Tactical Uses of psionics an magic ..

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Tactical Uses of psionics an magic ..

Unread post by Lenwen »

I am looking for your guys info on some militaristic uses of psionic abilities and or magical . Play nice my friends I am very curious as to how you guys see the resources of magic and psionic abilities.


Unread post by Lenwen »

I'll go first .
Teleportion (sup)- 300miles/lvl can take 1000lbs/lvl
-------------- 10th lvl dragon Teleports 3,000 miles , with up to 10,000 lbs
-------------- Can substitute beings or personal supplies .

Unread post by Lenwen »

Aye I have read the whole series . Friend owns a book store that I regularily borrow books from prior to selling them hehe . I liked the tactics used by some of the mages but feel their ability's were EXTREAMLY limited as per how they were portrayed an the way certain factions were simply said to be overcame with zero proof of techniques or anything that would show exactly how the CS would have gotten past some of the more ingenious ways to use magic . Of course that is my personal opinion . It is to me like they basically dident want tolkeen to survive period an that the CS was just so overwhelmingly powerfull numerically as well which I find a triffling disterbing as prior to the Tolkeen conflict I did a overall population chart myself to show exactly how many troops the CS had . Based off of the reserch I did I sadly admit the CS had no where near the numerical supioriority the writers gave them . Prior to the Tolkeen conflict I had priliminary estimates of roughly 1.5 million man army. (2million if you wanted to include what FQ would have added had they not went Rogue in theater..)

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Unread post by Talavar »

Well, one of magic and psionics biggest limitations in a military/combat application is range: very few spells or psionic powers have the range of military equipment. A few get up there, like power bolt, but not many, so a mage/psionic needs to be the one to pick the battleground. The various types of invisibility can help here, teleportation, etc.

Multiple image can be a godsend for a mage, it really helps avoid attacks.

Spells/powers that disable or have other effects are often preferable to those dealing direct damage, at least at low level. Things like fear, cloud of smoke, carpet of adhesion, magic net, blinding flash, etc.

For dealing direct damage, unless the spell has some other effect that you need, the RUE casting rules generally make 2 firebolts superior to 1 of any of the more powerful damage spells, until you reach a high level. For instance, 2 firebolts trump 1 call lightning until you're 9th level, at least in terms of damage.

Impervious to Energy is worth its weight in gold. Most tech. weapons that rely on a projectile are very large, like rail guns, and can only be carried by certain types of characters. Not all, of course.

A handful of psionic powers - namely telemechanic paralysis & operation are a technological foe's worst nightmare, as most equipment gets no saving throw, not even power armour. Both have a relatively short range however.

Techno-wizard modifications to high-tech equipment are awesome - put energy field & invisibilty: superior on a vehicle, and you've basically got something with shields & a cloaking device that technological sensors can't pierce.

Moderate to high level warlocks are Rifts' ultimate glass cannons. Get them close enough to the enemy without being detected, have someone else screen them for damage, and they can cut loose with doozies like Tornado, River of Lava, & Earthquake. These spells are army-beaters right there, and aren't that intensive in terms of PPE cost or casting time, unlike Annihilate, for instance.

Unread post by Lenwen »

**Teleportation(sup)** 10th lvl. 3k mile range 5 ton wt limit.

Check THIS out ..

1 Kydian High lord(10th lvl) whos already been to North American Continent .
Teleports to N.A. taking with him 10,000lbs or equivelent in this demonstration that equivelent= 50 other highlord Kydians which equates to 51 Kydian highlords now know exactly where to go .
Those 50 each take 50 other High Lords. Now 2500 kydian high lords can teleport to N.A. continent. 2500 take 50 each = 125,000 Kydian High lords who can now teleport directly to N.A. continent an take any 50 combinations of Kydian's . ( Powerlords , Over Lords , anything they can be) Kydian known populations number into the Billions per splugorthian intelligence . Total overal population 100,000 Kydian High Lords can teleport is a ratio of 50-1 or in other words 5 million man army .

** Side note**
----New York to Mexico City Mexico is a distance of 2,086 miles .( refrence for the 10th lvl casting of Teleport sup range of 3,000 miles)

Resources needed = Bio-wizard wrist gaurds with a 6th lvl spell of ..
--Sustain-- 24 hours/lvl no food ,rest, meditation needed (6th lvl=6days)
------------- every 6 days there after every minion IS equiped with that
------------- bracer simply engauges that ability endlessly...

