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Size of TW devices

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:52 am
by Temporalmage
The books give standard items as the base component of TW item. Such as a standard shotgun for a TW hellfire shotgun, or a eyeglasses for TW Eyes of Thoth glasses. And all of these are based off of human standard items. But what if a giant wants a Hellfire shotgun? Or a fairy? Can these items be made larger or smaller than standard? And if so, as they still utilize the same PPE to use and the same spells, would there be a differance in how they worked? Damage, range, etc??

Re: Size of TW devices

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:12 am
by Library Ogre
You could easily make a giant-sized TW device; it would cost a little more for the greater-sized materials, but not a whole lot if you want it to have the same effects as a human-sized one... you're not paying for more magic, just for a bigger case.

If you want to have a giant-sized one that does giant-sized damage, then you're looking at a giant-sized price.

Faerie-sized items I would say would be fairly expensive, however... there would need to be a lot of miniaturization in a 1/12th scale working model, with all the features and abilities of the large one. That is, of course, unless you have a faerie-sized TW.

Re: Size of TW devices

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:26 am
by killhound
the problem with making things small is , the size of the gems remain the same the ppe cost of any given spell requires the gem for that spell to be at least the ppe cost in carats in other words spell a costs 10 ppe to cast the gem size for that spell must be 10 carat .

Re: Size of TW devices

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:55 am
by killhound
i think you just pointed out a skill that i didn't know i had called selective reading apearantly its like selective hearing sorry i sit corrected-ish :o

Re: Size of TW devices

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:24 am
by Temporalmage
So the consensus is that it IS possible, it's only a matter of cost.