial art.
3. Body Hardening Exercises are more generic, in that the benefits adhere to the character, not just the performance of the martial art. All of them, including Iron Hand, can be used with any martial art.
4. Chi Mastery is a slightly different case. Characters can not use Chi with any martial art that does not allow Chi Mastery. However, if the character has two martial art forms with Chi, Chi Mastery can be used with either form, totally interchangeably. Cases:
No character can use any Chi Mastery while performing Thai Kick Boxing (a form without Chi Mastery). A character with Taido, and Chi Mastery, can always use any and all Chi Mastery abilities during Taido. This is true even when no Chi Mastery was selected with Taido (the player selected Martial Art Techniques instead). Even if a martial art form doesn't confer a Chi Mastery until after 1st level, the character can still use any known Chi Mastery with that form.
5. Martial Art Techniques can be used with any martial art form.
6. Special Katas must be used only with the associated martial art form.
7. Zenjorike transcend martial art forms, and may be used by the character at any time.

Question: Question about "Warrior Spirit" Kata how long do the effects last? Is it just 1 melee? Only during the kata? I was just wondering...
Answer: It lasts as long as you use the kata, either one melee round, or for however many melee rounds you use the kata.

Question: How does Zanshin work exactly?
Answer (with assitance of Erick Wujcik): Starting with the basic description of Zanshin, the first two paragraphs are completely unchanged. For the third paragraph of the descriptions and the bonuses listed we get some changes.
The martial artist will instantly sense anybody who enters his Zanshin circle, including animals, pure chi spirits and those with intangibility and/or invisibility, including beings with zero chi! This includes those using the Mind Walk Zenjorike and the spell Invoke Chi Zoshiki, but does NOT include those who are successfully using the martial art power of Chi Zoshiki/Mystic Invisibility (which shields against chi awareness).
Zanshin picks up the Chi as it is expressed in intentions and direction, and that applies even to those with Zero Chi. Zero Chi means the character has fallen below the sort of 'one Chi threshold,' but it doesn't really mean the character has no Chi at all, just not enough for any effective resistance. I can distract the Chi, or attention, microscopic as it might be, from anyone, as long as they are mobile/conscious. Now, bear in mind that Chi isn't limited to just the body. That focus extends out, out, out... But it's meaningless, most of the time. However, when one focuses an attack on a target, from whatever distance, the feel of the Chi is different... and those with Zanshin tune in to the Chi of attacks. Not just observation, nor even simple hatred. Only directed Chi... So, no, the Zanshin doesn't bug the player about every little glance...
Bonuses: The usual bonuses to initiative, dodge, and parry still apply. The range for the Zanshin circle is likewise unchanged.
The character cannot be surprised by Long Range Attacks, Attacks from Behind, Sneak Attacks, or Ambushes. This means that a character with zanshin will almost never automatically lose initiative against another opponent from these situations. Zanshin will detect the intent even if the person attacking is outside the zanshin circle, the intention is sensed, even from vast distances.
When fighting characters with invisibility, superhuman speed, or while blinded, in darkness, or otherwise unable to see, the Zanshin bonuses do not apply, but none of the normal penalties apply against the character. Chi Zoshiki (Mystic Invisibility, but not the spell Invoke Chi Zoshiki) will render an opponent completely invisible both to sight and to the character’s Zanshin senses. When a character with Zanshin faces a character successfully using the martial art power Chi Zoshiki, they receive none of their Zanshin or regular bonuses and fight with the normal invisibility penalties. Note: Blind Mystics with this martial art power negate their defensive penalties and half their offensive penalties from blindness (though the power still does not work against characters successfully using the martial art power of Chi Zoshiki).
Attacks, like sniper shots, from beyond the Zanshin circle, are something of which the character is aware, but has no extra Zanshin bonus. So the character cannot be surprised by a Long Range Attack (i.e. the Long Range Attacker does not automatically get initiative, and the attack can be defended against), but they do not get their zanshin bonuses. If a sniper shoots from a distance, a target victim with Zanshin will be aware of the incoming bullet. A Dodge is possible, but without the Zanshin +4 to Dodge bonus. If an attacker leaps from outside the Zanshin circle, into the Zanshin circle, then the Zanshin bonuses apply. If an attacker strikes with some humongous weapon (say a 20 foot spear, when the Zanshin circle is only 10 feet), the attack itself is still inside the Zanshin circle, and all the Zanshin bonuses apply. As for attacks moving really swiftly from outside the circle to inside, bear in mind the superhuman speed, and/or invisibility restrictions.
Defending against attacks from the rear is possible, however, if the character can't turn around (say, because they're engaged with another opponent), then the Zanshin bonuses would not apply, just as with invisible foes. There are some circumstances where a character doesn't have the possibility of defense. For example, an attack the character cannot see directed at someone else that misses the intended opponent an instead strikes the character.
Characters with this ability also have a reduced form of Chi Awareness that allows them to evaluate the chi of anyone they can see who is inside their Zanshin Circle. This limited form of Chi Awareness allows them to determine whether or not the source has zero chi, 1 or 2 points of chi, more than 10 points of chi, more chi than the character own, and whether or not the chi is positive or negative.
Zanshin will not however, detect traps, even those set into motion.

Question: Dim Mak statest hat a character's chi gradually wears away to zero. How long does this take?
Answer: Like S.D.C. Hit Points and Physical Endurance, Chi wears away at a rate of one point per week. Once the character reaches zero Chi, they're subject to the normal zero chi loss of S.D.C., Hit Points, and Physical Endurance.

Question: On page 123 while talking about weapon katas it says that the primary benefit is that they allow the weapon to be used during the martial-art form. It also says " the character full W.P. with the weapon named." Does this mean equal to level 15 WP with that weapon, or just normal WP effect?
Answer: It means that if you didn't have the weapon proficiency before, you do now. Taking a Weapon Kata automatically gives you the associated Weapon Proficiency, rated at the appropriate experience level.
#4: Author: Guest, Posted: 9 Mar 2005 00:30

Mystic China Questions

Question: In Mystic China pg 85 the spell Detach Living Gas Cloud has a duration of 10 minutes per level of experience. Now, almost all of the basic Living Clouds, which are affected last 1 minute per level. Does casting the Detach spell, add to/change the duration of the existing cloud? Does it last:
as long as the original duration ?
the length of the Detach duration ?
both the original duration PLUS the new duration ?
Answer: I'd have to agree with original duration plus new duration, since it says it allows you to control the cloud from up to one mile away. Given the relatively low speeds the clouds travel at, you'd have to cast whatever Exhale Cloud Spell, then cast the Detach Cloud Spell, and spend the rest of the duration running away from it while you direct the cloud in the opposite direct to even come close to that distance in the duration of the Exhale Cloud Spell.

Question: Mind Walk seems analagous to Astral Projection in Rifts (et al) so I'm used to most characters being unable to interact with "material world" while doing so (save mind powers). The spell says that the Wu Shih (or other Chi Mage) can still use magic. Since spells aren't spoken, no problem. So a Wu Shih using Mind Walk ventures into a group of people and uses Exhale Obscuring Smoke...which means it'll affect them as if he were there in the flesh ? So in effect the cloud appears from nowhere and cough, cough, etc, etc.
Answer: No, Exhale Obscuring Smoke is made in the physical body, so a person using Mind Walk would not be able to cast it.

Question: When the Reformed Demon becomes human at 10th level does it:
1) Still have to follow the 8 Rules of Hell?
2) Does the Demon Overlord still try to get him back or at least change him into a Damned Immortal?
3) Really start out with all Neg. Chi Abilities and 2 Pos. or Neg. Abilities?
Answer: 1) No
2) It's likely the Demon Overlord will try to "trick him into sin" to get the newly created human back into the Yama Hells, but there may be rules passed down from the Jade Emperorer's Court that prevents it. (In other words, it's the GMs call whether or not the Demon Overlord is still interested in the character.)
3) Yes as a 1st level Reformed Demon, no as a 10th level reformed demon/1st level human.

