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Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:22 pm
by AlanGunhouse
My question is what the effect of giving someone a complete blood transfusion shortly after the Halcyon injection might be? I think it would dilute the effect and make it less likely to be deadly.

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:45 pm
by Reagren Wright
Having used these guys as NPC in adventures, it kind of funny to have a guy beating
up on a PC and all of a sudden, his powers go haywire. There is always an unknown
factor when using the powers. Although I would suggest that punching a person when
you have a strength power doesn't count as a roll. However, if the pick up something
heavy, then that should count as roll.

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:49 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Either I've totally missed something in the books or just plain forgotten it. What are you guys talking about?

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:32 pm
by Prince Cherico
I think that each time your powers go haywire
and you live the percentage chance of them
screwing up again should go down.

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 pm
by NMI
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:Either I've totally missed something in the books or just plain forgotten it. What are you guys talking about?

Century Station - Heroes Unlimited Sourcebook. See the Halcyon Cult

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:41 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:Either I've totally missed something in the books or just plain forgotten it. What are you guys talking about?

Century Station - Heroes Unlimited Sourcebook. See the Halcyon Cult

Ah. It would be from the one HU book I haven't added to my collection. Thanks. :ok:

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:25 pm
by Steeler49er
Playing a Uber Mgea with the Halcyon, He's trying to take over the reigns of power... Very fun game (My uber sick powers seem Less used as it's all been about playing mind games & social oneupsmanship), but even though I've survived this long, It's only a matter of time before the Halcyon gets me. Dead Heads already died from it right in the middle of our first battle with the Centurians (centurions?). He just dropped dead in 3 attacks!

But, both the Creator AND Killswitch are immune to the effects (as is the Chick in the back of the book). Reason, well, they're PB-Cheat characters!... Just like Me!<kinda immune>

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:33 am
by Steeler49er

And he may be vulnerable (he being The Creator), but he doesn't have the "Chance of Halcyon Effect" percentage listed like the others do who are vulnerable. I've already survived three Halcyons now, but I don't think my luck will always be there (even If I'm a Mega-Munchkin), as I cut it a lil to close for comfort 2 of those times, and I've just lost one more recrute from my first batch of "Turnee's".

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:12 pm
by DarkwingDuk
I guess it depends on your definition on natural. A Immortal character (by major power) is immune to aging, disease and sickness, and won't die a natural death. He can be killed by weapons and violence. There is also no immunity (lower duration/damage, but not immunity) given to poisons and toxins. The drug is a nasty piece of work. As a major villian he may have beaten the odds, but if the drug kills him, I don't see him shrugging it off. Of course in any good comic story, death is only a major setback....

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:29 am
by Steeler49er
Danka Tyciol, I couldn't seem to find that silly lil 15%...
I kinda thought it was odd that it was missing.

As to the Halcyon Procedure...
I took it AGAIN fer the THIRD TIME :lol: , but This time I cheated to survive :P
See... I hired a Mage that had a spell (Beat Insurmountable Odds) that gave me a REAL good chance to live... And I did!
In return I put Her through it as well...
I Honestly do not see how my character could get anymore powerful, and due to what powers he has, he is Now effectively immune to the Halcyon Effect as well.
Belive it or not, She FLUBD The spell roll to gain powers w/o insanity... Now I've got an InSaInLy Hommicidle Klepto Compulsive Lier working for me...She's been pissing me off but, Untill I can perfect the darn Procedure I NEED her spells, and she IS the seond most powerful of my personal Acolytes as, I just lost another one 2 months ago (Died in a cave in-never had a chance), now I'm down to 3 others... My army is getting smaller and "The Creator" is getting a little To Wise to my secret plottings and goings on. If the game ever gets back up and running I gonna have ta figure out a way to get him placated, Or kill him (Which since I Need him as well, that is Not what I wanna do).

My boy is Insane and can Only rule from behind the scenes due To his insanity, so he Needs a Puppet King... and The Creator Is that puppet, No other at present will do.

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:13 pm
by Steeler49er
Great questions to ask.
Q.)can you survive Yggdrasil with it too?
Answere: No. The spell specifically states that it can/will not work in matters of the SuperNatural, nor in the casting of spell<other than the B.I.O. spell itself>

Comment) Hm... good for APS Fire bombers too I bet.
Answere:) You are correct on this. If you can fing a caster that is willing to cast this on you in the last momment prior, you MAY survive if the spell goes off w/o a hitch.

Good call thread Author!

Re: Halcyon Protocal and the Dead

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:40 pm
by TechnoGothic

Anyways. We used it in a game years back.
My character rolled 4 majors the first time. 1 random Insanity.
Due to my insanity, I took it a Second Time for more power. Rolled 4 more Majors. 1 more insanity too.
later on, due to my insnaities, greed, and craving more power I took it a Third time. 1 more Major...

9 Major Powers !!
It was awesome. I eventually saw a councilers (shrink) to help with the insanities. Rolled well, and got rid of them over time. Loved the character.