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Re: the groups reputation

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:47 am
by Astral_Explorer
Well although it is somewhat different. The Horror Factor of most gunslingers is a matter of reputation rather then any horrific image they may have. You could look at how the HF increases for the gunslingers as they gain levels as a rough gauge of the groups reputation rising and falling. Though note fame also brings competition, people want to prove they are better then the best.

Re: the groups reputation

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:45 pm
by Astral_Explorer
Sadly for reputation it does seem to be a GM's call. Also players might be quite famous in one part of the world and completely unknown in other parts. I cant imagine a splugorth monster recognizing the horror of facing a gunslinger so I do see the gunslinger thing as reputation. I do know there are some NPC's in the books who have a HF if/when people recognize who or what they are facing so that is really a reputation thing too.

You could come up with some system though I would say they shouldn't be well known over a wide area till third level or so.
First level seems to be the level for just heading out into the world and testing your abilities powers and skills.
Second level seems to be honing those skills while third seems to be the level that differentiates PC's from others.

You could modify things based on their actions though. A heinous crime like slaughtering half a town would certainly give a reputation, as would fending off a large scale attack, rescuing someone famous etc.
Some OCC's seem to have built in fame as well.
Operators are well liked and often communities are very inviting to them.
Cyberknights and Glitterboy descendant pilots also seem to be welcome in most lawfull and good communities.

While certain OCC's seem just the opposite.
Shifters are not often welcomed with open arms, nor Necromancers etc.

So you might have to come up with something on your own.

Re: the groups reputation

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 4:12 pm
by Astral_Explorer
Well it looks like you have a system there. I am not sure how well it will work out though it is a way to apply die mechanics to a reputation stat. Let us know how it works out in your game.

Re: the groups reputation

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:16 am
by mobuttu
Here you can find some new ideas about a reputation system.

Re: the groups reputation

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:48 am
by Specter
Just keep track of basic things the characters do and occassionally reference a past event. Like if they get caught on the nightly news killing some fbi agents (hollow men)... Save some guardians from getting killed by some hounds, come to the aid of some mere mortals... ect. All of these things can have positive and negative effects later in the game. Obviously if the group takes out a night prince and his hounds who were about to kill a leader in the nocturnes they would find themselves with an ally.

"Wait, you're John Cassidy? Didn't you go toe to talon with like 12 hunters?" If it makes you feel better start adding and subtracting to give bonuses or negatives on diplomacy roles with the different factions based on actions.