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rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:52 am
by csbioborg
Okay I was think about scenario like this

THe PCs have are attacking a great horneddragon in the magic zone. Stuck with several dragon slayer millenia spears and hoped up on dragoncilla he is unable to teleport out. So he conjures a rift and teleports the PCs. They end up in a far off land (North Korea but they don't know it of course) presumably they will start traveling. After a day they encounter a group of all human youths being attacked by chinese goblins. Having only sdc rifles (silver bullets though) and no armor they are being slaughtered.

Being good human supremaisnt they will rush to the rescue seeing thier fellow humans being attacked.

Armed with MD weapons PA magic and the finest in American dragon slaying equpemnt available circa PA 111
the goblins should be no problem

After the battle they sit down and talk to the boys. Apprently the leaders bride to be has been captured by a White Monkey demon. They are on a quest to rescue her. That is standard far for the beasts as they are discribed in China book 1 as capturing yound maidens on a regular basis.

Hearing the tale the Pcs will get the hint and join them. knowing that if a pack of goblins could take out these boys a demon is going to turn them ino dinner. THey find the demon ,whom should be failry beatable given interlocking fields of fire and long range missles, save the girl and a dozen other girls.

They head back to the peoples village. It has apopulation of rouhgly 5000 and has a tech level rouhgly late 19th centuary early 20th. All human. Instead of being greeted as heros the village elders are horrified.

Apparently the White MOnkey demon has been acting as thier lord and mster for over a centary. In exchange for maidens and tribute he had kept them free from other monsters attacks.

THe PCs are still allowed in the village and spend some time upkeeping thier weapons and healing.
After some day dbees start attacking. Embolden by the knowledge the villages protector is dead.

Some how and this part of where I need help the PCs are told of the Chiang Ku dragon's manstery in South Korea (they won't find out he is a dragon just a tattoed man monk that knows tattoed magic). They learn bout how he is producing T men that are attacking as portectors to win back the land.
THey decide that the best course of action is to go to there and recruit a few of these T men and talk them into sending a few up as protectr as the PCs will want to go home. The gm's bioborg stays back to protect the village while the PCs go traveling.

So they ttravel there and do said action this is the major part I need help on

So 1) what sort of dangers whould the PCs encounter between a village in North Koerea down to the city of Seoul where in canon resides the dragon

2)HOw should the Chiang ku react? Mind you they are all dragon slayers with the blood of many a dragon on thier hand. On the other hand they have a legitimate village in need

Korea is completely unwritten other than the dragon and T men

What should the city of 100k accoding to the books look like. Also there are about 2000 T men accodring to the books created by the Chinag ku. I'd say maybe a thosand actually in the city at anyone given time

Help me flesh it out guys

by the way at the end there going to have to find a way back to NA I haven't figured out how yet but that's when they meet Billy Bob Blyncress that promises that Chi town was on his list of places to visit and since Kindsdale isn't that dar away he is sure he can drop them off.

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:20 pm
by talmor
Well, I don't own any of the China books, so I'm afraid I'll leave it up to more knowledgeable heads than I to fill in the details. I only wanted to say be careful when thinking in terms of predicting anything the PC's will do/think. They are a notoriously unreliable and chaotic lot...

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:22 pm
by csbioborg
Korea isn't written at all and is close russia plus Na style dbees spugorth could all be there that and I am very reluctantly taking the dm mantle so they know I am completly okay with stopping the game until the main gm comes back for dyval. I'm not looking for random encounter I want adventures ideas getting there of note. Side trips etc.

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:42 am
by talmor
Hrm, out of curiosity, why are you setting it in Korea?

As an off-hand idea, I'd setup the players to be really, really hungry when they first arrive. Maybe have their weapons be drained of (most) of their charges, power armor fail, than kind of thing. Just enough to fight off the first group of bad guys, but that's it. Then, stick them in a Seven Samurai type scenario, with the added difficulty of either having to find Korean weapons or a way to modify the local generators to recharge their E-Clips and what not.

I would make the majority of the villagers, at least initially, very leery of the PC's--they did just kill their lord and master, and leave them incredibly vulnerable. Some, who were personally loyal to him, want to attack/kill them, others assume the characters are there to take them over and want to make the "transition" as smooth as possible (and do NOT want them to leave, as that makes things even worse), while others just avoid them for their own safety.

As for dangers, I would emphasize the "strangers in a strange land" part of the game. They have little if any money anyone in the area would accept. They don't speak the language. Odd weather (natural and super), untrustworthy guides, unscrupulous merchants, would-be war lords who view them as a threat and/or give them an "offer they can't refuse."

I would def. look up some Korean fairy tales and make an adventure or two based on those. Alas, I know of none.

Of course, the PC's big goal would be to find a way home, I imagine, so you might want to focus on that. Come up with an idea, any idea, and weave into the various other parts of the game. Perhaps a TW has an airship he uses to explore and trade throughout the Pacific. He is there best hope of getting home, so the on-going story that links all these together is the PC's trying to track him down. Make him paranoid and, justifiably, leery of outsiders, so tracking him down is a pain, but each adventure or session offers a chance of gaining more information on him/getting closer.

