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New Town/City: Where to Set it and Other Ideas Needed.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:54 am
by panzerfaust
I've been working on a Rifts City/Town using the rules in the Rifts Adventure Guide for the heck of it, and need Ideas (like where would you place it, Ideas for businesses, natural resources and NPCs and the like), also I want the player characters to eventually become the town's rulers (they have to EARN it first though) in a long term campain. This is an Industrial Town that can make more primitive versions of M.D.C. weapons, vehicles and 'bots/power armor. A capsule/Description will come later so people can plug and play this town/city into their games. Ok, Here goes:
    The City/Town of Steel City (Population: 60,000):
    Orientation and Disposition: Open but Cautious.
    Type and Size of Community: Major Town or City (Grew out of a Militaristic Encampment); Points for Building: 500 points.
    A. Weapons and Armor: Superior; Cost: 45 points.
    B. Medicine: Unheard Of; Cost: 45 points.
    C. Agriculture and Natural Resources: Abundant; Cost: 30 points.
    D. Real Estate/Land: Bad; Cost: 1 point.
    E. Vehicles and Fuel: Superior; Cost: 35 points.
    F. Administration and Social Structure: Good/Sound Structure; Cost: 10 points.
    G. Alignment: Mixed, Unprincipled & Scrupulous; Cost: 6 points.
    H. Magic: Vast Knowledge; Cost: 15 points.
    I. Racial Tolerance: Tolerant; Cost: 7 points.
    J. Trade: Boomtown; Cost: 40 points.
    K. Threats: Dangerous; Cost: 3 points.
    L. Skill Levels & Professionalism: Cyber-Doc, Operator; cost: 18 points.
    M. The Community Overall: Educated (54% of the townsfolk are literate); Cost: 20 points.
    N. Shelter: Fortified; Cost: 35 points.
    O. Security and Fighting Force: Small Mechanized Army (DOUBLE all six options); Cost: 70 points.
    P. Power/Energy: Good, Mixed (has a lot of nuclear batteries); Cost: 25 points.
    Q. Special Features:Processing Plant x3, Manufacturing Plant x3 (extra), Old M.D.C. Ruins, Pre-Rifts Underground Complex, Hydroponics x2; Cost: 95 points.
    Total Points Spent: 500.
    Population Breakdown: 60,000 total.
    35% Human
    10% Dwarves
    5% Nuhr Dwarves
    10% Wolfen
    10% Kremin Cyborgs
    10% Vernulians
    5% Trimadore
    2% Amana
    5% Rahu-Men
    5% Grackle Tooth
    3% Other (No more than 0.4% for any one race)
    Notes: Has 14 Processing Plants/Factories as Follows:
    1. Nuclear Power Cell/Engine Factory.
    2. Electronics/Computer/Radio Factory.
    3. Tool and Industrial Equipment Factory.
    4. Bionics/Cybernetics Factory.
    5. M.D.C. & S.D.C. Small Arms Factory.
    6. Heavy Weapons Factory.
    7. M.D.C. Body Armor Factory.
    8. Civilian and Military Ground Vehicle Factory.
    9. Aircraft and Hover Vehicle Factory.
    10. Power Armor and Robot Vehicle Factory.
    11. M.D.C. & S.D.C. Ammo, Explosives, and Missile Factory.
    12. Synthetic Fuels and Lubricants Plant.
    13. Ore Smelting Plant (For Various Metals).
    14. Metal Foundry & Steel Mill (for various metals/alloys, both S.D.C. and M.D.C.).
    Note: These Factories produce More Primitive but still HIGH QUALITY (and super reliable) goods copied from other North American Manufacturers with the Exceptions of Wilk's and Coalition Products.
    I'm thinking of Applying the following rules to the local "Knock-Off" goods:
    1. Small Arms Energy Weapons: Cost 30% LESS, Weighs 20% MORE and Range is 10% LESS then the original.
    2. Heavy and Heavy Energy Weapons like Railguns, Missile Launchers, etc, etc: Cost 30% LESS, Weighs 20% MORE and Range is 10% LESS than the original.
    3. Vehicles, Robot Vehicles and Power Armor: Cost 30% LESS, Has 10% LESS Main Body M.D.C., and Weighs 10% MORE and is 10% SLOWER than the original.
    These designs come from Bandito Arms, Northern Gun, Titan Robotics, and Wellington Industries, Golden Age Weaponsmiths and Iron Heart Armaments.
    NOTE: that the styling on these items has been changed slightly. Also Note that the local industries & locals just can't compete on the same level as the big companies like Northern Gun, Wellington or Wilk's (and know it) and so most of their customers are people who hate the CS and it's allies or do not wish to support them.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:11 am
by Mouser13
Personally, I think your other races is a little to high and 10% Kremin Cyborgs isn't their only like 100 on RIFTS earth?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:26 pm
by panzerfaust
Mouser13 wrote:Personally, I think your other races is a little to high and 10% Kremin Cyborgs isn't their only like 100 on RIFTS earth?
    Not any More, as of 109 P.A. there are thousands of Kremin in North America (See the D-Bees of North America Book) as for the others I went with an artistic license for them, with them being either Recent Refugees or Immigrants in the case of the Kremin Cyborgs, Nuhr Dwarves, Rahu-Men, and Vernulians or the Palladium Dwarve's and Wolfen's case, part of absorbed nearby communities, or In the case of the Amana, Grackle Tooth and Trimidore, established D-Bees who cogregated here.
    Basically this is a D-Bee friendly town where everyone is welcome as long as they obey the law, lend a helping hand and keep there nose clean.
    Right Now I'm looking for a good place to set this town...... Right now I'm considering Southern Alabama or Somewhere in the middile of the Pecos Empire with rifted in mineral Deposites and small mountains where there were none in pre-rifts times close by. I also plan on the Ruins the City is based on being a patchwork of dimensionally rifted cities from other dimensions (fortunetly when the area rifted in the ley lines in the imediate area went dead or dormant. As well, while a good portion of the "Pre-Rifts" Catacombs (actually ALSO a dimensionally rifted patchwork) and underground complex are explored there ARE areas that ARE NOT MAPPED and are UNEXPLORED. This Give PCs the option of a "Dungeon Adventure" type setting too.... :D
    I want players to have a lot to do in and around this town.... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:07 am
by bigbobsr6000
How about the Ohio Valley region like northern Kentucky. Lots of coal mines and other minerals. River access and lots of factories and mills line the Ohio River that could be rifted in or near your town. Also, natural hills every where. Plus, some of the terrain occasionally shifts in that area which would bring in some interesting adventures. Your un-mapped areas could be these shifting terrains.

