Questions about shifters

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Re: Questions about shifters

Unread post by Malakai »

Zuari wrote:Some questions about shifter: Four part question?
1) In the Rifts Ultimate Edition (RUE) on page 187 it states that when summoning any intelligent beings they are always provided a saving throw. Yet most of the spell such as Summon and Control Entity state no saving throw. So which is it? Confusing to say the least.

blame poor word choice - the exact wording is "Invocations involving controlling or dominating other intelligent beings always provide the being with a saving throw. - I always took this to mean those spells such as Compulsion, Domination, Trance, etc. always had a saving throw, so you couldn't control someone without them having a chance to resist. some, if not most, of the summoning spells do have saving throws.

Zuari wrote:2) Next, under shifter it states that that when use the dimensional travel ability it give basic for random and home dimension however it does give information for targeting a dimension previously visited is this information located some where else that I can seem to find? In addition is there a table of mileage to show how far off the shifter will be while use this power based on level. (It state 5-9 same country and 10 and up with in 50 miles but is there a chart that estimate this better.

Actually, it mentions dimensions previously vistited in the section on Home Dimension in that class ability - page 122, left column. As to the second part - Shifters un level 5 can target a planet, but will end up anywhere on that planet, while 5-9 can target a specific country, and 10 and up can be within 50 miles of a specific location - likey to end up at a nexus, the most likely the strongest one in the area

Zuari wrote:3) Under the summing section it states they can use the communication rift to contact and enslave beings. If they have never met a type of being before can they target a single type (such as Baal-Rog)?

I would say if they have the knowledge about it - such as what dimension it is found in and a general description, then yeah, though it may take longer, with more possibility of getting it wrong
Zuari wrote:4) Last, under the summing section it is unclear (to me) the limits if any of what a shifter can summon. It states less and greater demons and entities, and undead, but what about elementals or are those exclusively to elementalist?

They have a chart in DB7 - Megaverse builder, which has a chart that includes elementals (including those you get through the warlock spells), Angels, all the different kinds of demons, undead, deevils, entites, and such (If you REALLY MESS UP, you can even summon an Alien Intelligence)

Hope That Helps
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Unread post by Malakai »

Zuari wrote:You said that if they have the knowledge of a creature - such as what dimension it is found in and a general description, they would be able to target it so then how would they mistakenly try to summon an Alien Intelligence as in the megaverse builder dimension book 7

Well, they could miss thier roll on Lore: Dimensions or Lore: Demons & Monsters. Also, they could just open a Rift to a random dimension and try to summon whatever's out there

I'll add in other things when i'm back to books - at work right now
"Rifts Earth is alot more scary when you realize that its effectively people with the education level of retarded children running around with military grade ordinance." - Taylor White

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