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wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:45 pm
by velcRomanceR
I am stuck on something Dead Reign says on the bottm of Page 23 and top of Page 24.

Is a human able to shield themselves from zombies' sight by wearing a full body suit - thus masking a humans' aura? The book says "no" but then says humans should hide behind a desk or under a table and hope zombies don't see them. I know it would still be possible for zombies to sense humans' P.P.E. no matter what they wear as long as the humans are within the appropriate sensing range.

If we're saying humans can't be seen when behind a desk, why is a human seen through body armor?


Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:58 pm
by DtMK
My guess is two things: movement, and physical gaps. A desk or chair can in effect be a huge, solid object. As good as body armor is, even the best has moving hinges and weak spots, thus possibly allowing for parts of the wearer's aura and P.P.E. to be more visible. And if you're wearing something, unless it's a fully enclosed item like power armor, I think a character's aura tends to incorporate the armor as their aura's connection. Not to mention the fact that if you're moving, this can catch a zombie's eye. If you're behind a wall or something solid that normal vision can't penetrate, then they'd have to get close enough to smell, hear or sense you. Of course that's just my opinion. :-D

Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:25 pm
by velcRomanceR
The sensing comes from the zombies knowing humans are living and knowing this because humans are creatures with generous P.P.E. levels.

As for "seeing" humans Dead Reign says humans are beacons of light and can be spotted 1200 feet in daylight, 9400 feet in darkness.
My question is, "Can Zombie Sight be blocked?"
Personally, I feel full environmental armor and power armor would shield creatures' light from zombies, but I'm wondering would a black Wal-Mart jump suit, boots, mask with goggles, and gloves do the trick? (Because, really, where is one to find armor of the above sort in Dead Reign? -i know it's possible to find such armor "anywhere" but NOT in MY game.)


Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:13 am
by velcRomanceR


Top, left of page 25.

What does EVERYONE think of this?
I know the human aura is strong to creatures who can sense it, which is why all the crazy sh*t always happens to us, but is it possible to hide our aura through non-psionic or non-magical means?
What if we consider never mixing another Palladium book with our Dead Reign game?

The answer to this question may shape the type of Dead Reign game you are to run or play.

I am up in arms!
Let's talk!

Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:17 am
by DtMK
The aura extends to the size and shape of the body, and every part must be covered. Looks like I was right, armor or anything worn becomes a part of our body, thus a part of our aura. But larger items that aren't the size or shape, like hiding in a locker, port-o-john, behind something larger, etc. are better deterrents. Also given that according to DRRPG, all zombies in a 300 feet radius feed on a kill, not just the ones biting, and animals are only processed at 1/3 the P.P.E.

In this case, it would seem that like attracts like. Going by these same rules, if there were zombie animals, they'd probably be better attracted to their former species' kind. But it does bring up a good point, it sounds like if you're being mobile, larger items like a bus(with windows bared and boarded), tanks, APC's and such would be sensed by movement, but they'd have to get closer to determine if there's any P.P.E. It would seem the best way to block their sight is to take a page from Tremors 2. Get a large enough wall, table or panel of some kind to hide your aura, then get away or surprise and attack.

Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:20 am
by velcRomanceR
I think no matter the size of the wall in between you and Zack, he's going to "KNOW" you're a live human with P.P.E. if he's withing 25 feet of you (and that range is increased the more humans Zack has to sense.) And I think this because humans are alive and there isn't anything we can do about that unless we're dead. Zack knows this; Zack knows your life reading is transmitted through any material.

I am not too concerned with Zack's sensing ability.

I am more concerned with Zack's seeing ability.

How far does the aura stretch?
- - - -have you ever had your aura picture taken (let's consider this isn't a hoax <i know it's a stretch>)? those pictures say the aura only extends an inch or so from your skin and hair BUT that thickness fluctuates through the day and night based on mood, energy awareness, and willpower.
In effect, there may be NO way of masking humans' aura without the aid of magic or psionics (or some kind of body suit made by a science quack.)

Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:17 am
by DtMK
Okay, without getting into a paranormal semantics debate, there are various layers of the human aura. The most intense is the one that is just above the skin, but there are other layers that extend out, depending on what books you read, 1-3 feet. And if a zombie is sensing you, imagine it like a smell, trying to hunt for the scent. Clothing and things we wear like armor eventually become form fitting extensions of the aura, hence able to let our auras be seen through/around it.

However, if there's a large, solid object that we're not in prolonged contact with, like behind a wall, locker, etc. then although they might sense it, unless the person is moving around or in the open, it can be harder/not possible to see the aura. There are various materials known to block or absorb energy from the EM spectrum, like lead. But seriously, if you want a full suit of lead tor try and hide your aura, then you're going to be too slow to escape! And if you start moving in it while they're in the area, then you're a lead nom-cicle!

Potentially the best materials that MIGHT hide the aura would be ones that absorb energy, like radiation dampening materials found in control rods. But I'd hate to see the mad scientist making people put on 50's style metal suits and running around in zombie central to test.

Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:50 am
by sennin
Aluminum foil hats... :P

Re: wretched LIGHT / Aura

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:24 pm
by Nightbreed
DtMK wrote:Okay, without getting into a paranormal semantics debate, there are various layers of the human aura. The most intense is the one that is just above the skin, but there are other layers that extend out, depending on what books you read, 1-3 feet. And if a zombie is sensing you, imagine it like a smell, trying to hunt for the scent. Clothing and things we wear like armor eventually become form fitting extensions of the aura, hence able to let our auras be seen through/around it.

However, if there's a large, solid object that we're not in prolonged contact with, like behind a wall, locker, etc. then although they might sense it, unless the person is moving around or in the open, it can be harder/not possible to see the aura. There are various materials known to block or absorb energy from the EM spectrum, like lead. But seriously, if you want a full suit of lead tor try and hide your aura, then you're going to be too slow to escape! And if you start moving in it while they're in the area, then you're a lead nom-cicle!

Potentially the best materials that MIGHT hide the aura would be ones that absorb energy, like radiation dampening materials found in control rods. But I'd hate to see the mad scientist making people put on 50's style metal suits and running around in zombie central to test.

You just made my argument! :ok: Though i'd add that (for those using magic in their game like me) any mage and mystic would be even harder to hide as the "scent" of their PPE would be just too rich for a zombie to not go toward. (Imagine being REAL hungry and all of a sudden you smell someone grilling meat in the backyard. :fl: :eek: :fl: mmmmmmm meat!) All a wall would do is just keep it in the area as it knows that it's in the area, unless a live happy meal on legs walks by and catches its attention. :lol: