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Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:01 pm
by Giant2005
Best = Glitter Boy Killer, it just seems to clock up those style points.
Worst = Abolisher, it has one of those annoying penis lasers that Palladium has become notorious for.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:34 pm
by Dead Boy
Best: the Glitter Boy Killer (meanest suit of PA in all the books)

Worst: the CS Patrol Car (dopiest looking flying box ever inked to paper)

Honorable Mention: the original Spider Skull Walker (the first piece of CS gear to strike me with a sense of awe.)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:35 pm
by tundro
*best* The Mauler power armor. It has such an imposing look to it (even though the stats for it aren't so hot). I'd probably run one just for the sheer "it looks cool" factor and see how long I could make it last.

*worst* I've never been fond of that centaur skel-bot abomination that they built. Thank gawd THAT project got scrapped. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:35 pm
by Rockwolf66
I happen to dislike both the Glitterboy killer and the Hellraiser.

It's something about the designs that scream "Style over Substance". I.e. Exactly the wrong thing you want for a combat weapon.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:06 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
Best: CA-7 Special Forces EBA and original SAMAS.

Worst: Pretty much everything else to be honest. The CS stuff looks like it lost to Cobra when Hasbro or whoever was picking the enemy GI Joe would fight.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:57 pm
by Proseksword
Best: Tie between the Glitter Boy Killer, which seriously does look like the tech-hater's worst nightmare, and the ordinary, CA-4 Heavy Body Armor (new style) I love the slick, sleek, high-tech dead boy armor of CWC.

Worst: Has to be the Death's Head Transport. Nothing is dumber than a big, flying skull that carries guys around. It's an idea Skeletor would have come up with, then dismissed as too hard to take seriously. Runner up is the Spider Skull Walker & Abolisher, likewise for being a giant head with guns and no body.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:24 am
by rat_bastard
Best, CS death wing.

worst, the old style officer helmet frills.

Peace out yo!

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:02 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Best: Scorpion Skull Walker. Nothing says lovin' like railguns to the face coming from a robot with prowl.


Worst: Officers Car.

Tie for second between The Helicopters in CWC and the Stealth Bomber. Not everything has to have the deaths Head on it, especially when it would screw up the intended purpose of the STEALTH.

I personally like the abolisher. I don't like dick guns.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:48 pm
by Library Ogre
Alejandro wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:Not everything has to have the deaths Head on it, especially when it would screw up the intended purpose of the STEALTH.

Like the CS Navy submarines and their incredible cavitation-causing death's head cowcatcher fronts? It's like looking at underwater plows.

I like to tell myself that these are achieved by clever use of painting effects, and that the CS can't be that stupid.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:53 pm
by finn69
favorite CS body armor the shark armor from cs navy
the one piece of cs equpment that looks the ugliest....toss up between abolisher and the cs subs with the deathhead on the front.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:05 pm
by Rallan
Let's be honest, the CS has never looked as stylish as it did back in the rulebook. A solid, chunky, spike-encrusted 1980s vision of a fascist future, where everything looked badass enough that you didn't even think "skulls on everything? That's kinda silly".

As for worst, I'm pretty sure Rifts Mercenaries had some appallingly mediocre artwork. The "Grinning Skull" tank and whatever the fighter plane was called were both pretty lousy.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:12 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Rallan wrote:Let's be honest, the CS has never looked as stylish as it did back in the rulebook. A solid, chunky, spike-encrusted 1980s vision of a fascist future, where everything looked badass enough that you didn't even think "skulls on everything? That's kinda silly".


There were a couple things in CWC that matched the original artwork, and those were also good.

The new style armor is crap.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:26 am
by AdmTolval
Best would be the original SAMAS. The idea behind it and also the look of it.

Worst would be the Sea SAMAS. Why design a Sea SAMAS that is slower underwater than a Super SAMAS?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:36 am
by Nxla666
I like the look of the Old School Dead Boy armor over the over stylized new stuff.

Best bot: UAR-1 Enforcer

Best PA: Special Forces

Best gun: CP-50 (the C-14 was my fav oringinal but I like the updated one better)

Worst: Abolisher, New Skelebots, any supersonic aircraft or submarine with the Deaths Head motiff (what the hell we're they thinking?)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:31 am
by Nxla666
Josh Hilden wrote:I like the Deaths Head motif.



I like the motif as well, but when it actually impedes the functioning of the warmachine in question it becomes ridiculous.