Question: 1) p66 of Mystic China says that Celestial Calligraphy can be inscribed on Jade !!?? I thought the colors of the materials were important -- or does it mean just a mundane carving to preserve the writing ? (which is obvious). I briefly had images of alternate magical items besides Vajra (which is what I want )
2) also p77 says that the Wu Shih must save vs Magic -- 12 or less ?? which I think should be 12+ -- right ??
Answer: 1) Jade items ARE an alternative magical item in Chinese mythology. As for colors, that's not a problem, jade comes in two types Jadeite and Nephrite. Nephrite is usually green (especially olive green), but can be found in white, black, brown, beige, and violet. Jadeite comes in more colors, ranging from white to grey with hues ranging from yellow-orange to violet. The range of colors includes white, green, lilac, pink, blue, brown, yellow, red, orange, violet, and black.
As for exactly how Jade objects inscribed with Celestial Calligraphy would work, there's a few other hints here and there in Mystic China, but you're mostly left to your own devices.
2) 12 or better is correct.

Question: Are Infernal Servitors magical items??? Their descriptions remind me of magical items that can be brought to life (animate). Elemental constructs??? or the reverse -- living beings who can become inanimate matter???
Answer: None of the above. They're demons (in this case, demons of the underworld, so the term 'living being' can only be loosely applied to them).

Question: Chi spirits -- a person's chi-spirit (whether from Zenjorike Mind Walk or Mudra or the chi-magic spell) do these carry Elemental aspects? I assume so since a chi-arcanist can still cast chi-magic while in chi-spirit form (which means they can cast Exhale Obscuring Smoke or something similar). Or can the chi-arcanist fuse chi with the element of _____ by utilizing it externally?
Answer: No, a pure chi spirit is either positive or negative, the yin and yang, as opposed to the more involved elemental categories. They do NOT carry elemental aspects. To make this even more clear, take a look at the postive and negative version of each of the elemental animus. They can fuse their positive or negative chi with elements, but that's what the various elemental animus do.

Question: A chi-arcanist, such as a Wu Shih comes across a small wall safe during a surreptitious entry into an opponent's house. Can he use Transmute Object into Chi on the door, then remove it via a Mind Walk (where the object goes with him) -- the same with regular doors and the like or must he handle the entire item fully? (inside and out, all sides/components).
Answer: He has to handle the whole item. However, (if he's strong enough), he could take the whole safe with him.

Question: 1) What are the attributes of a Fox Spirit? Does it have any attributes when in Chi form or Fox form?
2) Can the human form learn a martial art? Are those bonuses combined with the RCC bonuses?
3) Have you ever played a Fox Spirit or used one as an NPC? How well do they shape up? Do they, indeed, roxxor?
4) So they don't have seperate attributes for their fox form? And the attributes do apply to the Chi Spirit as well?
Answer: 1) Look on page 55, under Human form.
2) No. Not applicable.
3) I hate the serious lack of skills myself.
4) They don't get the human form PB bonus in their fox form.

Question: Hi, I have a question. In Mystic China, in the Tao Shih section, it does not list how long it takes to create Celestial Calligraphy. The only thing that I've found is a spell listed in the Chi Magic section. Do they use the same time guidelines, or do they have a different time for producing scrolls?
Answer: It would follow the same guidelines as the spell "Inscribe Celestial Calligraphy".

Question: In Mystic China, p.41 on the Demon Hunter O.C.C entry it says he gets the "Demon Hunter Sword" Specialty Kata, yet I cannot find it anywhere in the book (or in N&SS, for that matter). Anyone know what happened to it?
Answer: It's just your run of the mill W.P. sword weapons kata, specifically for the sword he gets in his basic equipment.

