Hosts part of the Old Ones Minions ( ? )

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Hosts part of the Old Ones Minions ( ? )

Unread post by Lenwen »

Do you think it is possible that the ones called the Host from Wormwood could be Old Ones minions that where imprisioned after thier fall into the Prision Void that which they now inhibit ?

I am currently planning a possible session that delves into that very possibility an so far I think it has merit an I like where it is going ..

If the Dimensional walls start to weakin in the Land of the Damned I have thought that it would also allow other dimensional prision walls to weaken as well .. An thusly enable them to escape from thier abyss prision ..
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Re: Hosts part of the Old Ones Minions ( ? )

Unread post by Entiago »

it is possible. Afterall it is rummored that Al-vil is asleep in a neather relm. he could even be the living planet of Wormwood!!!! still sleeping and none are the wizer, but it is possible.

But yes I agree, it is highly possible the Host are minions of the Old Ones....

I even went one step further with an idea for this lllllooooong ago. You see the Host and the Unholy Father (leader of the Host) are distraught with their imprisonment. It is even said that they know who (or what) has imprisoned them here and rumored that they must have angered a powerful alien intelligence(s) or other powerful force.

They way I was going with it was this: The Host were/are minions of the Old Ones, they faught a good fight and all was going well- until Xy was betrayed and dissapeared. But that did not stop much until Thoth arrived. You see The Host knew Thoth was Xy! but if they knew how much longer until they squeeled? so Thoth (with the help of the other 2) sent the Host into the Black Abyss, like the one discribed in Wormwood, and they are sooooo pissed that Xy, leader of the Old Ones did this to them they felt betryed. Now as it says in Wormwood there is one escape out of the Black Abyss and they have found out how. Thier plan is to escape and spread the word to other worshipers so that the Old Ones may be freed!

Unfortunatly the group never went far, and the idea was thrown to the side- use it if you want.
We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us.
- the Book

another year come and gone without a PF release. :(

Re: Hosts part of the Old Ones Minions ( ? )

Unread post by Lenwen »

I like both of those ideas .. Sooo much room to manuver for a setting tho I think I shall since you said I may use your setting use your setting lol with the whole tie in to the Thoth thing I liked that one alot .. I dident know that the Host have now found a way to get out of the prison abyss dimension tho I will have to reread the particulars on that ..

I am a HUGE fan of the Old Ones an was thinking one night that thier current minions are not that powerfull when you set them up against a PC grp an when they were awake an activly fighting the entire forces of light they were supposed to have the baddest dudes in existance as thier toys an thier minions .... an well tho the Minotaurs are bad@sses I just dont think they reek of the power mentioned as the Old Ones more powerfull minions ..

Thats why I came to the conclusion of introducing the Host as one of the higher up powermongers of the Old Ones higharchy of minions ...

Their Most certainly powerfull and most certainly evil .. I especially like how they enter into a certain plane of existance .. I like that its more then the normal possession thing lol .. to me that reeks of something the old ones would do to create an even more insainly evil minion ..
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