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Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:45 pm
by SkyeFyre
In what book is the Jinn? I hear a lot about them, there's even one in the Rifts novels, but I can't for the likes of me find those stupid baddies.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:52 pm
by Lenwen
Couple books hold them in it

Conversion Book 1

Dark Conversion's

Merc's book has them too ..

Dimension book 10 Hades has them too

Cant remember anything on them outside of those titles sorry :oops:


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:23 am
by SkyeFyre
Merc's? I have Mercenaries... or you mean like Merc Ops and Merc Town?

I have CB1:Unrevised, they in there? I'll have to take another look.


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:31 am
by Lenwen
I believe in Mercs there is either one fleshed out as a PC or something of that nature again I could be wrong tho been like 5 years + since I had that book unfortunatly .

An they should be presented in Conversion book 1 as there are alotta other demons aleady in there as well least from what I remember :oops:


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:15 pm
by Lenwen
Reading further on the Jinn in hades which I am relativly sure is a duplicate of other books the Jinn have been in ..

The WISH -

If wealth is wished say 10 million credits are wished for ... IT is NOT known how the aformentioned wealth was attained , Undoubtedly it was stolen .. but by who , when , an other various what nots .. having said this now several questions remain to be asked .. WHO was it stolen from ? DO they know who now has it ? WHAT capabilities do they have for an recourse of retaliation against you ? (This is where it gets really fun for Role Playing )

Conversly .. Asking for the Jinn to Resurect some one will send them looking for anythng that has that capability ..


Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:31 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. An additional place one can find the Jinn is in the Palladium Fantasy Main Book, 2nd Edition (back of the book). I didn't see it mentioned yet, so I thought to include it. Now, onto a different question asked ...
jackylcale wrote:I just had my group deal with one of those.

But I ran into a problem.

Like you always do with "3 wishes."

The PC who had freed the jinn from it's magical prison had one wish left. They, knowing a little about the decietful demons , wished that the jinn would: " leave them alone and go away" or some variation of that.

I didn't really want that to happen, so I had it return later for a fight, based on the idea of " you didn't say how long I had to leave you alone for!"

Well, the Jinn does not have to have the direct conflict for the battle. Remember, they already made two wishes, and I'm sure the Jinn made trouble with those two alone. The Jinn may even leave them alone ... by going to said mob boss (for example) who he stole the 1 million credits you asked for on wish one and tell him to politely leave the group alone too, just because they stole from said boss is no reason to go out and kill them. Technically, the Jinn is asking the mob boss to leave them alone, but in truth ratting them out. Those resurrection spells you asked for? Well, the Jinn just might ask the alchemist (that's PF, I'm sure there is a Rifts equivalent if need be) to leave the group alone too ... of course that alchemist is anarchist or evil, and has his own demon servants to use.

jackylcale wrote:Can you wish it away forever? Can you wish for it to return to it's home plane and not return for.... how long?

Possibly ... at least until it can find someone to wish it to leave. Not to mention while in Hades it may take the time to tell something or another to a fellow demon that may interest said demon into finding the group. And oh, I'm sure the Jinn will find a way to let them know it was behind the whole incident just to rub it in. Just a random idea off the top of my head.

jackylcale wrote:Can you wish for it to do one good deed every day for the rest of it's eternal life?

Sure! Why not? Watch it kill a party member, then resurrect it! Sure the party member may just have an insanity now (being magically resurrected can cause insanity), but it did a good deed by resurrecting the slain party member! :D Or forget attacking the party if they're too tough, what about that little girl who is playing with her teddy bear. Just because it does one good deed doesn't mean it won't do 20 more evil things to make up for it. Oh look, the mom says she can't go on now that her daughter is dead, good deed to spare the mom from the pain of a lost child (by killing the mom so she doesn't have to feel at all anymore).

jackylcale wrote:Can you wish for it to participate in the next 650 battles that your character is involved in?

Yes, but you didn't specify which side it should participate for? :p Or it may participate but do nothing of actual use, except maybe cast a Blinding Flash on the enemy ... that is if the group wasn't in the radius of influence. Or cast Magic Net ... only the group's leader was going melee with that enemy so he's caught too! I'm saying this without seeing what spells they have available, but just ideas. Use River of Lava right under the party to get to the enemy (inspired from a different thread).

jackylcale wrote:Can you tell it to go and collect for you wealth, but not to return until it has amassed at least 100 billion credits?

Well, addressed this one earlier. You won't know HOW it got those credits. That may in its own right come back to haunt you.

jackylcale wrote:... Tell it to get a job at the hardware store?