Question: Does Gui Long's Advanced Sword Chi Technique still count as a Martial Art Technique (allowing it to be employed with any style, if you have Gui Long and another style), or can it only be used with Gui Long?
Answer: Yes.
#5: Author: Guest, Posted: 29 Mar 2005 05:56

Question: 1. In N&SS, i've seen this under various martial arts, this being an example. Special attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack, Combination Strike/Parry, Knockout/stun, ect. When I looked up Knockout, it says that a person must call this before it is preformed, but it gives no base as a number. Does this mean that any successful strike after a called Knockout/Stun means that the opponent is automatically knocked out?
2. When a martial art lists physical, and provides a bunch of random skills and w.p.'s, does that mean that you automatically get those listed, or that you must select those to attain that martial art?
3. I like the hand to hand Ninjitsu in Ninja's and Super Spies better then in Rifts: Japan. Can I simply replace the Rifts Japan h2h with the one provided in N&SS?
4. What's the deal with having a second h2h? Is it only limited to the dedicated martial artist? Or can all O.C.C.'s select a second h2h, and if so, does it count as a secondary skill selection, or what?
5. What about Primary and Secondary listings for the Martial Arts? It says if this is selected as primary, ect, or secondary, ect.
Answer: 1)First off, Knockout/Stun is a Modifier to Attack, not a Special Attack. Any style listing it in the Special Attacks is a misprint.
But as stated already, the roll required to make a successful Knockout/Stun attempt is a Level Advancement Bonus. This also means that Knockout/Stun cannot be used until achieving a level that lists it as an LAB (the same goes for Death Blow, but not Critical Strike). The only way you can knock out an opponent without rolling a certain natural number is if you have the Knockout/Stun from Behind maneuver, in which case you only need to get behind an opponent, declare a knockout attempt and make a successful strike roll.
2) You automatically get those listed.
3) With GM approval.
4) You can't have more than one Hand to Hand Combat skill. However the Dedicated Martial Artist, Worldly Martial Artist (Original Edition N&S) and the Open Hand Martial Artist (Mystic China) can have more than one Martial Art Form.
5) Martial Art Forms are not Hand to Hand Skills. The Primary & Secondary listing is a hold over from the original version of N&S, where martial artists got more than one or two martial art form selections.
#6: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Jul 2005 11:44

Question: When rolling up a Martial Arts master/Dediated Martial artist how should one procede in calculating total number of attacks from two Martial arts forms.
If they are to be "declared Seperate" how should the player character use both chosen martial arts styles. Also are their leveled abilities cumulative? ( str, parry, dodge, as well as special abilities)
Answer: A character can only use one martial arts style at a time, and all attacks and other bonuses should be kept seperate.
If your character knows Tae Kwon Do and Snake Style Kung Fu, then at the beginning of each round you have to choose which style you are going to use. If you choose to use TKD style, then you have 4+ attacks, if you choose Snake style then you only have 1+ attack per melee.
#7: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Sep 2005 20:12

Question: I built an Entrepreneur from Mystic China. Theres a related skill selection called Swindler. Now I looked through the first two Game Master books I own and can't seem to find the list. I don't have the latest GM guide, so I don't know if it's in there, a rifter guide, or what. Could someone tell me where to locate this list of skills. I'd appreciate it. Thx.
Answer: Mystic China, page 10.

Question: How would one preform trapping. Like in Wing chun, or Kali.
Answer: The closest thing is Mien Ch'uan's Sticky Hands, found in Mystic China, page 190.
#8: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Apr 2006 12:18

Question: In Ninja's and Superspies, the martial art form Kyoshinkai Karate states that its users automatically receive 5th level skill in tamashiwara. Reading that abilities' description shows that it's benefits are not in any way level-dependent. Is this just an ignorable misprint? Or do they receive some bonus to their tamashiwara that I just don't understand how to apply?
Answer: It's an editing error.
#9: Author: Guest, Posted: 1 Oct 2006 08:55

Question: 1) i need the finall ruleing on the dim-mak i know it draines them of there chi ya i got all that but what happens when they go into negative chi
2) so then they cant heal and once they are stricken either with a life threatening wound or sickness they die from it days or weeks later is that how it works
3) after the dim-mak in the same mellee if i hit them say 3 times in a row isnt 2x the damage the first hit 3x second hit and so on so forth
Answer: 1) They don't go into negative chi, once their chi hits zero, that's it.
2) Yes, that's pretty much how it works.
3) If you're talking about the effects of Dim Mak, no. If you're talking about the damage of the finger tip attack, yes it would do more damage (not x2, x3 though due to bonuses to damage).

