Erick Wujcik Update & Stuff

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Erick Wujcik Update & Stuff

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Erick Wujcik Update & Stuff -- December 27, 2007

Erick’s condition may continue to deteriorate, but his spirit remains high. Talking to Erick on the phone, you’d never know there was problem. He is his same energetic and positive self. He continues to think about others, and does what he can to get through every day with his humor and character intact.

Erick started chemotherapy on Monday and hopes to spend a week in China where he and Kay plan to spend time with friends and loved ones there.

Erick told me he loves the blog site and deeply appreciates everyone’s warm wishes and especially tales of gaming experiences and "close encounters of the Wujcik-kind." Keep posting your thoughts and Wujcik encounters, as well as enjoy reading the comments of others from around the world. I know I am. Oh, and send Palladium digital photos to post online, especially photos of Erick at conventions.

For those of you who would like to get some of Erick’s thoughts straight from the man himself, check out Erick's own blog-site at where Erick continues to display his writing skills and fun-loving personality. Insightful, funny and always interesting.

I would like to personally thank everyone for their kind words to Erick on the blog, as well as to me personally via PM, e-mails, postings and even comments on Grab Bags, and elsewhere. Thanks. Do I need to say that Palladium fans are the best on the planet? No, but I will anyway, you guys and gals are the best. Also thanks to Wayne Smith and Thom Bartold for all their work on the website and a tip of the hat to NMI for his assistance in getting us photos.

Lately, I find myself wondering why the loss (or impending loss) of one person has greater impact on us than others. Case in point, Erick Wujcik's battle with cancer. Erick's illness has had a profound impact on me. I think about him often throughout the day, every day. But why? Is it because we are so darn close -- best friends – blood brothers – kindred spirits? Is it because we are so close in age and it reminds me of my own mortality? Is it because his illness is so unexpected, sudden and deadly? Is it because Erick has been such a constant and welcomed part of my life? I certianly never imagined Erick . . . gone. Not ever.

I imagine it is a little bit of all those things and more.

Yesterday, Erick sent me an e-mail about one thing and a link to another. They both made me smile and cry. I’ll miss getting those darn “Hey Kev, have your heard/seen this? e-mails and links. They are usually things Erick just knows I’ll find interesting. Our brains are wired the same in that regard. Then again, we find all kinds of stuff interesting and everything sparks our imaginations. Plus, Erick knows I’m so busy these days trying to get Palladium strong again, that I miss these things on my own. What kind of stuff? Oh, things about animals, or bugs, or technological advancements, or the solar system, or Walt Disney, or movies, or marketing and advertising, or Palladium, or just weird, fun, funny, interesting stuff. I hate knowing those messages are going to stop in the weeks to come. I love getting them from Erick. I always enjoyed reading them.

Silly that those kind of things make me smile AND cry. Like Erick, I have tried to live my life to the fullest, and enjoy all the people and good things around me. To enjoy the simple wonders and beauty life has to offer, and to let people know how much they mean to me. Consequently, there are no words left unspoken between Erick and I. A thought that, again, makes me smile and tear up.

Thanks for listening to my mutterings and murmurings. Thanks for caring.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Friend

© Copyright December 27, 2007, Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved, worldwide.

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