I first posted this in a different thread but felt after I posted it there it would be of equal value here . As it shows the strategic value of being able to place multi million being armies hundreds of miles away an yet be able to strike a military target with the FULL multi million being army then porting back to thier respective base .

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Re: Tactical Uses of psionics an magic ..

Unread post by dark brandon »

Lenwen wrote:I am looking for your guys info on some militaristic uses of psionic abilities and or magical . Play nice my friends I am very curious as to how you guys see the resources of magic and psionic abilities.


Are you looking for mortal ways or Supernatural ways.

For example, you're High lord ways is the ability to teleport almost at will.

Mortaly ways would consist of LLW's and Bursters.
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Mortal ways: A ley line walker lvl 1 can do this.

Invisibility simple/chameleon and Magic net. Most body armor does not have thermal vision, thus allows a mage to walk around basically undetected. A magic nets, mana per mana is probably the most broken spell there is. For 7 mana, you can magic net. Magic net is the equivalent of a natural 16 roll, all the time you cast, and upon hit, a near 100% guarantee the enemy is eliminated from combat. This includes normal people and mages (who are unable to move thus cast spells while MN). About the only person this won't work on is a powerful psychic (even weak ones are fairly helpless). As a mage, you can then take your time to sacrifice him to draw out his PPE to replenish the PPE you spent on invisibility and magic net.

Both of these spells are under 6th, thus can be cast as a single action.
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An other good tactic consists of a mage and burster.

Mage drops Carpet of adhesion and burster drops a fire + Fuel flame on it. They don't even need to stick around to see themselves win.
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Unread post by Jefram_denkar »

Astral Projection for recon work.

Range and time is limited but great if you want to get a close up view of an area or check out the next few rooms safely while exploring ruins or an enemy base.
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Unread post by Talavar »

If we're also talking creatures of magic/supernatural beings, one of a dragon's most useful powers is that inherent 5 mile teleport. As I mentioned before, few magic powers/spells or psionics have the range of high-tech equipment, but not much tech. weaponry has a range of 5 miles. A dragon can go from out of weapon's range to on top of its enemy in one attack, get behind vehicles, outside of firing arcs of big guns, etc. It's really invaluable, and often overlooked.

In any sort of long term engagement, hit & run tactics can work wonders. A mage/psionist only needs more PPE/ISP, where high-tech. opponents can run out of e-clips and othe ammunition. If a fight isn't going well for a mage/psionist, they can retreat to a ley line, or even just go and meditate for awhile, & be restored to full strength much easier than technological opponents can.

Unread post by Lenwen »

Indeed basically mages ( psionic and magical) both need only a ley line to ( resupply ) as it where .. And to be honest what kind of self respecting Ley Line Walker is going to be away from a Ley Line for a battle ?
Conversly . A Tech Based opponant will need to periodically resupply as well an that dont matter where its base of operations is it has to go back to that base even if that means hundreds of miles depending on the Vehicles an thier status after any encounters that just might be on foot or even worse radio it in an have to wait for back up to arrive to extract you or to resupply you . ( basically making you sitting ducks for the Ley Line Walker an Psi mages if , (IF) they can resupply thier PPE/ISP prior to you becomming resupplied .

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Lenwen wrote:Indeed basically mages ( psionic and magical) both need only a ley line to ( resupply ) as it where .. And to be honest what kind of self respecting Ley Line Walker is going to be away from a Ley Line for a battle ?

Well, while a llw may like ley lines, they are not all that common, thus, there is more than a good chance a ley line walker will be forced into battle while away from a ley line/nexus. I figure more often than not, a llw is fighing away from a ley line. At least that's how it's played out in most of the senarios I've seen, since, what self respecting Tech opponent is going to fight a mage that is near a ley line?
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Talavar wrote:In any sort of long term engagement, hit & run tactics can work wonders. A mage/psionist only needs more PPE/ISP, where high-tech. opponents can run out of e-clips and othe ammunition. If a fight isn't going well for a mage/psionist, they can retreat to a ley line, or even just go and meditate for awhile, & be restored to full strength much easier than technological opponents can.

This also depends. There are some tech opponents (like borgs and certain vehicles) that have "effectivly unlimited" ammo (energy and plasma weapons i believe)
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Circle of travel can be use to solve all sorts of logistics and travel problems, cheaply.

there are several large area of effect spells that can ruin an army's day.

