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Casting in EBA

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:09 pm
by 2bent2
hi folks profesional forum lurker here, got a question on casting in full EBA. Do you just incur the 20% increase in the PPE cost then roll on the cart to see the additional effects? i know that natural materials don't affect casting but on the EBA it is not as clear.

I was under the impression it was prohibitied all to gether but i can find noting in the RUE to support this other the quote, Rue pg 188 "Wearing Body armor from a full suit of medieval chain or plate armor to modern day environmental armor, blocks and interferes with the use of magic. A sorcerer can not wear more than partial armor, ideally never more then a third of this body, never more then half."

it then goes on to list the penalty for wearing armor on more the 50% of the body.
so am i just thinking of a previous rule? is it just the penalties i have listed?


Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:17 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
There is no prevention, 20% increase only.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:15 pm
by 2bent2
Rue pg 188 top right hand collum

Re: Casting in EBA

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:13 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Let's see....taking this back a step. In the other settings and in rifts 1.0 mage could wear body armor made out of natural materials w/o having a casting penalty. It is only Metal and Man-made materials that caused a mage to have penalties due to the amount of Metal he was wearing.

Now seance virtually all EBA are made out of metal or man-made materials, they streamlined the body armor rules in rue.

In Arzino, they list some wooden MDC armor. So not ALL armors give mages' penalties. However the wooden armors wear not EBAs, but that is no problem for mages with AoI or other armor or enviromental spells. This goes for TW armor as well, that they are sufficiently magical that they don't give the +20% PPE penalty for casting while wearing it.

"Is there any armor that will block the wearing mage from casting?" Yep, non-magical Power Armor.

Re: Casting in EBA

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:51 pm
by Killer Cyborg
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[color=darkred]Let's see....taking this back a step. In the other settings and in rifts 1.0 mage could wear body armor made out of natural materials w/o having a casting penalty. It is only Metal and Man-made materials that caused a mage to have penalties due to the amount of Metal he was wearing.

Now seance virtually all EBA are made out of metal or man-made materials, they streamlined the body armor rules in rue.

In the original Rifts book, there were NO casting penalties for any armor (except that you couldn't cast at all if you're in power armor).

This goes for TW armor as well, that they are sufficiently magical that they don't give the +20% PPE penalty for casting while wearing it.

Is that rule listed officially somewhere?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:00 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Rifts 1.1 had the penties for casting through metal armor. 1.1 is about the time Triax was printed.

The PW book 2 has TW armor that the UWW has TW/Magic armor. That their Mages have no trouble casting through. Might be mis remembering...its been a while (Years) sence I read that book.

I really don't remember this rule too well becasue vertully all my mage chars have some sort of magical protection.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:16 pm
by Killer Cyborg
drewkitty ~..~ wrote: Okaaaaayyyyy......
Rifts 1.1 had the penties for casting through metal armor. 1.1 is about the time Triax was printed.

I don't remember the Mage Armor rule coming into effect until FoM or SoT.

The PW book 2 has TW armor that the UWW has TW/Magic armor. That their Mages have no trouble casting through. Might be mis remembering...its been a while (Years) sence I read that book.

I really don't remember this rule too well becasue vertully all my mage chars have some sort of magical protection.

I tend to just think that CJ ignored the casting penalties for armor (if they were around when the PW books were written).

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:45 am
by Mouser13
Well, Cyborg I don't remember intell PFRPG I got like 5 years after playing so.

Re: Casting in EBA

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:20 am
by Ice Dragon
2bent2 wrote:hi folks profesional forum lurker here, got a question on casting in full EBA. Do you just incur the 20% increase in the PPE cost then roll on the cart to see the additional effects? i know that natural materials don't affect casting but on the EBA it is not as clear.

I was under the impression it was prohibitied all to gether but i can find noting in the RUE to support this other the quote, Rue pg 188 "Wearing Body armor from a full suit of medieval chain or plate armor to modern day environmental armor, blocks and interferes with the use of magic. A sorcerer can not wear more than partial armor, ideally never more then a third of this body, never more then half."

it then goes on to list the penalty for wearing armor on more the 50% of the body.
so am i just thinking of a previous rule? is it just the penalties i have listed?


I play according to the good old RMB (old version) where there was no penalty for spellcaster wearing EBA :P :D.

If you not not like a rule - change it or leave it.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:03 pm
by Talavar
I'm another who ignores the new "no-casting in EBA" rule. Non-environmental MD body armour shouldn't exist, because anything with an area effect (missiles, grenades, plasma, fire, acid, etc.) would get in the spaces in between pieces of armour, no matter how small, and kill the wearer.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:02 pm
by shiiv-a
i think the days of 'mages in robes casting spells and not being allowed to wear any kind of armor other than magical items' is passed. That was AD'nD. be it 2ed. or 3ed. or even 3.5 ed. Rifts isn't that system. nuff said on that topic.

personally i can see a mage wearing almost enclosed body armour, but should have the hands free so that they can make the appropriate hand gestures [if any] without complications. ever try to make complex fingering movements inside hockey gloves? .. a little extreme and not always on par with what is needed. nuff said there as well.

but thats me. TW powered armour should only be worn by mages that KNOW the spells in the unit or not be able to access them period. if its THEIR unit, they need to know HOW to recharge it. thus they can't have speels in the unit that can't be used and recharged. makes the units 'unique' then, and most likely pricey for the people that want to take the mage in question out. but hey .. thats just my thoughts.

besides that .. i like the idea of the MPPA.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:57 am
by The Beast
shiiv-a wrote:i think the days of 'mages in robes casting spells and not being allowed to wear any kind of armor other than magical items' is passed. That was AD'nD. be it 2ed. or 3ed. or even 3.5 ed. Rifts isn't that system. nuff said on that topic.


Yeah! Take your stupid armor penalties back to D&D!