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variant of immortality

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:27 pm
by blade76
Will anyone consider setting up a variant set of stages based on enhanced awareness of magic and psionics, like for an enlightened immortal, and what would you consider practical powers, options and abilities they should have?

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:40 pm
by Grandil
Of course Gadrin, that works fine. The thing is, are you, blade76, talking about a progression
table for just long-lived characters; IE Immortals, ones that life for 50,000 years, or True Enlightened Immortals? There is a table in Mystic China, but obviously you've seen that. What
you might be asking for is something a little more complete. Good suggestions, gadrin, there is
another source; Rifter 3. I've got it at home, But if you ask nicely, maybe the Pally staff will get one for you....
Your's in source
Grandil :bandit:
PS. BTW, I'm bragging, because I'm not willing to give up my signed copy...... :lol:

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:21 pm
by blade76
I'm talking true immortals like in mystic china, the mastery of chi ( tao) brings with it the truest form of immortality and internal alchemy (possibly the ultimate in shapeshifting and physical ability) if you care to master it, as well as advanced chi powers (all).

Chi isn't the only path to power with isp and ppe being viable options themselves, what abilities would you think appropriate for a set of stages based on enlightenment , or the primary advantage gain from an enlightened understanding of either.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:40 pm
by Library Ogre
The reason Chi works easily for immortality is because Chi is life force... ISP is mental energy, and PPE is a natural energy source, but not expressly life force.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:39 pm
by Grandil
:P Thot so, Eventho u do have some good suggestions Gaddy... In rifter #3 they give stuff like being able to add Psychic classes, more chi, PPE, I.S.P., more stuff on the Mystic China Classes, spells, ect., ect. you both would do better for that-some truly mind-blowing stuff :angel:
I might add a quote "tis an ill wind that blows no minds!" Also adds in IQ, ME, MA, PS, PP, PE, & PB, but not speed.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:24 am
by blade76
gadrin wrote:So you don't like the one's given (sorry it's been several years since I read Mystic China) ? or you just want other options ?

I do, for what chi personifies, that is the ultimate achievable, but what can one with an enlightened understanding of the essence of ppe or isp achieve? That's my question, or what do you think would be an appropriate ability if one understood the essence of each.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:31 pm
by Grandil
the penultimate acheivement in P.P.E./I.S.P...... Humm good question. Considering that Enlightened Immortals have no true Lifespan, it would seem that they pick up more than their
first class-Tao Shih/&or Hsien Hsia MA, I'd say for every 100 years-1st stage-9th stage, or for a more pragmatic view, 1 class/O.C.C./P.C.C. per stage. That would give each individual Immortal alot of leeway in what they were. One obvious choice would be, of course, a Spatial
Mage. I'd stay away from a LLW-why get that when you can get all western spells at, (don't
quote me on this), 3rd or 4th stage. Of course in Rifter #3 they say that there are E.I.'s in Rifts.... Given the ability to Ride the Yin Tiger at 6th stage, they're all over the place, & not just Rifts. They are the ultimate in shapeshifters rivalling Chiang-Ku in ability. The ability to
grow, thru manipulation of their own DNA structure, an extra eye, limb, ect. is def better than
the C.K. Sorry I tend to ramble. 8th stage is when they get that...Now about Spells-Given
that they get bonuses to PE-here's a suggestion; Go to Yggdrasil, the world tree. It's in
Pantheons. Got anything more?!? :-P Another thing Taoists would prob make & or break many fortunes in a span of years.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:25 pm
by blade76
For what they are enlightened immortals are the top of the totem pole for immortality( impossible to destroy) unlike gods and intelligences for the reason they actually chose to have an enlightened understanding of the universe, which most supernatural entities don't bother with.

But I think that is the reason rifts earth fascinates so many individuals beyond the need for a staging platform for interdimensional conquest, it offers the option to gain greater understanding of the energy sources of ppe and isp. At least's that's what I think I saw in a rifter issue on lazlo experimenting on dragon dna.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:30 pm
by Grandil
Daaaaannnnngggg, :eek: Thats does me one better! Thanks Gadrin! is what I suggested OK?

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:59 pm
by Grandil
the Meta-Mage is kewl, too bad I can't download it, I'm on a public Comp........ Another Mage similar to that is the Dwoemer Mage-Not sure what Rifter, but it's there.
It also might mean they can manipulate the fabric of a world's reality based on PPE flow to that dimension or world.
Check out ... amage.html and their spells

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:38 pm
by blade76
For psionics I suggest the fathomless ID of the erutan , with progression towards awareness of the mind as the template.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:47 pm
by Grandil
There are some Circles Of Immortality-not what U might expect, but 1 is in Old Ones, The other is in adventures of the seas (I think thats the name) PRFPG (respectively). The one in
Old Ones is better IMHO. Become a Summoner, or a Ley Line Maker-another ultimate.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:58 pm
by Grandil
Summoner-the Circle Maker from PFRPG, Not the Shifter, & you're right the Ley Line
Maker (I may have that name wrong) from South America 2 does not make you an
Immortal, just gives some real power over Ley Lines. Unfortunately I don't have my books with
me, so........ Sorry Tyciol.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:08 pm
by Grandil
blade76 wrote:For psionics I suggest the fathomless ID of the erutan , with progression towards awareness of the mind as the template

Where, oh where, is this? The Erutan?

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:43 pm
by blade76
type erutan fathomless id on goggle search engine, to find it.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:05 pm
by Grandil
Tyciol, RU referring to me or Blade? The Summoner is Definiately Canon, & so is the LL Maker,

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:13 am
by Ice Dragon
I recomment not to follow that path. IMHO, no player should play an immortal character - so for NPC, just make it up as it fits your campain.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:47 pm
by Grandil
The Old Ones (book) has a Circle that makes u Immortal-It's better than the one in Adventures in the High Seas which has alot of nasty side-effects. Spoiler-There is a
way into the place of the old ones-not the complex, & the place of magic without having to go into that first nasty circle that changes you into a nasty Pseudo-
Demon, but you have to look it up for yourself, Tyciol :lol: :DAlso I agree w/u Tyciol, why can't Players be Immortal-the Dragon, Godling, you're never going to play until
they die. Juicers-Gawd I hate Juicers.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:43 pm
by Grandil
off subject, Life is short enough as it is, juicers just push that beyond that. At first I got all
hyped about juicers when Juicer uprising came out. The my GM at the time quashed that. I
Forget why...........detox is not a surfire way of doing it, either. why play a juicer, then after
a year, get knocked. heres an aside-tyciol, check out Weep Beans of Life from Mystic China.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:43 pm
by blade76
The reason Chi works easily for immortality is because Chi is life force... ISP is mental energy, and PPE is a natural energy source, but not expressly life force.
The reason Chi works easily for immortality is because Chi is life force... ISP is mental energy, and PPE is a natural energy source, but not expressly life force.

When I say immortal, I mean an individual such as the immortal who exemplifies what the form of energy can accomplish, isp being sentience or mentalic energy/and PPE the energy of possibility.

Re: variant of immortality

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:11 pm
by Grandil
Very funny Tyciol-I'm chuckling right now! I have played lots of long-lived creatures. I loved your earlier suggestions about Immortality as it doesn't limit you to EI. :D
Blade76, there might be some good psionic abilities/possibilities with what you're saying-try making some new Major Psionic abs that increase your mental stats. There are already spells that increase your PS, PP, & speed-canon of course. Then there's Body Chi. There is nothing that Increases IQ. IMHO there has to be something someone has thot up, besides I have already, just no-one wants to hear it.......