Question: I just found my N&SS in a box in my basement, and I've been looking through it. I noticed the Ninjitsu can select W.P. Ninja Sword, but for the life of me I can't find that W.P. anywhere in the book. Anyone know? There's also a few other random weapon proficiencies I can't find...
Answer: N&S typically has specific weapons listed when giving weapon kata to martial art styles. They use the appropriate general W.P. for that weapon type, but can only be used with that weapon and style.
Now for the inevitable follow up question: does a "Ninja Sword" use W.P. Long Sword, or W.P. Short Sword?
The equipment section does not include a specifically named "Ninja Sword," but the description of the wakizashi mentions a similar "ninja short sword" (also known as a ninja-to). Assuming that this is the weapon that Ninjitsu's W.P. Ninja Sword Weapon Kata refers to, it then follows that it would count as W.P. Short Sword.
#10: Author: Guest, Posted: 2 Dec 2006 09:36

Question: I have read the FAQ concerning attacks per melee and it was quite helpful. I do have one question though. In N&S, some forms start with 1 or 2 attacks. Do these forms get non-attack actions along with these to keep them on par with an untrained PC. If someone with no training gets 1 attack and 2 non attack then wouldn't someone with training have at least that as well?
Answer: No.
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Question: I know I have seen a Martial Art Form that is based upon improvised weapons, but where? I looked back and forth through N&S and MC. Can someone help me here or am I just crazy?

Answer: Both Moo Gi Gong (N&S) and Shih Ba Ban Wu Yi/Eighteen Weapons Kung Fu (Mystic China) provide skill with improvised weapons (along with a ton of true weapons), but I've seen no official styles that specifically focus on improvised weapons. I have seen a few on fan sites, though.
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Question: On page 98 of Ninjas and Superspies (revised) it says that you can use the "attacks, bonuses, abilities and powers" of Hwarang-Do with Moo Gi Gong when wielding a weapon from Moo Gi Gong...what exactly adds together in such a situation?

Also...and I know this one might be silly...but could someone tell me whether or not N&S characters get 2 attacks extra to start with and where the rule is at?

Answer: You use the bonuses and attacks per melee of Hwarang-Do, but you can freely combine all the Weapon Katas, Weapon Proficiencies, combat maneuvers and Martial Art Powers from both martial art forms. Sadly, no character can actually have both martial art forms in the revised edition, but the option was available to both Dedicated and Worldy Martial Artists in the original edition.

N&S specifically does not use the "Two Attacks For Living Rule," as stated on page 165 of the revised edition.
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Re: Ninjas & Superspies FAQ

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Question: When a Damned Immortal is no longer able to turn back to human form, is he permanently a demon even if his master is slain or leaves him? Also what would be a good rifts conversion for this path of immortality?

Answer: When the Infernal Master dies, the Damned Immortal immediately shrivels up and dies, as stated on page 125 of Mystic China. Whether the immortal appears in human or demonic form during his dying moments is left to the imagination.

As to conversions, very little modification is required. The immortal's powers of Call Infernal Master, Negative Chi Mastery, Transform to Pure Negative Chi, and Demon/Infernal Shape would be unchanged, except where the rules on Chi and Chi Mastery are changed in Rifts. For the Superhuman and Incredible Healing powers, H.P. and S.D.C. would become M.D.C., and P.S. would become supernatural; all other bonuses and abilities would stay the same.
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