What classes do the PC's have? A ley line walker or the like could give the players alternative ideas, such as riding various ley lines until they get back to North America. An operator might try to build his own dirigible, while someone with flying power armor might try to just grab a cargo net and fly everyone home. Players can be both inventive, and deeply stupid, all at the same time.

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:07 am
by csbioborg
I like the idea of korea. One relavtively small city is the only realy indpenet state. Its overall a geniune post apolytic wasteland Something rifts NA is moving away from. Plus there are some grils that aren't comfortable playing a heavy human suprmanist game. Being that is the game we run and Korea is a utterly eveil place I figured that was a good place to go.

everyone rnages betwenn 8-12 level
one vanguard leyline walker, one hyperion techno jucier turned machine man, me 12 level bioborg cs specail forces

one conjuer with access to invocaions let's face it considering theu can have speels like superhuman strenhth at first level hey shouldn't be lmited to spelld that say create.

1 cs specail forces sniper

1 fallen cyberknight

depening on who shows there could be 2-4 more players. This is an old game that has had dozens of PCs get turned into the npc pile and still get used. MY bioborg spent 3 years as a npc

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:48 pm
by csbioborg
Madcow9000 wrote:Well nothing personal there dude, and stop me if I misunderstood you, your typing just kinda messed me up a bit, but why did you want everyone to be heavy human supremacists? Not all of north america is like that. If you wanted to do a game that is appealing to everyone have a game set in dinosaur swamp or get the mechanoid invasion book and run a game based around that. Everyone joined up for that one regardless of which side you were on.

But if you are deadset on korea, i say just make things up. if it's not in the book then you can just go nuts. I personally would read some of the china books to get a idea of what is going on over there and then guess at what you think is going down in korea. You can also do a little reading up on how korea is now and decide what parts survived to live on and which parts didn't. What part of their ancient culture rear itself up again if at all? What parts did not? This is just one of those things that could totally rock if the gm puts enough work into it.

you didn't understand me. This is for my personal game which is a campign primarily based around the Society of Sages human supremist movement. If this were a general adventure idea I would prbaly set it in the magic zone and have the group the PCs go to find as a protecor to be Cyber knights or Lazlo. Korea just happens to be an area that we haven't been to yet so I figued I'd go there. I am not the normal DM I am filling in so far with a SPlicer campign and now with this until Dyval comes out.

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:39 pm
by talmor
csbioborg wrote:everyone rnages betwenn 8-12 level
one vanguard leyline walker, one hyperion techno jucier turned machine man, me 12 level bioborg cs specail forces

one conjuer with access to invocaions let's face it considering theu can have speels like superhuman strenhth at first level hey shouldn't be lmited to spelld that say create.

Ok, well, that's the biggest problem I can think of with this concept. Can't the mages (esp. leyline walker) just get themselves, and others, out of Korea as soon as the come across a ley line, or by casting other spells? I don't know their spell lists, but there are a number of them that allow teleportation, flight, and other easy movement spells. I mean, the conjurer could just summon up a D-bee or a demon to get them all home, right?

Taking the same basic idea, why not stick them into a Korean like alternate dimension? Or, have something THERE is Korea they need to get their hands on. Hrm, maybe if they have a really effective--and rare--dragon killing weapon (rune perhaps?) that gets misplace or lost when they first arrive--something to make them hunt around the area for a while to get back before they can leave.

Just an idea...

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:10 pm
by csbioborg
your right I'd dealing with that part. For the inital part its no problem since they will be recuperating etc then see the group. THey won't know where the temple is so they can't teleport there. After that will be the problem.

Re: rifts adventure idea help

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:42 am
by csbioborg
talmor wrote:
csbioborg wrote:everyone rnages betwenn 8-12 level
one vanguard leyline walker, one hyperion techno jucier turned machine man, me 12 level bioborg cs specail forces

one conjuer with access to invocaions let's face it considering theu can have speels like superhuman strenhth at first level hey shouldn't be lmited to spelld that say create.

Ok, well, that's the biggest problem I can think of with this concept. Can't the mages (esp. leyline walker) just get themselves, and others, out of Korea as soon as the come across a ley line, or by casting other spells? I don't know their spell lists, but there are a number of them that allow teleportation, flight, and other easy movement spells. I mean, the conjurer could just summon up a D-bee or a demon to get them all home, right?

Taking the same basic idea, why not stick them into a Korean like alternate dimension? Or, have something THERE is Korea they need to get their hands on. Hrm, maybe if they have a really effective--and rare--dragon killing weapon (rune perhaps?) that gets misplace or lost when they first arrive--something to make them hunt around the area for a while to get back before they can leave.

Just an idea...

I know I'll have them want to harvest from a millenia tree to make serpent slayer spears (the head of the society in my game knows some biowixardy since we stole it for him)