Summon storms can make lying nearly impossible

heavy air is really good

multiple wall spells are really good for providing cover.

all sorts of stuff.
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Unread post by Talavar »

dark brandon wrote:
Talavar wrote:In any sort of long term engagement, hit & run tactics can work wonders. A mage/psionist only needs more PPE/ISP, where high-tech. opponents can run out of e-clips and othe ammunition. If a fight isn't going well for a mage/psionist, they can retreat to a ley line, or even just go and meditate for awhile, & be restored to full strength much easier than technological opponents can.

This also depends. There are some tech opponents (like borgs and certain vehicles) that have "effectivly unlimited" ammo (energy and plasma weapons i believe)

Very true, anything with a nuclear power supply basically has unlimited ammo for energy blasts. The tactic is still useful as rail gun ammo & missiles get used up, but it's not going to win every time.

Unread post by Lenwen »

Several key spells for any military situation.

Thunderclap -- Signalling allies .. into cordinated fronts ..

Carpet of adheasion -- freezing entire platoons in place at lvl 3 !!!

Teleport -- various reasons move troops on a massive coordinated effort -on multiple fronts in the blink of an eye .. and back out again ..

Sustain -- Who needs supply lines with this spell around ??

Frequncy Jamming -- Damn thats a extreamly good one to use agianst -- any tech based opposition ..

Used in conjunction with rune weapons and / or psionic's and / or Tech in a coordinated effort with allies some of these spells should "should" be able to overcome many tech based military unit's major assets . Rune weapons make that force THAT much more powerfull .. Anyone who says wars are not won by numbers ... should really check out real life history . Lieutenant Colonel George Custer weapons where more advanced Rifles an pistols vrs the bow, arrow, tomahawks . Custer Forces numbered 652 . Crazy Horse force numbered from 900 to 1800. Casulties , Custer's force Killed to the last man . Sitting Bulls forces 136 killed 160 wounded at highest count .*edit* thats a kill ratio of 4 to 1. with a technological edge givin to Custers forces ...
Just some food for thought ...

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Unread post by dark brandon »

Lenwen wrote:Carpet of adheasion -- freezing entire platoons in place at lvl 3 !!!

A good platoon should not be close enough in combat that this becomes a viable tactic.
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Unread post by Lenwen »

dark brandon wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Carpet of adheasion -- freezing entire platoons in place at lvl 3 !!!

A good platoon should not be close enough in combat that this becomes a viable tactic.

Well said my friend in combat they shouldent be ..how ever ..
CS is said to be in the area some one with the ability to Astral project in .. goes in an gets the lock down of thier location..
Do it for a couple days get thier platoon formation times .. coordinate a teleporter with you .. durring thier formation ( various reasons as to why ) Teleport in .. /carpet of adheasion... Immobile for how ever long port away .. Now you have thier grid coordinets as well . Inc , artillery ..

inc pain if you ask me that isa more then feesible way to knock them all down while in formation .. no where in any CS military strategic books does it say they never get into formation outside their towering city walls .Course if I am wrong I apologize cause I have never seen it in print :oops:

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Lenwen wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Carpet of adheasion -- freezing entire platoons in place at lvl 3 !!!

A good platoon should not be close enough in combat that this becomes a viable tactic.

Well said my friend in combat they shouldent be ..how ever ..
CS is said to be in the area some one with the ability to Astral project in .. goes in an gets the lock down of thier location..
Do it for a couple days get thier platoon formation times .. coordinate a teleporter with you .. durring thier formation ( various reasons as to why ) Teleport in .. /carpet of adheasion... Immobile for how ever long port away .. Now you have thier grid coordinets as well . Inc , artillery ..

inc pain if you ask me that isa more then feesible way to knock them all down while in formation .. no where in any CS military strategic books does it say they never get into formation outside their towering city walls .Course if I am wrong I apologize cause I have never seen it in print :oops:


In a relaxed enviornment, they may. For example a briefing. But once out in the field, they don't want to be stuck close together where if a granade pops in the middle of them, the whole platoon is wiped out.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.

Unread post by Lenwen »

An yet while on every deployment I ever been on ten years of active duty we always had morning and night formations in a relaxed situation on deployment . So I personally dont know why they wouldent do the same . Accountability an stuff as such ..

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Lenwen wrote:An yet while on every deployment I ever been on ten years of active duty we always had morning and night formations in a relaxed situation on deployment . So I personally dont know why they wouldent do the same . Accountability an stuff as such ..


And when you were out in the field, in a combat situation...did you stick to these tight formations?
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.

Unread post by Lenwen »

No we used a diamond formation pattern. Basically an inverted V with the point beint the direction of the movment. we were spaced at most 3 meters apart . I cant recall what the meter to feet conversion on that is at this moment ..

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Unread post by Nikoli »

Blinding Flash, flashbangs all day long baby
Manipulate Objects, keep those pesky reloads at hand
Leviation, a downed comrade is easily moved wihtout a stretcher
Throwing Stones, inexpensive weapon for taking out soft (non-MDC armored) targets or weakening hard targets.
Cleanse, a clean uniform can provide a moral boost
Armor of Ithan, roomy and one size fits all to boot
Breathe Without Air, who needs spare cannistered air?
Create Wood, build temporary shelters without deforestation and thus make use of natural camoflage and cover
Impervious to Fire, goes without saying how useful this can be
Light Target, short range but garunteed to aid in fire support
Chromatic Protection, bayonets fixed, no problem
Energy Field, lock an enemy down, protect the radio equipment...
Seal, very handy little spell for attacks on barracks. they can't open lockers, doors, etc.
Swim as Fish, whole team as Amphib assault
Energy Disruption, say goodbye to your little friend
Escape, easy entry anywhere
Mend the Broken, enemy destroyed supplis? not any more
Barrage, lock down a wide variety of enemies
Sheltering Force, great for a stalking horse or simply keeping your tent out of the rain
Targeted deflection, oh so fun with missiles
Create Steel, thurn scrap into useful material
And a personal fav when it can be used: Summon Ley Line Storm
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Unread post by Ghost »

In psionics look no further than Telekinesis and Super TK. All kinds of fun are possible with those 2 - pulling pins on grenades on peoples belt/harness, dropping e-clips from guns, yanking that nice big rifle out of someones hands, tossing people straight up (MDC body armor helps squat vs falling damage) and more.

Bio-manipulation is very versatile as well, loads of effects to choose from.

TK Force field around someone about to fire a missile/grenade launcher at you, the field should make very sure that the enemy gets the blast himself.
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Unread post by Lenwen »

I have been thinking ..

---1 . Using the Teleportation rotation as I previously wrote in this thread . 1 takes 50/50 takes 50 each = 2500 , 2500 each take 50 equates to 125,000 highlords who know where an when to teleport .

---2 . each can take 10,000 lbs along with them .

---3 . Kydians in various armors an various weapons .

---4 . All get sustain cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---5 . All get reduce cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---6 . All get Reduce self cast upon themselves using bio- wizard armors .
Doing the math 10ft Kydian wieghs 600 lbs with gear . reduces self to 6 inches , each foot gone from the Kydian is 60lbs . Half a ft is = to 30 lbs .
there for a 10ft 600lbs kydian is now reduced to 6 inches and 30lbs.

---6 . 10,000 lbs / 30 lbs =333 6 inch Kydians . For a SINGLE teleport . each kydian then negates the spell after teleport .

---7 . 50,000 H,Lords can now take a total of 16,650,000 Kydian warrior's with out need of supply lines . As needed the army can be replenished . using the exact same formula.
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Lenwen wrote:I have been thinking ..

---1 . Using the Teleportation rotation as I previously wrote in this thread . 1 takes 50/50 takes 50 each = 2500 , 2500 each take 50 equates to 125,000 highlords who know where an when to teleport .

---2 . each can take 10,000 lbs along with them .

---3 . Kydians in various armors an various weapons .

---4 . All get sustain cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---5 . All get reduce cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---6 . All get Reduce self cast upon themselves using bio- wizard armors .
Doing the math 10ft Kydian wieghs 600 lbs with gear . reduces self to 6 inches , each foot gone from the Kydian is 60lbs . Half a ft is = to 30 lbs .
there for a 10ft 600lbs kydian is now reduced to 6 inches and 30lbs.

---6 . 10,000 lbs / 30 lbs =333 6 inch Kydians . For a SINGLE teleport . each kydian then negates the spell after teleport .

---7 . 50,000 H,Lords can now take a total of 16,650,000 Kydian warrior's with out need of supply lines . As needed the army can be replenished . using the exact same formula.

The majority of Kittani weapons and armor consist of Tech weapons and armor, not bio-wizard armor. Interesting thought none the less.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.

Unread post by Lenwen »

dark brandon wrote:
Lenwen wrote:I have been thinking ..

---1 . Using the Teleportation rotation as I previously wrote in this thread . 1 takes 50/50 takes 50 each = 2500 , 2500 each take 50 equates to 125,000 highlords who know where an when to teleport .

---2 . each can take 10,000 lbs along with them .

---3 . Kydians in various armors an various weapons .

---4 . All get sustain cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---5 . All get reduce cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---6 . All get Reduce self cast upon themselves using bio- wizard armors .
Doing the math 10ft Kydian wieghs 600 lbs with gear . reduces self to 6 inches , each foot gone from the Kydian is 60lbs . Half a ft is = to 30 lbs .
there for a 10ft 600lbs kydian is now reduced to 6 inches and 30lbs.

---6 . 10,000 lbs / 30 lbs =333 6 inch Kydians . For a SINGLE teleport . each kydian then negates the spell after teleport .

---7 . 50,000 H,Lords can now take a total of 16,650,000 Kydian warrior's with out need of supply lines . As needed the army can be replenished . using the exact same formula.

The majority of Kittani weapons and armor consist of Tech weapons and armor, not bio-wizard armor. Interesting thought none the less.

Very true my friend . But then again I dident mention the kittani's in this chart as well as the fact that Kydians are allowed to use Bio-Wizard items armors an weapons as well as those of Tech based nature .. and everything on or being carried is henceforth shrunk as well ..

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Unread post by dark brandon »

Lenwen wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
Lenwen wrote:I have been thinking ..

---1 . Using the Teleportation rotation as I previously wrote in this thread . 1 takes 50/50 takes 50 each = 2500 , 2500 each take 50 equates to 125,000 highlords who know where an when to teleport .

---2 . each can take 10,000 lbs along with them .

---3 . Kydians in various armors an various weapons .

---4 . All get sustain cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---5 . All get reduce cast upon themselves using bio-wizard armors .

---6 . All get Reduce self cast upon themselves using bio- wizard armors .
Doing the math 10ft Kydian wieghs 600 lbs with gear . reduces self to 6 inches , each foot gone from the Kydian is 60lbs . Half a ft is = to 30 lbs .
there for a 10ft 600lbs kydian is now reduced to 6 inches and 30lbs.

---6 . 10,000 lbs / 30 lbs =333 6 inch Kydians . For a SINGLE teleport . each kydian then negates the spell after teleport .

---7 . 50,000 H,Lords can now take a total of 16,650,000 Kydian warrior's with out need of supply lines . As needed the army can be replenished . using the exact same formula.

The majority of Kittani weapons and armor consist of Tech weapons and armor, not bio-wizard armor. Interesting thought none the less.

Very true my friend . But then again I dident mention the kittani's in this chart as well as the fact that Kydians are allowed to use Bio-Wizard items armors an weapons as well as those of Tech based nature .. and everything on or being carried is henceforth shrunk as well ..


My bad...for some reason I read "Kittani" instead of "kydians"
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.

Unread post by Lenwen »

its groovy my friend tho you have brought something to my attention as well .. the above post I showed about Reduce Self would easily work on them as well and virtually any tech they can produce . Can you imagin a Splugorthian Slaver Mother Ship can utilize 20'000 slave chambers which can be reconfigured for massive troop X-port's ( if not tell me why not?)

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Unread post by finn69 »

one of my fave spell combos was carpet of adhesion and life drain.
there is also the spell in rcb1 (cant recall the name of it at the moment) but it incapacitates people in power armor and robot vehicles and does damage direct to hit points as well. as for something exotic try the spell little force from spirit west (in the paradox shaman spells). extremely deadly vs tech.

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Lenwen wrote:its groovy my friend tho you have brought something to my attention as well .. the above post I showed about Reduce Self would easily work on them as well and virtually any tech they can produce . Can you imagin a Splugorthian Slaver Mother Ship can utilize 20'000 slave chambers which can be reconfigured for massive troop X-port's ( if not tell me why not?)


This is probably how the splugorth takes worlds.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Carpet of adhesion used against the turbines in a jet engine is evil, as is Magic Net used on Helicopter rotors.

A few bursters on a super nexus point that piggy back on each other could cover North America in MD flames.

A few shapeshifting dragons could wreak HAVOK on patrols.

Patrolman: "Oh look...a kitty!"
"Kitty" (Dragon): Super TK's the magazines from the weapons or simply breathes fire

Elementals...*shudder*...an elder elemental is a >10,000 M.D.C. creature that can hose people like there's no tomorrow. People being pulled underground, airplanes hitting MDC shearing forces that knock them to the ground, water that washes out roads and other walkways and kills people from within, and fire...oh fire!

