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Re: How do you figure damage fro multi-classed casters?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:58 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Zuari wrote:Look at the alchemist class make me wonder, if some has more than one level of two different caster OCC does it effect the level of their spells are cast at.
i.e. I am a 3rd level shifter and 2nd level necromancer that cast fire ball, which is 1d4 MD per level, so is that 5d4, or the highest level 3d4, or the class I am currently increasing in necromancer because I re-classed so 2d4 ?

it's whatever class you know the spell as. if you have the same spell in two classes, the highest.

For instances, your fire ball would use your Shifter spell level, but your Hide Among Dead would use your Necromancer spell level.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:55 pm
by Mouser13

What GAMRAMR and SELPL I here keeps hearing about.

Just adding it is highest of class that could cast the spell. Not, which one learn it(At couple times that came into issue).

Re: How do you figure damage fro multi-classed casters?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:15 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Zuari wrote:Look at the alchemist class make me wonder, if some has more than one level of two different caster OCC does it effect the level of their spells are cast at.
i.e. I am a 3rd level shifter and 2nd level necromancer that cast fire ball, which is 1d4 MD per level, so is that 5d4, or the highest level 3d4, or the class I am currently increasing in necromancer because I re-classed so 2d4 ?

Which Class did your char get fireball in?

If your char got the fireball spell as a Shfter, and then changed to the nerco, your fire ball spell level is frozen at 3rd.

No, you do not combine spell level from two classes ever.

And Gravitus Everlast, will you refrain from using such vugality, this is a public space and you will (have) offend christens who read these forums.

Re: How do you figure damage fro multi-classed casters?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:22 pm
by Mouser13
Zuari wrote:Look at the alchemist class make me wonder, if some has more than one level of two different caster OCC does it effect the level of their spells are cast at.
i.e. I am a 3rd level shifter and 2nd level necromancer that cast fire ball, which is 1d4 MD per level, so is that 5d4, or the highest level 3d4, or the class I am currently increasing in necromancer because I re-classed so 2d4 ?

It would be 3D4. When your necro gets 4 level you could pay double(per necro) to get it do 4D4.

Re: How do you figure damage fro multi-classed casters?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:56 am
by Library Ogre
Zuari wrote:Look at the alchemist class make me wonder, if some has more than one level of two different caster OCC does it effect the level of their spells are cast at.
i.e. I am a 3rd level shifter and 2nd level necromancer that cast fire ball, which is 1d4 MD per level, so is that 5d4, or the highest level 3d4, or the class I am currently increasing in necromancer because I re-classed so 2d4 ?

The alchemist is a special case, in many ways. First of all, it does not have two different caster OCCs. It has 3 different magic OCCs, each which use completely different types of magic. Diabolists don't cast spells or use circles (effectively); Summoners don't cast spells or use wards. Wizards don't use wards or circles (save by creating spells which mimic them, which isn't the same).

Alchemists use and combine all three.

To your actual question, you use whichever is best for the spell you are casting.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:03 am
by shiiv-a

i always assumed that Alchemist's were .. an NPC class

my bad .. maybe i should take a look at that now? .. just in case.

Ziya could very well almost be an Alchemist apprentice, without trying to be one. she makes magic potions and can create magic weapons and armour .. so who knows. anything is possible.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:06 pm
by Library Ogre
Alchemists are an NPC class, but GMs need to know what they can do, so they can adequately use NPCs, no?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:09 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
dracolych wrote:Have actually had someone play up to an Alchemist. Granted, he was a bit of a Santa, but still, that was years of play.

There was also a guy on the boards who made a Journeyman Alchemist OCC. Don't remember who off the top of my head, though. Saw it a year and a half ago. Ask Nekira Sudacne, since I think she was part of that group.

Aye, I was. It's basically a partial where you know some wards, some circles, some spells and can make potions and enchantments at starting pretty low precentages, then you work your way up learning more. It gives varaity at the cost of doing nothing epsecially well at first.