Entertainment inside a Great House?

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Entertainment inside a Great House?

Unread post by LostOne »

I'm running a game for my group, and right now they have downtime. What kind of entertainment does everyone imagine there being? There's no television, internet, etc, so I'd imagine it going back to older world forms such as barn dance style dances, story telling, sports, etc. Anyone have something they feel is unique?

This is for civilians and soldiers both, in case it matters.
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Re: Entertainment inside a Great House?

Unread post by Princedarkstorm »

Storytelling of the pre Nexus maybe .
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Re: Entertainment inside a Great House?

Unread post by Princedarkstorm »

Gejkido wrote:dont forget that they may have areas set off for things like mount races, and other types of games that would allow them not only to have fun but win and lose their hard earned credits. also their would probaly be things like tournaments that would be things like shooting, boxing fighting and anything tat would be a contact sport. and if your having problems imagine this its easy to explane they would have expanded certain areas of the underground and aboveground areas of the kingdoms

Those were good points ,Gejkido!
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Re: Entertainment inside a Great House?

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Anytime .I tend to gm more than being a player .You got great ideas .
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Re: Entertainment inside a Great House?

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killgore wrote:Personally, I feel there would be very little entertainment. :-(
Whenever I envision most houses in Splicers, I always think of the movie "Enemy at the Gate" about Stalingrad in WW2. Civilians living in the underground sanctuaries would be like the civilians in the movie, and the soldiers would be living in pretty much the same conditions as the snipers are shown. :cry:
The only entertainments that would be encouraged by the houses consist of smashing machines and insuring a next generation. You have to remember, these people have been at war for generations. What combat vets think is funny rarely matched with what civilians think. I was watching a documentary once about WW2, and the subject of entertainment for the troops came up. At one point the government arranged for some big name entertainment, and most of the support personal attended. The combat troops held a knife throwing contest, and they joked about the funny things (to them) they'd do to kraughts. If it wasn't combat oriented, or somehow useful on the immediate timeframe, alcoholic, or of a more intimate physical activity, they just weren’t interested.
What about the civilians you say; what about them? They've grown up in combat their entire life. The frontline is often times where the Cable Snake is hiding next to where your 6 year old sister is collecting water.
Sporting events and the like will take up resources that most great houses just don't have. Storytelling, especially to children, would still be a major thing though. Also really big would be anything that teaches combat. The boxing matches would be allowed, and children would be encouraged to learn, so if they decided to join the resistance as adults (around 13 yr old), they'd have a leg up on training.
Another good movie on how a house would work is "Master and Commander." It's about a British Navel vessel, but it's one of the more accurate portrayals of life aboard ship, and it's interesting to note, when the captain leaves a 12 yr old in charge of the ship, and a 14 yr old is given command of a boarding action, the crew not only except it, but the kids do a good job, show initiative, and give the proper commands. Why do both happen, because the kids have been trained since they where 6 to be officers. And that's how I envision Splicer society. You grow up living and breathing war, and you become very good at it, or like the ensign in the movie, you go insane. Suicide would be frowned on (waste of resources), but volunteering to be a biotic, that'd bee accepted.
Sorry for the rant. I'm new to the board and hope I'm not being offensive.

Well said .
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Re: Entertainment inside a Great House?

Unread post by runebeo »

I think their main form of entertainment would be singing, dancing, sports and lots of gladiatorial type events and Gore hound fights, most likely not to the death unless the Warlord wanted it this way. Having war mounts that turn unstable could used as gladiatorial beast champion for the arena by the meaner clans.
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Re: Entertainment inside a Great House?

Unread post by Princedarkstorm »

All of the above works on the setting of the world of Splicers .
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