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TW Question

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:02 pm
by Crazy Lou
Can Techno-Wizardry be combined with other forms of magic? I realize that you can use other spells besides standard invocations (ie I could use a necromantic spell in a TW device if I wanted), but could something like Diabolism be incorperated too?

Example: Could I create a TW gun which shot bolts of Soultwist, but that combined the Diabolist element of a permenance ward, thus resulting in a permenant soultwist gun?

Re: TW Question

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:35 pm
by Library Ogre
Crazy Lou wrote:Can Techno-Wizardry be combined with other forms of magic? I realize that you can use other spells besides standard invocations (ie I could use a necromantic spell in a TW device if I wanted), but could something like Diabolism be incorperated too?

Example: Could I create a TW gun which shot bolts of Soultwist, but that combined the Diabolist element of a permenance ward, thus resulting in a permenant soultwist gun?

Not really.

TW is essentially a way of making a physical component for Wizard magic (as opposed to Warlock spells, Diabolism, etc). Using TW, you can alter some of the properties of a spell (essentially creating a new spell, only castable through this item), but it doesn't play well with other magics.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by a "permanent soultwist gun", but to do something like that, you would likely need a Rifts-born alchemist, whose Wizard-equivalent OCC was Techno-wizard.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:33 pm
by asajosh
I don't see how you can make tech wizardry work with wards and circles and such.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:26 pm
by Library Ogre
asajosh wrote:I don't see how you can make tech wizardry work with wards and circles and such.

I can think of a few options. Think of an Energy ward set up for a device; as soon as the ward is triggered, the Energy ward goes off, providing power for a certain device. Because wards are very cheap to empower, you can set up something to go off any time someone disturbs a very small object (a switch) and pumps in a very small amount of PPE... IF you can get TW and Diabolism to work together, which I would say would require an Alchemist.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:31 pm
by Crazy Lou
Where can I find the Alchemist OCC?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:46 pm
by Library Ogre
In PFRPG, in outline form. A bit more is included in the manuscript for Mysteries of Magic.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:31 pm
by Library Ogre
Gravitus Everlast wrote:This may be for that other TW discussion, but, I can see making a TW lazer pointer/sharpie for drawing wards and circles... like those lazer pointers that have the tips that say stuff like happy birthday or pictures of sad puppies and happy kittens... or a no smoking sign...

How would you get it to create them in gold, silver, mercury, the corpses of small insects, the blood of animals, etc?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:15 pm
by asajosh


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:20 pm
by Crazy Lou
Thanks guys, you've been a great help.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 1:51 am
by asajosh
Zuari wrote:In the TW Construction rule out of the Ultimate edition it only list the following Non invocation spell magic as being able to be constructed into TW items: Biomancy, Cloud magic, Elemental air//fire/earth /or water magics, Living fire, Nature magic, Necromancy, Ocean magic, Spoiling magic, or Temporal magic. Note it did not list wards (Diabolism,) or circles (summoning) so I do not think I make TW item base on those two arts.

I KNEW I didn't see a TW Ley Line Drawing Sharpie for a good reason, TY for the research! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:37 pm
by asajosh
U.S.Advanced Recon wrote:ok here comes the bomb. Someone that knows Diobalism and techno wizardry might unlock the secrets of Rune Magic. :D :?

Read under Lizard Mage RCC in conversion book.

Wow, good research!
That is a pretty big might, however (GMs discression) :)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:59 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
If the TW parters up with another magic user he can make TW stuff with spells he doesn't have. This has been a part of the rules sence the RMB was published.....if not sence then sence RWB:2.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:06 pm
by Library Ogre
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:If the TW parters up with another magic user he can make TW stuff with spells he doesn't have. This has been a part of the rules sence the RMB was published.....if not sence then sence RWB:2.

Emphasis added.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:22 pm
by Mouser13
Mark Hall wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:If the TW parters up with another magic user he can make TW stuff with spells he doesn't have. This has been a part of the rules sence the RMB was published.....if not sence then sence RWB:2.

Emphasis added.

Yes, spells adding not circles or magic item forging.