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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:18 am
by Tiree
I would have the dee-bee help the players when they are down and for the count. Basically have them save the NEMA soldiers. This will provide some good will, and can possibly allow them into the NEMA circle.

Kind of like Tealc from Stargate SG1

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:55 pm
by Jason Richards
How do you go about including a non-human party member in a Chaos Earth campaign, and what nonhuman races/R.C.C.'s do you allow?

This is the awesome, meaty part of CE. The fact is that regardless of alignment, heroics, or background, most humans at the outset of CE will NEVER trust a non-human for ANY reason.

Eventually many will come around through desperation or personal experience, but many will not, ever, for any reason.

I would invite you not to make it easy. If a player wants to play a nonhuman, they should understand that they have HUGE obstacles. How will they communicate? With magic? That has its own problems. Won't the natural instinct be to not trust humans? If they can, they will probably conceal the fact that they aren't human... but what happens if they're found out? Compounded troubles!

This is the sort of thing that makes Chaos Earth Palladium's most compelling setting, imho.

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:13 pm
by EmeraldToucanet
It depends. In the current Chaos Earth game I'm in (which isn't 100% strictly Chaos Earth, since earlier we crossed over into the Three Galaxies for a while) all the players are either non-humans, or humans that have been altered somehow and certainly aren't ordinary by Earth standards because of it.
We are dealing with the fact that the people whom we are trying to save will often be as terrified of us as they are of demons that we are trying to fight (especially when it comes to my character whom is the most intimidating looking).
There was a very real possibility NEMA would become our enemy as well (and it's pretty clear they still could become one), but our actions have actually convinced them to try working with us for now (though D-bees and earth humans are largely being segregated, and there's a whole lot of tension). Things certainly haven't gone completely smooth with NEMA so far, but that's a longer story (let's just say a long series of events including things like my character getting shot by them a few times transpired before we finally formed our alliance).
So we've taken the role of heroes fighting to save a world that is just barely tolerating us despite our heroism and that is probably tolerating us only because we are so resourceful and useful so far (it reminds me a little bit of how mutants, especially some of the more monstrous looking ones are regarded by normal humans at times in X-men).
There's a number of very different ways a game with D-bees on Chaos Earth could go though.

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:49 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
an all-newly-arrived group of D-Bees would make for an excellent game

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:03 pm
by gaby
Well D-Bees of North America,who are around in 110 p.a,I think the majorty of them have only been on Rifts earth for 100 or so Years.
Did the give a arrival date for each?

In Chaos Earth we can see the D-bee,s races that arrive in the first years,and for One reason or Another did not survive the first 100 years and Dark age.


Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:14 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Capt. Amundson wrote:I'm about to rift my Robotech squad to Chaos Earth. We'll see how well they handle being considered D-Bees.

I do not see this as a problem for the Robotech characters at all. even the Zent pc look human and have enough time with them to know thier ways. Chaos Earth has stated that the humans would do strange things to themselves with augmentations and bionics. So strange skin/hair color will not likely bother the humans of CE. the mecha can be explained as expermental proto types forced into service.

As for non human with alien features I would say make them super hard to interact with the humans of CE.

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:45 am
by gaby
Well D-Bees come from different Tech level on ther world,some who can keep ther tech or have Natural powers have a chance,those you do not get killed off within a Year after arrival.
A D-Bees of Chaos Earth,s Book can wokr it can give number of D-Bees races that arrive in the Early days but die off in the dark age.

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:29 pm
by gaby
Show you ideas for D-Bees,s race,who just arrive on Chaos earth.

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:11 am
by Warmaster40k
In the beginning only dbees that look close to human, like some elves, dwarves. Or non native humans could get away with interacting with survivors in the beginning. This applies to NEMA, for independent groups it could be a shorter time. But with NEMA it would take a minimum of six months.

Re: Re:

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:43 am
by Kagashi
Lt Gargoyle wrote:
Capt. Amundson wrote:I'm about to rift my Robotech squad to Chaos Earth. We'll see how well they handle being considered D-Bees.

I do not see this as a problem for the Robotech characters at all. even the Zent pc look human and have enough time with them to know thier ways. Chaos Earth has stated that the humans would do strange things to themselves with augmentations and bionics. So strange skin/hair color will not likely bother the humans of CE. the mecha can be explained as expermental proto types forced into service.

Agreed. Robotech humans in Chaos Earth would likely go unnoticed save for their mecha. There are too many strange and unique demons new to the CE Survivor's experience to be bothered by a human who might be from another dimension (which dimensions being a reality would be a mostly new and foreign concept to them as well).

Anyway, the 'humans-from-other-dimenions-are-d-bees' concept is a COALITION concept, which has not been formed during the NEMA years. That is still ~312 years away.

The first encounter would be something similar to this: "What are you guys? Some sort of special operations unit?"

Only casual conversation would reveal that the RT humans are from another dimension, that is if either side were to even figure it out. It would most likely not be a hostile encounter between RT humans and CE survivors. The survivors would likely be happy to see some reinforcements from relentless hordes of monstrous demons. And Robotech humans would likely come to the aid of humans battling to defend their planet from invaders...seeing they did it 4 times already (depending on the era the RT characters came from).

Re: Dee-Bee's, Crossovers and Chaos Earth

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:53 am
by Kagashi
gaby wrote:Well D-Bees of North America,who are around in 110 p.a,I think the majorty of them have only been on Rifts earth for 100 or so Years.
Did the give a arrival date for each?

In Chaos Earth we can see the D-bee,s races that arrive in the first years,and for One reason or Another did not survive the first 100 years and Dark age.

D-Bees gives arrival dates for some, but not the majority. But thats just the existing waves of d-bees currently on Rifts Earth in 110 PA. There could have been other d-bees earlier on who eventually, in the 300 year dark ages, did not survive.

Potentially, any d-bee from the Megaverse can appear in Chaos Earth, same as Rifts Earth, and with the rift activity, I would imagine they did. They might be alone or in pairs, but large concentrations, tribes, and cities would not exist yet. They would likely be afraid and/or defensive, and depending on how you view time and rifts, they might not be as technologically advanced as they are Rifts. For example, say a Vernulian (D-Bees p 210) appears on Chaos Earth, there is nothing saying he is from the same time period as those on Rifts Earth (whom have a tech level CS gear 102 PA-era). Perhaps he shows up before they discover MD materials, and he is rocking SDC guns and forcefields, having to rely on his natural MDC (which he may have not even had before he was rifted).

Any inhuman looking d-bees would most likely be viewed as just another Chaos Demon and killed ASAP, but some of he more human looking, like Palladium classics, like Dwarves, Elves, Ogres, and so on, might have civil interactions with CE survivors.