Paint it on don't mold it. :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:30 am
by Prince Artemis
With the exception of the subs and jets, which should have gone with just painted motifs, the skull design IS a practical one. The coalition army is feared and you want to make sure that you can take advantage of that fear. The cs aren't the only ones using tanks, helicopters, ect so you need something that would make them REALLY stand out from long distance. You want the baddies to be running away, which is usually the case. Seriously, unless you have some major anti-air fire power, you're not likely to stick arround against a wing of death-head aircraft.

Remember folks, not everyone on rifts earth has seen all the world books and can recognize the different factions gear on sight, nor does everyone have that Identifying computer. They designed for fear and given the setting of rifts earth I'd say it works.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:37 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Best: Super SAMAS

Worst: The planes from Mercenaries. Yeah, I thought Dopps looked stupid when I first saw them in Gundam 0079... :P


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:23 pm
by Proseksword

It's a method of intimidation which is useful in the uneducated world of RIFTs! If you don't know what a Tank is, you are more likely to be afraid of something with a FACE!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:57 am
by Nxla666
Kick in the gnads.

Whats the point of having a stealth craft if you put a huge radar reflecting image on the front of your plane?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:28 am
by sHaka
Nxla666 wrote:Kick in the gnads.

Whats the point of having a stealth craft if you put a huge radar reflecting image on the front of your plane?

**Assits the gnads Kick**

And the whole "it scares the crap out of it's foes" argument breaks down with the stealth craft - surely the whole point is not to be seen at all?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:01 am
by Prince Artemis
sHaka wrote:
Nxla666 wrote:Kick in the gnads.

Whats the point of having a stealth craft if you put a huge radar reflecting image on the front of your plane?

**Assits the gnads Kick**

And the whole "it scares the crap out of it's foes" argument breaks down with the stealth craft - surely the whole point is not to be seen at all?

******* slap response**
Unless there some new super tech kingdom out there that has yet to be printed, the CS has total air superiority. Not even Larsen's Brigade has a comparable air force so who even needs stealth air craft?

**follow up backhand**
Stealth isn't very stealthy now. Wasn't a Stealth bomber shot down in Iraq or afghanistan from the ground in the last 7 years? Yeah, reallll stealthy.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:32 am
by Proseksword
Stealth doesn't hide you visually. That's why Stealth aircraft fly their missions almost exclusively at night, and why they are all black. The Talon is all black too, so no one is even going to see it's evil grin until the daytime, and by then, it's too late.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:33 pm
by Phadeout
Best CS: Original CA-* body armor for Psi-Stalkers (spiked helmet).
Come on, it's BAD @$$ looking, even SCARY.

Worst CS: Too many to list... Anything with a Giant Head for a body. Anything that is "new style" and doesn't look anything like the original dead boys (though the new style Juicer armor is not bad). I could gripe for a long time but I just won't...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:12 pm
by Jefram_denkar
When it comes to the C.S. The best P.A. are the Samas (Original and the Special forces versions.)

Best robot is the Enforcer (it is old but it is a solid design).

Worst P.A. is the Mauler, frankly I just do not like the look of that thing.
Plus the fact it has the weakest Plasma ejectors on Rifts earth dose not help (4D6 MDC mind you since it says per laser blast in the description I am wondering if it is a typo)

And what seems to be 3/4 of the people here the Abolisher is the worst robot. Is it just me but dose that thing seem to scream. "Shoot me"

Mine you the C-144s on board are a good weapon. I just do not like the general design.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:32 pm
by Kryzbyn
The best: Free Quebec Glitter Boys. I like the classic designs. The pic with a Chromium Guardsman holdin the American flag...patriotic with a hard on.
Close second: Any of the FQ CS body armor. That shyte is stylin'.

Worst: I wouldn't be caught dead in a Hellfire.
Close second: Smiling jack SAMAS. The Joker called. He wants his style back.

Non CS
Best: Hunter. Mobile. Gun.
Worst: Any of the horribly cliche'd Japanese robots. No offense Kev, but you get to draw robots 0 more times.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:56 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
im a big fan of all the Old Style equipment, especially the SAMAS and the original Dead Boy EBA. And skelebots are pretty freakin sweet too.

