Regeneration: Super Question.

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Rathorc Lemenger
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Regeneration: Super Question.

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

I got a question for all of you, concerning the Regeneration: Super Defense. I says in the Blurb that (and I quote) "For a pilot toregrow a lost or severed limb, he must remain in the Host Armor until it is completely restored. Exiting the Armor early means a mishapened limb or no limb at all.". How would one qualify as being "outside" the Armor? Especially considering that the character would need to eat, sleep and use the toilet.

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Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

Like most armor it would have made allowances to eat, drink and take care bodily functions. Be it thru a feeding system and a way to process or recycle human waste. Or the appropriate covered openning one could open for such needs. That is a given in my mind. Or you could have the players pay more for these features if you do not want these as a given.

Besides, RPGs are sometimes played like 1950's TV shows. Nobody ever eats, uses the bathroom and rarely sleeps.

Since they have to be in the armor to regen the limb, I think a few hours of fitful sleep in armor is worth the price. Again, I envision the bio-armor as being more wearable and comfortable than regular body armor. So, that part shouyld not be an issue.

Just some thoughts, Big Bob................... :D
Last edited by bigbobsr6000 on Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

The host armor, as i said in other threads, are different from power armors in that the pilot suffer no detrimental effect in staying inside it all the times, everything can be made in the host armor (i can go as far as saying you could also have "intimate" intercourse inside it in theory). The only tru drawback is that a) staying in the host armor too much is dangerous for mental sanity, the pilot becoming more and more unable to distinguish between himself and the armor and b) you are not allowed in great houses while in full host armor. You've to wai outside till the wound is healed. Is simply too dangerous.
Would you allow someone driving a combat tank, carrying any sort of weapons you could name, with a psycho look in his eye, in your house?
That's the main problem.
Generally super regeneration come in use in battlefield, when styaing out of your armor is suicidal , being generous, while at home, the saint could help pumping the healing, making things faster and allowing to take the MANDATORY break formt he host armor (unless you wanna wear it forever and ever and going in the wilderness howling at the moon....Biotic are definitely NOT the only ones who goes nuts in SPLicer earth)
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Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Thanx you 2. It's just that the Entry isn't exactly specific for the information. Mind you, I do like the info that's in the book and all, but it's not quite "fleshed out" in some cases, if you know what I mean.

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Unread post by bigbobsr6000 »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Thanx you 2. It's just that the Entry isn't exactly specific for the information. Mind you, I do like the info that's in the book and all, but it's not quite "fleshed out" in some cases, if you know what I mean.

Rathorc Lemenger.

Your Welcome, any time. :D
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Unread post by LostOne »

The Baron of chaos wrote:you are not allowed in great houses while in full host armor.

Is this something I overlooked in the book, or your own interpretation for your world?

I got the impression that the Dreadguard and other classes would get home to the Great House and go to their assigned living space before taking off the armor, after all, they'll probably want a shower to get the wonder snot off, and get dressed before they go out into the House for whatever business/desires they have.

Otherwise you have a bunch of pilots stripping in front of the house and parking their host armors all over the lawn/cave (damn kids, get off my lawn!).
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The Baron of chaos
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Lostone what i was saying is that. Much like people in power armor are expected not to wear in Chi-town(except the coaliton of course), in GreatHouses Dreadguard and most piolots are expected to LEAVE their host armors at home! Or leave it in custody of local authorities if they are visitors
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