There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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Unread post by Malakai »

Lenwen wrote:No we used a diamond formation pattern. Basically an inverted V with the point beint the direction of the movment. we were spaced at most 3 meters apart . I cant recall what the meter to feet conversion on that is at this moment ..


Well, depending on your spell choice, yuor entire platoon (or the majority of it), just got smacked. 1 Meteor will hit over a dozen of you, probably more. (and from far enough away that you never saw the caster or heard him chanting. Another Meteor has a good chance of wiping them out, reducing you to a few stargglers.

Which brings me to the ABSOLUTE MUST-HAVE spells, for an effective Magical army: Talisman, Create Scroll, Energy Sphere, and optionally Time Hole.

The first two spells will allow you to pre-load other spells to be used later - Talisman for anything level 1-8, Create Scroll for everything above that. And for those who say that most people are illiterate, then create a Talisman that has Eyes of Thoth in it - problem solved. Now, these spells can be quite costly, especially when paring them with other, high-powered spells - this is where Energy Sphere and Time Hole come into play - Energy sphere allows you to carry more than your max (100 more per level), which means if you can normaally hold more than 120 P.P.E., then you could, with time, fill up your Energy Sphere to its max through repeat castings. Time Hole allows you to do this without taking up too much time by giving you extra days witin a day. Obviously, the more PPE over 120 you can hold normally, the quicker you can fill up an Energy Sphere. Then, you can use Talisman or Create Scroll to pre-load your other spells.

Good spells for Talisman:
Invulnerability - for the bonuses and Impervious to Energy
Spinning Blades - It will parry for you while you cast
Invincible Armor - High protection
Chain Lightning (from LoB) - multiple targets hit with Call Lightning
Agony - this will put most anyone out of action for a round
Mental Shock - a Really nice spell to incapacitate people
Sub-Particle Acceleration - Nice damage, but probably best of all, use it to blow up your enemy's spare E-Clip, and likely them too!
Power Bolt - Superior range and decent firepower
Sorcerous Fury - turn someone into a mystical juggernaut
Invisibility: Superior - for the quick escapes

for Create Scroll
Meteor - like I said above, take out groups of enemies easily
Fulmination (from LoB) - better damage at higher levels, but lower Area of Effect than Meteor - wokrs really well if you can flood the area prior to use
Wall of Defense - Superior, and Cheap, protection from ground troops - not really helpful against aerial opponents
Desiccate the Supernatural - excellent, if limited in use
Mystic Portal - for close, or gaining, distance
Teleport Self - from out-of-range to tapping them on the shoulder in one simple spell
Summon & Control Animals - when you need reinforcements NOW
Summon Fog - excellent to make an escape or end the Range issue
Summon Lesser Being - agains, when you need something MORE
Enscorcel - if someone called up somethign the shouldn't, this is good to have around
Null Sphere - excellent protection from all sources
Impenetrable Wall of Force - an superior version of Wall of Defense
Annihilate - Because no other Invocation can drop big robots as quickly
Teleport Superior - troop movement on the battlefield
Blight of the Ages - kill your enemie's crops, de-forest a bnattle zone, clear an airfield, etc
Blood and Thunder - mix this with Teleport superior, and you have a shock group that will destroy most anything
Hivemind - superior communications
Mystic Quake - excellent to disrupt the battlefield - makes enemies easier to target with other spells
Sancturary - remember, the caster is not effected by the spell
The Slowness - everyone's E-Clips are gone, all the missiles are disarmed, and all the vehicles are turned off - ouch
Steel rain - not too useful, unless you do multiple castings
Vicious Circle - the name says it all
Warrior Horde - a couple hundred soldiers at a moments notice, all form a small, insignificant scroll - with severa of these you could command an entire division
"Rifts Earth is alot more scary when you realize that its effectively people with the education level of retarded children running around with military grade ordinance." - Taylor White

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Unread post by Lenwen »

2nd lvl mage - tapes 5 Plasma granades together ,Tie a string to each pin , Cast Levitation(5) on it , Then cast Carpet of Adhesion(10) on it , Pull the Pins , cast teleport (les)(15) on it .

To teleport it onto the top back area of the Jet engine area of the Samas . Doing at Bere minimum of 30Md to a max of 180 MD to a 12 ft area .. The heads easily within the 12 area .. and only has 70 Md

2nd lvl Mage spent 30PPE delivering 30 to 180 md directly to the Head of a Samas with out even having to roll to strike and as such the Samas does not get a Dodge ..

