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How are Technojackers Made?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:33 pm
by LostOne
What makes Technojacker's immune to the nano-plague? The book says their nano-bots are different, and make them immune to the effects of the plague. It does not say how or why a Technojacker becomes this way. I'm interpreting this to mean that (in my game) the nano-plague doesn't see Technojacker's as human/mammal and instead reads them as a machine. Makes sense to me.

However, how does a Technojacker come about?

1. Maybe for a brief instant at birth or in the womb they are psychic and have a telemechanic power and instinctively turn the nano-plague into an immune system against the nano-plague.

2. Maybe the mother was exposed to some environmental effect while pregnant and that has a lasting effect on the fetus.

3. Maybe it is something inherent in the DNA, a random mutation that is fairly common (1/100 is very common for some genetic traits).

4. My favorite idea: Maybe one of the NEXUS personalities creates the Technojackers for an unknown reason. They alter the nano-plague in the fetus or at birth for their own reasons.

5. NEXUS, being whacked in the AI, screwed up coding the nano-plague. It infects a host and then does a rand(100,1) (aka 1d100) and if it comes up 1 the nano-virus glitches and makes a technojacker instead of infecting them with the nano-plague.

6. Technojackers are what happens when the nanites used to animate necrobots infects a living host. Maybe the pregnant mother did battle with a necrobot.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:40 pm
by demos606
I've always simply let it be a genetic mutation granting them something resembling psionic control over the nanites within their bodies.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:01 pm
by LostOne
Added 5 & 6 to the first post for giggles.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:02 pm
by The Baron of chaos
The book does not say how and why about lot of things. Is even more cryptic than nightbane! :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:05 pm
by LostOne
The Baron of chaos wrote:The book does not say how and why about lot of things. Is even more cryptic than nightbane! :lol:

Which is fine. They were trying to cram as much world and setting info as they could into one book, since who knew if there would be more.

It leaves stuff for us to discuss here, and plenty of room for GMs to come up with their own stuff without violating cannon and riling up any rules lawyers in the group. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:27 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
I'm a fan of a variant of option 1. IMO, the Technojacker powerset is probably the expression of psychic abilities in Splicer Humans. I won't try to explain why, but it just sorta feels right to me