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Mystic Knights, a tribute

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:48 pm
by drakinn
This is my tribute to the Mystic Knights. They are my favorite OCC and not because of all the standard reasons you hear like power. I am not a big fan of the Order of the White Rose. I like the down and dirty approach of the Knights. their story is masterpiece and I can't think of another OCC that has so much room for story telling and growth. Rare is it to find an SDC human that can take on a dragon and live, ney even make that dragon flee. I have been a GM for 17 years and was amazed by the story that developed just due to the OCC set-up introduction, and maybe it was the person playing the OCC but I doubt it :-D . The mystic Knight reminds me of the man with no name spaghetti westerns played by Clint Eastwood.

Ride on Great Knight live up to your name by driving before you all that oppose you, and do it for a profit. :-D

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:26 pm
by Mouser13
thats, funny because the last person I had play one couldn't get the code and his alignment to mix right. Petty much destory the the campaign. That the fact that half the group was melee and the other have was range didn't help either.

Though I agree they are a good class, but I think of them has a mellee fighter/support(Money saver).

Personally I don't see how he S.D.C. could take on a Dragon?.

We had mock battles with dragon(hatchling)(450 M.D.C.) party member and are mystic knight (had 400 M.D.C.) and we wouldn't win and I was playing the old rules supernatural str and weapon damage stacked(9D6 damage) new he would do only 5D6.

ohh he did

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:30 pm
by drakinn
it was with skill and a little luck. the Dragon fled in the end

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:21 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Gravitus Everlast wrote:Its all in the roleplay and the tactics you use. If you run up and hit the dragon outright, you're gonna die, but if you finess it and use stick and dodge techniques along with good cover fire, you'll see the end of that battle with your head intact. And yeah, Mystic Knights ROCK. Try playing one as a machine person, sooooooo many open doors and not enough time to walk through them all.

Machine People have no PPE and no magical aptitude whatsoever. They can never be Mystic Knights, or any magic using OCC.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:14 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Gravitus Everlast wrote:You forget the part about being reformed by the Cosmic Forge in the tower in the center of the megaverse. After the tower has gotten its "Hands" on something, its changed forever. And why wouldn't a machine person be able to understand magic? Is magic not simply the movement of energy to create a desired effect?... wait... dammit I forgot we're talking about MYSTIC KNIGHT and not COSMIC KNIGHT... Sorry. Still, after that transformation into cosmo-knight... many things become possible.

Yep. the listed powers of the Cosmo Knight OCC.

Of course...being reformed into a Cosmo Knight, the Machine Person would loose all Machine Person powers, so oh well :D

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:42 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Gravitus Everlast wrote:Sure they wouldn't! They woudn't become flesh

Wouldn't they? and would they keep the morphing abilities? Who knows what kind of changes the cosmic forge would have to make to give them CK powers?