Is this fairplay or would you guys say thats a sucker punch style of play ?

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Lenwen wrote:2nd lvl mage - tapes 5 Plasma granades together ,Tie a string to each pin , Cast Levitation(5) on it , Then cast Carpet of Adhesion(10) on it , Pull the Pins , cast teleport (les)(15) on it .

To teleport it onto the top back area of the Jet engine area of the Samas . Doing at Bere minimum of 30Md to a max of 180 MD to a 12 ft area .. The heads easily within the 12 area .. and only has 70 Md

2nd lvl Mage spent 30PPE delivering 30 to 180 md directly to the Head of a Samas with out even having to roll to strike and as such the Samas does not get a Dodge ..

Is this fairplay or would you guys say thats a sucker punch style of play ?


I'd still make a roll to strike, especially if the samas is in motion.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.

Unread post by Lenwen »

K20A2_S wrote:
Lenwen wrote:2nd lvl mage - tapes 5 Plasma granades together ,Tie a string to each pin , Cast Levitation(5) on it , Then cast Carpet of Adhesion(10) on it , Pull the Pins , cast teleport (les)(15) on it .

To teleport it onto the top back area of the Jet engine area of the Samas . Doing at Bere minimum of 30Md to a max of 180 MD to a 12 ft area .. The heads easily within the 12 area .. and only has 70 Md

2nd lvl Mage spent 30PPE delivering 30 to 180 md directly to the Head of a Samas with out even having to roll to strike and as such the Samas does not get a Dodge ..

Is this fairplay or would you guys say thats a sucker punch style of play ?


Better have extended timers on teh grenades, teleport is a 2 action spell....... :? :lol:

Dident think it would matter .. it has Carpet of Adhesion on it ... the samas aint gettin it off before it blows ..

Not to mention most Granades have a timer of anything from 7 to 15 seconds in the real world as it is .. lol
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Re: Tactical Uses of psionics an magic ..

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. wrote:Id Alter Ego
For 3min PLEX (Per Level of EXperiance) and 120 PPE
You can create an expendable clone of yourself. This is good for creating a patsy to take the fall for you since it is, after all, your enemy once it comes into being.

But the real meat and bones to this power is in creating a copy of an opponent that you need information from, but which you don't wanna spend time torchering (or maybe when it's just not in your alingment to do so). The copy will likely do things for you just to undermind it's original...Including spilling the beans on the real one!!!

It, of course, can help you in combat.

Your logic is flawed.

The clone isn't your slave, so it's only going to sacrifice itself if you would (or you get a version that has a self-sacrificing alignment). And, of course, since its from another dimension, it might have the wrong information, so interrogating an Id Self clone is pretty useless, too.
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Casting SPA (Sub-Partical Acceleration) on your opponents E-clips, you can over load them and cause them to blow, doing 2D4x10 MDC to a 10 area!

You know whats just as good a tactic? Hold the clip, and when enemies are within 10 ft of you, use it. Vampires especially love this tactic, all they'd need is a TW item that casts SPA.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by dark brandon »

jackylcale wrote:Some damn expensive grenades....

True, but in the case of a vampire, you can just have the adventerer give you his eclip...then explode it on yourself...and them :demon:
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Re: Tactical Uses of psionics an magic ..

Unread post by Library Ogre »

. wrote:*They know what the original knew.
*I never once referd to them as slaves, nor gave such an inferal!

I was looking at another spell; Id Self.
-overproduced by Martin Hannett

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. wrote:What's id Self :-? ?
Temporal spell. It summons a duplicate from an alternate dimension, and does not guarantee that they'll have the same memories. Page 249-250 of Rifts Book of Magic, page 77-78 of Rifts: England.
-overproduced by Martin Hannett

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Unread post by Lenwen »

Can Temporal Spells be used in Techno - Wizard items an weapons ?

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Unread post by LostOne »

My mind melter was fond of using telekinesis to pull grenade pins, trigger dead-man switches on fusion blocks (which they had in our game), pulls weapon triggers while they are pointed at comrades, activate the helmet releases on environment body armors while in harsh environments. Similar can be done with some of the Telemechanics powers.

Lenwen wrote:Can Temporal Spells be used in Techno - Wizard items an weapons ?

S-Dep grenades FTW.
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Unread post by Library Ogre »

jackylcale wrote:So what you were saying above . , is that there's some way to install a satellite in the astral plane, there by evading the counter-orbital debris field and/or killer satellites that orbit the earth?

