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Re: Semi-angry rant

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:46 pm
by Spinachcat
superbat_99 wrote:Has this happened for anyone else where a pc's main complaint is then the thing they do?

Yup. Don't stress it. The goal is for everyone to have fun so if Mr. Power Creep wants more Power, that's long as he understands that enemies have the Threat Detection skill at 90%. If a firefight breaks out and four PC have pistols and one PC is swinging around a minigun with one hand, guess which PC is going to draw the most attention?

In Rifts, power creep is a feature, not a bug!

BTW, with new players I suggest limiting OCC / RCC choices to what you feel comfortable with for the power level of your game. Also, I suggest limiting the sourcebooks to the geography of the campaign. The South America books are considered overpowered, but they are no problem so when you are playing exclusively in that geography.