Happy New Year?
I usually like that salutation, but this year . . . somehow it rings a bit sour.
It’s hard to be happy knowing one of your best friends on the planet doesn’t have long for this mortal veil. It sucks. You feel helpless and angry. And sad. I have found myself thinking about Erick Wujcik a great deal these past weeks, and talking about him to a great many people. A Happy New Year without Erick in it from beginning to end just doesn’t seem so “happy.” Ah, but the world keeps turning, as they say.
Ironically, there is a much for me to be happy about. I’m happy the initial chemotherapy helped take away Erick’s pain and make him more comfortable.
I’m happy Erick loves the blog dedicated to him at www.erickwujcik.com and that so many friends and fans have the opportunity to say hello, we love you. Thank you for writing such wonderful things about my dear friend.
I’m happy Erick and Kay got to go to China and visit friends and loved ones there.
I’m delighted Erick was a guest at the 2007 Palladium Open House and many of you got to meet him. And I’m thrilled he did the two podcast interviews just this past November, before he found out how sick he was.
I’m happy Erick is fighting the beast within and enjoying what time he has left to the best of his ability with grace, dignity and joy. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have Erick in my life for so very many years. It’s been a joy.
I’m happy about a lot of other things, too.
I’m happy to have so many friends and fans who care about me and Palladium Books.
I’m happy to have such a sweet and loving girlfriend as Kathy Simmons (and an amazing cook, too . . . yum, yum).
I’m happy that my (step)son and (step)daughter, Adam and Monica, are both doing so well, and I’m proud of them both.
I’m happy and excited that Palladium has survived a devastating period and seems to be getting back on its feet. If all goes well, 2008 will be Palladium’s big comeback year. A happy year, indeed.
I’m happy to have the Robotech® licences back. It will be fun and challenging to redo this series even better than the original, and it’s nice working with dedicated Robotech® creators like Tommy Yune and a handful of excited fans all eager to share their ideas about Robotech and where the new RPG series should go. I think we are going to surprise and please a lot of people with the books to come.
I’m happy to have the talented group of young artists and writers working for Palladium these days, and inspired by their ideas and energy.
I’m happy about the podcasts and reaching more people in a fun and different kind of way. My thanks to the two gentlemen, Matthew and Chris, responsible.
I’m happy about moving to a new building this Spring, as it seems to mark a rebirth and new era of change, ideas, and, I hope, prosperity at Palladium Books.
I’m excited about so many cool books and projects being talked about at Palladium, and I know they’ll delight and please all of you as well.
I’m happy about my life and friendships. I have no regrets. I’ve enjoyed most every minute of it, even the challenges and camaraderie of the difficult times. I look forward to the future . . . whatever it may hold for me, and I’m happy that so many people are along for the ride.
Palladium Books' achievements are not yet done. Heck, as we start the beginning of our 27th year in business (how awesome is that?), I pretty much feel the same as I did when I launched the company: Boiling with creative energy, overflowing with ideas, and filled with dreams, hopes and excitement.
Keep the faith and those imaginations burning bright. Ah, the adventures we have yet to share.
I hope this Murmur makes sense. Wayne, Kathy and I are plagued by a tricky cold bug that seemed to go away after only 3-4 days, only to return a couple days later worse than before. I had to put on two sweaters and huddle under a quilt shivering for two hours before the fever seemed to break. Hard to tell as I’m at the office by myself, but I’m feeling better, at least for the moment, though now a nagging cough has appeared. Grrr. So if this Murmur is a little off or a bit train of thought, my apologies. Oh, and Happy New Year, really. May the new year bring us all good health, joy and prosperity.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Fevered Mind
© Copyright January 5,2008 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited, Beyond the Supernatural, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.
Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.
Happy New Year? January 5, 2008
The latest thoughts and ramblings from the Palladium Books staff.
Moderator: AlexM
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