The Js are taking over Palladium Books!

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The Js are taking over Palladium Books!

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The Js are taking over Palladium Books!

Palladium Books is being invaded by Joshs, Jasons and other J-names!

For some reason, every new writer seems to be named Josh, Joshua, or Jason. I’m not kidding. Look . . .
Josh Sinsapaugh
Josh Hilden
Joshua Sanford
Jason Marker
Jason Richards
and I’m sure there are others crawling out of the woodwork ready to submit any day now! Not to mention a few Jeffs, James, Johns and Justins. And now, even one of our new artists is named Jason/Jaysin and there's already Jeff Russel among the artists. If this keeps up, we may have to change the name of the company to K&JJJ Inc. :eek:

This isn’t the first time we’ve had a run on a particular name. Backing the late 1980s there were four Kevins associated with Palladium Books. Kevin Siembieda (me!), Kevin Long (staff artist), Kevin Fales (cover painter), and Kevin Eastman (co-creator of the TMNT and contributing Palladium artist). So it does happens, but this “J” thing is getting out of hand, don’t you think? :D

Just a silly Murmur from me to you.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and "K" Man
© Copyright September 27, 2007, Palladium Books Inc., all rights reserved.
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