Big Bob........................... :D

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:35 pm
by panzerfaust
bigbobsr6000 wrote:How about the Ohio Valley region like northern Kentucky. Lots of coal mines and other minerals. River access and lots of factories and mills line the Ohio River that could be rifted in or near your town. Also, natural hills every where. Plus, some of the terrain occasionally shifts in that area which would bring in some interesting adventures. Your un-mapped areas could be these shifting terrains.

Big Bob........................... :D
Ony prob is it's a bit too close for comfort to Chi-Town or even CS Missouri I also know little about the area (I'm familiar with parts of Texas and Lower Alabama which cut's the amout of research I have to do too... but the devil is in deciding....) there's also the fact that the sifting lands in Kentucky are *TOO* dangerous and the cold weather isn't liked by Vernulians or Grackle Tooths...... I wish those rifts Deep South books were out now, It'd make my job easier...... :( No...... it's gotta be in either Southern Alabama or in East Texas somewhere's....... East Texas is fun because of potential trouble with the Pecos Bandits as minor problems with the CS (The CS Just don't have the manpower to hold the whole of Texas, 'specially after Tolkeen...... though they can make trouble a'plenty.........) Alabma is Appealing cause it's closer to Archie 3 who is secretly helping the town along, It's close to the Dinosuar Swamp (for relic and technology hunting in a hostile enviroment) and trouble from the continent of Atlantis as well as the Horune (and other) Pirates.... Also as mentioned above, the mineral deposites aren't "Natural" to the area so it doesn't matter where I set the town really...... does Anyone know a good place in East Texas or Southern Alabama to place it Preferably along a river and on high ground..... Decisions......... Decisions......... :nh:

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:22 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Carthage, Texas?

~ Josh

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:11 pm
by panzerfaust
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:Carthage, Texas?

~ Josh
Hmmm.... where's that in Relation to Houstown, Los Alamo and the Kingdom of Worth.... I used to live around Denton Texas which is close to Dallas, and My aunt and cousins live in Houston, But I never heard of Carthage TX...... Hmm could you post links to a map of the area? My Google-Fu isn't too hot......

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:22 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
panzerfaust wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:Carthage, Texas?

~ Josh
Hmmm.... where's that in Relation to Houstown, Los Alamo and the Kingdom of Worth.... I used to live around Denton Texas which is close to Dallas, and My aunt and cousins live in Houston, But I never heard of Carthage TX...... Hmm could you post links to a map of the area? My Google-Fu isn't too hot......

Here you go.

~ Josh

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:38 pm
by panzerfaust
Thanks Josh! :)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:39 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
No problem.

~ Josh