Why not? But will probably get itself fired ... after it burns the place down. Technically, it was working there. ;)

jackylcale wrote:... Write a fair and balanced review of the military-industrial complex of the coalition states?

I'm sure it can give a details blue print and all. Even where the guards are located, and security system. Oh sure, that little part where the CS received intel on the group and that a thief stole such plans so they'll update their security systems and routines.

jackylcale wrote:Come up with a solid 3-year business plan for making a profit on all the junk you and the other PCs pick up off of all those corpses? : "

I don't think they're business majors by nature, so probably not on this one. Kidnap a business man and give them to the players tied and gagged but able to see their faces to identify the assailants later possibly.

Now, those were just reflex thoughts as I read the post. I didn't open the book to check their abilities (as whatever they do is limited to their own capabilities), but maybe that'll just give a few ideas (by no means the extent of their ability to twist wishes). A wish for Immortality? Well, the Jinn can't grant it, but it may be able to recommend something that can grant it (similar to the rune sword in Adventures in the Northern Wilderness ... or was it Further Adventures?) which has some drawbacks to that immortality. Hopefully this has helped some. Really players can wish for anything the Jinn is capable of doing, but there is almost always going to be a loophole, and expect all three wishes to be full of catches. Farewell and safe journeys.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:23 pm
by csbioborg
So could I tell it to sit in the same place for eternity or attack until one or the other is slain Moedus how about to tell it to take its own life in Hades.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:34 am
by Lenwen
csbioborg wrote:So could I tell it to sit in the same place for eternity or attack until one or the other is slain Moedus how about to tell it to take its own life in Hades.

I do not think it has the capacity to Self Terminate :lol:

Attacking an individual God lvl being would be just that ..

As for sitting in one place for eternity I think it would be able to do :-D
but then agin who knows I have yet to see a single PC that is granted 3 wishes *burn* a wish like that :P


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:56 am
by Vinny

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:29 pm
by csbioborg
Simple the Jinn wasn't capable of preforming the wish. He tries his best to obtain 100 bilion credits and gets blown back to Hades when robbing the C.S. installation/dragon/god. Or the process by which the Jinn gets the money takes a long time. Jinn oopens up hardware store. Over the course of the next millenia 100 billion credits will be produced

The Jinn is not a genie even if he is doing his best to comply he is still bound by his limitations. Also say he does get money and ture to his word tries to not incrimnate the PCs C.S. Dog Boys still track the P.C.s down or Dragon casts divination spell.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:46 pm
by bigbobsr6000
I have the Player write the wish out on paper. Any and all punctuations that would normally be in a sentence end the wish at that point as does any words like and, or, but, therefore, etc.

EX: I wish for 100 billion credits and not be blamed for its theft. (This wish stopped before the "and" as the PC is trying to get 2 wishes in one statement.)

"Wish granted!" says Jinn as 100 billion credit sticks with one credit each on them rains down on the PC. :demon:

jackylcale wrote:
Can you tell it to go and collect for you wealth, but not to return until it has amassed at least 100 billion credits?

In my game the wish would end with you telling it to go as the "and" ends the wish right there. Then he would go.

I give exactly what the PC wishes for. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:06 pm
by Lenwen
I like that way much betta then my way an I hope ya dont mind but I shall be stealing it to impliment that way into my own games ..



Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:23 am
by cornholioprime
Gonna have to play the Jinn as Calypso from the Twisted Metal series sometime.......or maybe like the Wishmaster.... :demon:

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:23 am
by bigbobsr6000
If you haven't seen "The Wish Master" movie series, I suggest you do. You can get a real feel for how wishes can be granted just as the person asked for. Warning: These movies are very violent and foul languaged.

I have always played Jinns and Genies as doing their level best to pervert the wish. They are :x at being called to do the bidding of a mere mortal in the first place.

Example wishes from human PC's and results.

"I wish I was stronger." You become an ox.

"I wish I was a stronger human." You have the strength of Superman for 1 second.

"I wish I was a permantly stronger human." You are able to lift an additional pound.

Feel free to use my method. My Players who have learned the hard way are force to really be creative on how they write their wish out. They have fun with them in trying to "out play, out wit, out think" my Jinns/Genies. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:48 pm
by bigbobsr6000
jackylcale wrote:Yup, I really like that way of doing it Bigbob. Simple, and it works the jinn just as it's intended to work.

Thanks. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:10 am
by cornholioprime
bigbobsr6000 wrote:
jackylcale wrote:Yup, I really like that way of doing it Bigbob. Simple, and it works the jinn just as it's intended to work.

Thanks. :D
Heyyyy....I said "Wishmaster" first.

And Calypso, too.