"Useless" Bio-Weapons?

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"Useless" Bio-Weapons?

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

After taking a lengthy break from Splicers (haven't touched it since mid-September) due to all sorts of issue in my personal life, I've recently gotten back to it. On a side note, good to see some new messages popping up on the board. :D

Back to the subject at hand. As I was looking the bio-enhancements, I realized there were a few I considered fairly useless. Maybe they did too little damage, or I just didn't like the effects, or any number of reasons. I was curious to what bio-weapons or enhancements you considered somewhat "useless." Here are a few I'm less than thrilled with (no offense whatsoever to Carmen or any players who are fans of these):

PREHENSILE TRUNK: Honestly, does anyone actually use this?
FLYING BLADES: And the purpose of these would be? Take a Spike or Quill Launcher.
TUSK SPEARS: I would probably like this if I didn't lose Fangs or Saber Teeth to get it.

Any others?
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The Baron of chaos
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Far from being useless, Radar had only one drawbacks that make it less than appealing for players. 50 Bio-E are WAY TOO MUCH for what it does offer. No really . With only 10 more bio -E I'll take Seismic sense and Sonar or Echolocation and Motion detection. Why take Radar?
Cosmetic Alteration: sincerely I doubt anyone going to spend some Bio-E on it. After all even without getting it you get enough freaky. Could make sense for Biotic, but for host armor, well, better wearing some accessories, and focus on weapons.
Enhanced Mental Attributes: cost too much and is not worth the expense.
Simple Light Cells: hmmm I don't get the purpose of them.
And i Agree with you. Prehensile Trunk is simply STUPID with Tentacles, prehensile tails and tongues to choose.
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Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Baron, I had completely forgotten about Cosmetic Alteration. And I had not realized Radar was a whopping 50 points. Since Echo Location does offer similar abilites, it is a bit over priced.
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Unread post by taalismn »

The main advantage of Simple Light Cells, besides looking pretty and giving use some cool lighting, is that they're precursors for things your REALLY want...like organic lasers...
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

taalismn wrote:The main advantage of Simple Light Cells, besides looking pretty and giving use some cool lighting, is that they're precursors for things your REALLY want...like organic lasers...

Ehh if was the case i won't have named them. Is the Glow Cell that can be upgraded to Or Simple Ligh Cell(that do pretty much the same task) Or into Super Light Cell.(see the pre-requisite for both at page 104-105 of Splicer Main book). Really is useless, Glow cell already cover elnightening fair well and come also in Ultraviolet color, Nightvision and Thermal vision allow you to see at night....Welli've nothing else to say
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Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

Though I like the idea of Super Light Cell, it is ridiculously time consuming to get; especially for something that only inflicts 1D10 per Cell. :x

Here are the steps:
1-Glow Cell
2-Glow Cell becomes/replaced by Simple Light Cell (no laser blast yet!)
3-Simple Light Cell becomes Super Light Cell (Finally, the laser!!!)

So, three levels later, you can finally have your light cell. Granted, buying them in bulk may offset the lousy damage, but its still a lot of work. Get a bio-e vent with an Omni upgrade and you have a great ranged weapon with no ammo limit.
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Onm my book still say tha tyou can upgrade a glow cell directly to superlight cell, but you're right, is not worth the expense.
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Unread post by abe »

how about thunk bogs(basically a contiuassly laid maine field)that gives its user anisia about the acutrall field!
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Unread post by LostOne »

The Tusks and Super Light Cells seem like they'd be useful for a dreadguard who finds himself in Rifts Earth Mexico. The Tusks say they'll stake vampires and the super light cells produce natural light.

I think for my game I may consider removing the prerequisites for the Super Light Cells and just say that if they spent the Bio-E to buy them, the Super Light Cells can also be used as flashlights, two for the price of one basically.
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