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Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:31 pm
by abe
How would juicers from rifts be done via bio-tech ways?

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:37 pm
by demos606
Scarecrows. All the advantages (and more) with none of the drawbacks (as long as their Librarian is alive).

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:40 am
by LostOne
Scarecrows, definitely.

If you don't like Scarecrows, then Biotics (which are like bio-tech cyborgs, but some of the combat stats and abilities make me think juicer influence was present).

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:35 pm
by runebeo
I think some juicers and cyborgs made by the Machine would make some good villains for future source books.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:36 pm
by demos606
They would except for that pesky nanoplague.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:39 pm
by LostOne
demos606 wrote:They would except for that pesky nanoplague.

You don't think that NEXUS could figure out a way around that?

Implant the juicer/bio-borg tech with an emitter that shuts down the nano-plague in their bodies.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:11 pm
by demos606
I dont think NEXUS has a compelling reason to do so. Necroborgs are quite enough horror for the human resistance to face on top of their own depravations. The nanoplague was designed specifically to cut the humans off from advanced technology, why would NEXUS want to restore that access and put the humans back on anything resembling even potentially even footing?

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:48 pm
by runebeo
NEXUS made the nanoplague they most likely have a few ways around it. I think if NEXUS ever gets over thrown a cure will be found in their files or maybe they still have to produce the nanoplague on occasion to keep it going and if NEXUS goes down the plague will die out in a few years maybe.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:57 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
runebeo wrote:NEXUS made the nanoplague they most likely have a few ways around it. I think if NEXUS ever gets over thrown a cure will be found in their files or maybe they still have to produce the nanoplague on occasion to keep it going and if NEXUS goes down the plague will die out in a few years maybe.

The nanite plague is not self-sustaining. NEXUS is contantly pumping the stuff into the atmosphere. If a Splicer somehow makes it to another world, he'll eventually be able to interact with metal like any other person without fear of a plague reaction.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:58 am
by LostOne
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:The nanite plague is not self-sustaining. NEXUS is contantly pumping the stuff into the atmosphere. If a Splicer somehow makes it to another world, he'll eventually be able to interact with metal like any other person without fear of a plague reaction.

I'm curious if that is your own interpretation or if there is a blurb in the book somewhere leading you to that conclusion?

I more or less got the impression it was self-sustaining because of mentions (somewhere, might not be from the book) that if Splicers made it to another world they still wouldn't be able to touch metal, but it isn't contagious so it wouldn't spread throughout that new world.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:46 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
LostOne wrote:
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:The nanite plague is not self-sustaining. NEXUS is contantly pumping the stuff into the atmosphere. If a Splicer somehow makes it to another world, he'll eventually be able to interact with metal like any other person without fear of a plague reaction.

I'm curious if that is your own interpretation or if there is a blurb in the book somewhere leading you to that conclusion?

I more or less got the impression it was self-sustaining because of mentions (somewhere, might not be from the book) that if Splicers made it to another world they still wouldn't be able to touch metal, but it isn't contagious so it wouldn't spread throughout that new world.

It's in the book somewhere, IIRC. I'll look for the particular passage when I get home this evening.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:28 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:The nanite plague is not self-sustaining. NEXUS is contantly pumping the stuff into the atmosphere. If a Splicer somehow makes it to another world, he'll eventually be able to interact with metal like any other person without fear of a plague reaction.

I'm curious if that is your own interpretation or if there is a blurb in the book somewhere leading you to that conclusion?

I more or less got the impression it was self-sustaining because of mentions (somewhere, might not be from the book) that if Splicers made it to another world they still wouldn't be able to touch metal, but it isn't contagious so it wouldn't spread throughout that new world.

It's in the book somewhere, IIRC. I'll look for the particular passage when I get home this evening.

Or not... :-(

I guess it's been too long since I read that part of the book. Page 13 does mention Splicers characters on other worlds, but despite saying that the plague is not self-replicating, it does say that the character will continue to evoke limited plague response.

I'll stick with my interpretation, though, as it meshes well with my idea of how the plague functions.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 8:00 pm
by abe
Don't you think that some rpg books would have survived after all this time & given the liabraians some ideas?

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:16 am
by LostOne
abe wrote:Don't you think that some rpg books would have survived after all this time & given the liabraians some ideas?

They aren't necessarily on the same planet (page 6, they don't know if this is Earth). If they were space colonists sent to another world, they probably didn't have any paper copies, it was probably all digital and they'd access it on their equivalent of an uber palm-pilot device. So the librarians wouldn't be able to access it due to the nano-plague.

Think about it this way:
If they have paper copies of RPGs on hand, they'd have a library. Libraries take a lot of space and have a lot of weight. Space and weight is limited on a spacecraft, data storage can hold lots of books. There was probably no paper on the spacecraft if the Splicers were in fact colonizing another planet.

My game I have in the back of my head that it is not Earth.

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 4:43 pm
by abe
true,but they could have transcribes the information back into books from the computer's hard drive before the nano-plauge!

Re: bio-juicers?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:50 am
by LostOne
abe wrote:true,but they could have transcribes the information back into books from the computer's hard drive before the nano-plauge!

What would be the reasoning behind that? Why handwrite/print every book in the computer when there's nothing wrong with continuing to use the computer at that time? Do you handwrite/print all your files from your computer to paper in case a nano-plague hits? No, chances are you might backup your files in case your computer crashes, but no one prints everything.