THE ONE wrote:Okay, not sure if saw it or read somewhere but is there a ruling or rule the helps very strong or large things (Robots, Giants, etc.) that had a spell cast at them like Carpet of Adhesion and or similar spells that hold you from doing anything.
For example, I don't see how a low spell like Carpet of Adhesion can stop something with a 51-60 Strength so easy even if the Gaint makes its saving throw, I could see this working on weeker foes maybe 35 Super Natural and Robotic Strength and below. My encounter for the group was very taken out and thought about it seen the potential of these spells and how deadly they are to even very strong and or large roboit units.
What do other GM's do, just bite the bullet like I did or is there something I missed?
There are two takes on CoA (more, really, but two takes on this particular subject):
Take 1- The spell creates a physical, unbreakable carpet that is incapable of being moved or destroyed. Under this interpretation, strength doesn't matter; you can't get free until the spell description lets you.
Take 2- The spell simply makes an area of ground (or whatever the surface is) really sticky. Under this interpretation, a strong enough being could tear up the surface material. It would still be sticky, though, so this wouldn't do them much good unless they're either capable of flight (or otherwise avoiding putting a foot back down once it's free) or right on the edge of the sticky area.
Personally, I think the first take is bizarre and overpowered.