Too bad tolkeen didn't figure that out in time! Would it work though?

Assuming you can get the orbital mechanics right, you can use a Power Circle of Teleportation (from Palladium Fantasy) to insert something into orbit up to 3600 miles straight up (by using a nexus for a range boost).

This is why I say that the only reason that Splynncrth doesn't own orbit is because he doesn't want to.
-overproduced by Martin Hannett

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Unread post by Lenwen »

I have to agree here ... With the whole Splynncryth just does not care to own orbit .. otherwise he would ..


Unread post by Lenwen »

Forgot to say too .. Lord Splynncryth could port into orbit himself an open dieficially a Dimensional Portal to any world he owns an that portal will remain open till HE decides to end the portal ..

Which could extreamly effectivly send hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of space fighters threw to easily take orbit with little extreamly little (comparativly) opression ..
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Unread post by Wildfire »

a mage and warlock working together as anti infantry and ground pounder

multiple carpets of adhesion followed by a river of lava = toasted troops who cant fly unless they are bursters :D

Unread post by Lenwen »

Well since it IS possible to utilize Temporal Magic in Techno-Wizard creations I have thought of a couple different items ...

ONE - SG-2: Suspended Animation Granade . Pull the pin an it unleashes a carpet of adheasion which combines 1 to 10 seconds later with a Temporal magic spell of Suspended Animation set at lvl 1. ( The numerical conotation equates to the amount of years x10 to the Suspended animation spell is .. so a SG-2 = 20 years , SG-3=30yrs , SG-4=40yrs ... so on an soforth .. )

TWO - Time warp ;Age plus Time Warp;Slow on a Techno-Wizard Rifle could effectivly bring troops to a Dead Stop .

THREE - Time Warp: Send and huge arse Fusion Block doing 5d6x10Md into the area that you KNOW your enemy will be headed ..

Not to mention you could just use S-Dep on juicers an there likes an Poof they only get 1 attack per melee round and are -10 to dodge an everything else ...

Wanna know what the merc general's plans are ?? Ok then just use Remot Viewing to spy on him an his plans ...

Temporal Magic seems to be basically the absolute BEST espionage abilities ... least from what I am reading .
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Unread post by LostOne »

jackylcale wrote:How about installing D-phase on a vehicle, or dimensional pockets for carrying mass quantities of ammo, or Time warp : space and time!

We had a TW do that in one of our games (this is about a decade ago now). Our GM at the time had homebrewed some sweet slugthrower weapons for rifts...special armor piercing bullets, etc. ( Tsunami Arms ). Our TW rigged some clips to hold something like 20x as much ammo using dimensional pocket (if you pulled the clip out all you saw was a mess of crystals and wires in the clip and one bullet on top). It was fortunate because we ended up breaking into Lone Star base (with an ingenious plan I came up with, IMO) and we needed all the ammo and lack of reloading times we could get.
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Unread post by Samored II »

Lenwen wrote:**Teleportation(sup)** 10th lvl. 3k mile range 5 ton wt limit.

Check THIS out ..

1 Kydian High lord(10th lvl) whos already been to North American Continent .
Teleports to N.A. taking with him 10,000lbs or equivelent in this demonstration that equivelent= 50 other highlord Kydians which equates to 51 Kydian highlords now know exactly where to go .
Those 50 each take 50 other High Lords. Now 2500 kydian high lords can teleport to N.A. continent. 2500 take 50 each = 125,000 Kydian High lords who can now teleport directly to N.A. continent an take any 50 combinations of Kydian's . ( Powerlords , Over Lords , anything they can be) Kydian known populations number into the Billions per splugorthian intelligence . Total overal population 100,000 Kydian High Lords can teleport is a ratio of 50-1 or in other words 5 million man army .

** Side note**
----New York to Mexico City Mexico is a distance of 2,086 miles .( refrence for the 10th lvl casting of Teleport sup range of 3,000 miles)

Resources needed = Bio-wizard wrist gaurds with a 6th lvl spell of ..
--Sustain-- 24 hours/lvl no food ,rest, meditation needed (6th lvl=6days)
------------- every 6 days there after every minion IS equiped with that
------------- bracer simply engauges that ability endlessly...

I first posted this in a different thread but felt after I posted it there it would be of equal value here . As it shows the strategic value of being able to place multi million being armies hundreds of miles away an yet be able to strike a military target with the FULL multi million being army then porting back to thier respective base .


Kydians are not Highlords. Highlord are a separate species. Kydians cannot learn magic.
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