As for the worst, I dont like the Fire Storm Mobile Fortress. It's unnecessary and excessive. And it just plain looks stupid. I also don't like the Glitter Boy Killer. It's just too....i dont know...busy. It looks clumsy. Too much going on. If i were to design a "Glitter Boy Killer" it would be much smaller and faster.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:15 pm
by glitterboy2098
best body armor: CS Commando. newstyle abilities, oldstyle asthetics.
Best Powered Armor: PA-06 SAMAS. though the Striker SAMAS deserves Honorable mention here.
Best Robot: UAR-1 Urban Enforcer. most of the new style either have too much form over function, or are just silly looking.
Best vehicle: CS Patrol Car

Worst body Armor: CA-06. looks way too bulky and the multi-lense array looks odd overlaid on the newstyle visor. though the CS juicers look kinda silly too.
Worst PA: the wing thing from WB: lonestar
Worst robot: the Skullsmasher bot. though the scorpion skull walker thing is a close second.
Worst Vehicle: any CS APC. apparently the artist's forget vehicles need something called ground clearance...

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:47 am
by AdmTolval
Best: The old style SAMAS

Worst: While I like the new body armor, I have to agree with a gamer friend that the "leg warmers" look really bad.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:58 am
by runebeo
Best = Wind Jammer sky cycle or Super SAMAS and I love the Glitter Boy Killer too
worst = The Abolisher (waste of ink)

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:53 am
by Kagashi
Im looking at this not only from visual design, but military application as well.

best body armor: CA-4 New Style armor. new style armor isnt getting much love in this poll, but I think they are sleek, and look better than the old style.
best small arm: CP-50 Dragonfire. The weapon not only looks like its designed to do what the description says, but it has decent range and damage, and not only uses energy weapons (economic) and kinetic weapons (damages more things than lasers do).
Best Powered Armor: PA-08A Striker. lots of MDC, lots of fire power, looks cool.
Best Robot: Ive always been partial to the UAR-1 Enforcer, although I still have a hard time imagining 2 people sitting in the crew compartment. The Scorpion Skull Walker is also pretty cool looking. I also like the Zentraedi looking IAR-5 Hellfire.
Best vehicle: Windjammer sky cycle

Worst body Armor: CA-5 Juicer EBA. A pony tail? Gay... otherwise, Ive never liked the old style "skull with eye balls" armor (CA-1/2)
Worst small arm: The crew served mini missile launcher from RMB (forget the name). Slow rate of fire, bulky, damage is not that much better than modern small arms.
Worst PA: Death Wing Air Assault Armor. I just pretend it doesnt exist.
Worst robot: Toss up between the idiotic design of the IAR-2 Abolisher (why design cannons that you must spin like a top to fire...)or the retarded looking IAR-4 Hellraiser (another one I just pretend doesnt exist).
Worst Vehicle: F-14 tomcat :shock: 300 years in the future and Top Gun is still popular?

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:42 am
by Sureshot
Best = Super Samas and Kittani Destroyer Power Armor from Rifts Undersea. Both are very intimdating.

Best Guns = Toss up between Naruni and the Wilks series of weapons. I like Wilks more as thier guns have very sleek and high tech look to them.

Worst = The Abolisher because it looks like Humpty Dumpty fell off his wall and Karl Prosek had no idea how to put him back toghter again. Second would the Ng-EX-5 Behemoth Explorer. The art for it does it no justice whatsoever and it's max speed is 40mph. How are you supposed to outrun flying suits of power armour at that speed and almost no weapons.

Worst Guns = I pretty much dislike almost all the Northern Gun line of weapons. Some are so heavy and bulk that you need either a high PS to weild some of them properly. Compared to some of the other stuuf out there they comes across as boring imo.

Honorable Mention = NG-V& Hunter Mobile Gun Robot. It may not be as pretty looking as some other robots out there but its main weapon will have anybody who makes fun of your robot running for the hills.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:28 am
by Sureshot
Lord_Coake wrote:I'm actually a fan of NG stuff. It has a non-nonsense look to it. May not be pretty, but will dammed well work.

The NG stuff does work. It still misses the cool factor that other less bulky and sleek weapons have. And that is what attracts the consumer. How big of bang it can do and how cool it looks.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:21 am
by Traska
Best: Original style CS armor. When it was *all* blue-black. Especially the SAMAS.

Worst: Well, the new CS stuff in general (especially in CWC, where it all looked like a giant cartoon), but specifically: It's a toss up between the Smilin' Jack and the Super SAMAS. It looks like they were designed by Xenomorphs.

Re: What is the best/worst looking CS equipment?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:24 pm
by Library Ogre
I tend to view NG weapons as being somewhat like AK-47s... they may not be the best weapon around, but you can beat on them for days and they'll still fire.